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33 Cards in this Set

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What are the 6 hormones of ANTERIOR Pituitary?

1.Corticotropin hormone
2. Follicle-Stimulating hormone (FSH)
3. Growth Hormone (GH)
4. Luteinizing Hormone (LH)
5. Prolactin
6. Thyrotropin
What are the 2 drugs of the POSTERIOR Pituitary?
1. Oxytocin
2.Antidiuretic Hormone
What are the 3 BIOLOGIC effects of the Growth Hormone (GH)Somatropin?
-Promotes growth
-Promotes protein synthesis
-Carbohydrate metabolism
What are the effects of Somatropin deficiency?
Pediatric- short stature
Adults- reduced muscle mass
What are the effects of Somatropin excess?
Pediatric- gigantism
Adult- acromegaly
1.What is acromegaly?

2.What is a pituitary problem with acromegaly?
1.Growth Hormone excess

2.Pituitary adenoma
Treatment optoins for Acromegaly? (3)
Surgery, Radiation, Somastatin
What are the consequences and treatment of Somatropin deficiency?
Absence retards growth in all parts of the body; only treatment for deficiency is replacement with human GH
What does Sermorelin do?
Sermorelin promotes GH, some GH deficient people may respond to it
What are the consequences of growth hormone excess?
Acromegaly in adults, gigantism in children; treated with surgery, radiation, or drugs
What are the GH excess drugs?
1.Octreotide 2.Pegvisomant (Somavert)
1. What is Octreotide?

2. What is Octreotide most effective for?
1. a synthetic analogue of somatostatin

2. Most effective for suppression of GH release
What is Pegvisomant (Somavert) most effective for?
Most effective for the treatment of acromegaly
How do you treat with Somatropin?
Pediatric growth hormone-treat only those with proven GH deficiency and assess epiphyseal status annually
What is the expected response of Somatropin?
adults-increase of 6inches, short stature only 2 inches and not recommended
1.What are the 5 adverse effects of Somatropin?

2.What levels should you check periodically?
1.Hyperglycemia 2.Antibodies to GH 3.Carpal tunnel syndrome
4.Fatility in Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS)patients 5.Interaction with glucocorticoids

2. TSH
How should Somatropin be administered?
-Comes in a powder, mix gently (do not shake)
-Do not give if parentally if injection if cloudy
-Give 0.06mg/kg subQ 3 days a week
-Give until satisfactory adult height is reached or until epiphyseal closure occurs
Where is Prolactin?

What does it do?
-Produced by the anterior pituitary
-Stimulation of milk production after giving birth
1.Hypersecretion of Prolactin in females can lead to?

2.In males?
1.Female:Amenorrhea, Galactorrhea, Infertility

2.Male-Libido and potency are reduced, Galactorrhea
1.What is Thyrotropin?

2.What is it's role
1.an Adernocorticotropic hormone (TSH)

2.Stimulation of the thyroid gland
1. What is increased with Thyrotopin?

2. What is it used to diagnose?
1. See increased thyroidal uptake of iodine, increased synthesis of thyroid hormones, increased release of thyroid hormone and thryroid growth

2. Used to diagnose thryroid cancer
1. What is Carbergoline (Dostinex)for?

2. What are it's adverse effects?
1. For suppression of Prolacitn release; Dopamine agonist

2. Nausea, HA, dizziness
1. What is Corticotropin?

2. What is it used for?
1. Corticotropin (adrenocorticotropic hormone; ACTH)-acts on adrenal cortex to stimulate productoin and release of adrenocotical hormones

2.Principle use is diagnosis of adrenocortical dysfunction
What does the Gornadotropin, FSH do?
FSH supports sperm production in males, in females it promotes follicular growth and development
1. What does the Gornadotropin, LH do?

2. What is it used for?
1. LH in females promotes ovulation and formation of corpus luteum; in males LH promotes testosterone synthesis by Leydig cells

2.Employed clinically to treat infertility in men and women
1.What is Antidiuretic Hormone (ADH)?

2.What disease is it involved with?
1.ADH promotes renal conservation/reabsorption of water

2.Hypothalmic Diabetes insipidus
With Hypothalmic Diabetes insipidus, deficiency ADH causes what?
1.Polydipia (excessive thirst)
2.Excretion of large volumes of dilute
Treatment for deficient ADH includes what?
Treatment-ADH replacement therapy
1.Desmopressin (agent of choice)

Adverse effects of ADH replacement inclue what?
1.water intoxificatin
-Side effects-drowsy, listless, and complaints of recent HA

2. Excessive vasoconstriction
What are the theraputic uses of Desmopressin (ADH)?
1.Diabetes insipidus
2.Cardiac arrest
3.Postoperative abdominal distention
4.Preparation of abdominal radiography
5.Nocturnal enuresis (bedwetting)
6.Hemophilia A
7.Von Willebrand's disease
ADH may be administered how?
How is Oxytocin produced?
Produced by neurosecretory cells of hypothalmus and transported down axons of cells for storage in posterior pituitary
What does Oxytocin do?
Two Roles:
1.Promotion of uterine contraction during labor
2. Stimulation ejection during breastfeeding