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161 Cards in this Set

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Types of CT
mesenchyme,Loose, Dense (regular and irregular), cartilage, blood, bone, hemopoietic, adipose, lymphatic
Whartons jelly
gelatinlike ground substance located between mesenchymal cells
areolar tissue
loose connective tissue
What is the fibroblast cell of tendons
fibroblast of tendons, regular dense CT, shaped stellate
deep layer of dermis is
reticular layer it is irregular dense CT
irregular dense CT in hollow organs
surrounding of tendons
endotendinium, disorderly collagen fibers
the surrounding of the tendons, disorderly collagen fibers
what do ligaments do
connect bone to bone
appearance of ligament tissue
regular dense CT but not perfectly orderly, some have more elastic fibers
Dense regular CT, fiber sheets are at 90 degree angle to each other
Dense regular CT, fiber sheets are at 90 degree angle to each other
Ehlers-danlos type IV disease
hypermobility of joints of digits, pale thin skin, severe bruisability, erly morbidity from rupture of vessels
What are reticular fibers made of and how do they show up
type III collagen in PAS
where are reticular fibers
in loose connective tissue at the boundary of CT and epithelium, surrounding blood vessels, nerves and muscle, gradually replaced by type I collagen, always in stroma in hemopoietic and lymphatic tissues ( but not the thymus)
What is the chemical difference of elastic fibers
poor in hydroxyproline and lacks hydroxylysine
what synthesisizes reticular fibers
the reticular cell in hemopoietic and lymphatic tissues, the fibroblast other places and the schwann cells
What is the ground substance of CT
Proteoglycans, glycosaminoglycans (GAG) and multiadhesive glycoproteins
Marfan's syndrome
absence of elastin associated fibrillin microfibrils
Features of GAG's
highly negatively charged
Most important GAG
hyaluronan, very large, synthesized outside of cells, is a string connecting many GAG complexes
Most important multi-adhesive glycoprotein
What do fibroblast cells contain
In active cells, extended reticulum and lots of rER and golgi
What do macrophages contain
large rER and sER with golgi, lysosomes, mitochondria and secretory vesicles
What differs between myofibroblast and fibroblasts
large thin filaments, alpha-SMA, undulating nuclear shape
Mast cell activation
connected to the Fc of IgE antibodies
Contents of Mast cell granuels
histamine, heparin, serine proteases, Eosinophil and neutrophil chemotactic factor, leukotriene, TNF-alpha
What do basophils not release that Mast cells do?
serine proteases, Prostaglandin D and IL-5
mesenchymal stem cells in the lamina of small blood vessels
lamina propia
loose connective tissue between the intestinal glands of the colon
What stains collagen fibers
eosin and acid dyes
Molecular structure of collagen molecule
triple helix with glycine, proline and hydroxyproline
Construction of the collagen fibril
68 nm banding with molecules lined up in rows offset 1/4 molecule
Collagen I
fibrillar, loose and connective tissue
Collagen II
fibrillar, hyaline and elastic cartilage
Collagen III
Reticular fibers
Collagen IV
non-fibrillar, basement membrane
Collagin VII
non-fibrillar , anchoring fibril that attach the basement membrane to extra cellular matrix
Which fibers brance
reticular fibers and elastic, not collagen
Difference between fibrocyte and fibroblast
fibroblast is activated, it is found only in loose CT
How does a fibroblast stain
light nucleus, basophili cytoplasm
Shape difference between fibroblasts and cytes
fibroblast - ovoid nucleus with lots of rER, fibrocyte, elongated nucleus
Ground substance long molecules
name the long molecules of ground substance
proteoglycan aggregate
the molecules attaching to hyaluronan in the ground substance
name the molecules that attach to hyaluronan
proteoglycan aggregate
Dupuytren's disease
thickening of of palmar aponeurosis, pulling in the outside fingers
connects a myofibroblast to collagen through a fibronexus
Plasma cell look
clock face nucleus, basophilic cytoplasm (rough er)
mast cell look
granualized or homogeneous cytoplasm, central oval nucleus. Near blood vessels
What antibody is associated with mast cells
What stabilizes mast cel membranes
Cromolyn sodium
leave the blood vessel
reticular cell look
large round pale staining nucleus thin rim of heterochromatin
lymphoblast look
large pale staining nucleus with prominent nucleolus
lymphocyte look
large round nucleus with a lot of heterochramotin, little cytoplasm
Fibrocyte look
little dark comma nucleus
fibroblast look
larger and lighter than fibrocyte
add alpha smooth muscle to fibroblast
macrophage - other names
In connective tissue histiocyte, in the liver kupfer, in lung alveolar macrophage, in CNS microglial, in lymph and spleen, langerhans
Plasma cell look
offset eccentric nucleus, clockface, juxtanuclear golgi
mast cell look
fried egg
mast cell produces
heparin, leukotrienes, ECF and NCF, serin proteases (trypase and chymase), interleukins and protoglandins
adipose look
chicken wire, typical organelles around nucleus, surrounded by basal lamina
eosinophil look
red with double nucleus
neutrophil look
not as red as eosinophil, lobbed nucleus
what percent of body weight is collagen
30 perceint
abbreviations of the collagen assembly
Procollagen Tr becomes Fibril Mf becomes Fiber Fi and then Bundle Fb
Location of collagen in the body
tendons, cornea, bone, and joints
what vitamin is necessary for collage
vitamin C
what does vitamin C do in connective tissue
necessary for collagen synthesis
what is the molecular structure of procollagen
triple helix
which collagen is in the eye and basal lamina
collagen IV
which collagen makes connective tissue Stroma
Collagen V
which collagen connect basal lamina to CT fibers
collagen VII
which collagen has a zone of hypertrophy
Collagen X
Osteogenesis imperfecta
brittle bone disease caused by imperfect collagen I
Ehlers -danlos
arterial and intestinal rupture, collage type III disorder
Alports syndrome
collagen IV imperfection, glomuruler problems in kidney, hearing loss, and ocular lesions
what cells make reticular fibers
schwann cells
which iorgans have reticular tissue
expandible organs, hemapoietic (spleen, lymph, bone marrow) liver, blood vessels
where does elastic cartilage occur
in ear, vocal cords, auditory tube, cuneiform cartilage
what stains elastic fibers
poor H&E desmosine and isodesmosine
dimer that binds to type I collagen and heparan sulfate surface molecules
where is heparin
in granules of mast cells and basophiles
where is heparian sulfate
basal lamina and cell surface
what is a mucosa
it is the surface epithelium and underliying connective tissue that lines the cavities that connect to the outside of the body
the outer layer of membrane surrounding the hyaline cartilage. It has 2 layers the inner layer has chondroblasts
isogenous group
a group of chondrocytes together
an area that chondrocytes occupy
territorial matrix
the dark area around a lacuna of hyaline cartilage
interterritorial matrix
empty area in the midst of hyaline cartilage
harversian canal
large circle in the middle of bone
a circle surrounding a haversian canal
volkman's canal
crack coming from haversian canal
channels between osteocytes that communicate with gap junctions
cement lines
white region between osteons
longterm term appetite suppresant
short term appetite stimulant
an focal adhesion molecule
the end of the long bone to the epiphyseal line
the part of the long bone from the epiphyseal line to the marrow cavity
the part of the long bone that has marrow
the fibrous layer of connective tissue surrounding a bone
medullary cavity
the marrow containing part of the bone
periosteal cells
in the periosteum of bones, can become osteoblasts
the lines that surround bone osteons
interstitial lamellae
the remains of previous bone osteons
lamellar bone
mature bone
nutrient foramina
openings in the bone for blood vessles to enter
endosteal cells
innermost bone lining cells from hemopoietic progenitor
periosteal cells
bone lining cells that mature into osteocytes
The fibrous layer of connective tissue surrounding cartilage
what cells make up layer between bone and periosteum and how do they stain
basophile osteoblasts
where are osteoprogenitor cells
in the periosteum layer
the layer between bone and marrow
Osteoclast look
bigger multinucleated, combined monocytes in the endosteum
what cells are in the endosteum
Howship's lacunae
small cleft at the edge of the bone marrow where osteoclasts reside
what cells line blood vessels
what type of bone formation does not involve cartilage
intramembranous ossification
unmineralized bone
what type of bone formation involves cartilage
intercartilaginous ossification
Zone of reserve cartilage
the part of cartilage in developing bone which has not started calcifying
Zone of proliferation
cartilage cells starting to stack in preparation for ossification
Zone of hypertrophy
cartilage cells are filled with glycogen in prep for ossification
Zone of calcified cartilage
during ossification the blood vessels are here
zone of provisional ossification
new bone
no mineralization of bones
no reformation of bone, resulting in brittleness
apositional growth
in bone or cartilage, from the edge
interstitial growth
of cartilage, from mitotic division
where does fibrocartilage occur
intervertebral discs, ligaments, always associated with dense ct
inhibits bone resorption
stimulates bone resorption
The form that calcium and phosphorous take in bone
hydroxyapatite crystals
hydroxyapatite crystales
the form that calcium and phosphorous take in bone
have flat bones
describe flat bones
compact bone in plates surrounding diploe spongy bone
lamellated bone
adult, mature bone
woven bone
immature or primary bone
Cartilage ECM collagen
Types 2,6,9,10,11
Pituitary growth hormone
What does the territorial matrix contain
less collagen, stains dark
What does the inter-territorial matric contain
more collage stains lighter
What hormones increase cartilage growth
somatotrophin, thyroxin testosterone
What hormones slow cartilage growth
cortisone, estradiol
Name the two types of cartilage growth
appositional (from the perichondrium) and interstitial(from the inside)
more of this in fibrocartilage than hyaline cartilage
cellular alignment of fibrocartilage
chondrocytes in a line
What is the marker for the osteoblast cell
alkaline phosphatase in matrix vesicles
the processes of osteocytes that run through the caniculi
the round regions circluing the haversian canal
What is the marker for osteoclast cells
acid phosphatase
Paget's disease
uncontrolled osteoclast activity
captures calcium
The first ossified bone in the body
Layers of the synovium
intima and subintima
What is the clear space near an osteoclast
howship's lacuna
What is the name of the canals that come off of haversian canal
volkman's canals