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26 Cards in this Set

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Supplication, Noun

The action of asking or begging for something earnestly or humbly.

The citizens cried in supplication for something to save them from the terrible plague.

Lamentation, Noun

The passionate expression of grief or sorrow; weeping.

The widows’ wept in lamentation for their husbands.

Battens, Verb

To grow prosperous especially at the expense of another.

Kings would batten on their people by collecting taxes.

Augury, Noun

Divination from auspices or omens.

An augury from the gods told the boy that he was going to be lucky and healthy.

Citadel, Noun

A fortress that commands a city/A stronghold.

The king sat in his giant citadel defending himself from the attack to come.

Affliction, Noun

Something (such as a disease) that causes pain or suffering.

Oedipus could not bear the affliction that fulfilling the prophecy would bring him.

Defilement, Noun

The state of being defiled/corrupted.

Thebes could not rid itself of the terrible defilement brought upon them by Laois’ killer.

Oracle, Noun

A person (such as a priestess) through whom a god was believed to speak.

The oracle told the man that he was destined to become king of the land.

Pallid, Adjective

Very pale in a way that suggests poor health.

When Jack learned that a giant tarantula was on his back, he grew pallid and started to cry.

Laden, Adjective

Heavily loaded or weighed down.

The old man was old and hunched over, as if he was laden by a large stone.

Revelation, Noun

A surprising and previously unknown fact.

The revelation that Oedipus was the son of Iocaste and Laios, made everyone in the palace upset.

Expedient, Noun

A means of attaining an end, especially one that is convenient but considered improper or immoral.

It was important for him to be expedient in getting a promotion.

Pestilence, Noun

A fatal epidemic disease, especially bubonic plague.

The god cursed the town with a sickly pestilence that killed many.

Herald, Noun

An official messenger bringing news.

News was quickly sent to Oedipus by a herald, who explained recent findings.

Divination, Noun

The practice of seeking knowledge of the future or the unknown by supernatural means.

The man learned his destiny through a divination.

Clairvoyant, Adjective

Having or exhibiting an ability to perceive events in the future or beyond normal sensory contact.

Teiresias is clairvoyant because he can see the truth while others cannot.

Regicide, Noun

The action of killing a king.

When Oedipus kills Laois, he is committing regicide because Laois is the king of Thebes.

Carrion, Noun

The decaying flesh of dead animals.

The old food smelled like carrion, or rotten food.

Brazen, Adjective

Bold and without shame.

Oedipus’ fatal flaw is being brazen and arrogant.

Prudent, Adjective

Acting with or showing care and thought for the future.

Teiresias is being prudent when he tells Oedipus that he does not want to tell him the truth.

Rankled, Verb

To cause (someone) to feel angry or irritated especially for a long time.

The boy rankled his parents by ignoring their instructions.

Soothsayer, Noun

Someone who makes predictions about what is going to happen in the future.

The old soothsayer told the men what was in store for them in the coming days.

Marauding, Adjective

Going about in search of things to steal or people to attack.

A band of marauding pirates destroyed an entire village and stole all of its treasure.

Reverent, Adjective

Feeling or showing deep and solemn respect.

The men were reverent when they lost their king in battle.

Shroud, Noun

A thing that envelops or obscures something.

A black shroud covered the crown, concealing it.

Execrable, Adjective

Extremely bad or unpleasant.

When Oedipus learns that he has fulfilled the prophecy, he experiences execrable pain.