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90 Cards in this Set

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Main Entry: ped·a·gog·ic Pronunciation Guide
Pronunciation: |ped|gäj]ik, -gj, -gäg], ]k sometimes -gg-
Variant(s): or ped·a·gog·i·cal \]kl, ]k-\; also paed·a·gog·ic \|ped-\
Function: adjective
Etymology: pedagogic from Greek paidaggikos, from paidaggos pedagogue + -ikos -ic; pedagogical from Greek paidaggikos + English -al
1 : of, relating to, or befitting a pedagogue or teacher <pedagogic zeal> <the pedagogic mind> <tends to give a pedagogic tone to his discourse that makes me shrink from it -- O.W.Holmes died 1935>
2 : of or relating to teaching or pedagogy : EDUCATIONAL <pedagogic innovations> <the material selected ... must have regard to our own pedagogic techniques -- C.F.Strong> <contemporary ... pedagogic thinking -- Alfred Kähler & Ernest Hamburger>
- ped·a·gog·ically \]k()l, ]jk-, -li\ adverb
Main Entry: dog·ma Pronunciation Guide

Function: noun

Etymology: Latin, from Greek, from dokein to seem good, seem, think -- more at DECENT
1 a : something held as an established opinion; especially : one or more definite and authoritative tenets b : a code or systematized formulation of such tenets (as by a theoretician or a school of art or philosophy)
<pedagogical dogma> <communist dogma> c : a point of view or alleged authoritative tenet put forth as dogma without adequate grounds : an arrogant or vehement expression of opinion
2 : a doctrine or body of doctrines of theology and religion formally stated and authoritatively proclaimed by a church
synonym see DOCTRINE
Function: adjective
Etymology: International Scientific Vocabulary, from New Latin phylogenesis, after such pairs as Late Latin antithesis : antitheticus antithetical
1 : of or relating to phylogeny <phylogenetic studies>
2 : based on natural evolutionary relationships <a phylogenetic system of classification>
3 : acquired in the course of phylogenetic development : RACIAL <a phylogenetic trait> <the hypothetical phylogenetic drive and the actual social behavior -- I.Atkin>
- phy·lo·ge·net·i·cal·ly \-k()l\ adverb
Main Entry: 1par·a·dox Pronunciation Guide
Pronunciation: pardäks also per-
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): -es
Etymology: Latin paradoxum, from Greek paradoxon, from neuter of paradoxos contrary to expectation, incredible, from para- 1para + -doxos (from dokein to think) -- more at DECENT
1 : a tenet or proposition contrary to received opinion
2 a : a statement or sentiment that is seemingly contradictory or opposed to common sense and yet perhaps true in fact <present-day paradoxes like "mobilizing for peace" -- E.R.May> <paradox that the more terrible the prospect of thermonuclear war becomes, the less likely it is to happen -- Blackwood's> <here is a noble paradox: religion tries to satisfy man while its essential purpose is to make him dissatisfied -- W.L.Sullivan>
2 b (1) : a statement that is actually self-contradictory and hence false even though its true character is not immediately apparent (2) : an argument that apparently derives self-contradictory conclusions by valid deduction from acceptable premises -- see LIAR PARADOX, RUSSELL's paradox
3 : something (as a human being, phenomenon, state of affairs, or action) with seemingly contradictory qualities or phases <she is an interesting paradox, an infinitely shy person with an enormously intuitive gift for understanding people -- Current Biography> <the colonel ... is a paradox -- a well-known secret agent -- John Kobler> <there is paradox in the fact that the artist has come into his own in an age which hates him -- W.P.Clancy> <his lectures on mechanical paradoxes (such as man's lifting himself by his own bootstraps, rolling a barrel uphill by gravity) -- C.W.Mitman> <the paradox of impoverished people in a rich land -- University of Minnesota Press Cat.>
Main Entry: pol·ter·geist Pronunciation Guide
Pronunciation: plt(r)gst sometimes päl- or pl-
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): -s
Etymology: German, from poltern to knock, rattle (from Middle High German boldern, buldern) + geist spirit, from Old High German; akin to Middle Low German balderen to make a noise -- more at BOULDER, GHOST
: a noisy and usually mischievous ghost : a spirit capable of making mysterious noises (as rappings)
Main Entry: 1con·cu·bine Pronunciation Guide
Pronunciation: käkybn, -änk-
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): -s
Etymology: Middle English, from Old French, from Latin concubina, from com- + -cubina (from cubare to lie down) -- more at HIP
1 a : a woman living in a socially recognized state of concubinage <Hagar and Keturah were the concubines of Abraham> b : a woman who cohabits with a man without being his wife : MISTRESS
2 : a man living in a state of concubinage to another man or a woman
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): -s
Etymology: Middle English volatil, from Old French, backformation from volatille, volatilie group of birds, from Medieval Latin volatilia, from neuter plural of Latin volatilis winged, volatile
1 : a winged animal : BIRD, WILDFOWL
2 : a volatile substance <coffee volatiles>
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): -s
Etymology: from catalysis, probably after English analysis: analyst
1 : a substance that brings about catalysis and that may or may not actually take part chemically in the reaction; broadly : any substance (as an enzyme) that initiates a reaction and enables it to take place under milder conditions (as at a lower temperature) than in the absence of the catalyst -- compare BIOCATALYST
2 : an agent that provokes or precipitates catalysis <the housing program is intended to become the catalyst of the new French economy -- Edmond Taylor> <the major catalyst in his writing life has been the Mississippi countryside -- C.H.Baker> <he was rumored to be the catalyst in a native uprising -- H.W.Wind>
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): -s
Etymology: Medieval Latin substratum
2 a : 1BASE 2b(1), CARRIER 9b b : the base on which an organism lives <the soil is the substrate of most seed plants while rocks, soil, water, tissues, or other media are substrates for various other organisms>
3 a : a substance acted upon (as by an enzyme) <an enzyme-substrate complex> b : a source of reactive material (as a nutritive medium) <cultures developing on a nutrient agar substrate>
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural metathe·ses \-sz\
Etymology: Late Latin transposition of letters, from Greek, from metatithenai to transpose, from meta- + tithenai to place, set -- more at DO
1 : a change of place or condition : REVERSAL; specifically : transposition of two phonemes in a word (as in Old English wæsp, wæps)
Function: adjective
Etymology: ubiquity + -ous
: existing or being everywhere at the same time : occurring or capable of appearing everywhere or in many places throughout a particular area, sphere, or production : OMNIPRESENT <the ubiquitous little wolf of the high country -- American Guide Series: Oregon> <bricks ... made from a ubiquitous gray mud -- Christopher Rand> <the ubiquitous functionalism of modern society -- Hannah Arendt> <nothing ... escapes the ubiquitous eyes of our Treasury Department -- Harvey Breit> <the ubiquitous paperback> <a ubiquitous, active salesman -- J.S.Redding>
Taq Polymerase
Taq polymerase ("Taq pol") is a thermostable polymerase isolated from thermus aquaticus, a bacterium that lives in hot springs and hydrothermal vents. "Taq polymerase" is an abbreviation of Thermus Aquaticus Polymerase. It is often used in polymerase chain reaction, since it is reasonably cheap and it can survive PCR conditions. Its halflife at 95 degrees Celsius is 1.6 hours. Unfortunately, it doesn't have a very high fidelity since it lacks the 3' --> 5' exonuclease proofreading capacity to replace an accidental mismatch in the newly synthesized DNA strand.
Function: noun
Etymology: International Scientific Vocabulary hydr- + -lysis
: a chemical reaction of water in which a bond in the reactant other than water is split and hydrogen and hydroxyl are added with the formation usually of two or more new compounds, some types of hydration however often being included <hydrolysis of a salt to an acid and a base> <hydrolysis of an ester to an acid and an alcohol> -- compare SAPONIFICATION, SOLVOLYSIS
L. stilltim, f. stilla a drop.]

Drop by drop.

1668 EVELYN Let. to Beale 27 Aug., I..cause aboundance of cold fountaine-water to be poured upon me stillatim, for a good halfe-hour together. 1846 in WORCESTER (citing FOSTER.)
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): -s
Etymology: transliterate + -ion
: an act, process, or instance of transliterating <a table of seven different systems of transliteration of Russian -- Gregory Razran>; also : the product of such transliterating <Biblical Hebrew provides us with far stranger transliterations from the cuneiform -- S.L.Caiger>
Function: adjective
Etymology: Middle English, from Latin erroneus, from errare to err -- more at ERR
1 archaic : moving about irregularly or aimlessly : WANDERING <on the ... field I fall erroneous, there to wander -- John Milton>
2 : deviating from what is true, correct, right, or wise: a : being or containing an error : FALLACIOUS, MISTAKEN, INACCURATE <an erroneous doctrine> <received an erroneous impression> <a stamp collection of erroneous issues> b : characterized by error : ERRING <our own sad species ... lapsed and erroneous humanity -- L.P.Smith>
- er·ro·neous·ly adverb
Function: adjective
Etymology: Late Latin praedicativus, from praedicatus (past participle of praedicare to assert, predicate) + Latin -ivus -ive
: expressing affirmation or predication : DECLARATORY; especially : constituting a predicate or part of one
- pred·i·ca·tive·ly \-vl, -li\ adverb
Etymology: 1pigeon + hole
1 a : a hole or small recess for pigeons to nest b : an excessively small room : CUBBYHOLE <hated the little pigeonhole where she had to work>
2 a : one of a series of holes usually in a wall or door for the passage of pigeons b : one of a set of holes for passage (as of gases in a furnace arch)
3 pigeonholes plural, obsolete : 1STOCK 4
4 : excessive space between printed words
5 : a seat in the upper gallery of a theater or in the top row of the gallery
6 : a small open compartment usually in a desk, case, or cabinet especially for keeping letters or documents
7 : a storing place in the mind for a classified item or topic
8 : a place in a rigidly conventional pattern : a neat category <they label or ticket our public men too patly, putting them into pigeonholes -- Kiplinger Washington Letter>
Function: adjective
Inflected Form(s): -er/-est
1 : SLEEK <smarmy-headed -- David Walker>
2 : unctuously or fulsomely flattering : SLOBBERY, GUSHING, OILY, INSINUATING <young man with the smarmy voice -- Noel Coward> <coy and smarmy -- Bernard Hollowood> <smarmy insincerity -- Eric Partridge> <a smarmy little melody -- Time>
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural apodo·ses \-sz\
Etymology: New Latin, from Greek, restitution, definition, apodosis, from apodidonai to restore, define, make an apodosis (from apo- + didonai to give) + -sis -- more at DATE (point of time)
1 : CONCLUSION 7 -- contrasted with protasis
2 : the last day of a festival period in the Eastern Church comparable to the last day of an octave in the Western Church except in the variable duration of the period
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): -es
Etymology: New Latin, from home- + -stasis
1 : a tendency toward maintenance of a relatively stable internal environment in the bodies of higher animals through a series of interacting physiological processes (as the maintenance of a fairly constant degree of body heat in the face of widely varying external temperatures)
2 : a tendency toward maintenance of a relatively stable psychological condition of the individual with respect to contending drives, motivations, and other psychodynamic forces
3 : a tendency toward maintenance of relatively stable social conditions among groups with respect to various factors (as food supply and population among animals) and to competing tendencies and powers within the body politic, to society, or to culture among men
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): -s
Etymology: German enzym, from Middle Greek enzymos leavened, from Greek en- 2en- + zym leaven; perhaps akin to Latin jus broth, soup -- more at JUICE
1 : any of a very large class of complex proteinaceous substances (as amylases or pepsin) that are produced by living cells, that are essential to life by acting like catalysts in promoting at the cell temperature usually reversible reactions (as hydrolysis and oxidation) without themselves undergoing marked destruction in the process but frequently requiring the presence of activators (as metal ions) or of coenzymes, and that can act also outside of living organisms and therefore are useful in many industrial processes (as fermentation, tanning of leather, and production of cheese) -- see -ASE; apoenzyme, FERMENT 1, SUBSTRATE
2 : an active system comprising an enzyme usually together with a coenzyme : HOLOENZYME
Etymology: from Bedlam, popular name for the Hospital of St. Mary of Bethlehem, London, England, an insane asylum, from Middle English Bedlem, Bethlem, alteration of Bethlehem, town of Palestine
1 obsolete a : MADMAN, LUNATIC b sometimes capitalized : a discharged often imperfectly cured patient of an asylum who is licensed to beg
2 archaic : a hospital for the insane : a lunatic asylum
3 a : a place or scene of wild mad uproar <after the speech the meeting became a bedlam> b : an extremely confused scene : a situation making for confusion <the bedlam of roads, crescents, drives and avenues that forms the suburbs -- Irish Digest>
Etymology: Middle English augurie, from Middle French, from Latin augurium, from augur
1 a : divination by the interpretation of omens or portents (as inspection of the flight of birds or the entrails of sacrificed animals) or of chance phenomena (as the fall of lots) -- see AUSPICE 1; compare SORTILEGE b : the rite or ceremony of divination followed by an augur
2 : a sign or omen taken as an indication of the future : PORTENT <like an augury, the night was coming closer -- Norman Mailer>
3 : an indication of the future or of future events <an exciting augury of things to come -- Bennett Cerf>
qualitative or quantitative analysis of a sustrate. anaylis or examintation
Etymology: Middle English, from Old North French assai, alteration (influenced by a to, from Latin ad) of Old French essai -- more at AT, ESSAY
lingua franca
medium of communication between people of different languages
Etymology: Italian for Frankis language
glorification, exaltation to divine rank/ stature

== glorification
english term for "waterway"
one who obstains completly from alchohal
Etymology: french (teetotalist)
change from one form to another
proteins produced by living cells. catalyze specific biochemical reactions
of or resembling the sky

Etymology: sky from scandinavian word for cloud
transmission of cancerous cells from origin to elsewhere

Etymology: meta- meaning between, after and stasis meaning inactivity
something that has a body temperature that's constant and largely independant of surroundings.

from homeo: similar, same and thermic temperature
to settle judicially
A puff of wind, gas generated in stomach or bowels.
From Latin flatus: act of blowing, breaking wind
a divine imparting of knowledge or power : supernatural or overmastering impulse : INSPIRATION <we imagine that a great speech is caused by some mysterious afflatus that descends into a man from on high -- Max Eastman>
agnstos unknown, unknowable, not knowing, from a- 2a- + gnstos known, from gignskein to know -- more at KNOW
: one who professes agnosticism ; broadly : one who maintains a continuing doubt about the existence or knowability of a god or any ultimates <agnostic ... came into my head as suggestively antithetic to the gnostic of church history who professed to know so much -- T.H.Huxley>
synonyms AGNOSTIC, FREETHINKER, and ATHEIST can all apply to one who does not take an orthodox religious position. AGNOSTIC is the most neutral; it usually implies only an unwillingness on available evidence to affirm or deny the existence of God or subscribe to tenets that presuppose such existence. FREETHINKER is broader; it can apply to one of no determinable religious position or to one who feels truth is made more available by not committing oneself to any orthodoxy, especially a belief in God's existence. Often it can suggest a reprehensible and dangerous license of opinion. ATHEIST can apply strictly and neutrally to one who denies the existence of God or tenets presupposing it. More frequently than FREETHINKER, however, it has carried ideas of reprehensible license of opinion and menacing godlessness.
a division or processs of dividing in two. Seperate or contradictory

greek -tomy to cut, dicho meaning apart or asunder
to link together. from contatare "to link" (Latin)
having human form or attributes from anthro meaning man and morphic meaning shape, figure
lacking social experience or grace. from the french "left"
characterized by pretentious inflated speech or writingMedieval Latin bombac-, bombax cotton, alteration of Latin bombyc-, bombyx silkworm, silk, from Greek bombyk-, bombyx silkworm, silk garment, probably of Persian origin; akin to Persian pamba cotton
scolding, sensurious, critical speech from vitupero (lating) to schold
native to a habitat. from en- within and demos (people) greek
a laborer who unloads cargo. a person (esp taxonomist) who assigns more importance to similarities than to differences in classification
relating to body/ distict from reproductive cells
Etymology: New Latin, from Greek apoptsis a falling off, from apopiptein to fall off, from apo- + piptein to fall -- more at FEATHER
: a genetically directed process of cell self-destruction that is marked by the fragmentation of nuclear DNA, is activated either by the presence of a stimulus or by the removal of a stimulus or suppressing agent, is a normal physiological process eliminating DNA-damaged, superfluous, or unwanted cells, and when halted (as by genetic mutation) may result in uncontrolled cell growth and tumor formation -- called also programmed cell death
- ap·o·ptot·ic \-täd.ik\ adjective
very virulent/infectious. esp tumor, able to metastesize
plant of cabbage family
boon and bane
blessing and curse

from boon-old english: prayer
bane- gothic- wound
fertile. from latin fertile
related to. people from the same relative

type of dwarfism caused by malformation of cartilige at the end of bones
determination fo visual apperance of genes
supreme, extreme sexuality (attractiveness)
very small human or humanoid cretion.
Etymology: French prolifique, from Latin proles offspring + French -fique -fic -- more at PROLETARIAN
1 a : capable of reproducing or generating <the domestic cat begins ... to reproduce by the end of the first year of her life, and she is prolific to her ninth -- S.G.J.Mivart> b (1) : abundantly and quickly reproductive or generative : FECUND, FRUITFUL <flying foxes are extremely prolific -- J.G.Frazer> <the prolific hyacinth ... is a curse to boatmen -- Lamp> (2) : marked by an abundance : copiously productive -- usually used with in or of <prolific of ferns -- American Guide Series: Arkansas> <prolific of illusion -- H.J.Muller> <the waterside is prolific of such heroes -- G.B.Shaw> <prolific in the production of scientists -- W.A.Noyes b. 1898>
2 : occurring or existing in large numbers : ABUNDANT, PROFOSE <contour leather belts ... are prolific here -- Lois Long> <the achievements of ... western art are both prolific and illustrious -- P.A.Sorokin> <both books contain prolific references -- W.G.V.Balchin>
3 archaic : helpful to or causing abundant growth, generation, or reproduction <the prolific sun, and the sudden and rank plenty which his heat engenders -- R.W.Emerson>
4 : marked by abundant and often rapid productivity <his prolific output as a research worker -- Chronica Botanica> <a prolific writer -- J.T.Adams> <the most prolific contributor -- Lucile E. Hoyme>
Etymology: Middle English vanegloreous, from Middle French, from Medieval Latin vaniglorius, from Latin vanus vain + gloria glory, vainglory
: marked by vainglory : BOASTFUL, VAIN <was rather vainglorious about his own war record -- Gideon Tode> <had a bombastic almost vainglorious air -- New Yorker>
Etymology: alteration of 2coll
1 chiefly Scotland : to cut short : POLL, CROP
2 Scotland : OVERTOP, EXCEED
(past tense of cow meaning shown above)
Etymology: German ersatz-, from ersatz, n.
1 : SUBSTITUTE, SYNTHETIC <ersatz flour ... developed from sawdust and vegetable waste -- Jackson Martindell> <construction will be largely with ersatz materials, iron, steel, and copper being needed for armaments -- Newsweek> <turn ... any form of art into an ersatz religion -- W.K.Wimsatt> : SIMULATED <the model ... nestles on ersatz waves -- Newcastle (Australia) Morning Herald> : COUNTERFEIT <since few dared talk about the real issue, there had to be an ersatz issue -- New Republic>
2 : of, relating to, or marked by the use of substitute products <Germany's wartime ersatz economy>
leadership, dominance. especially in politics, economics, culture. from greek hegemon-leader
: not assailable : not liable to doubt, attack, or question <an unassailable argument> <an unassailable alibi>
Etymology: earlier pennache, from Middle French, from Old Italian pennacchio, from Late Latin pinnaculum small wing -- more at PINNACLE
1 : a tuft (as of feathers) used as a headdress or an ornament on a helmet
2 : dash or flamboyance in style and action : SWAGGER, VERVE <grew progressively more windy and histrionic without ever recapturing the vitality and panache of the early period -- Times Literary Supplement>
Etymology: Medieval Latin indelibilis, alteration (influenced by Latin -ibilis -ible) of Latin indelebilis, from in- 1in- + delebilis delible
1 : that cannot be removed, washed away, or erased <an indelible stain> <an indelible mark> : that cannot be effaced or obliterated : PERMANENT, LASTING <made an indelible impression on his mind>
2 : that makes marks that cannot easily be removed (as by erasing) <an indelible pencil>; specifically : not attacked by strong acids or alkalies and so not easily removed by washing <india ink is indelible> <bought some indelible ink>
- in·del·i·bly \-bl, -li\ adverb
Etymology: Middle French dullarde, from dul, dulle + -arde -ard
: a stupid person
Etymology: Latin Troglodytae, plural, a cave-dwelling people of Ethiopia, from Greek trglodytai cave dwellers, from trglodyts one who enters caves, from trgl hole, cave + -dyts one who enters (from dyein to enter) -- more at TERSE, ADYTUM
1 a : a member of a primitive people dwelling in caves or pits : CAVE DWELLER b : an animal (as an ant) that lives under the surface of the ground
2 a : a person felt to resemble (as in appearance, ways of living, or degradation or brutality of nature) a troglodyte; especially : an unsocial seclusive person b : an anthropoid ape (as a chimpanzee or gorilla)
trace of something once presant or useful but no longer presant

from latin vestium==footstep, footprint, trace, mark
lacking substance, "thin", lack of intelligence
variant of jail
1 a : a meeting for discussion and deliberation; especially : a meeting of freemen (as of a town, city, or shire in early England) or their representatives to administer justice or for administrative purposes -- compare FOLKMOOT, GEMOT, HUNDRED, WITENAGEMOT b : a place for holding such a meeting
2 obsolete : ARGUMENT, DISCOURSE, DISCUSSION <but to end this moot -- John Milton>
3 : a hypothetical case argued or practice hearing held by law students <elected by his classmates as prosecutor for the weekly moot>

or as a adjective1 a : open to question : subject to discussion : DEBATABLE, UNSETTLED <it is a moot question what might have happened -- O.D.Tolischus> <words of moot etymology -- A.H.Marckwardt> <fill in gaps ... and to check moot points -- Leslie Spier> b : subjected to discussion : CONTROVERSIAL, DISPUTED <with a moot point of law cleared up -- John LaFarge> <extract ... his views on the then moot subject of a second front -- Henry Cassidy>
2 : deprived of practical significance : made abstract or purely academic <thought that the Supreme Court would drop the case as a moot question, if the bill should become law -- Time> <appeal does not become moot when the alien leaves the country, since the possibility of a criminal prosecution for attempted re-entry ... remains -- Harvard Law Review>
3 : concerned with a hypothetical situation <moot court> <student participation in a moot ... case -- Bulletin of Information: Academy of Advanced Traffic>
Etymology: anachronism + -istic, -istical
: characterized by or involving anachronism : chronologically out of place
flowing out. from effluere latin for to flow out
type of red algae used as a solidifying agent in mediums, also used to refer to the medium. from Malay agar-agar
Etymology: Latin cumulant-, cumulans, present participle of cumulare to heap up
: any of the statistical coefficients that arise in the series expansion in powers of x of the logarithm of the moment-generating function
waterproof coat from skin or cloth

A boring, studious, or socially inept young person (caricatured as typically wearing an anorak), esp. one who pursues an unfashionable and solitary interest with obsessive dedication. Also attrib.

etymology- eskimos
falsity or erroneous idea. from latin fallacia(deceitful)
curl, boot, lout- a rude person. from frision knufe
anarcho-syndicalist commune
anarcho= without governent, (greek) syndicalist= adherant to (french) commune=administrative district usually in europe (from latin cummunia)
marked by distress, disastor or affliciton. latin calamitosus
needless or meaningless repetition in close succession of an idea, statement, or word : PLEONASM, REDUNDANCY <a certain tautology in describing any act of society as social -- Foreign Affairs>
from somnus sleep; akin to Old English swefn dream, sleep, Old High German intswebben to put to sleep, Old Norse svefn dream, sleep, Greek hypnos sleep, Sanskrit svapna
1 : tending to induce drowsiness or sleepiness <the sound had a somnolent effect>
2 a : inclined to sleep : heavy with sleep : DROWSY, SLEEPY
a genus of insects including the grasshopper - more official name for grasshopper
A. n. A native or inhabitant of Gujarat, a state in Western India; a speaker of the Gujarati language; this language. B. adj. Of or pertaining to the state of Gujarat, its inhabitants, or its language.
something disparate : one of two or more things so unequal or unlike that they cannot be compared with each other -- usually used in plural
plural of things that are ephemeral: lasting briefly, of interest for a short time
resembling carrots. carrot from greek kara meaning head, top of
to sing in a manner common among the Swiss and Tyrolean mountaineers by suddenly changing from chest voice to head voice or falsetto and the reverse

from german for interjection
to secure against damage or loss

full of vehement hate or ill will

latin rancare= to be rancid, or stink