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21 Cards in this Set

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leader of the suitors
Odyssues' wife
Penelopes Plan to buy time for oydessues
she tells the suitors the she will weave something for laertes, every day she weaves and at night she unweaves it
a old swineherd
What does Argus represent?
Argus repesents the deteriation of Ithaca
What was Odysseus disgused as when he arrived in Ithaca
He was disguised aas a begger
Who was the first suitor to die in the revenge of Odysseus
Antinous was the first suitor to die
In acient greece were women treated the same as men?
In acient greece women were treated unfairly, and they were not trusted
Who was the one that harmed Odyesseus when he was dressed as a begger in Ithaca
Antinous harmed Odyssues
What did Antinous hit Odyssues with?
Antinous hit Odyssues with a stool
Did Argus die before or after he heard Odysseus?
Argus died after he heard Odysseus
At first did Penelope belive that Odysseus was really Odysseus, or did she question him
Penelpoe questioned Odysseus
Who wins the challenges set up by Penelope
Odysseus dressed as a begger wins
Did Telemachus save Odysseus
yes he killed a suitor charging at Odysseus
Which suitor did Telemachus kill
Telemachus killed Amphinomus
Which suitor died last?
Amphinomus died last
Do the herdsmen help fight against the suitors
yes the faithful herdsmen fight
When was Penelope going to get married?
Penelope was going to get married when Telemachus grew a beard
Why was Penelope going to get married when Telemachus grew a beard
she was going to get married when Telemachus grew a beard because of a promise
Did all of the suitors die or did some get away?
all of the suitors died
How did Penelope test Odysseus?
She was looking for the sign, which was her bed built into a tree