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21 Cards in this Set

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Muscle that blocks spread of infection from upper centrals

Orbicularis oris

Muscle that blocks spread of infection from upper laterals

No blockage

Muscle that blocks spread of infection from upper canine

Levator anguli oris

Levator labii superioris

Alaeque Nasai

Muscle that blocks spread of infection from upper premolars

Zygomatic major and minor

Levator labii superior

Muscle that blocks spread of infection from upper molars

Buccinator muscle

Muscle that blocks spread of infection from lower centrals and laterals


Muscle that blocks spread of infection from lower canines

Depressor labii inferioris

And platysma

Muscle that blocks spread of infection from premolars and molars


Boundries of canine space

Superiorly -> levator labii superioris

Inferiorly -> levator angli oris & obuclaris muscle

Anteriorly -> lateral wall of the nose

Posteriorly -> communicates with buccal space

Canine space contains

Infraorbital nerve and vein

Angular vein

Palatal space

Localised swelling

Incision cut parallel to gingival margin

Boundries of

Superiorly -> Zygomatic arch

Inferiorly -> lower border of mandible

Anteriorly -> Posterior border of zygomaticus major

Posteriorly -> Anterior edge of masseter and pterygomandibular raphe

Medially -> Buccinator muscle

laterally -> Skin and Fascia

Buccal space contains

Buccal pad of fat

Parotid duct

Facial artery

Differentiate between buccal infection and parotid infection

Clinical picture

Parotid if

Pus coming from upper 7

Intermittent pain and swelling especially following food

Boundries of infratemporal space

Superiorly -> Sphenoid

Laterally -> Ramus of mandible

Anteriorly -> Posterior surface of zygomatic bone

Medially -> Lateral pterygoid plate

Infratemporal space contains

Maxillary artery

Pterygoid venous plexous

Max and mandibular nerve + Charda tympani

Boundries of submental space

Above -> mylohyoid muscle

Below -> deep fascia and platysma muscle and skin

Laterally -> inferior border of mandible and anterior belly of digastric muscles

Submental space contains

Submental lymph nodes

Adipose tissues

Boundries of sublingual space

Above -> the mucosa

Below -> mylohyoid muscle

Laterally -> lingual surface of mandible

Boundries of submandibular space

Boundries of submandibular space

Anteriorly -> hyoglossus musclePosteriorly -> below mylohyoid muscle and above deep fascia and platysma muscles

Boundries of lateral pharyngeal space

Anteriorly -> pterygomandibular raphe

Posteriorly -> alar layer of prevertebral fasia

Medially -> superior pharyngeal constrictor muscle

Laterally -> medial pterygoid muscle