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13 Cards in this Set

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aequam memento rebus in arduis servare mentem, non secus in bonis ab insolenti temperatam laetitia
remember to keep a level head in steep matters, [and] likewise one bounded from excessive pleasure in good matters
moriture Delli, seu maestus omni tempore vixeris, seu te in remoto gramine per dies festos reclinatum bearis interiore nota Falerni
because you will die Dellus, whether you live sadly for all time, or make yourself happy reclining in a remote field during the festive days with an interior label of Falernian
quo pinus ingens albaque populus umbram hospitalem consociare amant ramis? quid obliquo laborat lympha fugax trepidare rivo?
why else [lit. for what reason] do the enormous pine and the silver poplar love to join in making pleasant shade with their branches? why does the racing water toil to bustle in the winding river?
huc vina et unguenta et nimium brevis flores amoenae ferre iube rosae, dum res et aetas et sororum fila trium patiuntur atra
order that someone bring to this place wines and oils and delightful, fleeting, red flowers, while circumstances and youth and the dark threads of the three sisters permit/endure it
cedes coemptis saltibus et domo villaque, flavus quam Tiberis lavit, cedes et exstructis in altum divitiis potietur heres
you will leave your home and the acquired pastures and [even] your country home, which the golden Tiber washes, you will depart and your heir will take possession of your wealth piled high
divesne, prisco natus ab Inacho, nil interest an pauper et infima de gente sub divo moreris; victima nil miserantis Orci
[for he who] dallies beneath the sun, there is nothing between the rich man, born from the ancient Inachus, and the poor man from the lowliest family; as a victim of Orci, there is nothing of pity
omnes eodem cogimur, omnium versata urna serius ocius sors exitura et nos in aeternum exsilium impositura cumbae.
all men are herded to the same place, sooner or later, after the jar belonging to all men has been shaken, the lot will go out and place us on the boat in eternal exile
Quid bellicosus Cantaber et Scythes, Hirpine Quincti, cogitet Hadria divisus obiecto, remittas quaerere, nec trepides in usum poscentis aevi pauca.
quit asking what the fierce Cantabrian, or the Scythian separated by the Adriatic barrier, is plotting, and don't be nervous about acquiring needs in our short life
fugit retro levis iuventas et decor, arida pellente lascivos amores canitie facilemque somnum
sleek youth and charm will flee backwards, with dry grey hair having driven off playful loves and easy sleep
non semper idem floribus est honor vernis neque uno luna rubens nitet voltu. quid aeternis minorem consiliis animum fatigas?
just the same, the glory of spring flowers is not eternal, nor does the blushing moon shine with one [unchanging] face. why do you exhaust poor mind with eternal plans?
cur non sub alta vel platano vel hac pinu iacentes sic temere et rosa canos odorati capillos, dum licet, Assyriaque nardo potamus uncti?
why don't we drink throwing ourselves carelessly beneath either the tall plane tree or this pine, while we can, having made our white hair smell of roses, perfumed with Assyrian nard
dissipat Euhius curas edacis. quis puer ocius restinguet ardentis Falerni pocula praetereunte lympha?
Euhius scatters anxious cares. which swift boy will extinguish the cups of burning Falernian with rushing water?
quis devium scortum eliciet domo Lyden? eburna dic, age, cum lyra maturet, in comptum Lacaenae more comas religata nodum.
who will lure out the solitary prostitute Lyden? go, tell her to hurry over with her ivory lyre, having tied back her hair in a tight knot after the custom of Sparta