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37 Cards in this Set

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A small pupil increases/decreases depth of focus?
The pupil is important for reducing chromatic and spherical aberrations. How does this happen?
reduces peripheral rays
After refractive surgery, a young patient experiences glare and blur and night. Expain.
pupil is larger than optical zone of the cornea

so peripheral rays aren't reduced
A doctor is doing a swinging flashlight test, and notices that the response is not equal in each eye. What could this indicate?
nerve or retinal dysfunction

relative afferent pupillary defect
A loud noise startles a young child, this will trigger what response of the pupil, by what system?
pupil dilation

triggers SNS
General anesthesia and narcotics will have what effect on pupils?

-depresses the CNS, parasympathetics cause miosis
Opiates cause dilation/constriction of pupils.
Amphetamines produce dilation or constriction of pupils.
In pathologic anisocoria, interruption in the sympathetic pathway is more noticeable in the dark or light?
What can cause fixed or dilated pupils?
cataract surgery and iris hooks
What symptoms are experienced by patients who have a dilated pupil due to pharmacologic dilation?
Light reflex goes through what nucleus before going to the EW nucleus?
interneurons of pretectal olivary nucleus
What tract carries information between the pretectal olivary nucleus and the right and left EW nucleus?
tectotegmental tract
What is integrated at the interneuron division?
afferent and efferent information
Encephalitis causes damage to the posterior commissure, but it ____ the near reflex and _______the light reflex
spares the near reflex, and damages the light reflex
In the postganglionic part of the efferent division, what dominates, accommodative fibers or light reflex fibers?
accommodative fibers
What is the supranuclear input of the light reflex?
pretectal nucleus
Miosis caused by light reflex and near triad have one common final pathway, what is it?
EW -->ciliary ganglion--> iris sphinctor
A patient injures the cell bodies of the ciliary ganglion, what reflex will be more prominent after it heals?
-patient will respond to near stimulus, but not light.

-sprouts are almost all accommodative
Where do postganglionic fibers innervate in accomodative and light reflexes?
accommodative: ciliary muscle contraction
light: iris sphincter
Relaxation of the iris sphincter in dilation is passive/active?
Contraction of the iris dilator causes an increase/decrease in dilator.
increases dilation
Which muscle is stronger, the iris sphincter or dilator?
What is the pathway of relaxation of the iris sphincter?
sympathetic neurons in periaqueductal gray area--> supply efferent pupil fibers at EW nucleus--> alpha 2 adrenergic receptors activated --> suppress PNS output --> dilator contraction, sphinctor relaxation
When sleeping,the baseline is always mitosis/mydriasis?
What is the second neuron of the in the relaxation of iris sphincter?
ciliospinal center of budge
What is the third neuron of the relaxation of the iris sphincter?
superior cervical ganglion
Where is the first neuron located in the relaxation of the iris sphincter pathway?
What is the 3 neuron pathway to innervate the iris dilator?
hypothalamus, ciliospinal center of budge, over apex of lung, superior cervical ganglion, course along internal carotid, cavernous sinus, long ciliary nerve, iris dilator
What are two targets of the third neuron
-iris dilator via long posterior ciliary n.
-superior division of CN 3 to mullets muscle
Catecholamine released by the adrenal glands cause dilation/contraction of the pupil.
What unit is RAPD quantified in?
log units
Horners syndrome is problem with the efferent/afferent pathway?
What are some symptoms of hornet's syndrome?
decreased sweating unilaterally
miosis on affected side
reverse ptosis of lower lid
conjunctival injection
The iris dilator is controlled by parasympathetic or sympathetic system?
In horners syndrome, dilation is slower/faster.

bc the dilator is weak
If a patient has a cholinergic hypersensitivity, diluted pilocarpine, causes pupils to dilate/constrict?
a dilated pupils becomes smaller due to supersensitivity