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8 Cards in this Set

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Define Diabetic Retinopathy?

DR is a microangiopathy affecting the retinal capillaries, arterioles, venules manifesting as microvascular occlusion and Leakage.

Commoner in IDDM than NIDDM

Risk factors of Diabetic retinopathy 9

Duration of the disease

Diabetic Control

Systematic Hypertension


Renal diseases





Two main points in the pathogenesis of Diabetic Retinopathy


1.Microvascular occlusion

2.Microvascular Leakage

say something about Microvascular occlusion?

In microvascular occlusion, retinal vessels are occluded by atherosclerosis or other substances. This leads to Retinal ISCHEMIA and subsequently Retinal HYPOXIA..

The hypoxia causes the

1. Development of AV shunts

2. Substances that promote neovascularization on retina causing proliferative DR and on the Iris (Rubeosis Iridis)

3. The new vessels are weak and can rupture leading to retinal hemorrhages into the Vitreous H'age.

4. Organization of the vh can lead to formation of fibrovascular bands that cause intraretinal traction causing retinal detachment.

The first clinically detectable lesions in DR?

MICROANEURYSMS which are due to weak capillary walls that cause local saccular distentions. Appear as dots.

Classify DR?

Proliferative(Neovascularization And non-proliferative DR.

List the prevention of DR?

Strict glycemic control

Control of HT and Lipids level

Periodic assessment of cataract and glaucoma

Yearly comprehensive eye exams

Laser management

Early detection and treatment reduce risk of blindness.

other Ocular manifestation of DM

1.Orbital infections

2.Stye in eyelids

3.Mucormycosis in Diabetic Ketoacidosis

4. External Ophthalmologia affecting cranial nerves 3,4,6 With periorbital pain and Headache

5. Rubeosis Iridis of iris

6. Hyphaema of anterior chamber from Rubeosis iridis.

7. Corneal anaesthesia and erosions keratitis

8. Spastic pupil with miosis

9. IOP and POAG

10. Optic neuropathy

11. VH from proliferative DR.

12. Retinal venoclusion

13 Osmotic overhydration of lens through sorbitol pathway leading to lens thickness, refractive power and myopic shift.