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23 Cards in this Set

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__________ is a wart caused by a human papilloma virus

Viral Papilloma

___________Is the most common malignant tumor of the eyelids that look like nodular lesions with vessels at the borders

Basal Cell Carcinoma

________is a keratinized lesion often affecting the eyelid margin, and can metastasize into the orbit and via the regional lymph nodes.

Squamous Cell Carcinoma

______Is a rare congenital vascular condition characterized by facial PORT-WINE STAIN along the trigeminal nerve.

Sturge Weber Syndrome

_____is a reddish purple tumor appearing near birth, called a STRAWBERRY NEVUS.

Capillary Hemangioma

_____is a hypersensitivity to an externally applied agent causing acute lid irritation, redness, swelling and skin scaling

Allergic Contact Dermatitis

The lacrimal apparatus system ______and ______ tears which are necessary to keep the surfaces of the eye lubricated and nourished and to remove waste products

Produces, and drains

The main lacrimal gland and accessory lacrimal glands produce ______(the middle tear film layer) and _______

Aqueous, and reflex tears

______is a condition where excessive tearing is present due to _______(narrowing or closure of puntum or cancaliculus), or ________.

Epiphora, stenosis, ectropion

______ is excessive tear formation of the lacrimal gland, from psychologic stimuli, irritation, or inflammation.

Lacrimation (Crying)

A prominent punctum, with tearing swelling and tenderness over the canaliculus is ______


_______ is an inflammation of the lacrimal sac that is usually caused by an obstruction of the nasolacrimal duct.


The symptoms of dacryocystitis are




1. Epiphora

2. Tenderness & Swelling

3. Discharge

The treatment for dacryocystitis is:




1. Hot packs

2. Systemic Antibiotics

3. Surgery Dacryocystorhinostomy

______exists when the quality or quanity of the precorneal tear film is not sufficient to protect the epithelial surface.

Keratoconjunctivitis Sicca (Cornea is Dry)

The most common cause of dry eyes is ______ tear deficiency.


Systemic conditions that are associated with dry eyes are:






1. Sjogren's Syndrome

2. Menopause

3. Rheumatoid Arthritis or Lupus

4. Againg

5. Systemic Medications

The symptoms of dry eyes include:


1. Burning2. Redness 3. Gritty or Scratchy feeling4. Itching5. Discharge6. F/b sensation (Foreign body)7. Tearing8. Light sensitivity 9. Pin Pricks10. Trouble opening eyes in morning

The symptoms of dry eyes can resemble the symptoms of an ________

Eye Infection

The tests for KCS are:





Tear Break up time

Corneal Punctate Staining

_________ of extraocular structures causes diffuse edema of the lids, tnedor to touch, and is treated with systemic antibiotics and warm compresses. Patient will have ______ VA, pupils, and motility.

Preseptal Cellulittis, normal

_____________is a medical emergency that is vision and life threatening and causes redness and swelling of lids and ___________ VA, pupils, and motility and possible proptosis, optic nerve compression and disc edema.

Orbital Cellulitis , impaired

The Treatment for KCS is:





Artificial Tears (AT) QID+ (4XADAY or More)

Lubricating Ointments

Thermal Occlusion of Punctum

Vitamin (A) Therapy