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58 Cards in this Set

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what seven bones make up the orbital cavity...which ones are shared
Palatine (2)
Lacrimal (2)
Zygomatic (2)
Maxillary (2)
Ethmoid (1)
Sphenoid (1)
Frontal (1)
what bones makes up the ROOF of the orbit
anterior: Frontal Bone
posterior: Lesser wing of the Sphenoid Bone
what bones make up the LATERAL WALL of the orbit
zygomatic (anterior)
greater wing of the sphenoid (posterior)
what nerves pass through the LATERAL WALL of the orbit
what blood vessels pass through the LATERAL WALL of the orbit
superior ophthalmic vein
orbital branch of middle meningeal artery
what bones makes up the FLOOR of the orbit
what fissure separates the posterior portion of the lateral wall and the floor
inferior orbital fissure
what goes through the inferior orbital fissure
infra-orbital artery
branch of inferior opthalmic vein
branch of the CN V2
branch from ptergopalatine ganglion
what is the infra orbital groove
a shallow depression moving centrally across the floor form the IOF to the infra-orbital canal, which transmits the infra-orbital vessels and nerves
what bones makes up the MEDIAL WALL of the orbit

what leads to the Frontal Sinus
middle meatus
what leads to the Ethmoid Sinus
middle meatus
what leads to the Sphenoid Sinus
superior meatus
what leads to the Maxillary Sinus
hiatus semilunaris
the orbicularis oculi is innervated by CN...
CN VII (facial)
entering laterally and running deep to muscle
function of the orbicularis oculi
1.orbital portion: closes lids forcefully
2.palpebral portion: closes lides gently (blinking)
3.muscle of Riolan: holds lids to globe
4.muscle of Horner & rest of O.O: dilates lacrimal sac
function of levator palpebrae superioris? innervation?
raises lid
CN III (oculomotor)
what are the two system of ARTERIAL SUPPLY for the eyelids
where does the FACIAL SYSTEM for the eyelids come from? what arteries does it contain?
from ECA

facial artery
superfacial temporal artery
infraorbital artery
where does the ORBITAL SYSTEM for the eyelids come from? what arteries does it contain?
from ICA

dorsal nasal artery
frontal artery
supraorbital artery
lacrimal artery
what are the two system of VENOUS DRAINAGE for the eyelids
superficial (pre-tarsal) system
deep (post-tarsal) system
where does the SUPERFICIAL SYSTEM for the eyelids come from? what VEINS does it contain?
1.anterior facial drains into internal jugular vein
2.superficial temporal drains into external jugular vein
where does the DEEP SYSTEM for the eyelids come from? what VEINS does it contain?
1.ophthalmic vein drains into cavernous sinus
2.deep facial vein drain into pterygoid plexus then to cavernous sinus
sensory innervation of...upper, medial, lateral and lower lids
upper: supraorbital n.
medial: supra and infra-trochlear n.
lateral: lacrimal branch of ophthalmic n.
lower: infraorbital n.
what is the fornix in the eye
circular cul-de-sac formed by bending of conjunctiva from lid to eyeball
thicknesses of the...superior, inferior, lateral, medial...FORNIX
superior: 14-15mm
inferior: 10-12mm
lateral: 5-8mm
medial: barely present
what are the two types of the bulbar conjunctiva
what are the two layers of the lymphatic system in the conjunctiva
1.superficial plexus drains adenoid layer
2.deep plexus drains the deep fibrous layer
where does lymph from the medial areas of the conjunctiva drain? lateral areas?
1.medial drains to submandibular nodes
2.lateral drains to preauricular nodes
the nerve supply of the conjunctiva is distributed to...

epithelium and stromal
sensory origin of V1 and V2

sympathetic: SCG
parasym: pterygopalatine ganglion
where is the nerve endings most numerous in the bulbar conjunctiva
1.limbal conjunctiva (under epithelium)
2.significantly higher touch sensitivity is found compared to the adjacent conjunctiva
what is notable about the nerve endings in the bulbar conjunctiva
1.encapsulated by a single myelinated nerve fiber
2.have mechanoreceptor role by providing touch sensitivity
where is lacrimal gland located
fossa for the lacrimal gland in the frontal bone
what are the two portions the lacrimal gland?
orbital and palberal, divided by the aponeurosis of the levator muscle

functionally: one gland
when does the lacrimal gland start to develop and when does it become functional
development starts THIRD MONTH of fetal life

functional: 2weeks-2months after birth
what causes temporal bulging of the lacrimal gland in older people
attachments of the fibrous surrounds of the lacrimal gland become attenuated, allowing the gland to herniate through a weakened orbital septum
what happens to the lacrimal glands if the sympathetic system is stimulated
1.no change in tear secretion
2.is the SCG is destroyed secretion of the gland is UNAFFECTED
what does the INFRA-ORBITAL ARTERY SUPPLY in the ocular system
inferior rectus
inferior oblique
lacrimal gland and sac
lower lid
what does the orbital branch of the MIDDLE MENINGEAL ARTERY supply in the ocular system
1.enters orbit through superior orbital fissure
2.anastomosis with recurrent meningeal branch of the Lacrimal Artery
what is the purpose of the external carotid artery in the orbit
internal maxillary artery (2 branches):
1.infra-orbital artery
2.orbital branch of the middle meningeal artery
what is the purpose of the internal carotid artery in the orbit
gives rise to ophthalmic artery

1.medial to anterior clinoid process
2.enters the orbit through the optic canal within the dural sheath of the optic nerve
what are all the branches of the ophthalmic artery
central retina
muscular branch
short post. ciliary
long post. ciliary
pial arteries
post. ethmoid
ant. ethmoid
ant. meningeal
medial palpebral
dorsal nasal

*chicks like my spring loaded planes. so please acquire all models fast dude
in the muscular branch of the ophthalmic artery what does the LATERAL branch supply? MEDIAL?
lateral: LR, SR, SO, LPS
medial: MR, IR, IO
what is the largest vein in the orbit? where does it form?
superior ophthalmic vein

form in upper and medial corner of the orbital margin by the union of the Supra-Orbital and Angular Veins of the face
what does the superior ophthalmic vein collect? where does it drain?
anterior and posterior ethmoid vein
muscular veins (superior and medial muscles)
lacrimal veins
two upper vortex veins

which vein drains the choroid, ciliary body and iris
4 vortex veins

emerge a little behind the equator in the 4 quadrants of the eye
where does the upper two vortex veins drain? lower two vortex veins?
upper 2 --> sup. ophthalmic vein
lower 2 --> inf. ophthalmic vein
what is a motor end plate
contact made by the terminal branches of the axons with the muscle
what happens at the motor end plate? where is it on the muscle?
1.myelin sheath of the axon ends, ramifies into small end branches (lay on the surface of the muscle)
2.presynaptic structure (self explanatory)
3. middle 1/3 of the belly of the muscle
what is singly innervated fibers
1.muscle fibers receiving input from motor end plates
2.one end plate per muscle fiber
what is unique about orbital singly innervated fibers
UNENCAPSULATED spiral nerve endings
from what fibers does the oculomotor regulatory centers receives sensory information
muscle spindles
golgi tendon organs
myotendious cylinders (specialized sensory receptors for global multiply innervated fibers)
where does the MEDIAL RECTUS insert
horizontal meridian
5.5mm from limbus
closest to cornea, covered by caruncle
where does the LATERAL RECTUS insert
inserted laterally
horizontal meridian
6.9mm from limbus
where does the SUPERIOR RECTUS insert
inserts superiorly
vertical meridian
7.7mm from limbus

goes over SO to become inserted farther away from corneal margin than any other rectus muscle
where does the INFERIOR RECTUS insert
inserts inferiorly
vertical meridian
6.5mm from limbus
where does the INFERIOR OBLIQUE insert
the posterior, lateral and lower quadrant of the globe
at level of macula
where does the SUPERIOR OBLIQUE insert
the posterior, lateral and upper
fan shaped, concave forward and oblique