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80 Cards in this Set

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Which of the following statements are true?
A. Strokes are supernuclear lesions that result in ipsilateral muscle paralysis
B. Bell's palsy is a lower motor neuron lesion that results in contralateral muscle paralysis to the entire side of the face
C. Strokes are lower motor neuron lesions that result in contralateral paralysis
D. Bell's palsy is a lower motor neuron lesion that results in ipsilateral damage to the entire side of the face
Which of the following would not result from a pancoast tumor?
A. Ptosis
B. Miosis
C. Exophthalmos
D. Anhydrosis
C. Since a pancoast tumor affects sympathetic fibers like horner's syndrome we can expect similar triad effects
Sympathetic innervation to the dilator follows the course of which of the following sensory nerves?
A. Facial
B. Nasociliary
C. Zygomatic
B. main point: which nerve gets us dilation of the pupil? the long ciliary nerve which is a branch of the nasociliary
Which of the following pupil abnormalities would be most prevalent in the light?
A. Adie's
B. Horner's
C. Argyll Robertson
A. ADies = Acute Dilated, and most prevalent in the light
Which of the following layers of the eyelid contains goblet cells?
A. Subcutaneous areolar
B. Outer skin layer
C. Tarsal plate
D. Palpebral conjunctiva
A pt with ptosis can compensate by using which of the following other muscles to lift up the eyelid?
A. Corrugator
B. Procerus
C. Frontalis
Which of the following glands are responsible for lubricating the eyelashes?
A. Zeis
B. Moll
C. Krause
Lateral conjunctival lymphatics drain into which of the following?
A. Submandibular lymph nodes
B. Preauricular lymph nodes
C. Axilla
B. aka parotid lymph nodes
Bulbar conjunctival blood supply and the ciliary body both receive part of their blood supply from which of the following?
B. Supraorbital arteries
C. Anterior ciliary artery
D. Supratrochlear artery
recall that the MACI (major arterial circle of the iris) is made up of the long posterior ciliary arteries and the anterior ciliary artery
Which is true regarding the lacrimal gland?
A. It is located in a fossa within the maxillary bone and divided into two divisions by the tendon of Mueller's muscle
B. Located in a fossa within the frontal bone and divided into two divisions by the tendon of the levator palpebrae muscle
C. It is isolated in its own sac and has no divisions
What is the purpose of the Valve of Hasner?
A. Prevent nasal cavity antigens from entering the nasolacrimal system
B. Prevent nasal cavity fluid from entering the nasolacrimal system
C. Creates negative pressure within the lacrimal sac to help tears drain
B. one and only purpose
Which is true regarding the radius of curvature of the central cornea?
A. 7.8mm anteriorly / 6.5mm posteriorly (so steeper anterior)
B. 8.5mm / 7.5mm (so flatter posteriorly)
C. 7.8mm / 6.5mm (so flatter anteriorly)
D. 8.5mm / 7.5mm (so flatter anteriorly)
Where are hemidesmosomes located within the cornea?
A. Between basal cells and wing cells
B. Between wing cells and squamous cells
C. Between basal cells and basement membrane
C. remember that hemidesmosomes always connect cells to the BM; other jxns connect cells to cells
Which of the following corneal layers will not regenerate?
A. Epithelium
B. Bowman's
C. Endothelium
D. Stroma
E. B and C only
Which of the following is true regarding corneal nerve supply?
A. None in the stroma or endothelium, most dense in central cornea
B. None in descemets or endothelium, most dense peripherally
C. None in descemets or endothelium, most dense centrally
C. recall the long and short ciliary nerves of CNV enter the cornea in the mid-stroma region and course anteriorly leaving desemets and the endothelium without nerve supply
Which of the following layers does not have capillaries?
A. Iris
B. Retina
C. Choroid
D. Sclera
D. Sclera is avascular. Recall that iris and retina have non-fenestrated and cb and choroid have fenestrated capillaries
Which of the following is not true regarding the thickness of the sclera?
A. Thinnest a .3mm under rectus tendons
B. Weakest at lamina cribosa
C. Thickest at 2.0mm at the posterior pole
C. Should be 1.0mm to be tre. KNOW THESE FACTS!
Which of the following is the most anterior structure in the angle?
A. Schlemm's Canal
C. Schwalbe's Line
C. "I Can See the Stupid Line" posterior to anterior
Which of the following is true regarding corneal stem cells?
A. Originate from the limbus and become wing cells
B. Originate from Pallisades of Vogt and become basal cells
C. Originate from limbal stroma, become basal cells
An increase in pressure in all of the following veins except for one would increase the IOP, which one?
A. External collector channels
B. Deep scleral venous plexus
C. Intrascleral veins
D. Episcleral veins
E. Vortex veins
Recall that because the veins listed in A-D all drain into Schlemm's Canal they will increase IOP if there is an increase in pressure in any of these veins
Which of the following layers is the primary contributor to iris color?
A. Anterior border layer
B. Posterior pigmented epithelium
C. Anterior iris epithelium
The pupillary ruff is formed from which of the following layers?
A. Anterior border layer
B. Iris stroma
C. Posterior pigmented epithelium
Which region of the ciliary body do the lens zonules begin their course from?
A. Pars plicata
B. Pars plana
C. CB stroma
Recall that the plana and plicata each have one major responsibility. The plana makes the zonules and the plicata secretes the aqueous

Pars Plicata = aka Corona Ciliaris
Which of the following is NOT true regarding accommodation?
A. Lens diameter decreases
B. Lens thickness increases
C. Anterior and Posterior lens curvature increase
D. Retina remains in the same location
D. contraction of CB will pull retina slightly
Which of the following is a mechanism of how accommodation affects IOP?
A. Longitudinal muscle contraction pulls on scleral spur which pulls on TM, allowing less outflow resistance and a decrease in IOP
B. Radial muscle contraction pulls on scleral spur, which pulls on uveoscleral fibers, allowing less outflow resistance and a decrease in IOP
C. Longitudinal muscle contraction pulls on Schlemm's Canal, increasing it's diameter and allowing more negative pressure for increased outflow
A. same mechanism as how pilo works
The posterior pigmented iris epithelium is continuous with which of the following?
A. Nonpigmented ciliary body epithelium and the neural retina
B. Pigmented ciliary body epithelium and the RPE
C. Neither
Which of the following LISTED represents the weakest attachment?
A. Optic Disc
B. Macula
C. Posterior Lens
Recall that the central vitreous has the lowest amount of collagen
Which of the following represents remnants of the hyaloid artery on the lens?
A. Bergmeister's papillae
B. Mittendorf's dot
C. Weiss Ring
Which of the following regions of the lens has the most immature fibers?
A. Embryonic nucleus
B. Fetal nucleus
C. Lens cortex
C. because the lens cortex grows throughout life
Which of the following nuclei is demarcated by sutures?
A. Embryonic nucleus
B. Fetal nucleus
C. Adult nucleus
D. Juvenile nucleus
What fibers does the fetal nucleus originate from?
A. Primary
B. Secondary
C. Both
Which of the following is true regarding the RPE?
A. Derived from the inner layer of the optic cup, tight association with the retina.
B. Derived from the outer layer of the optic cup, tight association with the choroid
C. Derived from the inner layer of the optic cup, tight association with the choroid
Where are the cell bodies located for the rods/cones?
Where does the first synapse occur in the visual pathway?
C. Photoreceptor layer
Damage to which of the following regions of the optic nerve would cause a significant decline in vision?
A. Superior / Inferior poles
B. Nasal side
C. Papillomacular bundle
C. Recall the papillomacular bundle represents the temporal fibers from the macula. Hence macular damage would cause a significant decrease in vision.
The central retinal artery forms two capillary networks within the inner retina. Where are these networks located?
A. NFL and OPL
B. NFL and INL
C. IPL and OPL
What is not true regarding neuroglial cells?
A. Involved in glycogen metabolism - provide nutrients to retina
B. Involved in immunological activities - some are phagocytic cells
C. Provide structure, support, and protection
D. Contribute to signal processing when necessary
D. Neuroglial cells have no role in signal processing EVER!
Which region of the macula has the thickest region of ganglion/bipolar cells?
A. Parafovea
B. Perifovea
C. Fovea
A. Remember this is because the foveala is devoid of bipolar/ganglion cells which are pushed to the side during development and create a thick parafovea
Where is the thickest region of rods in the retina?
A. Parafovea
B. 6mm from the center of the foveala
C. Foveala
D. Just outside the perifovea
D. Region called the 'rod ring' is located just outside the perifovea, 5mm outside the foveala
Vision loss from AION results from lack of blood flow through which of the following arteries?
C. Anterior cerebral artery
D. Superficial temporal artery
Recall that SPCAs (Circle of Zinn) provide the blood supply to the anterior surface of the optic disc
Which region of the optic nerve head do the superior temporal retinal fibers occupy?
A. Superior pole
B. Inferior pole
C. Papillomacular bundle
A. superior fibers go to superior disc, inferior fibers to inferior disc, nasal to nasal, papillo to temporal
The left optic tract carries which of the following?
A. Ipsilateral temporal fibers, contralateral nasal fibers
B. Ipsilateral nasal fibers, contralateral temporal fibers
C. Ipsilateral temporal fibers, contralateral macular fibers
Which of the following fibers would be medial in the left optic tract?
A. Ipsilateral inferior temporal and contralateral inferior nasal
B. Ipsilateral superior temporal and contralateral superior nasal
Remember superior fibers always go medial, inferior fibers always go lateral
A temporal lobe lesion would be expected to give one of the following?
A. Pie on the floor
B. Pie in the sky
Recall that parietal would be on the floor (party=parietal, on the floor)
A cuneus gyrus lesion would give which of the following defects within the macula?
A. Superior VF defect in macular region
B. Inferior VF defect in macular region
B. Remember superior fibers end her so expect an inferior defect
Macular sparing homonymous hemianopsia's are often the result of the following?
A. Stroke
B. Tumor
A. Two arteries supply macula, middle cerebral and posterior cerebral, one will be affected by a stroke, but rarely both.
A 31 yr old female is deaf in her right ear, and is unable to close her right eye, but corneal sensation is unaffected. The most likely location of a single lesion that would account for her symptoms is:
A. Superior orbital fissure
B. Cavernous sinus
C. Internal auditory meatus
D. Crux cerebri
A 45 year old man has loss of corneal sensation, can not abduct, and tilts his head to the left shoulder as you examine him. No facial asymmetry is found, nor difficulties in hearing. Where is the most likely site of a lesion?
A. Internal auditory meatus
B. Crux cerebri
C. Stylomastoid foramen
D. Cavernous sinus
D. Problems stemming from lesions to CN's V1, IV, VI
What is Henle's fiber layer?
A. The name for INL in the foveala
B. The name for OPL in the foveala
C. The name for NFL in the foveala
Where does CSF flow within the optic nerve?
A. Between the Pia and Arachnoid mater
B. Between the Arachnoid and Dura mater
C. Between the optic nerve and Pia mater
Which of the following is the most common cause of unilateral proptosis?
A. Carotid cavernous fistula
B. Hyperthyroidism
C. Tolosa-Hunt syndrome
D. Sinusitis
B. #1 cause of unilateral or bilateral
Which of the following cranial nerves is responsible for swallowing and posterior 1/3 taste?
A. Vagus
B. Accessory
C. Glosspharyngeal
D. Hypoglossal
Remember G for glosspharyngeal as GAG
Your pt reports a hoarse voice, difficulty with swallowing and choking when drinking fluid. You ask the pt to stick out their tongue and say "ahhhh" You notice difficulty with palate elevation and the pt's uvula is deviated to the right side. What cranial nerve is affected?
A. Vagus
B. Accessory
C. Glossopharyngeal
D. Hypoglossal
A. Definitely remember to associate uvula with vagus nerve
Your 40 yr old male pt reports a sudden onset of metamorphopsia in the right eye. He mentions he had a similar episode about 5 years earlier that drove him crazy because it lasted about three months. Based on this hx what is the dx?
A. Dry eye syndrome
Your pt reports constantly itching her eyelids. You notice pinpoint blood tinged debris along the eyelash margins and inflamed eyelash margins, with no signs of meibomianitis. Which of the following is the most likely dx?
A. Contact dermatitis
B. Seborrheic dermatitis
C. Rosacea blepharitis
D. Phthiriasis palpebrarum
D. LICE (recall that severe itching is main complaint of eye lice and the pinpoint blood debris is remnants of where the lice have been attached on)
What is the most common cause of preseptal cellulitis?
B. Hordeolum
C. Trauma
D. Blepharitis
What is the most common etiology for orbital cellulitis?
A. Extension of a current paranasal sinus infection
B. Innoculation of the orbit following trauma or surgery
C. Bacteremia
Remember two main signs are proptosis and ophthalmoplegia with two classic signs of fever and malaise worsening
What is the main cause of a conjunctival melanoma?
C. Racial melanosis
B. pay attention to the 'acquired' part of the name
What is the most common etiology of conjunctival squamous cell carcinoma?
C. Malignant conjunctival nevus
Which of the following is not true regarding Anterior Basement Membrane Dystrophy? (ABMD)
A. Most patients are asymptomatic
B. In most cases it is not hereditary
C. It is typically unilateral
C. By far the most common epithelial dystrophy
Which of the following is not true regarding Fuch's Endothelial Dystrophy?
A. The condition is often inherited
B. It is typically progressive
C. More common in men than women
D. Symptoms of early stages of the disease include glare and light sensitivity
Which of the following is not true regarding Therrien's Marginal Degeneration?
A. Commonly bilateral
B. Commonly affects middle-aged males
C. Often cause significant thinning and ultimately perforation
D. Commonly has associated neovascularization and yellow stromal opactities
C. Remember, Therrien's not Terrible. Typically just needs to be monitored.
Which of the following is true regarding scleritis?
A. Necrotizing with inflammation is the worst form
B. Scleromalacia perforans is the worst form
C. It is rarely associated with a systemic disease
Which of the following is not true about choroidal melanomas?
A. Most commonly arise from pre-existing choroidal nevi
B. Most common in African Americans
C. Most common in males over the age of 55
D. Sunlight does not appear to be involved in the pathogenesis
E. Most often metastasizes to the liver
Which of the following is not a risk factor for increased progression from dry to wet ARMD?
A. Focalhyperpigmentation
B. Smoking
C. Hard drusen
D. Soft drusen
Which is the most likely location for a retinal tear?
A. Superior
B. Inferior
C. Superior-Temporal
D. Inferior-Temporal
Which of the following would not be a cause of a non-rhegmatogenous retinal detachment?
A. Sickle cell anemia
D. Diabetic retinopathy
Which of the following is not a cause of exposure keratopathy?
A. Facial nerve palsy
B. Thyroid eye disease
C. Myasthenia gravis
D. Ectropion
Which of the following conditions can cause a mucous tear film deficiency?
A. Ocular pemphigoid
B. Steven Johnson's syndrome
C. Ehler's Danlos syndrome
D. Vitamin A deficiency
A, B, D.
Recall that Ehler's Danlos can cause lens subluxation along with Marfan's syndrome
Which of the following is not true about dacryocystitis?
A. Ocular origin is more common than nasal origin
B. Pain, swelling, and redness are the classic signs of acute dacryocystitis
C. Most commonly caused by a nasolacrimal duct obstruction
D. Epiphora is the most common sign associated with chronic dacryocystitis
A. Remember the most common cause of dacryocystitis is a blockage of the nasolacrimal duct
Which of the following is not associated with microcornea?
A. Horizontal corneal diameter of 10mm
B. Hyperopia
C. Glaucoma
D. X-linked inheritance
D. Usually AD or recessive
Which of the following is not true regarding Salzmann's Nodular Degeneration?
A. Patient's rarely have symptoms
B. Common in trachoma
C. Common in interstitial keratitis
D. Most commonly bilateral
D. Usually unilateral
Which of the following are not true about retinoschisis?
A. Pigment demarcation line is expected
B. Typically bilateral
C. Secondary to the splitting of the OPL
D. Causes an absolute field defect
E. Retinal detachment risk is very low
Which of the following are not true about ROP?
A. Stevie Wonder had ROP
B. Causes retinal detachments
C. Affects infants of low birth weight
D. Affects infants born less than 38 weeks
D. Premature by definition is less than 36 weeks
Which of the following is the most common, benign orbital tumor in adults?
A. Meningioma
B. Schwannoma
C. Cavernous hemangiomas
D. Capillary hemangiomas
Your 60 yr old pt gives a case hx of periorbital pain and gradual vision loss. Upon dilation, you find midperipheral hemorrhages in one eye only. Which of the following is the most likely dx?
Your pt has a cavernous sinus thrombosis. What is the most likely etiology?
A. Facial infection
B. Dental infection
C. Ear infection
A. Most likely from nasal infection; staph aureus common culprit
Which of the following are NOT true regarding CRVOs and BRVOs?
A. Occur secondary to thrombus formation
B. Cause unilateral, painless vision loss
C. HTN / DM are the two most likely risk factors
D. BRVOs commonly result in neovascular glaucoma
Which of the following is the most common cause of retinal vascular occlusive disease?
Which corneal layer has the most mitochondria?
A. Epithelium
B. Stroma
C. Endothelium
D. Bowman's
C. By far the most active layer because of the Na/K ATPase pump