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64 Cards in this Set

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The net movement of molecules/ions down its concentration gradient- PASSIVE
Facilitated Diffusion
Movement of a substance through a protein channel which provides a hydrophilic pathway – PASSIVE
The net movement of water molecules from an area of high concentration to an area to an area of low concentration through a partially permeable membrane
Active Transport
The movement of molecules/ions through transport proteins against their concentration gradient(USES ATP)
The movement of bulk liquids/solids into a cell by the indentation of the fluid mosaic model to form vesicles contain the substance(USES ATP)
The movement of bulk liquid out of a cell by the fusion of vesicles with the fluid mosaic model (USES ATP)
Homologous Pairs
A pair of chromosomes in a diploid cell that have the same structure with the same genes in the same location
Stem Cell
A cell that has not differentiated and is able to divide to form a specialised cell
The development of a cell to become specialised for a particular function
A group of different types cells which work together to perform a particular function
A group of different tissues that work together to perform a particular function
Organ System
A group of organs that work together to carry out a particular function
Tidal Volume
The volume of air breather in and out in one typical breath
Vital Capacity
The maximum volume of air that can be breathed in and out in a one full breath
Single Circulatory System
A circulatory system in which the blood only passes through the heart once in a complete circuit of the body
Double Circulatory System
A circulatory system in which the blood passes through the heart twice in a complete circuit of the body (Systemic and Pulmonary)-HUMAN
Closed Circulatory System
A circulatory system in which the blood is always enclosed in a blood vessel
Transpiration Stream
The continuous movement of water from the soil up through the xylem to the air
Active Loading
Movement of sucrose into sieve tubes using active transport, carried out by the protein membrane of companion cells
Plant Source
An area in a plant where sucrose is produced e.g. the leaves
Plant Sinks
An area in a plant where sucrose in consumed e.g. roots
A part of a xylem element wall in which there is no lignin
The central (cross shaped) area of a root containing the xylem and phloem
A strong waterproof substance found in the walls of xylem vessels
Outer layer of the stele in a plant root
Apoplastic Pathway
A route taken by water as it moves across a plant tissue by passing through cell walls and the spaces between the cells
Symplastic Pathway
A route taken by water as it moves across a plant tissue by passing through the cell’s cytoplasm
A fine strand of cytoplasm that linked through cell walls connecting neighbouring cells
A compound formed when CO2 has bonded with haemoglobin to increase the amount of CO2 that can be removed from the cell
Haemoglobnic Acid
A compound formed when hydrogen ions bonds with haemoglobin
Dissociation Curve
A graph showing the percentage saturation of a blood pigment e.g. haemoglobin and oxygen
The compound formed when oxygen bonds with haemoglobin
A build-up of lymph in the tissues caused by poor drainage from the lymphatics
A vessel containing valves which transports lymph back into the blood stream
Electrocardiogram; a recording of the hearts electrical activity
Cardiac Cycle

• Right Atrium

• Right Ventricle

• Lung

• Oxygenated blood left atrium

• Left ventricle

• Tissues

A liquid secreted by some alveoli to reduce surface tension to prevent alveoli from sticking together
Pleural Membrane
One of the membranes that surrounds the lungs keeping them airtight
Pleural Fluid
A viscous fluid between two pleural membranes that surround the lungs
The picture taken of the chromosomes of an individual during mitosis, the pictures are then arranged in their pairs from largest->smallest
A variation of the same gene
When a stem cell is able to divide to form any of the different types of specialised cells in the body
Spindle Fibre
A structure made up of microtubules that is formed during cell division and move and positions the chromosomes to the equator for variation
The place where two chromatids are held together, and where spindle fibres attach during cell division
Fluid Mosaic Model
Model of the plasma membrane that suggest that all molecules contained are continually moving
A structure inside of a cell that has a specialised function
The network of protein fibres found within cells that gives structure and shape to the cell
Phospholipid bilayer
The basic structural component of cell membranes. It consists of two layers or phospholipid molecules. Proteins are embedded in this layer.
Cell Cycle
The events that take place as one parent cell divides to produce new cells which then grow to full size
The process of nuclear division where two genetically identical nuclei are formed from one parent cell nucleus
The process of nuclear division where four haploid cells with different genetic information in are produced from one parent nucleus
Inspiration and Expiration
The terms used to describe breathing in and out.
Sinoatrial Node
The heart’s pacemaker. Small patch of tissue that sends out waves of electrical excitation at regular intervals to initiate contractions
Plasma held in the heart and blood vessels.
Tissue Fluid
Plasma that bathes the cells of individual tissues.
Plasma that is held within the lymphatic system.
Bohr Effect
The change in the shape of the oxyhaemoglobin curve when carbon dioxide is present- this causes the oxyhaemoglobin to release more oxygen more readily.
A plant transport tissue that carries water from the sink to source, consists of hollow columns of dead cells lined end-to-end and reinforced with lignin.
A plant transport tissue that carries the products of the photosynthesis (sucrose) from source to sink, consists of sieve tube elements and companion cells.
The attraction of water molecules to one another.
The attraction of water molecules to the walls of the xylem.
The loss of water by evaporation from the aerial parts of a plant.
A plant that is adapted to reduce water loss so that it can survive in very dry conditions.
The transport of nutrients throughout the plant in the phloem tissue.