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77 Cards in this Set

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What is an isometric muscle contraction?

No change in length during contraction

What is an isotonic muscle contraction?

A change in length of muscle during contraction

What is an eccentric muscle contraction?

The muscle that is lengthening (antagonist)

What is a concentric muscle contraction?

The muscle that is shortening (agonist)

What is flexion?

Decrease in joint angle. (bending)

What is extension?

Increase in joint angle (straightening)

What is abduction?

Movement away from the midline

What is adduction?

Movement towards the midline

What is dorsi-flexion?

Decrease in angle of ankle joint - (naughty toes - toes towards shin)

What is plantar-flexion?

Increase in angle of ankle joint (pointing toes)

Name locations of hinge joint.

Ankle, knee, elbow

Name locations of ball and socket joint

Hip joint, shoulder joint

Other types of joint.

Radio-ulna, pivot, gliding, saddle

Name the four rotator cuff muscles



Teres Minor



Give three structural characteristics of a slow twitch muscle.

Small or red

Many mitochondria

High density of myoglobin

High density of capillaries

Low glycogen stores, low PC stores

Give two functional characteristics of a slow twitch muscle.

Resistant to fatigue

Slow speed of contraction

Low force produced during contraction

Give three structural characteristics of a fast twitch muscle.


Few Mitrochondria

Low density of myoglobin

Low density of capillaries

High glycogen stores, high PC Stores

Give two functional characteristics of a fast twitch fibre.

Fatigue quickly

High speed of contraction

Large force produced

How might the proportion of muscle fibres determine the success of a performer?

People with a mix of muscle fibre types may perform successfully in both aerobic and anaerobic activity or team games

People with high proportion of slow twitch or Type 1 most likely to perform successfully in endurance activities

People with high proportion of fasttwitch or Type 2 fibres most likely to perform successfully in anaerobic or explosive events

What is the effect of a warm up on the skeletal muscle? (Give 4)

Less risk of injury

Increased Muscle temperature

Increased Elasticity

Increased Flexibility

Greater Speed of muscular contraction

Greater Force of muscular contraction

Improves Performance in power based activities

What is the effect of a warm-up on the vascular system? (Give 4)

Increased Blood flow due to vascular shunt mechanism

Vasomotor control centre redistributes blood from organs to the working muscles

Vasoconstriction Of arterioles or pre-capillary sphincters decrease blood flow to organs

Vasodilation Of arterioles or pre-capillary sphincters increase blood flow to working muscles

Increased Venous return

Skeletal Muscle pump squeezes veins forcing blood back towards the heart

Pocket Valves in veins ensure one way blood flow

Respiratory Pump pulls blood up towards the heart

Smooth Muscle in veins contracts

Increased Venous return increases stroke volume (Starling’s Law)

This all leads to increased oxygen delivery toworking muscles

What is the effect of a cool-down on the skeletal system? (Give 3)

Decreased Risk of Delayed Onset of Muscle Soreness

Which is swelling that cause’s pain

Experienced 24-72 hours after exercise

Due to microscopic tears in the muscle fibres

What is the effect of a cool-down on the vascular system?

Heart rate gradually decrease

Increased Enzyme activity involved in breakdown of lactic acid

Maintains Blood flow

Skeletal Muscle pump remain active which prevents blood pooling

Vascular shunt mechanism remains active

Give 3 physiological factors that affect joint stability.

Strength of ligaments

Type of joint

Size or strength of muscles

Strength of tendons

Injury To connective tissue, amount of weight supported by joint

How can physical activity help joint stability?

Ligaments become stronger or more elastic

Muscle strength increases, muscle hypertrophy

Increase in number of muscle fibres

Tendons become stronger

Increased thickness of (articular) cartilage

What is Osteoarthritis?

Osteoarthritis is a degenerative joint disease

Caused by a loss of articular cartilage

In osteoarthritis cartilage is destroyed quicker than it is replaced

Friction between the ends of bones causes’ pain, swelling,

Bone spurs can be formed where friction occurs

Osteoarthritis commonly affects weight bearing joints, it commonly affects hips or knee's

How can P.A develop osteoarthritis?

An injury to a joint or damage to growth plate can cause onset of Osteoarthritis.

Lack of physical activity or increased body weight can cause onset of Osteoarthritis

Activity with large forces travelling through the joints or contact sport can cause Osteoarthritis

Repetitive actions or overuse can cause Osteoarthritis

How can P.A prevent or protect against osteoarthritis?

Increase thickness of cartilage

Thicker cartilage secretes more synovial fluid thatnourishes joint

Increase joint stability - strengthen ligaments

Strengthens surrounding muscles or increases muscle tone or lower body weight

How can high impact sports help prevent Osteoporosis?

Stronger bones - increase in peak bone density

Reduced risk of osteoporosis

Osteoporosis is the weakening of bones, making bones more prone to fractures

Weight bearing activities are best to improve bone health.

What is Linear Motion?

a body moveswith all parts moving at the same velocity in the same direction

What is angular Motion?

a body or part of a body moves in a circle or part of a circle around a fixed point.

What is general motion?

there is a combination of linear and angular motion.

What does Newton's 1st law state?

a body will remain in a state of uniform motion or at rest unless an (external) force acts upon it.

What does Newton's 2nd Law state?

the acceleration or rate of change of momentum of an object is proportional to the force (and takes place in the direction in which the force acts.)

What does Newton's 3rd Law state?

for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.

How can changes in the COM affect performance?

Lower the centre ofmass the more stable

low CofM performer can resist external forces

Line of gravity within base of support creates a stable position

Line of gravity moving away from centre of base of support reduces balance

Line of gravity outside base of support creates an unstable position

A wide base of support: allows greater movement of centre of mass giving better stability

By moving the centre of mass outside line of action of force a performer can create angular motion.

By moving the centre of mass inside line of action of force a performer can create linear motion

By raising the centre of mass or gravity at take off a body can remain in the air longer or gain more height

How is 02 transported in the blood?

Combines with haemoglobin, forming oxyhaemoglobin. Dissolved in blood plasma

What is blood pressure?

The Pressure exerted by blood against the walls of a blood vessel (artery)

Give a typical value for blood pressure.


What is heart rate?

Beats per minute

What is Stroke volume?

Amount of blood ejected from the heart (ventricle) in one beat. (60– 90ml during rest)

What is cardiac output?

Hr x SV (amount of blood ejected from the heart in one minute)

Describe changes in stroke volume from rest to maximal exercise.

Stroke volume increaseswith exercise intensity

SV reaches a maximum value during sub-maximal exercise

Then SV decreases slightly during maximal exercise

SV decreases at very high exercise intensity

Maximal stroke volume =120–200ml

SV decreases because HR is so high there is not enough time for the ventricles to fill completely during diastole.

Identify mechanisms that maintain venous return during exercise.

Skeletal muscle pump

Pocket valves

Respiratory muscle pump

Smooth muscle

Gravity from above the heart

What is Starlings Law?

More blood returning to the right atrium of the heart

Increased stretch of the heart wall during ventricular diastole

Causing greater force of contraction during ventricular systole

As SV = EDV-ESV, stroke volume increases,

Cardiac output = heart rate x stroke volume

Therefore cardiac output increases

More blood returning to the right atrium or heart directly stimulates the SA node which increasesheart rate

Describe intrinsic control mechanisms that cause Q to increase during exercise.

Increased venous return

The right atrium stretches, more blood enters ventricles causing them to stretch further

This increases the strength of contraction of ventricles

This increases stroke volume

Body temperature increases which increases heart rate

Cardiac Output increases as cardiac output = SV x HR

Describe the conduction system that controls the cardiac cycle.

1. Atria fill with blood during atrial diastole

2. Pressure builds in the atria, blood travels passively intothe ventricles during ventricular diastole, SA node sends an impulse

3. Impulse spreads across atria causing atrial systole (contraction of both atria)

4. This causes the remaining blood in the atria to be pushed into the ventricles

5. Impulse reaches AV node

6. Impulse continues down the bundle of His

7. Impulse distributed to the purkinje fibres

8. This causes ventricular systole (contraction of both ventricles) from the bottom upwards.

What are the adaptations of the CV system caused through exercise?

Cardiac hypertrophy - increase in strength of the heart

Resulting in increased stroke volume

Decreased resting heart rate

Bradycardia or resting heart rate below 60bpm

Reduction in blood pressure

Capillarisation at alveoli and muscle cell allows for greater gaseous exchange during external or internal respiration

Better vasoconstriction or vasodilation results in increased efficiencyof vascular shunt mechanism

Increased blood volume

More red blood cells

Increased oxygen carrying capacity in the blood - steeper diffusion gradient of oxygen between the blood and the muscles

Increased VO2 max

Delayed OBLA

What is CHD?

CHD is any condition that is detrimental to the efficiency of the cardiovascular system

What are risk factors for CHD?

Hypertension or high blood pressure (systolic bp above140mmHg and diastolic bp above 90mmHg)


Poor diet



What is Arteriosclerosis:

A condition where the walls of the coronary arteries become thicker or less elastic

This prevents vasoconstriction and vasodilation of arterioles

Less efficient vascular shunt mechanism

What is Atherosclerosis:

Fatty deposits build up on the arterial walls

Fatty plaque forms in the arterial walls of the heart

Narrowing of the lumen in the coronary arteries so restricted flow of blood to heart muscle

Increased Likelihood of blood clots

Leading to high blood pressure (hypertension),heart attack, angina or arteriosclerosis

What is a heart attack or myocardial infarction?

A sudden and severe restriction or complete blockage of oxygen supply to the myocardium (heart tissue)

Will usually cause permanent damage to the heart wall

What is angina?

A pain in the chest caused by the partial blockage of acoronary artery

Causes a lack of oxygen to the myocardium

How can aerobic activity prevent CHD?

Cardiac hypertrophy resulting decreased resting heart rate

Helps prevent fatty deposits forming in arteries so helps prevent atherosclerosis

Helps prevent arteriosclerosis, maintains elasticity of arteries

Helps prevent heart attack or angina

Helps prevent blood clots forming as reduced blood viscosity

Reduced body weight

Reduce blood pressure

reduced blood cholesterol

reduced LDL cholesterol

LDL cholesterol is high in blood lipids that build up on the walls of coronary arteries causes atherosclerosis and arteriosclerosis

increased HDL cholesterol

HDL cholesterol is low in blood lipids

It will remove LDL cholesterol from the walls of the coronary arteries

This reduces the risk of atherosclerosis and arteriosclerosis

This in turn reduces the risk of angina or heart attack

less chance of fatty deposits building up on the walls of the coronary arteries and restricting the flow of oxygen to the myocardium

Why can activity be dangerous for old, untrained or obese?

Blood pressure will increase to dangerous levels

Increased risk of heart attack

Increased risk of chest pain due to angina

Increased stress placed on the cardiovascular system

What are the neural factors that affect heart rate during activity?

Chemoreceptors detect decreases in O2 or increases in CO2 or Lactic acid

Proprioreceptors detect increase in movement

Baroreceptors detect increases in blood pressure

Thermoreceptors detect increase in blood temperature

Messages are sent to the cardiac control centre (CCC) in themedulla oblongata

SA node stimulated via the accelerator nerve

The sympathetic nervous system increases heart rate

increases cardiac output

Q = SV x HR / cardiac output = stroke volume x heart rate

What are the neural factors that affect heart rate during recovery?

Chemoreceptors detect increases in the O2 or decreases co2 or Lactic acid

Proprioreceptors detect reduction in movement

Baroreceptors detect decreases in blood pressure

Messages are sent to the SA node via the vagus nerve

The parasympathetic nervous system decreases heart rate.

What is the vascular shunt mechanism?

Chemoreceptors detect increase in (pp) CO2

Proprioreceptors detect movement

Baroreceptors detect increasein pressure

Information sent to the vasomotor control centre (VCC) in the medulla oblongata

How does the VCC use the sympathetic Nervous System?

Decrease nerve impulses to the arterioles or pre-capillary sphincters leading to the muscles

Vasodilate the arterioles leading to the muscles

vasodilate the pre-capillary sphincters leading to the muscles

Increase nerve impulses to the arterioles or pre-capillary sphincters leading to the organs

Vasoconstrict arterioles leading to the organs

Vasoconstrict the pre-capillary sphincters leading to the organs

How do neural factors affect the mechanics of breathing?

Chemoreceptors detect decrease in O2 or increase in CO2 or lactic acid

Proprioceptors detect movement

Baroreceptors detect increase in pressure

Themoreceptors detect increase in blood temperature

Messages are sent to the respiratory control centre (RCC) in the medulla oblongata

which stimulates the inspiratory centre

expiratory centre stimulated by baroreceptors or stretch receptors

What are the mechanics of breathing during active inspiration?

Increased stimulation of external intercostals via intercostal nerve

Increased stimulation of the diaphragm via phrenic nerve

External intercostal muscles (EIM) and diaphragm contract harderor more (than at rest)

Sternocleidomastoid (SCM) or scalenes or pectoralis minor contract

Ribs move up and out morethan at rest - volume or area of thoracic cavity increases more than at rest.

More air rushes into lungs, increased depth of breathing than at rest

What are the mechanics of breathing during active expiration?

Expiration becomes active rather than passive

Stimulation Of expiratory muscles. Additional muscles are used: internal intercostals, rectus abdominus

Ribs move down and in more than at rest.

More air forced out of the lungs, increased rate of breathing from rest

increases minute ventilation

Minute Ventilation = Tidal Volume x breath frequency

Describe gaseous exchange of 02 at the aveoli.

Partial pressure in the alveoli is the same at rest as during exercise

Partial pressure in the capillaries is lower during exercise than at rest

Diffusion Gradient is steeper during exercise than at rest

More oxygen moves from the alveoli to the blood during exercise than at rest

Hb is fully saturated during exercise but not at rest

Describe carbon dioxide external respiration

Gases move from high partial pressure to low partial pressure

CO2 diffuses from the blood to the alveoli

There is a high partial pressure in the blood

There is a low partial pressure in the alveoli

There is a diffusion gradient between the alveoli and the blood

Describe oxygen external respiration

Oxygen diffuses from the alveoli to the blood - oxygen diffuses down the diffusion gradient

There is a high partial pressure of oxygen in the alveoli

During exercise muscles use more oxygen

So there is a lower partial pressure of oxygen in the blood

There is a steeper diffusion gradient of oxygen

More oxygen diffuses from the alveoli to the blood

Describe the process of internal respiration During exercise

More oxygen is available for diffusion into the muscle cell

Dissociation Curve shifts right meaning a greater dissociation of O2 from haemoglobin

Increase in the temperature of the blood

Reduces affinity of oxygen to haemoglobin

More oxygen being used in the muscle cell

Decrease in the partial pressure of oxygen in the muscle

Increased Diffusion or concentration gradient (of O2)

More Carbon Dioxide or Lactic Acid in blood

Increased acidity/ decrease in pH of the blood / Bohr Effect

Describe the effect of carbon monoxide on the transport of 02 in the blood

Less efficient gas exchange or diffusion

Haemoglobin has a higher affinity for carbon monoxide than O2 - less oxygen combines with haemoglobin

The partial pressure of oxygen in the blood decreases

Less oxygen is carried or transported in the blood

Less O2 delivered to muscles

Describe the effects of altitude on the respiratory system.

Decrease in atmospheric pressure (air thinner)

Causes increase in breath frequency

Causes an increase in water loss

Decrease in pressure of oxygen in atmospheric air compared to sea level(less oxygen in the air compared to sea level)

Decrease in efficiency of the respiratory system

Decrease in ppO2 in the alveoli

Reduced O2 diffusion gradient at the alveoli

Less O2 diffuses into the blood - decreased gaseous exchange betweenalveoli and blood

Less O2 combines with haemoglobin (haemoglobin is less saturated at lungs)

Less oxygen is transported in the blood - less oxygen is transported to the working muscles

Decrease in efficiency of internal respiration

Reduced O2 diffusion gradient atthe muscle

Decrease in O2 dissociation from haemoglobin to myoglobin

Less O2 diffuses into the muscle cell

Increase in chemoreceptor stimulation

Chemoreceptors detect lower O2 level

Information sent to respiratory control centre (RCC)

Inspiratory centre and expiratory centre stimulated

Leading to increased depth and rate of breathing

Increased risk of altitude sickness or dizziness or nausea or vomiting

Air is dryer

Increased risk of dehydration

Describe the effects on performance whilst performing at altitude.

Aerobic performance deteriorates

Cannot Train at the intensity or for as long as possible at sea level

Reversibility Will occur

VO2 max is reduced

Increase In lactic acid - slower removal of lactic acid

Early Fatigue or OBLA

E.g. cyclistsin the Tour de France

Low intensity exercise less affected E.g.mountain walking

Some anaerobic are unaffected

Some Anaerobic performances benefit from lower air resistance E.g. throwing events: discus or javelin will travel further

In some anaerobic activities performance deteriorates

Decreased Tolerance to or buffering of lactic acid

Increased Levels of lactic acid inhibits enzyme action E.g. 200m or 400m or 800m

What are the positive effects of training on the respiratory system.

After 4-6 weeks altitude training increases efficiency of respiratory system (acclimatisation occurs)

Increased number or surface area of alveoli

Increased capillary density at alveoli or muscles

Increased capacity for diffusion at alveoli or muscles

Increased release of EPO

Increased haemoglobin or red blood cell

Increased oxygen carrying capacity of blood

Increased strength of respiratory muscles e.g. diaphragm orintercostals or scalenes

Increased Lung volumes or capacity or depth of breathing or tidal volume

What is Asthma?

reduces the amount of oxygen getting in to the lungs

It is a reversible narrowing or constricting of respiratory airways (asthma makes it hard to breathe)

Causing coughing, breathlessness, wheezing, mucus production, chest tightness

What are the causes of Asthma?

Asthma is most commonly caused byinflammation of the bronchus

It is usually brought on by triggers

Allergens e.g. exhaust fumes, pollen, hair and dust

Exercise induced asthma (EIA)

Drying of airways increased by more breathing exercise

More likely with high intensity exercise

More likely when exercising on cold days

E.g. Winter sports – cooler air tends to bedrier

E.g. Water sports, swimming– due to chlorine

What are the physiological effects of asthma on people performing in endurance activities.

Can cause unconsciousness- can be dangerous

Can limit athletic performance due to reduced function of respiratory system

Less oxygen is supplied to the muscles

Specially limits aerobic athletes who are reliant on oxygen uptake

Tidal volume reduced

Efficiency of gaseous exchange at the alveoli and the muscle reduced

Causing increased levels of lactic acid to be produced -early onset of fatigue or OBLA

What methods are available to help control Asthma

Medical inhalers

Blue inhalers e.g. ‘Ventolin’etc. Used during exerciseto relieve symptoms, Used before exercise to relax airways (dilate bronchi)

Brown, beige, white, red, orange e.g. ‘Becotide’ / Symbicort etc

Used daily, To reduce inflammation in airways, Inhaled before exercise as preventative measure to improve lung function

Inspiratory muscle Training

Use of respiratory equipment to develop strength of respiratory muscles

Forced inspiration and expiration exercises e.g. ‘Powerbreathe’

Use twice a day, 30 breaths, Maximal inspiration and maximal expiration

Breathing Control or breathing exercises


Increased intake of vitamins or fresh fruit or vegetables

Drink lots of water (to avoid dehydration)

Increased intake of fish oils

Reduced intake of salt

Caffeine acts as a bronchodilator, caffeine now off banned IOC list

What are the effects of smoking?

Smoking Can cause:

Decreased Elasticity of respiratory structures, damage to or irritation of respiratory structures

Narrowing of airways or respiratory pathways

Tar in lungs

Coughing,shortness of breath and wheezing

Increased Likelihood of asthma attack or developing asthma

Frequent lung infections

What are the effects of smoking on performance?

Reduction in performance of endurance athlete (endurance athletes find it harder to compete)

Decreased lung volume or capacity - decreased volume of air or oxygen reaching alveoli

E.g. tidal volume, minute ventilation and vital capacity

Reduction insurface area for gaseous exchange or diffusion

Cigarette smoke contains carbon monoxide

Haemoglobin has ahigher affinity for carbon monoxide than oxygen

Haemoglobin Combines with carbon monoxide instead of oxygen during external respiration

Reduced saturation of oxygen with haemoglobin at lungs, therefore reduced ppO2 in blood

increased levels of carbon monoxide in blood

decreased levels of oxygen in blood

Less oxygen delivered to working muscles

Decreased Diffusion or concentration gradient of oxygen

increased diffusion distance for gaseous exchange due to tar build up