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26 Cards in this Set

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continental shelf

relatively fat area of seabed, stretching from the land to the edge of the continental slope

continental slope

the steeply sloping area of the seabed that stretches from the continental shelf to the abyssal plain

submarine canyons

any of a class of narrow steep-sided valleys that cut into continental slopes and continental rises of the oceans.

abyssal plain

a large area of extremely flat or gently sloping ocean floor just offshorefrom a continent


extinct volcanic cones that lie below the surface


a flat-topped volcano that reached the surface but later subsided

mid ocean ridges

A boundary where two oceanic plates are moving away

rift valley

long, steep valley formed when two parallel rifts form in the Earth's crust and the land between them sinks

Transform vaults

fracture zones usually at right angles to the main ridges, caused by the plates moving apart

Ocean trenches

are-shaped depressions, formed at subduction zones

oceaninc conveyor belt

a global thermohaline circulation, driven by the formation and sinking of deep water and responsible for the large flow of upper ocean water

predatory fish

fish that eat other fish


the process of fishing to such an extend that fish species are driven to extinction

fish stocks

the amount of fish of a species

exclusive economic zone

the coastal water and sea bed around a country's shores, to which itclaims exclusive rights for fishing, oil exploration, fishing, etc


weathering away of the shoreline by material carried by the waves

hydraulic impact/quarrying

the force of water and air on rocks


wearing away of base-rich rocks by acidic water


the rounding and reduction of particles carried by waves

salt weathering

the process by which sodium and magnesium compounds expand in joints and cracks thereby weakening rock structures

freeze.than weathering

the process whereby water freezes expands and degrades jointed rocks

water-layer weathering

tidal cycle of wetting and drying

biological weathering

carried out by molluses, sponges and urchins and is important in low-energy coasts


the limestone skeleton skeleton secreated by certain marine polyps often deposited in extensive masses to form a reef

coral reef

a ridge in a relatively, shallow, tropical sea, consisting of colonies of coral and other organic matter


tropical evergreen tree or shrub with interwined roots and stems which grows in dense groves in swamps or along tidal coasts