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69 Cards in this Set

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surface zone (mixed layer)
upper layer - relatively constant salinity and temperature with depth due to mixing by wind waves and currents. In contact with atmosphere (and oxygen) and exposed to sunlight. Least dense water. About 2% of total ocean volume. Extends to about 150 meters (500 feet) on average but locally can reach depths of 1,000 meters (3,300 ft) or be absent - will see examples later
Pycnocline zone
density increases with increasing depth. Isolates surface water from denser layer below (deep water). About 18% of all ocean water. Density difference mainly controlled by temperature change.: rapid change in density
Deep ocean layer
80% of ocean water
rapid change in temperature; warmer surface waters, rapid change in temperature to cold deep waters
Deep ocean layer
80% of ocean water
rapid change in temperature; warmer surface waters, rapid change in temperature to cold deep waters
lower salinity surface water, rapid change to saltier waters in deep ocean
mixed layer
Upper depth interval wherein temperature is locally influenced by atmosphere and is relatively uniform due to turbulent mixing by waves, tides, etc
Middle depth interval where temperatures sharply decline; well-developed at low- to mid-latitudes, but more subtle at higher latitudes; C. Thermohaline circulation primarily affects water in the deep oceans below the zone of surface ocean circulation. It produces nutrient-rich waters that rise to the surface during upwelling.A. Changes in water temperature and salinity alter water mass density and cause them to move vertically to reach water masses of comparable density.
deep ocean layer
Lower depth interval beneath thermocline; lots of subtle temperature variations but persistently less than ~5 °C
can strengthen pycnocline (if low salinity at surface) or weaken pycnocline (if high salinity at surface); can strengthen or weaken the thermocline-dominated pycnocline
deep currents
are very wide and kind of slowly seep along the ocean floors, wending their way between sea floor topography. They are much slower in comparison. A complete circuit around a deep water current could take 2000 years.
is a surface of constant potential density of water.
An isothermal process is a change of a system, in which the temperature remains constant: ΔT = 0. This typically occurs when a system is in contact with an outside thermal reservoir (heat bath), and the change occurs slowly enough to allow the system to continually adjust to the temperature of the reservoir through heat exchange
Of equal or constant salinity
What are the differing driving forces for surface and deep currents
The movement of deep water in the ocean basins is by density(caused by more saline and colder water) driven forces and gravity represented by the blue path(pic below. Red paths reprents surface pushed by wind and much quicker than deep water.
What is the ultimate source of the driving forces?
Primary Forces--start the water moving
The primary forces are:
1. Solar Heating
2. Winds
3. Gravity
4. Corioli
What natural processes alter the surface salinity of the oceans
Note surface salinity - low at high latitudes, higher at equator and tropics; processes that decrease salinity such as the continuous input of fresh water from rivers, precipitation of rain and snow, and melting of ice. The weathering of rocks delivers minerals, including salt, into the ocean. Evaporation of ocean water and formation of sea ice both increase the salinity of the ocean
Density changes
lowest on top, highest on bottom;
-Increases as seawater gets colder
-Increases as salinity increases (as seawater gets saltier)
water gets colder with depth, increasing density
Temperature is major control on density changes
S increases, density increases
Why doesn't a thermocline form in polar regions?
there isn't a thermocline in polar areas because the temperature at the surface of the ocean, in the surface mixed zone, is similar to the temperature of the water in the deep zone. this happens because there is not much sunlight in polar areas
• There are 8 general Taxonomic groupings which are
1. Domain
2. Kindgom
3. Phylum (or division for plants)
4. Class
5. Order
6. Family
7. Genus
8. Species
• There are 5 kingdoms
1. Monera
2. Protista
3. Fungi
4. Plantae
5. Animalia
What percentage of the world ocean is involved in surface water
2 percent
Compare the speed of surface and deep ocean currents
Whereas speeds of surface currents can reach as high as 250 cm/sec (98 in/sec, or 5.6 mph) a maximum for the Gulf Stream, speeds of deep currents vary from 2 to 10 cm/sec (0.8 to 4 in/sec) or less."
Explain where and why water from the mixed layer sinks into the deep ocean
The where is specific high
latitude regions in which the local surface waters are made sufficiently cool (through heat loss to the
atmosphere) and/or sufficiently salty (through earlier/lower-latitude loss of water via evaporation or the exclusion of dissolved solids during sea ice formation) that they become more dense than the surrounding waters. This locally denser surface water spontaneously sink and adjacent surface waters flow in over them, are transformed to higher density by the same processes, and in turn sink downwards.
vertical circulation
Upwelling and downwelling describe the vertical movements of water masses.
stable water column
A "stable" water column is one where these "layers" don't mix. This situation might be found in a shallow lagoon that is not subject to tides, currents, etc. that would cause mixing. where less dense (warm) water overlies more dense (cold) water.
Unstable water column
An unstable water column occurs where denser water overlies less dense water.
Thermohaline circulation-
a cube of surface water becomes suffieciently cold and salty that it becomes more dense than the surrounding water. Makes a lot of cubes, let them move, build currents. It occurs because temperature and salinity together drive density variations that in turn drive circulation. Carries oxygenated water to the deep ocean
brine finger
Brine finger sinks
•Outer edges freeze
•Grows as brine flows through hollow straw of the brinicle (combination brine and icicle)
•Once hits sea bottom - higher density flows downslope due to gravity
•Salty cold water kills organisms in path
•Dubbed the "Finger of Death
What is the difference between a stable and unstable water column in terms of density
An unstable water column occurs where denser water overlies less dense water. ;stable where less dense (warm) water overlies more dense (cold) water.
In which (stable, unstable) will you have vertical water flow?
vertical motions are inhibited by a stable density structure.
What is the temperature range of most deep water masses (less than ___)?
5 C
Where do the deep water masses originate?
The Atlantic
Where do the deep water masses originate?
What increases the density of the seawater
The freezing of ice
What is evaporative cooling?
The principle underlying evaporative cooling is the fact that water must have heat applied to it to change from a liquid to a vapor. When evaporation occurs, this heat is taken from the water that remains in the liquid state, resulting in a cooler liquid.
Explain how distinctive water masses can exist and be tracked in space and
where a water mass is an identifiable body of water that has physical properties distinct from surrounding water. traced by amounts of oxygen Young water
-High dissolved oxygen
-Start of conveyor = deep North Atlantic
•Old water
-Low dissolved oxygen
-End of conveyor = deep North Pacific
nitrate, New Water - high nitrate - deep North Atlantic
•Old Water - low nitrate - deep Pacific
Tritium - bomb produced in 1940s on
-CFC‟s (freon) introduced in 1930s
-Added to atmosphere, then air/sea exchange into the ocean
North Atlantic deep water (NADW)
is a water mass that forms in the North Atlantic Ocean. It is largely formed in the Labrador Sea and in the Greenland Sea by the sinking of highly saline, dense overflow water from the Greenland Sea. 2nd most dense The watermass can be traced around the southern end of Greenland and then, at a depth of 2000-4000 meters, down the coast of Canada and the United States where it turns a bit east. It continues southeast, past the eastern tip of South America and across the South Atlantic. Its path can ultimately be traced into the Southern Ocean and around the tip of Africa as it mixes with Circumpolar Deep Water.
Antarctic intermediate water (AAIW)
is a cold, relatively low salinity water mass found mostly at intermediate depths in the Southern Ocean. The AAIW is formed at the ocean surface in the Antarctic Convergence zone or more commonly. called the Antarctic Polar Front zone. This convergence zone is normally located between 50°S and 60°S, hence this is where almost all of the AAIW is formed. 4th most dense
Antarctic bottom water (AABW)
is a type of water mass in the Southern Ocean surrounding Antarctica with temperatures ranging from -0.8 to 2 °C (31 °F), salinities from 34.6 to 34.7 psu. Being the densest water mass of the World Ocean, AABW is found to occupy the depth range below 4000 m of all ocean basins that have a connection to the Southern Ocean at that level[1]. The major significance of Antarctic bottom water is that it is the coldest bottom water, giving it a significant influence on the movement of the world's oceans. Antarctic bottom water also has a high oxygen content relative to the rest of the oceans' deep waters. This is due to the oxidation of deteriorating organic content in the rest of the deep oceans. Antarctic bottom water has thus been considered the ventilation of the deep ocean.MOST DENSE
Mediterranean Intermediate Water (MIW)
MIW forms by evaporation of relatively-warm water in the semi-enclosed Mediterranean Sea. Increased salinity results and the water sinks to the bottom of the Sea. Less saline surficial water from the Atlantic Ocean flows into the Mediterranean Sea to replace the lost surface water while the deep warm and salty MIW flows over the sill at Gibraltar and sinks into the eastern North Atlantic Ocean. MIW then continues to flow westward at depths of 1-2 km reaching as far as the island of Bermuda in the western North Atlantic Ocean.3rd most dense
global ocean conveyor belt
The global ocean conveyor belt is a constantly moving system of deep-ocean circulation driven by temperature and salinity; The ocean conveyor gets it "start" in the Norwegian Sea, where warm water from the Gulf Stream heats the atmosphere in the cold northern latitudes. This loss of heat to the atmosphere makes the water cooler and denser, causing it to sink to the bottom of the ocean. As more warm water is transported north, the cooler water sinks and moves south to make room for the incoming warm water. This cold bottom water flows south of the equator all the way down to Antarctica. Eventually, the cold bottom waters are able to warm and rise to the surface, continuing the conveyor belt that encircles the globe.

It takes almost 1,000 years for the conveyor belt to complete one "cycle."

distributes heat across the globe it is powered by cold salty water sinking and deep water rising to replace it
Describe deep water masses in terms of temperature, oxygen and nutrients
Young water
-High dissolved oxygen
-Start of conveyor = deep North Atlantic
•Old water
-Low dissolved oxygen
-End of conveyor = deep North Pacific
New Water - high nitrate - deep North Atlantic
•Old Water - low nitrate - deep Pacific
What is the densest water mass? Where do you find it in relation to the seafloor?
Being the densest water mass of the World Ocean, AABW is found to occupy the depth range below 4000 m of all ocean basins that have a connection to the Southern Ocean at that level[1]
What is the estimated age of the oldest deep water? Where is it located?
the oldest waters (with a transit time of around 1600 years[citation needed]) upwell in the North Pacific (Primeau, 2005).
What are two types of man-made tracers that can be used for ocean water masses?
Manmade Tracers
-Tritium - bomb produced in 1940s on
-CFC‟s (freon) introduced in 1930s
-Added to atmosphere, then air/sea exchange into the ocean
How do nutrients change from young to old waters?
Nutrient along circulation path
-Nitrate is a primary limiting nutrient
-At surface - photosynthesis - nitrate removed from seawater
-At depth - decay of organic matter - nitrate returned to seawater
•New Water - high nitrate - deep North Atlantic
•Old Water - low nitrate - deep Pacific
How does oxygen change from young to old waters?
Young water
-High dissolved oxygen
-Start of conveyor = deep North Atlantic
•Old water
-Low dissolved oxygen
-End of conveyor = deep North Pacific
Types of Upwelling
-Diverging currents (Equatorial and Antarctic)
upwelling is a term used to denote water that rises to the ocean's surface from depth. It is caused by wind patterns, and is beneficial because the cold, deep water contains nutrients and dissolved gases, that with sunlight, create favorable conditions in which phytoplankton can photosynthesize. Phytoplankton are the base of oceanic food webs; therefore, areas of upwelling are important ecologically and economically
Upwelling along equator results from convergence of NE and SE trades and Ekman transport of surface wates to the north in the northern hemisphere and to the south in the southern hemisphere.
Downwelling zones
Winds from the south - southerly winds, produce Ekman transport to the east toward the coastline
-Water is pushed downward (downwelling) water piles up at the coast and moves to deeper levels
Upwelling zones
•Winds from the north - northerly winds, produce Ekman transport to the west away from the coastline
-Water upwells from the deep to replace
deeper water moves up to replace the surface water
Upwelling may be seasonal depending on the strength of the prevailing winds
upwelling is the physical process of bringing up colder, nutrient-rich, deep waters to the surface along coastlines and the equator by physically pulling away overlying surface waters
Nutrients literally "fertilize" the surface waters and promote biological productivity
Antarctic Divergence
is a region of rapid transition located in the Antarctic Zone of Southern Ocean between the Continental Water Boundary to the south and the Polar Front to the north. It can be distinguished hydrographically by a salinity maximum below about 150 meters caused by the upwelling of water of high salinity, i.e. North Atlantic Deep Water. Above this salinity maximum the boundaries are blurred by high precipitation and the melting of ice. Its position corresponds reasonably well to the demarcation between the east and west wind drifts which, in the light of Ekman dynamics, at least partially explains its divergent nature.
Equatorial Upwelling
With water flowing directly away from the equator, both northward and southward, the equator itself has a deficit of water Hence, water from below upwells to fill in the gap. Equatorial upwelling is most prominent in the Pacific Ocean
Coastal Upwelling due to Ekman transport
Prevailing winds produce Ekman transport (Coriolis effect) in surface waters
most prominent along california and pregon coasts. peru coast
Eastern boundary currents - upwelling
relatively shallow, broad and slow-flowing. They are found on the eastern side of oceanic basins (adjacent to the western coasts of continents). Subtropical eastern boundary currents flow equatorward, transporting cold water from higher latitudes to lower latitudes; examples include the Benguela Current, the Canary Current, the Peru Current, and the California Current. Coastal upwelling often brings nutrient-rich water into eastern boundary current regions, making them productive areas of the ocean.
Normal conditions, El Nino, La Nina
An El Nino condition results from weakened trade winds in the western Pacific Ocean near Indonesia, allowing piled-up warm water to flow toward South America. Trade winds weaken/reverse.
•Warm waters flow to Americas.
•Rain in the Americas (Low P)
•Productivity declines
The cooler water temperatures associated with La Niña are caused by an increase in easterly winds. Under normal conditions these winds force cooler water from below up to the surface of the ocean. When the winds increase in speed, more cold water from below is forced up, cooling the ocean surface.
La Nina is cooler than average water
How can wind-driven horizontal movement of water induce vertical movement in surface
the wind driven horizontal movement of water can sometimes induce vertical movement in the surface water. The movement is called wind induced vertical circulation. Upward movment of water is known as upwelling; the process brings deep, cold usually nutrient laden water toward the surface. Downward movement is called downwelling.
How is the Coriolis effect involved in equatorial upwelling?
though the coriolis effect is weak near the equator and absent at teh equator, water moving in the currents on either side of the equator is deflectd slightly poleward ad replaced by deeper water. thus equatorial upwelling occurs in these westard flowing equatorial surface currents
Types of Upwelling
There are three main types of upwelling; equatorial, coastal, and seasonal. Equatorial upwelling is caused by the winds known as the trade winds. The trade winds blow from east to west in the vicinity of the equator. On the northern side of the equator Ekman Transport is to the right (northward), and on the southern side it is to the left (southward). With water flowing directly away from the equator, both northward and southward, the equator itself has a deficit of water. Hence, water from below upwells to fill in the gap. Equatorial upwelling is most prominent in the Pacific Ocean
is an important process because this water from within and below the pycnocline is often rich in the nutrients needed by marine organisms growth
What type of winds are needed to induce coastal upwelling in the northern Hemisphere?
Southern Hemisphere?
Winds from the north - northerly winds, produce Ekman transport to the west away from the coastline
-Water upwells from the deep to replace
Winds from the south - southerly winds, produce Ekman transport to the east toward the coastline
-Water is pushed downward (downwelling)
Wind-driven currents are diverted to the right of the winds in the Northern Hemisphere and to the left in the Southern Hemisphere due to the Coriolis effect. The result is a net movement of surface water at right angles to the direction of the wind, known as the Ekman transport (See also Ekman Spiral). When Ekman transport is occurring away from the coast, surface waters moving away are replaced by deeper, colder, and denser water.[2]
What are the characteristics (temperature and nutrient content) of upwelled water?
cooler nutrient rich
What happens with the trade winds to trigger an El Nino event?
El Nino condition results from weakened trade winds in the western Pacific Ocean near Indonesia, allowing piled-up warm water to flow toward South America.
How does El Nino impact the eastern Pacific waters in terms of temperature and
An El Nino condition results from weakened trade winds in the western Pacific Ocean near Indonesia, allowing piled-up warm water to flow toward South America. Warmer winters, winter storms. El Nino event decreases the coastal winds. Thus the upwelling from below is slowed
Why do Peruvian fisheries decline - often dramatically - in El Nino years?
El Nino event decreases the coastal winds. Thus the upwelling from below is slowed Decreases upwelling off of South American coast Negative impacts on productivity, fishes and marine birds and fishermen!
How might weather in the western US be affected by El Nino?
For southwestern US - more storms and rain = wild weather!. Warmer Winters winter storms