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106 Cards in this Set

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what has a singke nodeand two antinodes and a period of 120 secs
fundamental mode of seiches
what has 2 or more nodes, more than 1 antinode, and has a period of 40 to 60 secs
harmonic modes of seiches
where are the maxinum horizontal currents?
nodes and antinodes
equation for tides
(time) /(number of nodes)
tides time for galveston bay
75 mins
average height of a tsunami in the ocean?
average depth of a tsunami in the ocean?
4 km
typical speeds of a tsunami in the ocean?
441.4 mph
what is the longest of all waves?
what is the wave height and also can be tenths of meters to several meters
tidal range
low to high tides
what body of water that the tidal range can go up to 15 meters
bay of funday
a tide that comes once daily
diurnal tide
a tide that comes twice daily
tide that is irregular semidiurnal snd tidal range is unequal
mixed tides
tide with maximum tide range comes in 2 week intervals due to the linear alignment of the sun and moon
spring tide
tide with the minimum tide range that come in 2 week intervals due to the right angle alignment of the moon and sun
neap tide
tides during the 1st and 3rd moon
neap tide
tides during the full moon and half moon
spring tide
syandard elevation defined by phasebof the tide
tidal datum or zero reference
equilibrium theory of tides
inertia is the same for oarticle in and on earth, gravitional attraction decreases as the squareof the distance from the moon, at the center of the earth the gravitational force is precisely equal in strength but opposite in direction of inertia
center of mass of earth-moon system (CM)
how gravitational and cetrifugal force are used to explain creation of two tidal bulges.
gravitational force pulls inward and cetrifugal force pull outward, makes a greater bulge on. the moon side than the other, both forces are equal on ech bulge
why is the barycenter in the mantle
earth mass 81x the moon, in 1700 km into the mantle
what tide are in high latitudes
what tide are in mid latitude
what tide is in low latitude
why dont you see the tide change on earth
because of the effect of continents and bathymetry
why does the moon rise 50 min later each day?
because the moon rotates and extra 1/25 which equal 50 mins
why does the sun only have 46% of tidal force?
distance from the earth, the moon is closer to the earth than the sun
what are the effects of the moon declination and orbital variation of tides?
because tide-rising forces vary intensely twith the cube of the distance seperating the masses, the range fluctuate over time
point of orbit where it is farthest from the sun
opposite of perihelion
point in orbit where it is farthe from the body
opposite of pedrigee
point in orbit that it is closser to the sun
opposite of apogee
point that is closer to the body
which of the following is tge sun directly above the equator
autumnal equinox, vernal equinox,
what is a marine coast
secondary proceses is altered by waves
what is a non marine coast
primary processes is altered by terrestrial influences
how to classify deltas
when SEDs arrives to coast more than marine energy can redistribute, once fprmed it digitates or grows distributary branching channels
example of a delta
Mississippi river
what controls long term sea level changes
ocean volume, basins, temperature, isostacy, ENSO
which long term level change is eustatic
highest point, coarsest grains
berm crest
slopes back to dunes
what zone slopes toward water and a active zone
what zone has breakers
section of coast whete sand input is equal to sand output
coadtal cell
maximum wave setup occurs
spacing between two rips equal
the wavelength of a edgewave
sand budget input
longahore transport to the beach, river supply, cliff erosion, onshore transport
sand budget output
longshore transport out the beach, offshore transport, wind transportation
low energy waves, reflective
swell profile
high steep swells, dissapative
storm profile
retreating coast, low land tectonics, submergent
transgressive sea
prograding, emerging, high land tectonics
regressive sea
possoble origins of barrier islands
longshore extensions of sandpits, submerged sand ridges, sea level rised slowly
how are estuaries classified
fjord, bar builted, drowned river valley, tectonics
types of estuaries
salt wedged, well mixed, partislly mixed, reverse
example of reverse estuary
corpus christi
exampke of partially mixed estuary
Chesapeake Bay
0-.5 salinity
.5-3 salinity
oligohaline brackish water
3-10 salinity
mesohaline brackish water
10-17 salinity
oligohaline saltwater
17-30 salinity
mesohaline saltwater
34-38 salinity
polyhaline saltwater
over 38 salinity
example of a feedback loop
atm-co2-plant loop, dms-plant-cloud-loop
all life have
marine origin, and slightly saline
how do feedback loops respond
as a thermostat
what are the major elements
C, O, H, N
what are the macro elements
Na, Mg, P, S, Cl, K, Ca, I, Si
what are the micro elements
Fe, Cu, Zn
what is the use for iron
electron transport
what is the use for sodium
osmotic regulations
what the is use for zinc
nucleic acid replication
life ia considered to have low or high entropy
which cycle is the limiting factor
when carbonn is fixed by autotrophs
45% used for growth, 45% used for respiration, 10% is losted to DOC
what os being fixed in the carbon cycle
what is being fixed in the phosphate cycle
what is being fixed in the nitrogen cycle
forms of nitrogen found in the cycle
n2, no2, no3, nh4,
how does iron end up being so limiting
its needed for photosynthesis, protein structure, enzymes for nitrogen fixation
how does evolution impact the isolation of population
smaller population have a more rapid rate of evolutionary change
rank the six extinctions from worst to least
ordovician, devonian, permian, triassic, cretaceous, eocene
why ocean have less species than land
temp, and more stable
what are 2 favorable adv in marine algae
max surface area, semipermiable wall
example of bacteria
example of archaea
example of protista
example of fungi
mold, mushroom
example of plantae
fern, mosses
examplw of animalia
of the 7 factors which is the most fundamental
classification order
who handle temp swing better
ratio of p to n
1 to 16
why is thete more co2 in the ocean the o2
co2 is 1000x more soluble in ocean than atm
what process cause ocean to increase fron 8 to 8.5
what cause ocran to de rease from 8 to 7.5
lack of photosynthesis
in temperate latitude wht season change occur
summer heat help stratification keep plankton near surface, breaks down in the fall, small bloom in fall, starts in spring, limited in winter
less saline, low urine production, drinks seawater
osmotic water gain, more saline, high urine production
what mechanism has evolve marine fish t g at are denser than seawater
gravity and buoyancy, gas bladders
difference between cold and hot water plankton
cols water offers more buoyant support
type of drag
suface, form, turbulent