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11 Cards in this Set

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Q. Biological therapies for OCD


-Antidepressants = reduce anxiety related to OCD, e.g. SSRIs & Tricyclic clomipramine,

-Anti anxiety = Benzodiazepines (BZs) and D-Cycloserine


-Cingulotomy & Capsulotomy

-Transcranial stimulation (TNS)

-Deep brain Stimulation (DBS)

Q.How do anti-depressants treat OCD

SSRIs reduce anxiety associated with OCD e.g. prozac

-They work by increasing serotonin (which is associated to OCD and anxiety)

-SSRIs stop the reuptake of serotonin which leaves more serotonin in the synapse

-Serotonin also implicated in the 'worry circuit'

Q.How do anti anxiety drugs treat OCD (3steps) & the other drug

Benzodiazepines (anti-anxiety):

1st- BZs slow down activity in the CNS

2nd-By enhancing GABA activity, which has a calming effect on the neurons in the brain

3rd-As GABA locks into the receptors & opens the channel which increase the flow of Chloride ions into the neuron

=> makes it harder to be stimulated by other neurotransmitters


An antibiotic used to treat tuberculosis, has an effect on reducing anxiety - could be used to treat OCD, esp when used with psychotherapy.

Als appears to enhance GABA activity

Q.The effectiveness of chemotherapy

-3 studies

-Koran, studies are 3-4months = no long-term data

-Soomro, reviewed 17 studies, found drugs were more effective than placebos - supports effectiveness as shows benefit were due to the drug

-Szetehman, 50%-70% report reduction of symptoms

Q. Eval the appropriateness of chemotherapy

- 4 studies

-Koran, sponsored review by APA, suggeted that psychotherapies should be used first.

-Drugs take little effort and are effective in the short term but...

...patients are likely to relapse within a few weeks if medication is stopped, Maina

-Soomro, potential side effects e.g. nausea, headache & insomnia - reduces appropriateness as side effects may outweigh/reduce the benefits

-Schwartz, found that behavioural therapy can be sufficient without drugs

Q. What is cingulotomy & capsulotomy

-The removal of the Cingulum & Capsule in the brain

Capsule: part to the limbic system, which is involved in emotions & anxiety

Cingulum: connects the Orbitofrontal cortex (OFC) to the Caudate Nucleus.

*LS = Capsule

Q. What is deep brain stimulation & transcranial stimulation

DBS: Wires are placed on targeted areas of patients brain & connected to battery in patients chest. The current would disrupt the targeted circuits e.g. the worry circuit

TNS: large electromagnetic coil is placed above patient's scalp. Creates a painless current that stimulates the frontal cortex - associated with mood & anxiety

Issues with classification/diagnosis of OCD

Reliability: Consistency of measuring the instrument

Woody et al, assessed 54 patients and found good internal consistency.

-Inter-rater reliability was excellent

-Test retest after an avg interval of 48.5 was lower than desirable

Kim et al, good test retest results over short-term e.g. 2 weeks


Validity of Diagnosis:

-YBOCS questionnaire = demand characteristics e.g. social desirability, may write to fit what interviewer wants

- May not understand questionnaire

- May not be aware of severity of their symptoms

Discriminant validity, ability to distinguish between OCD and other conditions

- Rosenfeld et al, patients with OCD scored higher on Y-BOCS

- Woody et al, found poor discrimination between depression & OCD

Q. Bio exp for OCD (Genes & neuroanatomy)


- certain genes may influence brain structure leading to abnormalities and may impact ability to perform mental tasks - lead to anxiety - OCD


-Brain structure:

1. damage to Basal ganglia - in frontal lobe - controls thinking & judgement

2. 'worry circuit': OFC -> caudate nucleus to regulate signals -> thalamus -> OFC

-CN should suppress minor worries - damage = that thalamus is overactive - anxiety - OCD

Q. Studies for Bio exp


Nestadt(2000): 80-OCD + 343 fam & 73-non + 300 fam = relatives are 5x more likely

Arbor - relatives 9x

Blacks - only 2.5% of relatives =population

Billet: meta-A, 14 studies = MZ twins 2x

Casey & Gottesman: MZ = 87% DZ = 47%

Andrews: No higher concordance

Brain struct:

Wise & Rapport: basal ganglia & parkinsons - parkinsons linked to OCD= basal ganglia - OCD

Menzie: 31 OCD, 31 relatives, 31 cntrl - ability to stop repetitive behaviour - fam & OCD = hard to stop + less grey matter in OFC

Q. Diagnostic criteria for OCD (Who, what, where & why)

OCD: an anxiety disorder involving obsessions & compulsions

O: are intrusive, recurrent thoughts/images/impulses that are distressing/inappropriate/forbidden

C: irresistible physical or mental actions people feel compelled to carry out that reduce the anxiety

Who: the patient

What: they are repetititve & unpleasant - try to resist them

When: compulsions are persistent for at least 2 weeks

Where: they are not from another mental disorder - originate from the mind not external

Why: they cause distress/interfere with life (are not pleasurable)