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30 Cards in this Set

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What causes wood pilings to collapse
ship worm--a mollusk
What are being used for plings instead of wood that shipworms damage
plastic or wood that is coated in a oil based product
The ship worm is not a worm what is it
Name 2 mollusks that have no outer shell
What are mollusks called/class that have 2 shell parts
class bivalvia--pelecypods
What do all mollusks have
soft bodies composed of head foot and visceral mass(internal organs)
and either an internal or external shell
coelom and brain
what holds the 2 valves together in a bivalvia
adductor muscles
there are 2 scars on a 'valve' what causes them
adductor muscles
what bivalve has only 1 adductor muscle
Name 3 bivalves
clam, oyster, mussel, scallop
What feeds on clams
sea stars
How do you tell the age of a clam
liness on the shell like rings on a tree--ea line represents 1 year --some are wider than other which indicates more growth
What is a shell composed of
How does a bivalve build its shell
thin membrane called the mantle lines the inside of ea shell and protects the interanl organs--the mantle contains shell glands that secrete CaCO3-producing the shell
How does water flow in a bivalve
siphon tube that protrudes through a gap in the shells for feeding and breathing
incurrent and excurrent siphon
what do the incurrent and excurrent siphons do?
incurrent-food and oxygen enter
excurrent -waste products of digestion and respiration are eliminated
How do bivalves breath
gill membranes
How do bivalves feed
water containng plankton and organic debris pass into clam from the incurrent siphon and move along by ciliary action
How do clams ingest food
food particles get stuck in a mucus and the cillia move food into mouth in a 1 way digestive system
what kind of circulatory system do the bivalves have
how are nutrients and oxygen transported in a clam
colorless blood
What are byssal threads
attach mussel to rocks and other hard surfaces--a fibrous protein
Name some ways that bivalves attach to substrates
byssal threads, cement
How are pearls formed?
has same compostion as inside of shell--deveoles when a grain of sand lodges betw/mantle and shell--mantle reacts by secreting layers of shell around the grain
What is thw fastest bivalve
How does a scallop move
sudden spurts--the scallop repeatedly contracts and relaxes it large adductor muscle--the shell open and closes forcing out water-pushing the shell in opposite direction
What is the advantage of burrowing for a shell
escape predators
What is a 1 shelled shell (univalve) called/class
What does gastropoda mean
stomach footed
What is the most common gastropod