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41 Cards in this Set

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What are oceans monitered by?
What do remote sensors do?
Gather info on features of the earth without being in physical contact
Name four conditions that the remote sensors/satellites can get info on?
Ice cover, ocean depth, water temperature, weather conditions
What do the following satellites measure?
a. TOPEX/Poseidon-launched in 1992, monitors ocean circ, sea surface temp, sea surface height
b. SEASTAR-launched by NASA in 1997, measures ocean's oxygen producing plankton on weekly basis
c. AQUA-launched in 2002, measures precipitation and evaporation
d. SARSAT-means search and rescue satellite aided tracking, locates people in dis tress on land and sea
What does NOAA stand for?
national oceanographic and atmosphere administration
The sea surface temps are shown on computers in colors, what do the colors represent?
Red/yellow warm H2O, blue/green cold water
What federal agency monitors the ocean?
Scientist who study the physical structure of earth are?
Marine geologists
What was the first ship to drill for core rock samples?
Glomar Challenger, 1968 the new ship is the Resolution which can drill 6500 m
What does RUM II stand for?
Remote underwater manipulator
What does RUM II do?
Picks up objects from ocean floor, takes video and uses sonar to determine water depths
Name two scientific journals?
Journal of marine biology: Journal of marine science
Name three important research centers.
Scripps in La Jolla, Calif: Woods hole in Mass: Lamont-Doherty in New York
Who owns and operates Alvin?
Woods Hole
Whay does FLIP stand for?
Floating instrument platform
Explain how FLIP works.
100 meter hollow tube with a research station on on end. FLIP is towed to site, ballast tanks filled with H2O, then flips on itself, when vertical position can now run tests
Name three modern pioneers in marine science.
Captain Jacques Cousteau, Dr. Sylvia Earle, Dr. Robert Ballard
What dis Jacques Cousteau do?
Co-inventor aqua lung(scuba), invented 1 person souscoup submersible, ocean explorer, filmaker, founder 'Cousteau Society'
What did Robert Ballard do?
Found Titanic, Bismark and Lusitania: discovered tube worms at hydrothermal vents, founder of institute for exploration, author
What did Sylvia Earle do?
World record holder for deepest dive in jim suit, author, chief scientist for NOAA
Be able to explain the scientific method.
State the problem, collect relevant information, form hypothesis, test hypotesis, record observations, tabulate results, draw conclusions
In an experiment 2 groups tested, 1 exposed to variable and 1 is not?
Controlled experiment
Group exposed to variable is the?
experimental group
The group in an experiment that has nothing changed?
Control group
If an experiment's pH drops below 8 what does that mean?
Acids are building up in the tank
What piece of equipment measures salinity?
What is salinity?
The amount of salt dissolved in water.
What is the average salinity of ocean water?
3.5% or 35ppt
What does ppt mean?Ppm?
Parts per thousand, parts per million
What % of air in our atmosphere is oxygen?
The curved surface of a measurement on the graduated cylinder is called the?
This is defined as mass per unit volume.
You can use this to determine density?
Fresh water has density of?
This is defined as the ratio of density of a substance to the density of fresh water?
Specific gravity
What is the average density of ocean water?
Which is denser fesh or ocean water?
ocean--has more 'stuff' in it---mostly salt
Beisdes salt what can have an effect on water density?
Pressure and temperature
What is the measure of heat energy in a substance?
On the C scale water freezes at? and boils at?
0 and 100
Name the types of microscopes.
Simple micro,
Compound micr,
Dissecting micr.
Research micr.
Election Micr.