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30 Cards in this Set

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What is the infundibulum?

The cup at the end of the fallopian tube which surrounds the oocyte

What are fimbriae?

Finger-like projections that extend off the infundibulum

True or false - the anterior and posterior walls of the vagina never touch

False - they are in contact except during sex and childbirth

What is the introitus?

The vaginal orifice

What is the rectouterine pouch of Douglas?

A folding of peritoneum between the posterior uterus and the rectum

What is the vesicouterine pouch?

A fold of peritoneum between the anterior uterus and bladder

The fallopian tube can be divided into which regions?

Infundibulum, ampulla, isthmus

The cervix is composed of which 3 regions?

Internal os

Cervical canal

External os

What are the lateral fornices of the vagina?

Small pockets on either side of the cervix

What is the fundus of the uterus?

The top portion of the uterus

What attaches the ovary to the uterus?

Ligament of ovary

What attaches the uterus to the body wall?

Round ligament of uterus

The ligament of the ovary and the roung ligaments of the uterus are remnants of which structure?

Ovarian gubernaculum

What is the normal alignment of the uterus?

Anteverted and anteflexed

What does anteflexed mean?

The body of the uterus is bent forwards at internal os of cervix

What does anteverted mean?

Cervix is bent forwards relative to the vagina

How can you remember which way round anteverted and anteflexed is?

AnteVerted involves the Vagina and cerVix

What is the opposite of anteflexed/anteverted?

Retroflexed and retroverted

What is the broad ligament? What can it be divided into?

A double fold of peritoneum that covers the superior aspects of the uterus and binds everything together

Formed from mesometrium (covers uterus), mesosalpinx (covers uterine tube) and mesovarium (covers ovary)

Where specifically does the round ligament of the uterus pass to?

The inguinal canal and labia majora

Draw a diagram showing from a superior view the ligaments holding the uterus to the body wall. What are the components of these ligaments?

Uterosacral, pubocervical, transverse Cervical ligament

Draw a diagram showing a coronal view of the female pelvic floor and perineum. Which four muscles lie above the perineal membrane?

Compressor urethrae, external urethral sphincter, ischiocavernosus, bulbospongiosus

What are the 3 main arteries that supply the vagina and uterus? What branches do they give

Ovarian artery (Gonadal), which gives tubal branches and ovarian branches

Uterine artery, which gives a vaginal branch

Vaginal artery

The ovarian artery arises from which structure?

Abdominal aorta

The uterine artery arises from which artery?

Internal iliac

What artery supplies the vaginal artery

Internal iliac of a branch of the uterine

What is the pelvic pain line?

An imaginary line separating the fundus and body of the uterus from the cervix

How is the uterus innervated above the pelvic pain line?

By sympathetic and visceral afferents from T12-L2, that run together in the same nerve

How is the cervix innervated below the pelvic pain line?

Top 3/4s by pelvic splanchnic nerve (S2-S4)

Bottom 1/4, distal vagina by pudendal nerve

If you want to eliminate sensation in the entire uterus, what would you do? If its to cervix, what then? If to distal vagina, what then?

A spinal block for entire anaesthesia of pelvis

Caudal epidural for entire cervix

Pudendal nerve block for distal vaginal block