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29 Cards in this Set

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Diseases grouped by "Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease"
Chronic Bronchitis
Confusing Term/Don't Use It
COPD Diseases
Chronic Bronchitis
Cause of obstruction in COPD
Chronic Bronchitis - edema, necrosis, firbrosis due to infection in bronchial tree

Emphysema - loss of lung's elastic recoil, small airways collapse during forced expiration
COPD Causes
Cigarettes & alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency (may also show liver cirrhosis)
What's in a smoker's lungs?
Tobacco & carbon pigments, Loss of ciliary motion, Goblet cell proliferation,
Thickened basement membrane,
Increased macrophages with impaired abilities,
Increased elastase production,
Squamous metaplasia,
Destruction of alveolar walls
Emphysema Diagnosis
PFTs with prolonged time required for full forced exhalation in absence of asthma
Forms of Emphysema
Centrilobar & Panlobar, all look the same by the time its symptomatic
Emphysema Pathogenesis
PMNs, monocytes, & pancrease?, create elastases. Cigarette smoking brings lots of PMNs to lungs, Elastase damages elastic fibers of lungs
Pink Puffer vs. Blue Bloater
Pink Puffer - Hypercarbic drive, struggles, keeps some air in to keep lungs from collapsing, puffs chest out (barrel chested), small breaths, purses lips, puts muscle into it, emphysema

Blue Bloater - Lost hypercarbic drive, cyanotic, happier, doesn't struggle, cor pulmonale, much sputum production, chronic bronchitis
Puffer is Buffer
Bullous emphysema, little or no lung tissue, may rupture causing pneumothorax
Other forms of emphysema*
Compensatory - misnomer, after removal of lung lobe
Irregular/Tractional - misnomer, after scarring
Senile - old age
Interstitial Emphysema - air pushed into fibrous tissues, listen for MILKMAN's CRUNCH
"Reid Index"
Ratio of thickness of submucosal mucous glands to entire submucosa, Normal up to .4, increased in chronic bronchitis
Chronic Bronchitis Findings
Tolerance for hypercarbia, copious secretions even in absence of pneumonia
Why is there smooth muscle in bronchi?
To help get irritants out. Cough!
Bronchial Asthma smooth muscle effect
Small bronchi are abnormally responsive to stimuli causing contriction OR inflamed OR both
What STD may be related to asthma?
Mast Cell factors affecting bronchoconstriction
histamine, bradykinin, leukotrienes, prostaglandins
Asthmatic triggers
Type I hypersensitivity IgE
Viral Infections
Cigarette smoke
Inhaling heroin
Strong odors
Aspirin (and other NSAIDS)
Exercise (especially in cold)
Gastric acid reflux
Allergic Asthma
IgE mediated hypersensitivity, Leukotrienes effect important here
Often have "Charcot-Leyden" crystals in sputum & Curschman's spirals
Idiosyncratic asthma
due to ASA, tartrazine yellow, COX inhibitors
Asthma remodeling
Thickened basement membrane
Smooth Muscle hyperplasia
Increased goblet cells
Asthma treatment
Mainstay - inhaled glucocorticoids, which prevent pathology and cause eosinophil apoptosis
Bronchiectasis Definition and Bronchial Effect
Permanent cylindrical dilation and ulceration of the bronchial tree, as ulcer heals, it scars, scar contracts and pulls bronchi wide
Clincial symptoms Brochiectasis
Chronic cough, lots of sputum
Bronchiectasis causes
following infection (whooping cough)
Sleep Apnea Cause and Symptoms
Uvula blocks airway of sleeping patient, patient snores, may be overweight or drink a lot, may have a thick neck, sleeps in supine position
Sleep Apnea Clinical Presentation
Deterioration of patient (hypothyroidism & down's syndrome)
Morning headaches
Patient believes he/she is getting 8 hours of sleep
Sleep Apnea Treatment and Diagnosis
Sleep clinic - polysomnography
Sleep on side
Protriptyline - drug
Remove uvula/tonsils
Pickwickian Syndrome
Severe sleep apnea resulting in loss of hypercarbic drive, obese patients