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325 Cards in this Set

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Most common cause of preterm birth

Placenta Previa or abruptio

Birth before 37 weeks from the first day of LMP or 245 days after conception

Preterm birth

Contraction with cervical change before 37 weeks

Pre term labor

Fetus pregnancy or neonate that is between 20 to 37 weeks


Underdeveloped organ function


Preterm labor with Intact membranes PPROM preterm cervical effacement or insufficiency and uterine bleeding

Spontaneous preterm birth

Medically initiated

Indicated preterm birth

Single most powerful predictor of preterm


Best time to screen: 22 to 25 weeks aog

Tocolytic of agent of choice in preterm


Premature closure of ductus arteriosus


Antibiotic of choice for preterm

Ampicillin 2 grams iv q 6

Gentamicin 1.5 mg/kg q 8

Corticosteroid for Preterm

Betamethasone 12 mg im q 24 for 2 days

Dexa 6 mg im q12 for 4 doses

Most catastrophic site of ectopic pregnancy -- madugo!


Most common site of ectopic pregnancy


Most common symptom of ectopic pregnancy

Pelvic and abdominal pain

Gold standard for ectopic pregnancy


Methotrexate dosage

50 mg/m2 BSA

Indication for Methotrexate

1. Pregnancy is less than 6 weeks

2. Tubal mass of less 3.5 cm

3. NO cardiac activity

4. Serum Beta HCG <10 to 15k miU/ml

Contraindications for methotrexate

Active bleeding

Breast feeding



Blood dyscrasia

Liver or renal dse

Pulmonary dse

Accessory gland infection and perihepatitis


Treatment for gonorrhea

Ceftriaxone 250 mg IM single dose

Azithromycin 1 gm PO single dose

Gold standard dx for gonorrhea

Culture (Thayer Martin)

Vagina ph >4.7

Clue cells

Fishy odor

Bacterial vaginosis

Tx for Bacterial Vaginosis


Routine screening is not recommended

Routine tx of sex partners not recommended

Green yellow frothy discharge

Strawberry cervix


Tx for Trichomoniasis


Partner should be treated

Breastfeeding must be withheld to 12 to 24 hours after last dose

Vulvar pruritus

External dysuria and dyspareunia

White curdy vaginal wall

Vulvovaginal candidiasis

Diagnosis for vulvovaginal candidiasis

KOH or saline wet prep

Best diagnostic tool for thyroid dse?


Goal of 3rd stage of labor

Delivery of intact placenta

Avoidance of uterine inversion

Avoidance of post partum hemorrhage

Signs of placental separation

1. Globular and firmer fundus

2. Sudden gush of blood

3. Rise of uterus into abdomen

4. Lengthening of umbilical cord

Unang yakap

1. Immediate and thorough drying

2. Early skin to skin contact

3. Properly timed cord clamping

4. Non separation for early breastfeeding

Lacerated extend through skin, mucous membrane, and perineal body and anal sphincter


Extension of laceration through the rectal mucosa to expose lumen of rectum


Aside from skin and mucous membrane, the fascia and muscles of the perineal body


Fourchette perineal skin and vaginal mucous membrane but not the underlying fascia and muscle


Goal is to bring fetal feet within reach

Two fingers will push knee away from midline

Spontaneous flexion of extremity follows

Foot maybe grasped and brought down

Breech decomposition

Both feet grasped through the vagina

Ankles held with 2nd finger bet them

Feet brought through the introitus with gentle traction

Complete breech extraction

Breech spontaneously delivered to the umbilicus

Posterior hip will deliver from 6 oclock

Anterior hip delivers next

Ext rotation to sacrum anterior

Fetal bony pelvis grasped with both hands using cloth towel

Fingers rest on anterior superior iliac

Thumbs on sacrum

Partial Breech Extraction

Delivery of entrapped aftercoming head

Divides sympheal cartilage to widen pubis symphisis pubis up to 2.5 cm


Apply pressure on malar prominence to flex the head


Incision on the cervix at 2 oclock and at the 10 oclock position

Duhrssen Incision

Puerperium period time

4 to 6 weeks post delivery

Prolonged latent phase for nulliparas

>20 hours

Prolonged latent phase for Multiparas

>14 hours

Protracted active phase dilatation for nulliparas

At phase of max. slope

<1.2 cm/hr

Protracted active phase dilatation for multiparas

At phase of max. slope

<1.5 cm/hr

Protracted descent for nulliparas

At max slope of descent

<1 cm/hr

Protracted descent for multiparas

<2 cm/hr

Prolonged deceleration phase for nulliparas

Arrested at deceleration phase (cx 8 to 9 cm) >3 hours

Arrested at deceleration phase (cx 8 to 9 cm) >3 hours

Prolonged deceleration phae for multiparas

Arrested at deceleration phase (cx 8 to 9 cm) >1 hour

Secondary arrest of dilatation for both nulliparas and multiparas

Stops at phase of max slop for more than 2 hours

Arrest of descent for both nulli and multiparas

Stops during pelvic division station +1

>1 hour

Failure of descent

Station 0

Lack of descent during decel phase or 2nd stage of labor

Prolonged 2nd stage for nullipara

Cervix 10 cm

>3 hours with RA

>2 hours without RA

Prolonged 2nd stage for multiparas

Cx at 10 cm

>2 hours with RA

>1 hour without RA

Suprapubic pressure over posterior aspect of anterior shoulder

Mazzanti maneuver

Anterior shoulder disimpaction

Two fingers vaginally pushing the posterior aspect of anterior shoulder towards chest

Rubin Maneuver

Anterior shoulder disimpaction

Two fingers on anterior aspect of posterior shoulder to rotate obliquely



Patient in all 4's maneuver

Grasp posterior arm and sweep against chest and deliver

Gaskins maneuver

Shoulder dystocia

Restore fetal head to an occiput anterior or posterior position


Shoulder dystocia

Lateral rot of thigh flex knees


Breech delivery

Loveset maneuver

Breech delivery

5 contractions in 10 mins


Contractions lasting more than 2 mins


Antidote for mag sulfate

Calcium gluconate 10 ml of 10%

Sonographic signs of preterm birth

Shortening of cervix at 25 mm at 16 to 24 weeks

Dilatation of internal os of more than 5 mm at 30 weeks

Prolapse of membrane into cervix


Biochemical markers for preterm

Ffn elevated

Mmp 8 elevated

Insulin like factor binding protein 1 or actin partus

Placental alpha microglobulin 1 or amnisute test

What is the only reliable indicator of clinical chorioamnionitis in women with preterm rupture of fetal membrane




When you proceed to delivery in PROM

34 weeks and above

When will you do expectant management in PROM?

Less than 34 weeks

Group b strep prophylaxis and corticosteroids are not recommended for this week of aog

Less than 24 weeks

Group b strep prophylaxis and corticosteroid use are recommended in this week of aog

24 to 33 weeks

Heavy vaginal bleeding

Tissue with appearance of placenta

Cervix open

Incomllete abortion

Plan for dilatation and curretage

Minimal bleeding per os

Passage of meaty tissue

Cervix closed

Uterus not enlarged

Complete abortion

Request for TVS

TVS revealed intrauterine pregnancy

No fht

Cervix closed

Uterus not enlarged

Missed abortion

Ripen the cervix then D&c

Most Common symptom of ectopic pregnancy

Pelvic and abdominal pain

Painless vaginal bleeding

Placenta previa

Preterm labor for placenta previa management


Vaginal delivery for placenta previa indicated for weeks aog

More than 35 weeks

Placental edge of more than 20 mm (2 cm) away from os

Vaginal delivery

Placental edge within 0 to 2 fm from os

Vaginal delivery

CS is indicated in previa

Overlap 0 mm>

>37 weeks fot previa

>36 weeks for accreta

Villi attached to myometrium

Placenta accreta

Villi actually invade the myometrium

Placenta increta

Villi that penetrate through the myometrium and to or through serosa

Placenta percreta

DIC intrinsic pathway

Septic abortion


DIC extrinsic pathway

Abruptio placenta, amniotic fluid embolism, retained dead fetus, saline induced abortion

Most common cause of DIC

Abruptio Placenta

Frequent complication of precipitous delivery

Uterine atony

Nifedipine when combined to this will cause neuromuscular blockade


Gestational HTN criteria

HTN after 20 to 40 weeks aog

Normal BP after 12 weeks post partum

No proteinuria

Pre eclampsia Mild without severe features

>140/90 after 20 weeks aog

With or without proteinuria

Platelet less than 100k

Increase transaminase levels 2x above normal

Serum creatinine >1.1 mg dl in absence of renal dse

Pulmonary edema

Cerebral or visual disturbances

Pre ec with severe features

>160/110 after 20 weeks aog

RUQ or epig pain


Transaminase level elevated

Serum crea more than 1.1> or 1.2 mg/dl in the absence of renal disease

Oliguria <400 to 500 ml/day

Pulmonary edema

Severe headache altered mental status

Partial or total loss of vision in normal appearing eyes

Chronic HTN

>140/90 prior to pregnancy before 20 weeks and persistent 12 weeks postpartum

Terminate preg in severe pre eclampsia if weeks aog

Less than 23 weeks

Expectant management in severe pre eclampsia

23 to 34 weeks

DOC for gestational or chronic htn in pregnancy


DOC for urgent control of severe htn in pregnancy


Fetal growth restricion side effect of drug


Neonatal thrombocytopenia side effect of drug


Impair fetal respnse to hypoxic stress side effect of drug

Beta blocker

Neonatal hypoglycemia at high doses side effect of this drug

Beta blocker

Volume contraction and electrolyte disorders side effect


Useful in combination with methyldopa and vasodilator to mitigate compensatory fluid retention


Inhibits labor synergistic axn with mgso4 in lowering bp


Do CS if what age of gestion in severe pre eclampsia

Less than 32 weeks

Do vaginal delivery in severe pre eclampsia in what weeks aog

>34 weeks

Deliver baby if in severe pre eclampsia

>34 weeks aog

Dosage of Mgso4

4 g sivp

5 g im

Serum Mgso4 levels

4 to 7 meq/L (4.8 to 8.4 mg/dl)

Prevents convulsions

Patellar relflex disappears

8 to 10 meq/l

Prolonged av conduction

12 meq /l

Serum mgso4 level of respiratory depression

12 to 15 meq/l

Cardiac arrest

24 meq/l

Most common adverse cv event encountered in pregnant women


Intermittent asthma

<2 day / week daytime

<2x /month nocturnal

Normal fev1/fvc

>80% predicted fev1

Mild persistent asthma

>2 day/week daytime

>3-4x /month nocturnal awakening

Normal fev1/fvc

>80% predicted fev1

Moderate persistent

Daily symptom

>1x per week but not nightly

Reduced 5% fev /fvc

60 to 80% fev1

Severe persistent asthma

Throughout the day

Often 7x/wk

<60% predicted fev1

Reduced more than 5% fev1/fvc

Tx for severe persistent asthma

High dose ICS


Tx for moderate persistent asthma

Low dose ICS


Mild persistent asthma tx

Low dose ICS

Milt intermittent tx


Very severe persisent asthma tx

Oral corticosteroid

Most frequent complication of pneumonia in pregnancy

Premature rupture of membranes

Effect of chlamydia and gonorrhea to fetus

Opthalmia neonatorum

Ocular prophylaxis

1% silver nitrate

1% tetracycline ointment or

0.5% erythromycin ointment

Most common transmission of syphilis


Screening Diagnostic for Syphilis

VDRL or RPR (reactive)

Confirmatory test for syphilis


TP - A


Tx for early syphilis

Benzathine pen G single IM dose

Appears after penicillin tx of women with primary and secondary syphilis characterized by uterine contractions accompanied by fetal heart decelerations

Jarisch Herxheimer rxn

Indication for sx during pregnancy


Adnexal mass


Overt DM

FBS more than 126 mg/dl

RBS more than 209 mg/dl

HBA1c more than 6.5

2 hour 75 g ogtt more than 200 mg/dl


Fbs >92 mg/dl

1 hour >180 mg/dl

2 hour >153 mg/dl or >140 mg/dl

No risk fx dm when is the best screening time

24 to 28 weeks using 2 g ogtt

If ogtt at 24 to 28 weeks normal what step will u do


If ogtt at 24 to 28 weeks normal but present with clinical signs and symptoms of hyperglycemia

Retested at 32 weeks

If with risk for dm

2 hour 75 gram ogtt at 1st consult

Dm pregnant when is delivery

39 > weeks

Elective cs if dm pregnant

Feus is suspected to be obese

Efw of >4500 grams

Estimated blood loss of NSVD singleton

500 to 600 ml

Estimated blood loss of CS

1000 ml

Estimated blood loss of NSVD twins

1000 ml

Cervical mucus plug acts as a barrier against infection for the fetus because there an increase of this agent

IgA and IgG


Vaginal mucus


Results in remission in some of autoimmune disorder

Supressed th1 response

Iron rqt for normal pregnancy

1k mg of iron

Coagulation and fibrinolysis that increases


Factor 7

Factor 10


Softening of isthmus

Hegars sign

Increases on pulmonary fxn in pregnant

TV and inspiratory capacity

Weight of uterus at term

1100 grans

Term weight of uterus

1100 grams

Bluish tint of the cervix

Goodells sign

Soft in consistency of cervix due to

Increased cervical edema

Corpus luteum fxns maximally at

First 6 to 7 weeks

Total urine blood flow

450 to 600 ml per min

Increased vascularity vagina violet discoloration


Metabolic demand in 1st tri

85 kcal per day

Metabolic demand in 2nd tri

285 kcal per day

Metabolic demand in 3rd tri

475 kcal /day

Leptin deficiency is associated with



Secreted primarily by stomach in response to hunger

Cooperates with leptin in energy homeostasis modulation


Abnormally elevated leptin have been associated with

Pre eclampsia and gestational dm

Primarily secreted by adipose tse and some by placenta plays a role in body fat and energey expenditure regulation


Increased electrolytes and minerals



Decreased in adrenal hormone


Chadwick sign is presumptive/probable or positive sign and symptom?


Montgomery tubercle is presumptive/probable or positive sign and symptom?


Chloasma is presumptive/probable or positive sign and symptom?


Thermal changes is presumptive/probable or positive sign and symptom?


Striae gravidarum is presumptive/probable or positive sign and symptom?


Linea nigra is presumptive/probable or positive sign and symptom?


Spider telangiectasia is presumptive/probable or positive sign and symptom?


Perception of fetal movement by patient is presumptive/probable or positive sign and symptom?


Nausea and vomiting is presumptive/probable or positive sign and symptom?


Breast tenderness is presumptive/probable or positive sign and symptom?


Positive preg test is presumptive/probable or positive sign and symptom?


Outlining of fetal parts is presumptive/probable or positive sign and symptom?


Abdominal enlargement is presumptive/probable or positive sign and symptom?


Goodelss sign is presumptive/probable or positive sign and symptom?


Hegars sign is presumptive/probable or positive sign and symptom?


Ballotment is presumptive/probable or positive sign and symptom?


FHT is presumptive/probable or positive sign and symptom?


Ballotment happen at

20 weeks

Fht via ultrasound

5 to 8 weeks

Fht via doppler

10 to 12 weeks

Fht via stet

16 to 19 weeks

Fetus via utz see gestational sac

4 to 5 weeks

Fetus via utz see fetal heartbeat

6 weeks

Fetus via ultz see crown rump length

12 weeks

Embro or fetus by utz is presumptive/probable or positive sign and symptom?


Fetal movement perceived by examiner is presumptive/probable or positive sign and symptom?


Fetal movement will be perceived by examiner by

20 weeks aog

Secondary ammenorrhea is presumptive/probable or positive sign and symptom?


Ductus venosus will become

Ligamentum venosum

Falciform ligament

Umbilical artery will become

Umbilical ligament

Umbilical vein will become

Ligamentum teres

Umbilical artery and vei will close at

3 to 4 days

Ductus arteriosus and venosus closes

2 to 3 weeks

Foramen ovale closes

1 yr

Functionally closes venosus at

10 to 96 hours

Fxnally closes ductus arteriosus

10 to 12 hours

Presence of terminal sac

26 weeks

Bronchial branching

16 to 26 weeks

Surfactant detectable in the amniotic fluid

24 weeks

Secondary septation

32 weeks

Formation of major airways

Birth of acinus

6 to 16 weeks

Pulmonary surfactant mature

34 weeks

Amniotic fluid by 12 weeks

60 ml

Amniotic fluid by 34 to 36 weeks

1 L

Amniotic fluid by term

840 ml

Amniotic fluid by 42 weeks

540 ml

Removal and regulation of amniotic is done by

Fetal swallowing

Fetal aspiration

Exchange through skin and fetal membranes

Source of amniotic fluid by early preg

Maternal plasma as ultrafiltrate

Source of amniotic fluid by 2nd trimester

ECF that diffuses through fetal skin

Source of Amniotic in more than 20 weeks

Fetal urine

Nephrotoxicity and otoxicity side effect in preterm infants

Aminoglycosides (gentamicin or strep)

Gray baby syndrome in neonates


1st trimester hypoplastic left heart syndrome



Clefts and asd


1st tri: anencephaly, left ventricular outflow obstruction, choanal atresua and diaphragmatic hernia


More than 25 weeks yellowish brown discoloration of deciduous teeth




Miscarriage and ear defects

Mycophenolic acid

Hypopladtic t shaped uterine cavity

Cervical colars and breast ca

Epididymal cysts




Embryopathy at 6 to 9th week

Stippling of vertebrae

Nasal hypoplasia

Choanal atresia


Clover leaf skull

Wide nasal bridge

Low set ears


Limb abnormalities


Irreversible hypothyroidism

Risk of thyroid cancer


Ebsteim anomaly

Displacement of tricuspid valve


Cranial neural defects

Retinoid - most potent teratogen

Retinol of how many iu per day causes defect

More than 10,000

Most common non lethal trisomy

Downs syndrome

Strawberry shaped cranium trisomy 18




Trisomy 13

Only monosomy compatible with life


45 x

Most common sex chromosome abnormality




Cat like cry

Cri du chat

Fetal movement in primigravid

18 weeks to 20 weeks

Fetal movement in miltigravid

16 to 18 weeks

Crown rump length be detected at

10 to 12 weeks

Most accurate tool for gestational assignment

Yolk sac

5 to 6 weeks

Embryonic pole with cardiac motion

6 weeks

Fh is at pubic symphysis

12 weeks aog

Fh is at umbilicus

20 weeks

Fh is at xiphoid process

36 weeks

Iron sup for anemic twin and late intake and large women

60 to 100 mg per day



Iron low risk

27 mg day

0.4 to 0.8 mg day folate

For all women

4 mg per day folate

With previous NTD

Contraindicated vaccines for preg




Fetal activity normal

10 fetal movement in up to 2 hours


Fetal health


Uteroplacental fxn

Component of BPS

Non stress test

Fetal breathing

Fetal movement or tone

Amniotic fluid volume

No late or significant variable decel


Late decel following 50 percent or more contraftions

Positive cst

Intermittent late decel or significant variable decel

Equivocal suspicious

Fetal heart rate decel that occur in the presence of contractions more frequent than every 2 mins or lasting longer than 90 seconds

Equivocal hyperstimulatory

Fewer than 2 contractions in 10 mins or an uninterpretable tracing


0 to 2 bps

Almost certain fetal asphyxia


4 bps

Probable fetal asphyxia

Repeat testing the same day

If still less than 6, deliver

6 bps

Possible fetal asphyxia

If amniotic fluid abn deliver

If normal amniotic fluid with favorable cervix and >36 weeks deliver

If repeat test less than 6 delicer

If more than 6 observe

8/10 bps with normal afv

Normal non asphyxiayed fetus

No intervention

Repeat test or protocol

10 bps

Normal non asphyxiated fetus

No intervention

Repeat test weekly except in

Dm and post term preg twice weekly

8/10 bps with decreased afv

Chronic renal

Asphxia suspected


Aceleration for >32 weeks

Acceleration for >15 bpm from baseline last for more than 15 secs but less than 2 minutes from onset to return

Onset nadir and recovery of deceleration are conincident with beg peak and ending of contractions

Early decel

Fetal head compression

Mostly the onset nadir and recovery of decel occur after beg peak and ending of a contraction

Late decel

Decreased uteroplacenta o2 transfer

Hydrate the patient

Most commonc decel pattern due to

Umbilical cord occlusion



Brady or tachy

Minimal baseline

Mark baseline

Absent baseline with no recurrent deceleration

Fht 2 indeterminate


Absent variability

Recurrent late and variable decel

Sinusoidal pattern

Fhr cat 3 abnormal

Contractile unresponsiveness cervicsl softening

Phase 1

Uterine preparedness for labor snf cervicsl ripening

Phase 2

Uterine contraction cervical dilation

Fetal and placenta expulsion

Phase 3

Uterine involution

Cervicsl repair or remodelling


Phase 4

Stripping of fetal membranes increase blood levels of prostagladin f2 metabolite

1st stage of labor

Ferguson reflex

Maternal surface appears first

Seperates first at the periphery


Criteria for labor

1 in 10 mins contraction with atleast 200 mvu

Cervical dilation >3 cm

Cervical effacement of >70 to 80%

Favorable cervix bishop score


Unfavorable cervix bishop score

Less than 4

Effacement 30 to 50%


Effacement 60 to 70%


Station -2


Station -1


Medium consistency


Soft consistency


Mid position


Mid position


Anterior position


1-2 cm dilated


3 to 4 cm dilated


Relation of long axis of the fetus to that of mother

Fetal lie

Presenting part foremost in the birth canal or in closest proximity

Fetal presentation

Relationship of an arbitrarily chosen presenting part to the right or left of the maternal birth canal

Fetal position

Acceleration at what cm

3 to 4 cm

Maximum slope

5 to 7 cm

Decel phase at what cm

8 cm and above

Mechanism by which the bpd the greatest transverse diameter in occiput presentation passes through the pelvic inlet


Promontory to upper margin of symphysis

True or anatomic conjugate

11 cm

Promontory to posterior symphysis

Obstetric conjugate

More than 10 cm

Promontory to lower margin of symphysis

Diagonal conjugate

>11.5 cm

First requisite for birth of the newborn


Occurs as the descending head meets resistance

Chin is brought into more intimate contact with fetal thorax and shorter suboccipitobregmatic dm is substituted for longer occipitobregmatic dm


Largest transverse diameter of fetal head

Baparietal diameter

Greatest circumference of fetal head


Smallest head circumference

Sub occipitobregmatic

Largest length of fetal head


Turning the head in such a manner that the occiput gradually moves towards the symphysis pubis anteriorly

Internal rotation

Base of the occiput is in direct contact with the inferior margin of the symphysis


Restitution followed by rotation to the transverse position

Corresponds to rotation of the fetal body and serves to bring its bisacromial dm into relation with the ap dm of the pelvic outlet

External rotation

Anterior shoulder appears under the symphysis pubis


Saggital suture approaches the sacral promintory more of the anterior parietal bone

Anterior asynclitism

Sagittal suture lies close to the symphysis more of the posterior parietal bone will present

Posterior asynclitism

Goals of 3rd stage lab0r

Intact placenta

Avoid uterine inversion

Avoid post partum hgw

Signs of placental separation

Sudden gush of blood

Globular and firmer fundus

Lengthening of cord

Rise of uterus into the abdomen

Outlet forceps criteria

Scalp is visible at introitus without separation of labia

Fetal skull has reached the pelvic floor

Sagittal suture is on ap diameter or roa or loa or rop lop

Fetal head is at or on perineum

Rotation doesnt exceed 45 degrees

Most common cause of ectopic pregnancy

Tubal pathology

Gender be identified by experienced observer?

14 weeks

Between umbilicus and symphysis pubis

16 cm

6 bps

Possible fetal asphyxia

If amniotic fluid abn deliver

If normal amniotic fluid with favorable cervix and >36 weeks deliver

If repeat test less than 6 delicer

If more than 6 observe

8/8 bps

Nst not done

Onset nadir and recovery of deceleration are conincident with beg peak and ending of contractions

Early decel

Fetal head compression