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14 Cards in this Set

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What are all the types of observation?

--Participation observation.

-- non participant observation

-- overt observation

-- covert observation

-- structured observation

-- unstructured observation

Difference between o and covert observations

overt - researcher explains research intentions to the group, so they are aware of observation

covert - keep real identity and purpose secret from subjects. IF they participate, they usually pose as a genuine member of the group.

Difference between structured and unstructured observations

Structured - researcher systematically classifies behaviour they observe into categories.

unstructured - researcher simply records what they see and experience in whatever way they can.

Typical characteristics of participation observations?

- can either be overt or covert

- Can often involve years of fieldwork

- Observations recorded on field notes

- The observer has to find a role within the group that allows them to study behaviour.

Who are observations preferred by?

On the whole, Interpretivism BUT both can use them

Why do interpretivists use PO?

As they allow the researcher to build a strong raport with memebers of the group; which will allow the researcher to obtain detailed and valid qualitative data.

Practical advantages of Participation observations?

--If overt, the researcher can ask for clarification e.g. if someone uses slang, they can ask the person to clarify what it means.

-- Usually cheap

-- flexibility so researcher can adapt in situations

-- usually receive detailed data

Practical disadvantages of participation observations?

-- Can be time consuming

-- Researcher requires an abundance of skills

-- Not in control of many variables

-- hard to record data

Ethical advantages of participation observation?

Findings can lead to more input within a community e.g. Find alot of drug abuse = open a free rehab centre in that area

Ethical disadvantages of PO?

--If covert, deciet (lie to people)

-- may need gatekeepers permission

Theoretical advantages of PO?

-- Build a raport

-- verhsten can be obtained

-- high in validity

Detailed, qualitative data

Theoretical disadvantages of PO?

--Unreliable as they are almost impossible to replicate with the same subjects

--Cannot generalise to the wider population

-- Not standardised so extra time can be used up for no reason

Name and study in PO?

Devine - observing from a child's POV


-- observed classrooms + playgrounds in three primary schools in ireland

-- sat at desks with kids and never reported misbehaviour

Stayed in playgrounds during break and avoided mixing in so she could better understand the schools from the childs POV