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45 Cards in this Set

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Complications of gametogenesis

non-dysjunction - which causes aneuploidy (22 or 24 chromosomes instead of 23)

Progesterone maintains the uterine lining and inhibits the contraction of smooth muscle. List some side effects this may cause during pregnancy

heartburn, constipation, ascending ureteric bacteria

sexual determination vs. sexual differentiation

determination - genetic make up at birth (XY, XX)

differentiation - events leading to gonadal sex (default is female)

what determines what the gonads will differentiate into?

the presence of a Y chromosome

What investigations should you do for a couple that can't get pregnant?

Ovulation - BBT, OPK, luteal Progesterone, day 3 FSH, TSH, prolactin

Tubal - sono HSG, hysterosalpingogram, laparoscopy with dye

Sperm analysis

Assisted Reproductive Technologies

Ovulation Induction - good for anovulatory

IUI - unexplained or low male fertility

IVF - good for most issues

Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection - failed IVF

Donor gametes

What are some reversible causes to male infertility

smoking, BMI, heat, drugs, alcohol

What labwork would you do for male infertility?

FSH/LH, testosterone, prolactin, semen analysis

What genetic studies would be helpful for male infertility?

Karyotyping for Klinefelters, CF, or Y chromosome microdeletions

What is a rare pre-testicular cause of male infertility?


Kallmann's Syndrome - hypogonadal hypogonadism and anosmia

Rx- gonadotropins

List some anovulatory causes for infertility.

Then list pelvic and uterine causes.


hypothalmic suppression (athlete, anorexia)

Thyroid def, high prolactin

primary ovarian insufficiency


STI/PID, endometriosis, surgery, appendix, congenital, adhesions (Ashermann's), trauma

List criteria for late puberty in boys and girls

Girls -no signs of puberty by 14, no period by 16, no period 2-3 years after breast dev

Male - no testicular growth by 14, no growth spurt by 18

Order of puberty for girls

Boobs, pubes, then you grow and flow

Why does GnRH/FSH/LH stay low before female puberty?

very sensistive to low dose estrogen (negative feedback) and CNS suppression

What hormone is responsible for therlarche?


What hormone is responsible for adrenarche (hair)?

DHEA and androstenedione

What is Dx of precocious puberty in girls? What do you do about it?

before 7 years old.

investigate - hormone levels, serial bone age

Rx- GnRH agonist until 10 or 11

List causes of precocious puberty (true, psuedo)

true- HPO axis problems, maybe tumor, etc.

psuedo- cyst on ovaries, OCP

Spontaneous abortion




Inevitable Abortion

Missed Abortion

Spontaneous abortion -before 20wks

Complete - all products expulsed

Incomplete -not all products expulsed (increased risk of bleeding/infection)

Recurrent -3+ before 20wks

Inevitable Abortion - in the process

Missed Abortion -

Signs Sx of abortion

-bleeding, cramping, decreasing pregnancy Sx

If suspecting an abortion, what investations should you run?


hCG (qualitative and quantitative)

Bloodgroup and cross match

Rh status?

Fetal US

What causes 60% of abortions?

Other causes

chromosomal abnormalities (most commonly, Turners)

uncontrolled DM, thyroid, etc, antiphospholipid antibodies, physical issues with uterus

Rx for women who comes in with a spontaneous abortion?

Stabilize, evaluate fetus via US

if Rh-, WinRho

Then either wait, medical mgt (misoprostol), or D&C

What if it is a septic spontaneous abortion? what is the protocol?

IV Abx, get the infection under control before removing the tissue

What is the most dangerous location for an ectopic pregnancy?

at the isthmus, most likely to rupture due to least amount of stretch

Sx of ectopic pregancy

Pain > bleeding

always think of ectopic if bleeding in first trimester

Dx of ectopic

hCG - eratic, not doubling every 48 hrs

-if hCG is over 1500, expect to see something on US

US- absence in uterus

Rx for ectopic

recurrent ectopic?

+/- WinRho

methotrexate or salpingostomy

bilateral tubal ligation

What further investigations can you do for recurrent spontaneous abortion couples?

karyotype - looking for translocations

Hystertosalpingogram-look for fibroids

TSH, prolactin, DM, thrombophilia screening

cervical infection screening

75% will be normal

Abortion options

methotrexate, misoprostol

1st tri: mifpristone or D+C

2nd tri: misoprostol or D+E

What structure is located in the false pelvis?

nothing unless pregnant, then uterus

differences between female and male pelvis

male - thick, heavy, long, heart shaped inlet, 50-60 degree subpubic angle

female - oval inlet, large outlet, wide subpubic angle (80-85)

Muscles impacted by an epistiotomy

perineal body, bulbospongiosum, superficial transverse perineal

What is responsible for the male scrotal appearance?

dartos fascia

what muscle trauma would cause incontinence after childbirth

external/internal sphinctors, levator ani

What ligament is the ovarian artery located in?

What about the uterine artery?

suspensory ligament

lateral cervical ligament

What artery/vein couple does not come off/drain to the internal iliac artery/vein?

ovarian artery comes directly off of the aorta and the right ovarian vein drains into the IVC while the left ovarian vein drains into the left renal vein

Why is an ectopic pregnancy at the isthmus so damn blood?

it is where the uterine and ovarian arteries anastomose

Why can prostate cancer metasize so easily to the back?

prostatic plexus and vertebral plexus are connected

There is an infective boil on the labia majora... where are the LN enlarged?

superficial inguinal

What cells to LH and FSH stimulate?

LH - theca interna --> make androgen

FSH - granulosa cells ---> make estradiol

Sx of a prolapsed vagina

incontinence, constipation

Rx for fibroids

MRI guided US




Dx criteria for PCOS

abormal periods, clinical or biochemical signs of hyperandrogenism, polycystic ovaries


PCOS is at higher risk of what type of cancers?

endometrial hyperplasia or adenocarcinoma due to the unopposed estrogen