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31 Cards in this Set

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Definition and Causes of Pre term labour

>20wks GA<37wksGA



multipl gestation


uterine abnormalities

RF for preterm labour


mltp gestation

pHx preterm labour

Drug use

low SES

Mgt of preterm labour?

OBS consult

prophylactic AB-underdeveloped IS (PEN-G)

Celestone- lung maturation if <34wks

Tocolytics if <28 wks - stop/ decrease contractions


When can premature rupture of membranes (PROM)

any GA

your pregnant patient is concerned about the clear liquid that is leaking from her vagina. what is your DDx


urinary incontinence

loss of mucous plug


You do a nitrazine test and its positive for alkaline what can cause a false positive?


-Alkaline urine



If your patient has PROM at term how will you manage?

-celestone for fetal lung devel

-AB, bed rest, OB consult

- If not in labour, do NOT complete a speculum exam

-if GBS+ induce immediately

-if GBS- can wait to induce 24hrs

"Your baby is breech" what positions could this mean?

-Frank "Pike"

-Complete "Cannon ball"

-incomplete (foot is slipping out)

Are there risk factors for having a breech baby?


-Uterine Malformation

-Fetal abnormalities

-Placenta Previa


-Multiple Gestations

How will you tell that your pt baby is breech? and what can you do?

-Palpation of head by funds

-Fetal HR above umbilicus

-Presentation of foot/buttocks in labour

US to confirm, >36wks Leopold manouvers

External cephalic version

in utero rotation of fetus

consider tocolytics

what are the types of deliveries for breech babies

Spontaneous: typical with premature

Assisted Breech: baby delivers up to torso, and needs assistance to clear the shoulders arms and head

Total Breech: i.e. twins

Is it possible to have a vaginal birth post c section?

yes!, If there is a known Hx, low lying scar.

No! If there is a known Hx, vertical scar from previous c section, or sx OR unknown Hx OBS

What are the contraindications to a bag birth post c-section


-Cephalo Pelvic Disproportion

-Previous inverted T incision/unknown Hx

-pHx Uterine Rupture


Your patient is >41 weeks pregnant

-offer induction if no infection, asphyxia, meconium ileus,macrosomia, dystocia, fetal distress

Complete NST x2 weekley,

-membrane sweeping (int cervical exam)attempt to dilate cervix, 360degree sweeps to separate mbrns

Your patient, a pregnant woman of 30wks GA, comes in nervous because her baby has not moved . What could this be and what are you going to do to investigate?

Dx: IU Fetal Death

Invx: dopplar US, SFH, Hx of mvt

what are some causes of this?

-Cord Prolapse




What are the normal parameters of labour

2hr active labour

5cm dilation

decent into the pelvic girdle

When should you be concerned that something is not right ?

Delay of labour or decent of presenting part:

>4hr active labour

<5cm dilated

>1hr w no decent in active labour (CPD)

What can cause abnormal progression of labour?

Power: insufficient contractions/fatigue

Passenger: position, macrosomia

Passage: bladder, vagina, CPD

Its been 6hr of active labour, what can you do

IU pressure cath to determine the strength of contractions

Oxytocin to induce contractions /increase strength

If dilated<5cm/hr oxytocin

Its now been 21hrs and the patient is begging for this to be over. What can you do now?

stop analgesia


Rest, Consider a c section

A baby is delivering and rapidly present s with shoulder dystocia what are the complications of this?

Mat: 4th degree laceration, post partum hemorrhage

Fetus:brachial plexus injury, #clavical, hypoxia, death

What are you going to do?

Ask for help (in case the following fail)

Leg hyper flexion

Ant shoulder disimpaciton pressure

Rubin Maneuver

Manual delivery posterior arm


Roll on to all 4s and repeat maneuvers

When are forceps indicated to assist in delivery?

prolonged 2d stage of delivery, vaginal breech, avoiding c section

When is a Csection indicated

Placenta Previa, Abruption , cord prolapse, CPD,Pre-eclampsia, Eclampsia, uterine rupture

prev Hx C section, DM macrosomia

What are the major complications with uterine rupture

mat: Shock, hemohorrage, DIC, mortality

Fetus: Hypoxia, anoxia, acidosis, mortality

you have a female pregnant patient in the ed,. you suspect uterine rupture. what is her CP and what investigations will you do

Shock, vaginal bleeding, painful uterus and abdo, cessation of uterine contractions, loss of palpable fetal parts!

U/S abdo and ex lap- DELIVER! and stabilize mom

What is chorionamnionitis and how does it happen?

inflammation of the chorionic membranes and amniotic fluid. Bacteria travels up the vagina to the uterus and leads to a rupture of membranes

What will your pt with chorionamnionitis present with ?

Cold clammy skin, diaphoresis, uterine tenderness, foul odour, mat and fetHR tacky

how will you confirm this Dx?

internal pelvic exam, cbc, us, amniocentesis if 14-16 weeks.

What are the complications of Chorionamnionitis how will you treat?

Maternal: AROS, Csec, endometrionitis sepsis

Fetal: Inxn, pnuemonia, meconium aspiration, menengitis, sepsis

Tx: ampicillin +gentamycin