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148 Cards in this Set

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What is optimal wt gain in pregnancy, based on starting BMI?
BMI <19.8: 28-40lbs
BMI >26: 15-25lbs
0.3 kg/wk
For normal BMI women: 0.5 kg/wk
What is risk for underwt women and women with low pregnancy wt gain?
Preterm delivery
Deliver infant weighing <2500gm
What is risk for overwt women and women with high pregnancy wt gain?
Fetal macrosomia: >4000-4500gm or >90% for GA
Greater risk for HTN and DM of pregnancy
Greater risk for post-op wound infection is get c-sxn
What is avg maternal weight gain?
What is this due to? (6)
1) ~28lbs
2) Fetal wt + placental wt + amniotic fluid + breast enlargement + volume expansion + fat stores
In which trimester is wt gain most important?
-> is protective of fetal growth even if overall wt gain is poor!
By what percentage are energy requirements increased during pregnancy?
How many additional kcals/day should a woman therefore consume?
1) ~17%
2) 300 - total of about 2500 kcal/day
What is RDA of protein for pregnant woman?
What percent of kcals should be fat?
1) 60 grams - 20% of diet
2) 30%
3) 50%
What are recommendations for multiple gestation in terms of additional kcals/day?
Add 300 kcals + 10g of protein per additional fetus
Why do we tell women wishing to conceive to take 0.4mg of folic acid/day?
Reduces incidence of neural tube defects by 50%
Women with history of neural tube defect pregnancy should take 4mg until end of 1st T
What should we counsel women with DM prior to conception?
4fold increase in major congenital malformations - related to poorly controlled DM PRIOR to pregnancy.
Control that diabetes!!!
What to tell women with PKU prior to conception?
You have increased risk of fetal malformation (cardiac defects, microcephaly)
Can reduce risk significantly if start Phe-restricted diet 3mos prior to conception
Normalize Phe levels by GA 8wks to reduce incidence of low birth wt.
If pt is on Dilantin, what supplements should she take during pregnancy?
What is outcome if pt follows this diet?
1) Folate, Vitamins, Amino acids
2) Greater fetal wt, decreased SQ bleeding, more ossification centers, fewer malformations
If pt has risk of lead exposure, what supplements should she take during pregnancy?
What is outcome if pt follows this diet?
1) Vit C & E
2) Reduce potentially adverse Pb effects & toxicity
If pt has multiple gestation, what supplements should she take during pregnancy?
What is outcome if pt follows this diet?
1) Give extract folate
2) Better rbc production
If pt is HIV+, what supplements should she take during pregnancy?
What is outcome if pt follows this diet?
1) Selenium + antioxidant vitamins
2) Inhibit RT activity of virus, may reduce chance of placental transmission
If pt has high EtOH consumption, what supplements should she take during pregnancy?
What is outcome if pt follows this diet?
1) B complex & folate
2) Baby is probably still effed. :(
If pt has hemoglobinopathy, what supplements should she take during pregnancy?
What is outcome if pt follows this diet?
1) Folate
2) helps replenish rbcs
If pt has HTN, what supplements should she take during pregnancy?
Megadoses of which supplements have been shown to cause issues in pregnancy?
1) Vit A&D - birth defects
2) Selenium - birth defects
3) Zinc - immune suppression & anemia (blocks Fe absorption)
4) Fluoride - mottled teeth
5) Vit C - messes w/ Cu metabolism
What is problem w/ "calmatives" or "nervines" (herbal supplements for pregnancy)? (2)
Have large amounts of alkalines
May cause hepatic damage.
What is the problem with Mate, a tea-like infusion that women might take during pregnancy?
May increase risk of digestive tract cancers.
What is the problem with a pregnant woman drinking pleurisy root (an herbal tea)?
It has digoxin-like effects
Is pregnancy tea - with chamomile, mint, and raspberry leaves - safe to drink during pregnancy?
Yes - if consumed in moderation
How many liters of water does a woman on average gain during pregnancy?
How much extra fluid per day should a woman drink?
30mL/day extra

Calculate: 100mL/kg for 1st 10kg, 50mL/kg for next 10kg, 25mL/kg above 20kg
Why is it important for a woman to drink sufficient fluids during pregnancy?
Maternal fluid status may affect amniotic fluid volume
Acute changes in maternal osmolality may alter fetal hydration
What is % absorption of iron from heme sources vs non-heme sources?
10% vs 2%

But, iron deficient pts generally absorb 2x as much iron from a meal as iron replete pts
What is relationship btw iron absorption and gestational age - i.e. at wks 7, 24, and 36?
wk 12: 7%
wk 24: 36%
wk 36: 66%
What are high sources of dietary iron?
1) Oysters
2) Red lean meats (esp liver)
3) Tofu
4) Legumes
5) Beans
Note: consume the plant-based w/ acidic sources like oranges, grapefruit, or tomato juice.
What are moderate sources of dietary iron?
Enriched grains and cereals
What are low sources of dietary iron?
1) Light & white meats (chicken, salmon, pork)
2) Diary products
What is relationship btw iron absorption and acidic foods (orange juice, etc)?
Btw Fe and Ca?
1) Acidic food increase Fe absorption
2) Calcium interferes w/ Fe absorption - antacids, tea, & coffee can also do this (esp w/ non-heme iron)
With which types of restrictive diets should one advise nutritional supplementation during pregnancy?
1) Lactovegetarian (no eggs, fish, or other meat)
2) Vegan

Consider B complex, Ca, and Fe
Which types of restrictive diets should one avoid during pregnancy?
1) Fruit-only
2) Zen macrobiotic
What are risks of pregnancy to pts <17 y/o?
What role does nutrition play in this?
1) preterm delivery, perinatal mortality, low birth wt - increased with pregnant girls w/in 2 yrs of their own menarche (body competes w/ fetus for growth materials)
2) Be sure she's getting enough nutrition for both pt and fetus
What are risk factors for pica during pregnancy?
1) Family history of pica
2) Rural residence
3) African american
How common is nausea & vomiting of pregnancy? (NVP)
When is onset?
When is resolution?
1) 60-70%
2) As early as prior to 1st missed period (7%)
3) 30% by 10wks
60% by 12wks
99% by 20wks
What time of day does NVP most commonly occur?

Can xp symptoms throughout the day
What are criteria for hyperemesis gravidarum?
No universally accepted definition
XS NVP + fluid, electolyte, & nutritional status compromise
Maternal wt loss of 5%
Persistent significant ketonuria
Moderate-severe has HyperCl metabolic alkalosis
If longstanding volume depletion, may have acidosis
May have elevated LFTs, amylase, lipase
What is incidence of hyperemesis gravidarum?
5:1000 pregnancies
What is the DDx of increased NVP in 1st and 2nd trimesters? (3)
1) Multiple gestation
2) Gestational trophoblastic disease
3) Fetal aneuploidy (triploidy or t21)
What could increased NVP in 3rd trimester indicate?
1) Acute fatty liver of pregnancy
2) Preeclampsia
When should you consider non-pregnancy-related disorders for increased NVP? (3)
1) Vomiting persists
2) Has begun later than 9wks GA
3) Symptoms acutely worsen
What are GI disorders to consider for abnormally increased NVP? (6)
Biliary tract disease
What are endocrine disorders to consider for abnormally increased NVP? (3)
Addison disease
What are GU disorders to consider for abnormally increased NVP? (4)
Ovarian torsion
Uterine fibroid degeneration
What are CNS disorders to consider for abnormally increased NVP? (3)
Pseudotumor cerebri
Primary CNS lesions
What are the fetal complications of hyperemesis gravidarum or NVP if mild to moderate?
If severe?
1) Does not seem to be any! Actually seems to be associated w/ DECREASED risk of SAB!
2) If mother has wt loss: one study indicates low birth wt (<10%); none if no wt loss. Otherwise no risk of congenital anomalies
What are maternal complications of hyperemesis gravidarum or NVP? (6)
1) Wernicke's encephalopathy 2/2 thiamine deficiency
Ataxia, confusion, oculomotor sx!!
2) Possible central pontine myelinolysis (2/2 #1)
3) Mallory-Weiss tear
4) esophageal rupture
5) splenic avulsion
6) peripheral neuropathy 2/2 B6 & B12 deficiency
What are thought to be the hormonal variables associated with hyperemesis gravidarum?
1) HyperTH in some women -> increased circulating/active hCG
2) Progesterone -> delayed gastric emptying
We don't really know for sure!!
What are thought to be the gastric motility variables associated with hyperemesis gravidarum? (1)
Decreased motility in some pts, but others are okay!
What are thought to be the CNS variables associated with hyperemesis gravidarum? (1)
Possible CNS changes - especially in the "vomiting center" in response to hormonal triggers
What are thought to be the psychosocial variables associated with hyperemesis gravidarum? (3)
1) Conversion disorder
2) Heightened maternal perceptions of sensations
3) Mom can't deal with life stress (really?)
VERY LIMITED data to support these notions
How to manage NVP and hyperemesis gravidarum initially?
1) Symptomatically
2) Adequate hydration
3) Frequent small meals
4) Ginger tea/powdered ginger
5) 30mg B6 daily (one RCT supports efficacy)
6) Some studies support acupressure bands and transcutaneous nerve stimulaiton
How to manage intractable NVP and hyperemesis gravidarum?
1) If hydration has failed:
Metoclopramide (Reglan)
Ondansetron (Zofran)
** All seem safe in pregnancy!
2) If anti-emetics fail:
Systemic corticosteroids (PO methylprednisolone)
** No adverse fetal effects have been described
3) TPN for pts who cannot maintain wt & keep vomiting despite treatment
What is circulating toxin theory of preeclampsia?
Support for this?
1) Vasoconstrictive substances circulate -> may cause PET
2) These substances have been extracted from blood, amniotic fluid, and placenta from PET women. Have reproduced symptoms in some animal studies
What is endogenous vasoconstrictor theory of preeclampsia?
Increased sensitivity to vasopressin, Epi, NE have been reported in PET pts, plus loss of 3rd-Tri ang II resistance has been reported.
What is endothelial damage theory of preeclampsia?
Primary endothelial dmg -> decreased prostacyclin production (a vdltr) & increase in TXA2
Cause of dmg is unclear
Low dose heparin or baby ASA may help prevention
What is primary DIC theory of preeclampsia?
Microvascular thrombin formation + deposition -> vessel damage (esp in kidney & placenta)
What are fetal risks associated w/ preeclampsia? (7)
2) Oligohydramnios
3) Placental infarction
4) Placental abruption
5) Prematurity consequences
6) Uteroplacental insufficiency
7) Perinatal death
What are maternal risks associated with preeclampsia? (6)
1) CNS: seizures, stroke
2) DIC + its complications
3) Renal failure
4) Hepatic failure/rupture
5) Death - leading cause of maternal mortality!
6) Increased chance of c-sxn
What is recurrence risk for preeclampsia in subsequent pregnancies after 1 episode?
What factors effect recurrence of preeclampsia? (5)
1) Gestational age at onset (greater recurrence risk w/ earlier onset)
2) Severity (more severe = greater recurrence risk)
3) Underlying maternal conditions (chronic HTN, renal disease, etc = greater RR)
4) Underlying obstetric conditions (NO fetal abnormalities = greater RR)
5) Multiparous: RR is 50%!
T or F: Preeclampsia increases risk of developing HTN or other chronic diseases later in life

Note: women with recurrent PET may have underlying HTN or another chronic disease
How to prevent preeclampsia?

Dietary and low-dose ASA studies have repeatedly failed!
T or F: Women with preeclampsia CANNOT take OCPs after giving birth
What are criteria for SEVERE preeclampsia?
1) sBP >160 or dBP >110 at least TWO times, 6H apart!
2) Proteinuria >/= 5g/24H
3) Oliguria
4) Cerebral or visual symptoms
5) Epigastric or RUQ pain
6) Pulmonary edema/cyanosis
7) Low platelets
8) Elevated LFTs
9) Fetal growth restriction
What are criteria for MILD preeclampsia?
Does not meet requirements for severe.
How to manage preeclampsia?
Deliver fetus
If preterm (<32wks), conservative mgmt - 48hrs of steroids, hospitalize, bed rest.
Prophylactic MgSO4: 4-6g bolus + 2g cont infusion
When to do c-section for preeclampsia pt?
If pt's condition requires urgent delivery and vaginal birth is not progressing fast enough.
What is Mag goal in preeclampsia treatment?
How long to give Mg for in treating preeclampsia?
During labor and for 24hrs postpartum
When to use antihypertensives in treatment of preeclampsia?
Which ones to use?
1. Usually if dBP>110 or MAP >125 (+ proceed to delivery!!)
2. Hydralazine or labetalol (both have rapid onset)
Why avoid diuretics in preeclampsia treatment?
PET pt has vasoconstriction and intravascular depletion - diuretics make this WORSE!!
When to use antihypertensives in a pregnant pt with mild-to-moderate HTN?
If pt has known chronic HTN & elevated BP is known to be caused by disease & not by PET
Definition of eclampsia?
PET + seizure activity
Is most severe form of PET!
What percent of pts with preeclampsia will develop eclampsia?
What is best mgmt of eclampsia?
1. Stabilize pt - airway, O2, circulation, control seizures
2. Consider delivery options - #1 often stabilizes fetal status & can permit vaginal delivery
What is best agent to prevent seizure recurrence in eclampsia?
MgSO4 (based on RCT)
Define HELLP syndrome
H emolysis
E levated L iver function tests
L ow P latelets
+/- other PET signs

Is subcategory of severe PET
Often has rapidly accelerating downhill course.
Treatment: delivery asap
What causes midepigastric pain in HELLP syndrome?
Liver capsule distention

Can also cause n/v, hepatic rupture
What is DDx of pt at 18wks GA w/ increased BP? (4)
1. Hydatidiform mole (+hyperemesis, fetal size>dates, hydropic changes in placenta on US)
2. Fetal chromosomal abnormalities (triploidy)
3. Chronic HTN: be sure to exclude renal disease, pheochromocytoma, Cushing, coarctation of aorta
4. Drug use: cocaine; or drug withdrawal (heroin)
Definition of HTN in pregnancy?
SBP > 140 or
dBP > 90
What are categories of HTN in pregnancy? (4)
Preeclampsia (PET)
Chronic with superimposed PET
Define chronic HTN in pregnancy
HTN that:
1) predates pregnancy or is IDed prior to 20wks
2) If PNC starts after 20wks, is chronic if it persists >12wks postpartum
Define preeclampsia
HTN (>140 sBP or >90 dBP)
Proteinuria (>300mg in 24H urine)
In practice, proteinuria is defined as >trace protein on urine dipstick

Note: edema is no longer part of definition, b/c of poor predictive value
What additional signs/symptoms might women with preeclampsia have? (6)
1) H/a
2) Visual disturbances
3) Epigastric pain
4) Elevated liver enzymes
5) Increased or decreased Hct
6) Decreased platelets
Define gestational HTN
HTN after 20wks
LACK of proteinuria
Define chronic HTN with superimposed preeclampsia
Pt has known chronic HTN
Gets increased BP plus proteinuria
Presence of other PET signs/symptoms helps diagnosis
Why are women with chronic HTN considered to be high-risk pregnancies?
Poor placental vascular development + ongoing BP elevations → increased risk for IUGR, abruption, stillbirth, and superimposed PET
How to prevent complications in pregnant pt w/ chronic HTN? (3)
1) Mild: have BP under control prior to conception, continue BP meds while pregnant (avoid ACEi). If dx during pregnancy, monitor only.
2) Moderate-severe: Labetolol, CCBs
3) All: follow w/ serial US, fetal NSTs or BPPs, usually induce @40wks
How often does preeclampsia occur?
6-8% of all live births
What are preeclampsia risk factors? (9)
<15 or >35 y/o
African American
H/o PET in 1st degree female relative
H/o PET in prior pregnancy
chronic renal or vascular disease
chronic HTN
Multiple gestations
What are systemic effects of preeclampsia?
All organs (fetoplacental unit included) show e/o poor perfusion
What is the immunologic theory of preeclampsia's cause?
What support is there?
1) Inadequate maternal antibody response to fetal allograft → vascular damage from circulating immune complexes
2) Increased disease prevalence in young nulliparas (ltd prior antigen exposure) and in pts w/ increased fetal antigens (twins, moles, hydropic pregnancies, diabetics w/ big placentas)

NOTE: measurement of immune complexes has been inconsistent.
What TH functions increase during pregnancy? (3)
TBG (estrogen mediated)
Total T4
Total T3
Which TH functions decrease during pregnancy?
T3 resin uptake (T3RU)
Which TH functions remain the same during pregnancy? (3)
Free T4
Free T3
What are indications for ordering TH function tests during pregnancy? (5)
Pt on TH
FHx of autoimmune thyroiditis
PMH of rads to thyroid
DM type 1
What is hyperthyroidism in pregnancy incidence?
What are MCC of hyperthyroidism in pregnancy? (6)
toxic adenoma
subacute thyroiditis
transient 2/2 hyperemesis gravidarum
gestational trophoblastic disease
What are lab findings in Grave's? (autoantibodies -> hyperTH)
Increased total & free T3 & T4
What can result from untreated Grave's in pregnancy in mom?
In fetus?
1) Increased PET risk
Congestive heart failure
2) Stimulation of fetal thyroid -> in utero demise, prematurity, IUGR, autoimmune rxn (lymphatic hypertrophy + thrombocytopenia), goiter, exophthalamos
Can last 1-5mos postpartum in newborn
When to do diagnostic iodine studies in pregnant pt w/ suspected new-onset Graves?

Study uses rads; crosses placenta and can cause fetal hypothyroidism
What is treatment of choice for Grave's during pregnancy?

Some evidence of fetal hypothyroidism, delayed bone growth, CNS effects, though.
What are alternative treatments for Grave's in pregnancy?
1) Methimazole - can cause aplasia cutis in fetal scalp
2) Propronolol to diminish thyrotoxicosis symptoms
How to administer PTU for Grave's in pregnancy?
Give same dose for 4wks, then gradually decrease to keep mom's T4 at upper limit of normal
Does treating mom with PTU guarantee that her baby will avoid neonatal Grave's?
NO!! Happens in ~1% of babies of moms with Grave's regardless of history of treatment.
T or F: Breastfeeding is absolutely contraindicated if pt is on PTU

Small amounts of PTU are excreted in breastmilk, but is okay if monitor newborn's thyroid function
What characterizes thyroid storm?
1. Hypermetabolic state
2. Fever
3. Altered mental status
When does thyroid storm usually happen during pregnancy?
1. During labor or c-sxn
2. Ante- or postpartum infxn
3. Gestational trophoblastic disease
4. Women with unrecognized hyperthyroidism
How to manage thyroid storm during pregnancy?
1. Symptomatic, supportive treatment of pyrexia, tachycardia, severe dehydration
2. Thionamide, PTU, beta-blockers, steroids, iodines, ipodate
3. Treat any HTN, infection, anemia
What are common causes of HYPOthyroidism in pregnancy?
1. Hashimoto's
2. Previous Grave's treatment (rads or surgery)
3. xs PTU sdose
What are possible maternal complications of untreated hypothyroidism?
Subfertility (2/2 elevated PRL)
Cardiac dysfunction
What are possible fetal complications of untreated hypothyroidism?
Low birth wt
Perinatal demiase

Lesser degrees: pregnancy loss, prolonged gestation
How to treat hypothyroidism in pregnancy?
1.6ug/kg levothyroxine, adjust dose as needed
Assess TSH in 1st Tri and adjust meds as needed
Also assess TSH 6-12 wks postpartum
What is link btw hyperemesis gravidarum and thyroid problems?
Think that elevated hCG levels may have TSH-like effects. Usually don't treat for hyperthyroidism in these pts.
Can clarify w/ free T4 by equilibrium dialysis
What is postpartum thyroiditis?
1-8mos postpartum, affecting 5%
1-4mos = hyperthyroidism
5-8mos hypothyridism
Anti-TH abs may be present
May be misdiagnosed as postpartum depression or psychosis.10-30% of these pts have permanent hypothyroidism
Tends to recur w/ subsequent pregnancies
What test to order on pregnant pt w/ thyroid nodule?
US (see if it's cystic or solid)
Confirm by FNA or biopsy

Solid = more likely to be malignant.
What is the relation btw epilepsy treatment and fertility?

However, it can decrease OCP effectiveness b/c increased SHBG decreases unbound, active OCP hormonal agents
(hepatic p450 metabolism of epilepsy meds)
What is gestational epilepsy?
Epilepsy that occurs only during pregnancy.
But if occurs in one pregnancy, this doesn't mean it will recur in subsequent pregnancies
How do seizures affect course of pregnancy?
Nothing has been demonstrated clearly, except vaginal bleeding (likely 2/2 med-induced Vit K deficiency)
What anticonvulsants are commonly used in pregnancy?
Less often: Primidone or Valproic acid

Note: each med has specific side fetal and neonatal risks
Monotherapy is preferred!
How does pregnancy affect blood levels of anticonvulsants?
Decreases them, 2/2 increased blood volume, delayed GI absorption, increased hepatic clearance

Folic acid may lower phenytoin levels
However, amount bound may DECREASE as albumin falls during pregnancy
How much folic acid to give to pregnant women on anticonvulsant meds?
Which anticonvulsant is absolutely contraindicated in pregnancy?

Syndrome: DD, low ears, abn palate, irreg teeth, speech problems, V-eyebrows
+/- IUGR, short, cardiac abn, ocular defects, simian creases, hypospasias, microcephaly
~2/3 of exposed infants develop anomalies
What does fetal hydantoin (phenytoin) syndrome consist of?
Craniofacial and limb abn

Major anomalies, microcephaly, midface & digital hypoplasia = aka "anticonvulsant ambryopathy"
What is the major risk associated with phenobarbital?
Neonatal addiction, withdrawal syndrome

Less commonly associated w/ birth defects
What has carbamazepine use during pregnancy been linked to recently?
Craniofacial defects

But is considered to be the safest
What is valproate use during pregnancy associated with?
Cardiac, orofacial, limb abn
Major: NTDs (risk is 1-2% is exposed 17-30d post conception)

Should consider this a human teratogen
What is risk of congenital malformations with anticonvulsant therapy?
2-3 times that of population

However, epilepsy itself may contribute some to risk
Which drug may be of use in preventing congenital malformations in fetus, if mom is on anticonvulsants?
Epoxide hydrolase

However, genetic heterogeneity within the enzyme may lower its effectiveness
Which anticonvulsant meds are linked to hemorrhagic disease of the newborn? (3)

Related to Vit K deficiency
With all the bad fetal side effects of anti-convulsants, shouldn't mom just stop taking them when pregnant?

Uncontrolled seizures may result in greater harm to the fetus
If pt has been seizure free for 2 yrs, suggest trial withdrawal. If successful, expectant mgmt during pregnancy
What is risk of kid having seizures if a parent has them?

May increase if it's the mom, if it's idiopathic, or febrile seizures
T or F It is safe to breast feed when mom is on anticonvulsants
True, but, phenobarbital and primidone may accumulate and make infant lethargic, feed poorly, inadequate wt gain
Newer anticonvulsants are untested, so advise against.
How much does maternal blood volume increase?
Until which week does it increase?
1) 50%
2) wk 32, then stays steady until delivery
How much does maternal plasma volume increase vs rbc mass?
50% vs 20%
Note: this is behind the dilutional anemia of pregnancy
What is behind the blood volume increase of pregnancy?
1) Steroid hormones of pregnancy
2) Increased plasma renin activity
3) Hyperaldosteronism
How much does maternal cardiac output increase?
Until which week does it increase?
1) 30-50%
2) 20wks, stays steady, then decreases at 38-40wks
What is behind the increased maternal cardiac output of pregnancy?
Early pregnancy: increased stroke volume
Later: increased heart rate
What BP changes occur in pregnancy?
1) sBP: slight decrease
2) dBP: moderate decrease

Note: nadir is in 3rd Tri, then slow increase back to non-pregnant BP
What are normal maternal cardiac changes during labor and delivery?
1) During uterine contraction, shift 300-500cc from uterus to maternal circulation
2) This causes systemic venous pressure increase + reflex bradycardia
3) Pain + anxiety -> Epi release -> BP + HR increase
4) Post delivery: decreased vena cava compression + increased blood volume -> 10-20% cardiac output increase
What hemodynamic changes can regional anesthesia cause?
1) Peripheral vasodilation
2) Preload decreases
3) Possible cardiac output + BP decrease

To prevent, hydrate pt beforehand!
Which symptoms merit a cardiac eval during pregnancy?
Progressive limitation of physical activity caused by shortness of breth, chest pain with exercise or physical activity, and syncope following palpitations or physical exertion
How to treat pregnant pt with ASD?
Pts usually do well. May have paroxysmal atrial flutter, which may be difficult to control.
Treatment = catheter ablation AFTER delivery (b/c has extensive radiation exposure)
How to treat pregnant pt w/ VSD?
Usually do well.
Less prone to arrhythmia, but have significant risk for bacterial endocarditis.
Need ABX prophylaxis during pregnancy
Which pregnant pt is prone to bacterial endocarditis: ASD or VSD?