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139 Cards in this Set

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does initial spontaneous abortion in first trimester increase or decrease risk for recurrent spont abortion
no change
chromosomal abnormalities are what % of: live born, still born, first trim spont abort's?
live born = .5%
Still born = 5%
spont first trim abortions = 50%
what % of trisomy 21 fetuses are lost before term? what percent of 45 X,O?
does miscarriage risk rise with number of prior spont abortions? waht is the birth rate with recurrent spont aborts?
yes...15% increased risk with each new recurring abortion
live birth rate w/o tx = 50%
with tx = 80%
if cervical incompetence, what % live birth can be achieved if place cerclage?
m/c cause of spont abortion in first trimester? in second? in third?
1st =chromosomal abnormalities
2nd = uterine (bicornuate, septate, or unicornuate uterus)or enviro in origin, as well as hypothyroind, DM, collagen vasc disorders ie lupus anticoag
workup for 1st trimester recurrent abort's? for 2nd?
1st- chrom analysis, karyotype
2nd - screen for thyroid, DM, collagen vasc disorders, lupus anticoag, hysterosalpingogram to r/o structural abnormalities,
endometrial bx to r/o insuff luteal phase or chronic endometritis,
measure cervical length if loss is due to cervical incompetence
mother with three first-trimester spont abortions has increased risk for what chrom abnormalities?
(all), but more common = DS
Do progesterones cause birht defects?
what deformities are caused by excessive radiology in first trimester
limb and heart defects
only limitation to exercise in a pregnant woman who exercised before?
Avoid supine position; this decreases venous return to the heart, resulting in decreased CO
Should exercise resume intensity of pre-birth immediately after delivery?
No; physiological changes need 4-6 weeks to return to normal so women should not resume the intensity of pre-pregnancy exercise regiments immediately folloowng delivery
Is + nuchal translucency ominous even if karyotype is normal?
when does the nuchal translucency disappear by?
by 15 weeks
What chrom abnormalities does nuchal translucency indicate? (3)
DS, then trisomy 18, then Turner's
balanced translocations are usually phenotypically normal or not? after fertilization?
Normal; however fertilization then causes either monosomy or trisomy of offspring b/c balanced translocation cannot divide in meiosis. Trisomies 13, 18, 21 or monosomy X (turner's) are viable (but with major defects)
outpouching of neural tissue through defect in skull?
emerges from the base of the neck with an intact skull present?
cystic hygroma
increased size of lateral ventricles?
when is MSAFP performed?
16-18 weeks
number of MSAFP tests that result in positive? what are done with these?
of these, if very high levels = do thorough ultrasound for NT defects; if mild or low, retake MSAFP. 1/3 of those u/s'd will find obvious reason ie anencephaly, twins, wrong gest age of fetus, or fetal demise.
4 reasons for elevated MSAFP?
anencephaly./ntube defects, twins, wrong gest age of fetus, or fetal demise
under what circumstances should preganncy be terminated due to MSAFP levels only?
under NO circumstances!!
MSAFP is only a screening test, is never diagnostic
what tests are comparable to positive nuchal tlucency for DS screening?
blood-free b-hCG and PAPP-A in first trimester; or double/ triple test in 16-18 weeks. Optimal approach is nuchal tlucency PLUS MSAFP or triple test
nuchal translucency may be performed by?
only those with certification; not any fetal u/s tech
which test to check chromosomes for DS takes the shortest amout of time
CVS does not require tissue culture as does amniocentesis, or fetal blood obtained by percutaneous umbil blood sampling (PUBS)
CVS vs amniocentesis?
CVS = earlier (9-12 wks) vs amnio = later (16-18wks)
CVS is via transcervical catheter and has no needles; is painless.
CVS has higher complication rate than MID-trimester amnio, but 1st trim amnio has higher complication rate than CVS
1st trim amnio also has higher risk of talipes (clubfoot due "amniotic band syndrome"= amnio rupture--> fibrotic strictures-->restriction of fetal growth ie in feet)
what viral vaccinations are contraindicated in pregnancy?
measles, mumps and rubella b/c these are live vaccines
how to treat unvaccinated mothers for tetanus, varicella, rabies, hep A and B?
tx with hyper IgG or pooled immune serum globulin
are inactivated or killed vaccines harmful to the fetus or the mother?
tetracyclines given to pregger can also cause what in mother?
hepatic decomp in 3rd trimester
when shouldn't you give tetracycline to a pregger?
ALL trimesters!
first = causes teratogenicity
2nd and 3rd = causes fetal dental anomalies and inhibition of bone growth; maternal hepatic decomp in third trimester
vomiting, impaired resp, hypothermia, c/v collapse in newby may be caused by what antibiotic given to mother before birth?
CAM = causes gray baby syndrome
TMP -SMX given to 3rd trim preggers cuases what?
Women with previous neural tube defect have an increasd or normal recurrence risk for next pregnancy?
increased to about 4% !
CVS detects and does not detect what?
for karyotype ie to check for DS, but does NOT detect AFP levels or risk for ntube defects!!
what behavior can increase the risk of ntube defects in early pregnancy?
hyperthermia; therevfore mothers should avoid hot tubs, hot baths, saunas, maternal fevers
NSiM in pt with abnromal triple test?
if high AFP do US to check for correct AGE, then to check for ntube defects, multiple gest, or fetal death (all cause increased msafp); then if no explanation, do amniocentesis to confirm maternal serum results with elevated AFP's in amniotic fluid. IF low AFP's, consider amniocentesis to check for karyotype (DS)
Do most women with elevated msafp have fetuses with ntube defects
no!! only 5% of those with elevated msafp have ntube defects!!
is it recommended for obese pregnant women to lose weight and restrict diet during pregnancy?
not recommended, nor is vigorous exercise program recommended for obese pts; however, no gain of weight during pregnancy does not result in iugr or impaired dev of fetus
whats'the most common cause of mental retardation in US?
(top 3 = Down syndrome, fetal alcohol syndrome and Fragile X syndrome )
is there an established safe threshold for alcohol use in pregnancy?
no, however the occasional drink in pregnancy has not been proven to be harmful
can fetal injury occur if only 1 drink /day?
Do epileptic women have increased risk for fetal anomalies?
yes; due to reduction in uterine/placental blood flow during seizure activity.
Do epileptic women on phenytoin have less or more risk for fetal harm than if off pheyntoin?
more; so should try to wean pt off of phenytoin, if not, should attempt to give monotherapy;
valproic acid has increased risk for?
spina bifida; (central nervous system dysfunction, spina bifida, development delay, intrauterine growth restriction, and cardiac anomalies)
anticonvulsants must be given with what?
give with folate to prevent congenital anomalies
what vaccines CANT you give during pregancy?
VZV, MMR, and polio (all are live)

(hep A, B, rabies, tet, and VZV may be treated with hyperimmunoglobulin during preg)
when CDC recommendation for pregnant women to receive flu vaccine?
after 1st trimester
When is suggested to give live vaccines before getting pregnant?
at least 3 months before
LARGE amounts of radiation has only been shown to harm a fetus in what weeks? what type of harm
may cause mental retardation and microcephaly
what genetic diseases do jews have increased risk for? what carrier rates?
Canavan's 1/25
Tay Sachs 1/30
Gauche's 1/40
CF: 1/25
what 2 diseases does ACOG recommend ALL jews screen for?
Canavan's and Tay Sach's ;
vegetarian preggers give birth to babies with what vit def?
B12 (only comes from animal sources)
are herbal remedies recommended during preg?
not recommended, since not FDA approved!
tobacco use during pregnancy has what deleterious effects on child? alcohol has what?
increased spont abortion, IUGR, preterm labor, AP, PP, behavioral problems and ADHD;
alcohol: FAS, mental retardation, developmental delay
when and why is PUBS performed?
percutaneous umbilicall cord blood sampling is done when rapid fetal karyotyping must be done, as in severe IUGR or fetal hydrops to obtain info ie fetal platelet ct, fetal hct
amniocentesis in 2nd trimester has what fetal loss rate?
what test has been associated with fetal limb reduction?
CVS at < 9 weeks gest (normally done in weeks 9-12
tuberous sclerosis is what kind of inheritance?
starts as spontaneous, then is inherited auto dominant
most common autosomal recessive disease in whites?
huntington's disease has what inheritance?
auto dom
2nd and 3rd trimester cystic hygroma is assoc with? earlier trim?
Turner's! t 13, 16, or 21
fetuses with urinary blockage may devlop what? die of what?
oligohydramnios, hydronephrosis, kidney damage, abd wall abnormalities, prune belly syndrome; hwoever, cause of death is pulmonary b/c low amniotic fluid causes impaired lung maturity
what is the "lemon sign"?
on US, frontal bossing b/c sides of cranium pulled IN due to cisterna magna pulled down from spina bifida
splaying of the lumbar spine on US is sign of?
spina bifida
what do sulfonamides cause in newby? when not give?
kernicterus: compete with bilirubin for binding sites on albumin, to leave more bilirubin free for diffusion into tissues.
don't give in last 2-6 weeks pregnancy
streptomycin tx for TB in pregger may also cause?
fetal hearing loss!!!
what can nurofurantoin (an antibiotic) cause in baby?
if baby has g6pd = may cause hemolytic anemia event ie like sulfa drugs, etc.
CAM causes what to fetus:
gray baby syndrome = spallid cyanosis, abd distension, vascular collapse --> death in a few days!!
when to administer flu vaccine to pregger?
after 1st trimester, or given earlier if underlying disease is severe
when is polio vacc indicated for preggers?
NOT (unless 3 mo before conception) b/c live vaccine; IS indicated if polio epidemic
monozygotic twinning rate?
what identifies monozygosity?
if only ONE chorion is identified.
If 2 are identified, may be mono or di
division of zygote AFTER embryonic disc is formed causes what?
conjoined twins
dizygotic twins always have what?
always have 2 chorions and 2 amnions...placenta may be separate or fused
m/c type of twinning? (3) m/c type of monozygotic twinning
The three most common variations are all dizygotic:

1 male-female twins are the most common result, 50 percent of DZ twins and the most common grouping of twins
2 female DZ twins (sometimes called sororal twins)
3 male DZ twins.

m/c type of monozygotic:
diamniotic, monochorionic placenta
do twins have an increased risk for single umbilcal artery?
yes! up to 5% will have!
what is velamentous insertion of the umbilicus anad what may it cause?
umbilical vessels separate in the membranes before reaching placenta; cause of fetal malformations!
what does vasa previa have risk for?
if vessels cross cervical os, may rupture when ROM occurs, and cause fetal blood loss
vascular angiomas / spider angiomas on belly of pregger are caused by what?
hyperestrogenemia of pregnancy
NSiM for pregnant women with constipation, 13,000wbc's, hypoactive bowel sounds, and previous CS?
although may just be mild gastroenteritis, must rule out obstruction ( ie from past adhesions)! do abd xray.
intractable vomiting early part of first trimester, resolving spontaneously by 16th week?
"morning sickness" = hyperemesis gravidarum
fetal anemia is caused by what ? NOT caused by what?
caused by autoimmune destruction ie by Rh- mother's AB's, or ie in the case of low RBC production such as in fetal parvovirus, or in fetal bleeding.

NOT caused by low maternal iron intake, b/c fetus takes all the iron it needs at expense of mother
hydronephrosis and hydroureter normal or pathological in pregnancy?
NORMAL; due to increased pressure of uterus on ureters; right is usually more dilated than left side
glucosuria normal or pathological during pregnancy?
normal; due to increased GFR of glucosse and decreased tubular reabsorption
history of what has been associated with increased risk for PP? for AP?
smoking, previous CS, grandmultiparous

AP = previous AP, htn, tobacco, cocaine, abd/pelvic trauma
If placenta appears intact but bleeding continues after birth, and later more placenta tissue found, what is diagnosis?
Succenturiate placenta = accessory lobe somewhere else
central portion of placenta missing =?
fenestrated placenta
what is membranaceous placenta?
when ALL membranes are covered in villi and placenta develops as a thin, membranous structure
shortest distance b/w sacral promontory and symphysis pubis? avg length?
obstetric conjugate 10.5 cm
shortest diameter of pelvic outlet?
interspinous diameter
anterior posterior >>transverse diameter; oval shaped pelvis?
side-side longer, oval shaped pelvis?
Wide transverse diameter pelvis with sacrosciatic notches
platypelloid pelvis
heart shaped pelvis?
android (also has shorter post diam at inlet than ant diam =baby's head comes more anteriorialy through the pelvic inlet
types of lie of fetus?
transverse oblique or longitudinal
types of presentation?
cephalic, breech, or shoulder
for cephalic = brow, vertex, or face
types of position of baby?
position = part of baby RELATIVE TO THE MOTHER = ie chin facingmother's hip = transverse mentum position
sinusoidal FHR associated with?
is ALWAYS seen with fetal anemia; is associated with fetal anemia due to Rh isoimmunized fetuses or placental rupture
which non-reassuring pattern is almost invariably seen during labor and not before
should preterm FHR monitoring be judged differently than term?
what pathognomonic FHR changes indicate congenital anomalies?
no pathognomonic ones do, but in general, non-reassuring changes indicate higher rates of fetal distress, often caused by oligohydramnios, fetal IUGR, etc caused by cong abnormalities
risk of rupture in VBAC with prior classical CS
4-9% (vs. prior tverse uterine CS =.5%)
l/s ratio at least what = lung maturity?
fetal lung maturity is sped up by? is delayed by?
faster = things causing fetal stress ie maternal htn, fetal growth retard
slower = gest DM, erythroblastosis fetalis
risk of RDS when L/S ratio is between 1:5 to 2:1? when < 1.5:1?
syst/diast pressure ratio usually does what towards end of gestation? what does it do if increased resistance in placental bed (ie in preeclampsia, IUGR, smoking?)
decreases as end-diast flow velocity increases
|INCREASES if increased resistance in placental bed b/c pressure lost to overcome resistance
does S/D ratio increase or decrease as fetal condition deteriorates?
absent or reverse diastolic flow meanst?
means that S/D ratio is severely increased and fetal condition is deteriorating!
at what age will abd ultrasound detect a gest sac?
5-6 weeks
at what age will a doppler us detect fetal heart tones? transvag us? fetal stethoscope?
10 weeks - doppler
5 weeks - trans vag US
20 weeks - fetal steth
earliest time that serum bHCG test can find positive results
8-9 days post ovulation
tests should be done on first prenatal visit (in first trimester)
Hep B surf antigen, HIV, CBC plus type,
recommended daily kcal intake for pregger?
amt of wt allowed to gain for different bmi's?
>29 = 15 lbs
<20 = up to 40 lb
what side rotation of uterus innormal pregnancy?
dextrorotation = clockwise to right ( cause of roundl ligament pain being more on r than l side)
does breech presentation cause uterus/fundal height to be large for gestational age?
poor sign of glucose control seen on US?
in nulliparous patients, when does engagement of head occur and what may it cause?
may occur as early as 2 weeks before labor; causes decrease in fundal height from max (ie from 38 to 36 cm)
if 37 week woman with breech baby, what's NSIM?
1) either schedule CS AFTER 39 weeks
2) schedule external cephalic version (ECV)
3) vaginal breech delivery if conditions are met:
frank breech
sufficient amniotic fluid
flexed head
EFW 2500-3800g
pelvis assessed with pelvimetry xray (not necessary if previous baby of bigger size was delivered)
after ECV, what % of breech babies will present breech at birth?
only 30% vs 80 if no ECV is performed
5 conditions to be met in order to attempt vaginal breech delivery?
frank breech
sufficient amniotic fluid
flexed head
EFW 2500-3800g
pelvis assessed with pelvimetry xray (not necessary if previous baby of bigger size was delivered)
at what gest age may you begin induction if cervix is ripe? unripe?
41 weeks. if unripe, FIRST do biophysical profile to make sure fetus is ok, then may WAIT... unless want to change Bishop score by giving cervical ripening agents (PGE2, etc)
unripe cervix at 42 weeks...nsim?
give cervical ripening agents (PGE2) to change Bishop score BEFORE giving oxytocin
if woman really wants induction or CS but is only at 40 weeks, what do?
wait. May induce at 41 weeks
In normally healthy woman who wants a CS, no rf's for CS problems, is elective CS ever indicated over trial vaginal delivery?
It's advised to do trial vaginal delivery, due to higher risks of CS surgery; however woman has final say
what age gestation should you never let a woman go past without inducing labor or elective CS?
42 weeks
is "cervical ripening"= inducing labor?
no...cerv ripening is ie PGE2 (vag gel or insert), balloons, stripping; induction of labor is giving oxytocin, etc
patient with oligohydramnios at term...nsim?
DELIVER!!! must ADMIT for cerv ripening and then induce labor!
cervical ripening treatments that change the Bishop score?
1) PGE2
2) mechanical dilation of cervix via stripping or laminara (absorbs tissue fluid)
3) balloons
4) Misoprostol (off-label)
NOT pitocin/oxytocin = labor INDUCTION agents
what is reassuring amount of kicks/period of time?
10 distinct kicks/2hrs time = reassuring
NSIM if 34 week mother documents decreased fetal movements?
go to L & D for non-stress test
what is a non-stress test?
fetal heart rate and contractions measurement. Movement, heart rate and “reactivity” of heart rate to movement is measured for 20-30 minutes. if baby seems sleepign, nurse may jiggle or use buzzer to try to wake the baby for last part of test
what's the modified biophysical profile?
MODIFIED = only do non-stress test (FHRmonitor) and amniotic fluid index
biophysical profile score nsim's?
0-2 = emergency CS
4-6 = repeat test (ie by superior) and delivery if persisting score
8-10 normal
is the desire for sterilization alone enough to indicate elective CS?
how much proteinuria in dipstick sampling is enough to dx preeclampsia
persistent 1+ is enough
should diuretics be used for preeclampsia? why?
NO, they deplete ivasc volume and may compromise placental perfusion