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47 Cards in this Set

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what are the MC complaints in GYN?
pelvic pain and abdominal pain
True of False:
pelvic pain is poorly localized and slowly conducted and persists after a stimulis is removed
Pelvic pain is visceral, does that mean it does or does not respond to thermal, chemical, or tactile sensations?
It does NOT respond.

visceral pain is referred
what kind of pain suggests and inflammatory response?
dull pain
Diagnosit Laparscopy is contraindicated in patients with?
hypovolemic shock or GI obstruction
What percent of patients wih pelvic pain will have a normal pelvis via laparoscopy?
What labs do we get for suspected ectopic pregnancy?
1. hCG subunits
2. US
3. culdocentesis
4. laparoscopy
pain in the lower abdomen around ovulation and believed to be secondary to chemical irritation of peritoneium from ovarian folicular cyst fluid.
inflammatory cysts, endometriomas, benign or malignant cysts, or solid tumors, are referred to as what in the DDs of pelvic pain?
ovarian accidents
What are 3 types of ovarian accidents seen in Ddx of pelvic pain
1. bleeding
2. rupture
3. torsion
May occur in pts who have hx of infertility being tx with fertility hormones
ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome
ovaries are enlarged withmultiple follicular cysts, a large cystic corpus luteum and stromal edema
ovarian hyperstiulation sydnrome
what are associated sx w/ ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome?
1. weight gain
2. abdominal distention
3. abdominal pain
if severe: ascities, plueral effusion, hypoveolemia, oliguria, lyte disturbances dyspnea
What is the therapy for pts with ovarian hyperstimulation sydnromes?
1. hospitalization
2. obv
3. bed res
4. fluid and lyte replacement
what are the associated sx of appendicities?
Anorexia, N and V
results from residual ovarian tissue after bilateral oophorectomy. present with sx of pelvic mass, pelvic pain or flank pain from associated ureteral obstruction
Ovarian Remnant Syndrome
spectrum of inflammatory disorders of the upper female genital tract or reproductive tract
pelvic inflammatory disease
True or false
1. PID is a dz of older women
2. MC serious infection in 16-25 yo
3. MC in AA and Hispanics
4. 1/2 develop sequellae
1. False, PID is a dz of younger women
2. T
3. T
4. False, 1/4 develope sequelae - ectopics, chronic pain, absecess, infertility, mortality,
what meds appear to protect users against PID?
IUD have been linked to an increase or decrease of PID?
an increase!
Barrier methods of contraceptions protect against PID. T or F?
this microbe is found in 15% of IUD cases of PID. Rare in non-IUD users
Actinomyces Israelii
What are the common causative agents of PID?
1. Neisseria gonorrhoeae*
2. Chlamydia trachomatis *
3. enteric gram - rods
4. Actinomyces Israelii - in IUD pts
5. Gardnerella -
what two organisms cause 2/3 of cases of acute PID?
Neisseria gonorrhoeae
chlamydia trachomatis
this PID infection usually is seen bilaterally esp if using IUD.May progress from endosalpingitis to oophoritis to possible peritonitis
Development of perihepatitis with adhesion and RUQ abdominal pain is called?
Fitz-Hugh-Curtis syndrome
acute PID is hard to dx because signs and sx are relatively non specific however _____ is essential in making diagnosis
high index of suspicion
consensus, disease oriented evidence, usualy practice, expert option or case series
C evidence based
Consistent good quality patient oriented evidence
A evidence based rating
what evidence based medicine rating do we have for PID?
A evidence. sscreening for and tx symptomatic lower genital tract chlamydial infection is recommended to reduce the incidence of pID
What is the CDC dx criteria for PID?
PID should be suspected and tx initiated if:
Patient is at risk of PID and
Patient has uterine, adnexal, or CMT with no other apparent cause
what is in our DDx of PID that we must rule out?
ectopic pregnancy
what is the best test for dx PID?
there is no single lab test that has good sensitivity and specificity. dx usually based on clinical findings

Laparoscopy is the gold standard because provides direct visulaization but its expensive, not readily available and intrusive
when and how might we see a cogwheel sign
Through Transvaginal ultrasound - may help to define adnexal masses, ectopic pregnancies -- shows thickened fluid filled types = hydrosalpinx
what test does the CDC consider the findings to be the most specific dx criteria for acute PID?
findings of histologic endometritis on endometrial bx
what is the tx for PID?
empiric broad spectrum abx:
"the faculty doesn't like (-), noelle, cristina, shae"
1. Facultative bacteria
2. gram negatives
3. neisseria gonorrhea
4. chlamydia
5. sterptococcus species
Levofloxacin or ofloxacind should not be used unless infection with what has been excluded?
what is PID criteria for hospitalization?
PID - Who's Fu#%d & Needs Special Treatment Today
1. Pregnancy
2. IUD use
3. Dx uncertain
4. WBC low or high
5. HIV +
6. Outpatient oral regimen no good
7. Surgical emergencies
8. Failure to improve after 3d of output therapy
9. Nulliparity
10. Severe illness
11. TOA / Pelvic abscess
12. Temperature
what abx does the CDC tell us to avoid in treating PID?
what is the oral treatment for PID?
Ceftriaxone 250 mg IM once PLUS
Doxycycline 100mg po bid x 14 days w/ or w/o
Metronidazole 500mg po bid x 14 days
patients should demonstrate substantial clinical improvement within how many days after initiation of therapy?
3 days

pts who do not improve within this time usually require hospitalization, additional dx tests and surical intervention
treating sex partners without direct examination or counseling either by rx or giving med for the parter to the index pt is called?
expedited partner treatment (EPT)
what do we do with a patient with TOA?
admit. they are sick. have septic. toxic picture.
Fever, N/V, diarreha, ilieu? tachycardia, hypotensive, abd. pain, decreased urine ouput
If a patient with TOA is not better in 72 hours what is the next step?
go to the OR and do exploratory lap
with this condition you may see swollen tubes filled with fluid, closed off. Adhesions, frozen pelvis - all organs fixed and fibrosis
chronic PID
what does chronic PID very closely resemble?
non-cyclic pelvic pain over 6 months duration, not relived with meds
chronic pelvic pain syndrome