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47 Cards in this Set

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when should a girl have her first pelvic exam?
when she becomes sexually active or between 18-20 yo
what three scenarios are cause for concern with regards to delayed puberty?
1. no menarche by 17yo
2. stages of puberty do not progress for 5 yo
3. if by 14 there are no secondary sexual characteristics
what tanner stage: elevation of papilla only
stage 1
breast bud, areola enlarges, small mount of tissue elevates papilla
what tanner stage:
projection of areola and papilla to form a secondary mound of tissue above level of breast
what tanner stage?
darker coarser grwoth on pubis
what tanner stage?
sparse growth primarily along labia
what makes up the pediatric cocktail and when do we use it
when we have to do vaginal exam on kids. made up of Promethazine, meperidine, chlorpromazine - provides analgesia and amnesia
white papular lesions resembling leukoplakia, may cover vulva and perianal regions
lichen sclerosus et atrophicus
how do we handle a ped case if we suspect sexual abuse?
needs immediate attention
1. complete PE
2. cervical and rectal smears
3. VDRL (syphillis)
4. psychological eval
5. record findings carefully
adhesion of labia minora in midline usually result of irritaiton or skin dz. can result in retention of urine and infection
labial agglutination
how can we treat labia agglutination
topical estrogen BID for 2-4 wks (wach for breast dev)
surgical seperation
one of the MCCC of vaginal outflow tract obstructions, presents with bulging introitus
imperforate hymen
what is hematocolpos?
bluish discoloration and blue dome seen in imperforate hymen
red mass at vaginal orifice. occludes vagina and usually causes dysureia.
prolpased urethra
when do we see monilial vaginitis?
common in diabetic children or after abx therapy
failure of caudal mullerian duct development of urogenital sinus. ovarian development is normal but uterous is not usually functional
vaginal atresia
what is the MCC of vaginal cysts in infants?
ectopic ureter with vaginal terminus
presents as ureterocele, appears as cystic mass protruding from vagina. if ureter patent, constant irritation and vaginitis may be presenting signs
ectopic ureter with vaginal terminus
what two conditions may develop as a result of ectopic ureter with vaginal terminus?
imperforate anus associated with rectovagnal connection. only a skin dimple is found at norma and anal site
vaginal ectopic anus
are vaginal tumors common in peds?
no, uncommon but if found usually malignant
what are the two types of vaginal tumors we might find?
1. vaginal adenosis (benign)
2. clear cell adenocarcinoma
presens as a strawberry red area within vagina. benign condition. hx of maternal DES
vaginal adenosis
malignancy associated with DES. vaginal bleeding, discharge, and pain MC, but can be asymptomatic
clear cell adenocarcinoma
impairment of synthesis or cortisol and aldosterone. Defect in 21 hydroxylase leads to virilization of female
congenital adrenal hyperplasia (pseudohermaphroditism)
how do we dx CAH? pseudohermaphroditism? how do we tx?
1.urinary pregnanetriol and 17 ketosteroids elevated
tx: hydrocortisone
maternal ingestion of synthetic progestins can result in?
masculinization of female
masculinizaiton of external genitalia, enlarged clitoris, labial fusion, normal vagina, tubes an uterus. growth and dev. normal. progressive virilization does not occur.
maternal ingestion of synthetic progestins
46XY genotpy and female phenotype. vagina ends in blind ouch. testicles present in labia. are often reared as females
testicular feminization. androgen insensitivity sydnrome
46XX entopy. external genitali appear male, female, or ambitious. both male and female internal genetalia may be present.
true hermaphroditism
this may be secondary to obstructions and other anatomic causes. N.V and diarrhea common. 25% have severe sx
is shown to have constant, noncyclic estrogen levels that stimulate growth and dev. of endometrium
Increase in PGF 2 alpha leads to what?
myometrial ischemia (uterine angina) and uterine hypercontractility
endometrial production and secretion of prostaglandins after ovulation is the proposed etiology of what?
primary dysmenorrhea
What is the MC sx associated with DUB?
what is the etiology of adolescent DUB?
immature hypothalamic-pituitary axis (abnormal hormonal stimulation of endometrium, pregnancy, blood dyscrasia, malignancy)
amenorrhea and secondary sterility due to intrauterine adhesion and uterine synechiae. Most frequent cause of secondary amenorrhea of anatomic orgin.
Asherman's syndrome
Amenorrhea, eating disorders, premature osteoprorisia
female athlete triad
amenorrhea is associated with bone loss which bone affected more than the cortical bone?
how do we define delayed puberty?
failure of menarche by 16 and failure or thelarche by 13
when is an evaluation for delayed pubery necessary?
if no secondary sex characteristics appear by 14 or failure of menarche by 17
early sexual maturation with secondary signs of sexual development, with men ache before what age?
precocious puberty,
menarche before 8-9
what is part of the full work up for precocious puberty?
1. Full History and physical
2. bone age studies
3. US, CT, MRI to exclude ovarian or adrenal tumor
what are the 5 potential causes of precocious puberty?
MC idiopathic
1. CNS disorders (trauma to hypothalamus, meningitis)
2. Congenital anomalies (neurofibromaosis, hydrocephalus)
3. chronic ingestion of estrogens (OCPs)
4. adrenal estrogen secreting tumor - rare
5. estrogen producing ovarian cyst of neoplasm
what is the tx for precocious puberty?
GnRH agonsists. down regulate receptor function -- temporary reversible inhibito of HPO axis
minors deemed mature can get evaluated/treatment w/o parental consent for:
1. pregnancy
2. emancipation
3. STI
4. emergency care
5. mental health care
6. drug tx
7. contraception