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190 Cards in this Set

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MSAFP high or low in open neural tube defects?
MSAFP high or low in down syndrome?
Quad screen in trisomy 18
all 4 low
Quad screen in trisomy 21
bhcg and inhibin high
5 aspects of Bishop score
(cervical exam during labor) 1) dilation
Ebstein's anomaly
congenital downward displacement of tricuspid valve into right ventricle; can be caused by lithium exposure in utero
Does Graves disease improve or worsen with pregnancy?
Do migraines improve or worsen with pregnancy?
Does MS improve or worsen with pregnancy?
Do gastric ulcers improve or worsen with pregnancy?
BMI normal weight
BMI overweight
BMI obese
BMI underweight
DDX MAHA and thrombocytopenia during or post-partum?
1) HEELP; 2) HUS/TTP; 3) preeclampsia; 4) AFLP (acute fatty liver of pregnancy); 5) DIC
Symmetric IUGR
most often due to fetal factors (congenital
Asymmetric IUGR
most often due to maternal factors (HTN
How to confirm diagnosis of syphilis in first stage?
darkfield microscopy
Evaluation of primary amenorrhea
absence of breast development indicates?
Evaluation of primary amenorrhea
presence of uterus indicates?
anticholinergic drug used to treat urinary incontinence secondary to overactive bladder muscles
cholinergic drug used to treat urinary incontinence secondary to urinary retention due to anesthetics or diabetic neuropathy
Gestational DM
glucose intolerance FIRST diagnosed during pregnancy > 20 wks
Abnormal glucose challenge test
Abnormal GTT: fasting glucose
Abnormal GTT: 1-hr
Abnormal GTT: 2-hr
Abnormal GTT: 3-hr
Fasting AM glucose goal in pregnant woman with pregestational DM
2-hr postprandial glucose goal in pregnant woman with pregestational DM
At what estimated fetal weight (EFW) is c-section indicated in woman with DM?
At what estimated fetal weight (EFW) is c-section indicated in woman without DM?
new onset HTN (>140/90) + proteinuria (>300mg/d) +/- non-dependent edema at >20wks
Management of mild preeclampsia
if pt far from term
Management of severe preeclampsia
1) control BP (labetalol or hydralazine); 2) prevent seizures (MgSO4); 3) deliver by induction or c-section if mother stable
Bleeding >20 wks
antepartum hemorrhage
Bleeding <20 wks
threatened abortion
2 most common causes of antepartum hemorrhage
1) placental abruption; 2) placenta previa
Placental abruption
Placenta previa
Diagnosis placenta previa
Treatment of mild abruption
expectant: admit
Treatment of moderate to severe abruption
immediate delivery
Treatment of placenta previa
expectant: tocolytics
AFI >20
Cause and karyotype of complete moles
sperm fertilization of empty ovum; 46XX
Cause and karyotype of incomplete (partial) moles
2 sperm fertilize normal ovum; 69
Premature rupture of membranes (PROM)
spontaneous ROM >1hr before onset of labor
Prolonged rupture of membranes
rupture >18 hrs prior to delivery
artificial rupture of membranes usually done to induce or accelerate labor
Treatment for failure to progress through latent phase of labor
1) therapeutic rest w/ IV analgesia; 2) oxytocin; 3) amniotomy; 4) cervical ripening
Treatment for failure to progress though active phase of labor
1) amniotomy; 2) oxytocin; 3) c-section if other attempts fail
Preterm labor
regular uterine contractions + concurrent cervical change at <37 wks
Treatment of preterm labor
1) IVF; 2) bed rest; 3) tocolytics (unless contraindicated); 4) steroids for fetal lung maturity; 5) PCN or ampicillin for GBS prophylaxis
4 types of tocolytics
1) B-agonists; 2) MgSO4; 3) CCB; 4) PGIs
3 contraindications to tocolytics
1) infection; 2) nonreassuring fetal status; 3) placental abruption
Complications of prematurity
1) RDS; 2) intraventricular hemorrhage; 3) PDA; 4) necrotizing enterocolitis; 5) retinopathy of prematurity; 6) bronchopulmonary dysplasia; 7) death
Frank breech
thighs are flexed and knees are extended
Footling breech
one or both legs are extended below the butt
Complete breech
thighs and knees are flexed
Postpartum hemorrhage
>500 mL blood loss (vaginal delivery; >1000mL (c-section)
3 complications of postpartum hemorrhage
1) acute blood loss; 2) anemia; 3) Sheehan's syndrome
Sheehan's syndrome
pituitary ischemia and necrosis --> anterior pituitary insufficiency secondary to massive obstetric hemorrhage and shock
Treatment for endometritis
clindamycin and gentamycin (broad-spect abx) until patients have been afebrile for 48 hrs
7 Ws of postpartum fever
1) womb (endomyometritis); 2) wind (atelectasis
How does Sheehan's syndrome most commonly present?
failure to lactate
Contraindications to breast feeding
1) HIV+; 2) active HBV/HCV; 3) use of certain meds (tetracyclines
One of most commonly used tocolytics
nifedipine (CCB)
NSAID used as a tocolytic
NT released by the posterior pituitary involved in breast milk production and induction of labor
Ovarian tumor marker for: epithelial CA
Ovarian tumor marker for: endodermal sinus
Ovarian tumor marker for: embryonal carcinoma
Ovarian tumor marker for: choriocarcinoma
Ovarian tumor marker for: dysgerminoma
Ovarian tumor marker for: granulosa cell
Non stress testing
fetal heart rate tracing obtained for 20 mins normal has @ least 2 acc of HR @ least 15 bpm above baseline for 15 sec
cauliflower like lesions multiple small raised lesions tx?
HPV (condyloma acuminata) tx c/cyrotx
watery d/c strawberry cervix tx?
Trichomonas vaginalis tx c/metronidazole
CI to labor induction and augmentation (6)
1. Placenta or vasa previa 2. Umbilical cord prolapse 3. transverse fetal lie 4. active genital herpes 5. known cervical ca 6. prior classic (vertical) c/s (horizontal c/s pts can deliver vag c/inc risk)
postpartum mother who develops SOB
passage of POC tx?
Incomplete abortion tx c/IV fluids
fetal death s/expulsion of tissue tx?
Missed abortion tx c/D&C <14wks and delivery >14 wks
when do you do contraction stress tests and what is it? what happens on a positive CST
you do it if fetal scores are low on BPP CST test for uteroplacental dysfunction give oxytocin and monitor fetal heart strip CST is positive when late decels are seen
tender rritable uterus tx?
phenotypic female c/absence of pubic & axilla hair
androgen insensitivity
tx of DUB
female pts c elevated DHEA should lead you to suspect
when is fetal malpresentation acceptable
face and brow presentation watchful waiting as most convert to vertex presentation if not c/s for any breech presentation shoulder presentation or incomplete or footling breech c/s mandatory
rules on giving Rhogam
if mom is Rh neg and dad is Rh pos give Rhogam @28 wks and 72 hrs after delivery
sudden urges followed by med-large loss cuased by uninhibited bladder contractions
detrusor instability
variable decels signifies tx?
in relation c/uterine contractions
predisposing factors HTN
when are steroids given to enhance fetal lung maturity in PROM or PPROM
less than 34wks
lesions c/intracellular inclusions tx?
molluscum contagiosum tx c/ cryotx
reason why female athletes dont have periods
excerised induced depression of GRH
progesterone challenge for amenorrhea
give progesterone if vag bleeding occurs = suff estrogen (check LH) no vag bleeding = insuff estrogen (check FSH if high pt has premature ovarian failure low/n FSH craniopharyngioma
endometrial glands found c/in uterus dysmenorrhea
menorrhagia large boggy uterus on u/s tx?
ab pain
adnexal tenderness
concerning fetal presentation when is c/s mandatory
for any breech presentation shoulder presentation or incomplete or footling breech c/s mandatory
painless bleeding
mother is completely stable but fetus shows worsening distress fetus shows tachyc initally then bradyc decompensates dx? tx?
post partum pt goes into shock and no bleeding visible should make you think of what differential
1. AF embolism 2. uterine inversion 3. concealed hemorrhage (uterine rupture)
OCPs are protective against
pos bacteria cx tx?
normal fetal breath movements
@ least 30 breathing movements in 10 mins
mucopurulent d/c gram neg diplococci tx?
N. gonorrhea tx c/ceftriaxone
endometrial glands outside of uterus dysmenorrhea
classic pt
txs to augment uterine contractions
oxytocin (watch for uterine hyperstim tx c/stopping oxytocin) prostaglandin E2 can cause uterine hyperstimulation amniotomy hastens labor but exposes fetus and uterine cavity to poss infex
malodorous d/c
fishy smell on KOH prep
most effective parameter for estimation of fetal wt in cases of suspected IUGR
abdominal circumference
tx of leiomyomas
hysterectomy when too large or symp too great myomectomy might restore fertility d/c to r/o endometrial ca
mc regimen for emergency contraception
ethinyl estradiol and levonorgestrol taken now and 12hrs later only useful up to 72hrs after sex
when is gettting a fetal scalp pH necessary
when abnormal fetal pattern persists after inital measures (position changes
increasei in temp for more than 2 consecutive days in the first 10days postpartum
late decel signifies
comes after uterine contractions
post menopausal females who have vulvar itch and dryness what do you suspect tx
lichen sclerosis or vulvar ca in situ obtain biopsy tx c topical steroids (clobetasol or halobetasol) if lichen sclerosis sx for vulvar ca in situ
an arrest of labor indicated by prominence of ischial spines
midpelvic contraction
MC cause of death in eclampsia
hemorragic stroke
if pt has grossly visible
bleeding cervical lesion what should be done in addition to pap smear
decreased long-term variability in fetal heart rate suggests
fetal sleep
biophysical profile consists of
1. NST 2. AF index 3. Fetal breath movements 4. Fetal movements
how does high levels of prolactin cause amenorrhea
prolactin has an inhibitory effect on prod of GnRH in hypothalamus
best test for detection of fetal chromosomal abnormality in first trimester of pregnancy
chorionic villus sampling
autoimmune dz manifests c ulceration in mouth and genital area assoc c uveitis
Behcet's dz
tx protocol for pregnant pt in toxoplasmosis
first 2 trimesters = elective abortion however if she wants to continue 1st trimester = spiramycin 2nd & 3rd trimester = pyrimethamine and sulfadiazine
normal fetal movements
At least 3 body movements in 10 mins
multiple shallow
painful ulcers tx?
uterine bleed c/cervical dilation and crampy ab pain no tissue expulsion
Inevitable abortion
inc post void residual pt unable to fully empty bladder due to neurological damage tx
neurogenic bladder tx c in and out cath
early decels signifies
head compression and is normal
bleeding is painless and profuse predisposing factor multiparity
inc age
uterine bleed s/cervical dilation no explusion of tissue tx?
Threatened abortion tx c/fluids
occurs c/cervical effacement
a blood-tinged mucus plug may be released from cervical canal tx?
change in normal angle btw bladder and vagina urine lost when laughing
sneezing or inc IAP tx
hx of prev uterine sx
the two STD men shouldnt be txed for along with women
steps to root out amenorrhea
1 preg test 2 progesterone challenge
cottage cheese d/c pseudohyphae on KOH tx?
Candida albicans tx c/topical/oral antifungal
Low hcg is indicateive of
abortion, ectopic pregnancy
low progesterone levels indicates
abnormal corpus luteum, ectopic pregnancy
low hpl indicates
decreased placental function
arterial bp is lowest in which trimester
coagulation factors that increase in pregnancy are
FACTORS 7-10 and fibronogen
Are physiological murmurs in pregnancy pathological?
what are the symptoms of hyperemesis gravidarum
intractable n/v, weight loss, ketonemia, electrolyte imbalances
what effect does progesterone have on the body during pregnancy?
relaxes smooth muscle, decreases gastric motility, decreases urethral motility
during pregnancy, hcg doubles every
48 hours
what murmurs are physiologic in pregnancy?
systolic and s3
increased hcg indicates
twin pregnancy or GTD
is respiratory alkalosis normal during pregnancy?
yes, d/t decrease pCO2 and increase in pH
increased estrogen causes what dermatological manifestations?
spider angiomata and palmar erythema
how soon after conception does pregnancy test become positive?
10-14 days post fertilization, date of menses
Increased estrogen leads to what thyroid elevation?
is a pregnant woman usually hyperthyroid?
no, because the free t3 and t4 are wnl
what tests are given during a prenatal visit?
CBC, Rh, Syphillis, Rubella, Hep B, G&C cultures, PPD, pap, HIV, UA test for GBS
when do u give rubella vaccine if woman is not vaccinated?
post partum d/t live vaccine is CI
TX of hyperemesis
vit b6, doxylamine
at what GA is the fundal height equal to the gestational age?
20-32 weeks
what are the tests done at second trimester?
glucose tolerance, genetic, neural tube screen, anemia, syphilis
at 32-36 weeks, what do you check for?
GBS and g&c
nuchal translucency tests for what and when?
trisomy 21 at 10-14 wks GA
chorionic villus samples test for what and when do u do it?
fetal karyotype at 9-13 wks GA
mulitple marker screen measures what?
AFP, bhcg, estriol, inhibin a
low bhcg, inhibin a, afp, estriol indicates what?
trisomy 18
elevated bhcg and inhibin a, low afp and estriol?
trisomy 21
when do you do multiple marker screen?
15-20 wks GA
define reactive NST
15 beats x 15 sec, 2x in 20 min
what does it mean to have a nonreactive nst?
fetus may be sleeping, mom sedated or GA<32
what is a negative contraction stress test?
reassuring fetal heart rate tracing with no late decels
short stature, webbed neck, amenorrhea, infertility, streak gonads
Turner's Syndrome (45 X)
tall stature, testicular atrophy, gynecomastia, low IQ
Kleinfelter's Syndrome (47,XXY)
mental retardation, holoprosencephaly, polydactyly, rocker-bottom feet
Trisomy 13
mental retardation, microcephaly, micrognathia, rocker-bottom feet, clinched fists
Trisomy 18 (Edward's Syndrome)
how much folic acid is needed if mom has hx of NTD babies?
how much folic acid needed for mom with no hx of NTD?
2 common presentations of NTD are
spina bifida and anencephaly
what effect does cocaine have on pregnancy
placental abruption
what effects does marijuana have on pregnancy
what drug is a/w epstein's anomaly
what antibx causes ototoxicity?
streptomycin CN 7
what antibx causes teeth discoloration and inhibition of bone growth?
what antibx causes tendon rupture in kids
is aspirin a teratogen?
no, affects perinatal period
what does aspirin do to kids?
increase bleeding and platelet dysfx
what causes oligohydramnios and premature closure of ductus arteriosus?
what causes fetal hydatoin syndrome?
what is fetal hydantoin syndrome?
IUGR, limb reduction defects, microcephaly, mental retardation
valproic acid increases what in fetuses?
spina bifida
carbamazepine increases risk for what in fetuses?
spina bifida