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39 Cards in this Set

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1. Small for gestational age (SGA)
a. Fetuses <10th percentile in weight.
2. Large for gestational age (LGA)?
a. Fetuses >90th percentile.
3. How are SGA fetuses further subdivided?
a. Symmetric or asymmetric.
b. Symmetric implies that the fetus is proportionally small.
c. Asymmetric: certain organs are disproportionately small.
4. 2 factors that can result in pts being SGA?
a. Those that lead to decreased growth potential.
b. Those that lead to intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR).
5. Congenital abnormalities causing SGA?
a. Account for 10-15%.
1. Trisomy 21
2. Trisomy 18 (Edward syndrome)
3. Trisomy 13 (Patau syndrome)
6. What intrauterine infections lead to SGA infants?
a. All, especially CMV and rubella.
b. These account for 10-15% of all SGA infants.
7. 2 most common teratogens causing SGA babies?
a. ETOH and tobacco.
8. Macrosomia birth weight?
a. >4,500g.
9. Classic measure of amniotic fluid volume?
i. Amniotic fluid index (AFI)?
10. How is the Amniotic fluid index (AFI) calculated?
a. By dividing the maternal abdomen into quandrants
b. Measuring the largest vertical pocket of fluid in each quadrant in cm, and summoning them.
11. AFI< 5=?
a. Oligohydramnios.
12. Polyhydramnios Amniotic fluid index (AFI)?
a. >20-25, depending on gestational age.
13. 2 general aetiologies of oligohydramnios?
a. Decreased production or increased withdrawal.
14. What is amniotic fluid produced by?
a. Fetal kidneys and lungs.
15. How is amniotic fluid reabsorbed?
a. Reabsorbed by placenta, swallowed by fetus, or leaked out into the vagina.
16. Chronic Uteroplacental Insufficiency UPI?
a. Can lead to oligohydramnios bc ht fetus likely does not have the nutrients of blood volume to maintain an adequate GFR.
b. UPI is commonly associated w/growth-restricted infants.
17. Diagnosis of oligohydramnios?
a. AGI <5.
18. Definition of polyhydramnios?
a. Defined by an AFI greater than 20-25.
b. Fetal structural and chromosomal abnormalities are more common in polyhydramnios.
19. With what conditions is polyhydramnios associated?
a. Maternal diabetes and malformations such as neural tube defect, obstruction of fetal alimentary canal, and hydrops.
20. What are pts with polyhydramnios at increased risk for?
a. Malpresentation.
b. Cord prolapse
11. AFI< 5=?
a. Oligohydramnios.
12. Polyhydramnios Amniotic fluid index (AFI)?
a. >20-25, depending on gestational age.
13. 2 general aetiologies of oligohydramnios?
a. Decreased production or increased withdrawal.
14. What is amniotic fluid produced by?
a. Fetal kidneys and lungs.
15. How is amniotic fluid reabsorbed?
a. Reabsorbed by placenta, swallowed by fetus, or leaked out into the vagina.
16. Chronic Uteroplacental Insufficiency UPI?
a. Can lead to oligohydramnios bc ht fetus likely does not have the nutrients of blood volume to maintain an adequate GFR.
b. UPI is commonly associated w/growth-restricted infants.
17. Diagnosis of oligohydramnios?
a. AGI <5.
18. Definition of polyhydramnios?
a. Defined by an AFI greater than 20-25.
b. Fetal structural and chromosomal abnormalities are more common in polyhydramnios.
19. With what conditions is polyhydramnios associated?
a. Maternal diabetes and malformations such as neural tube defect, obstruction of fetal alimentary canal, and hydrops.
20. What are pts with polyhydramnios at increased risk for?
a. Malpresentation.
b. Cord prolapse
21. Antibody type in Rh incompatibility?
a. IgG
22. If a woman is Rh neg and her fetus is Rh pos, she may be sensitized to the Rh antigen and develop antibodies.
a. These IgG abs cross the palcenta and cause haemolysis of fetal RBCs.
23. Sx of Erythroblastosis fetalis or fetal hydrops?
1. Hyperdynamic state
2. Heart failure
3. Diffuse oedema
4. Ascites
5. Pericardial effusion
b. The result of serious anaemia.
24. When is RhoGAM given to an Rh Negative pt?
a. Any time during pregnancy that there is a possibility that she may be exposed to fetal blood:
1. Amniocentesis
2. Miscarriage
3. Vaginal bleeding
4. Abruption
5. Delivery.
25. RhoGAM?
a. Anti-D immunoglobulin (Rh IgG).
26. Post-term pregnancy definition?
a. >42 weeks GA or >294 days past the LMP.
27. Most common reason for diagnosis of Post-term pregnancy?
a. Inaccurate dating.
28. Rare conditions of the fetus associated w/post-term pregnancy?
1. Anencephaly
2. Fetal adrenal hypoplasia
3. Absent fetal pituitary.
b. All are notable for diminished levels of circulating oestrogen.
29. What types of twins are at greatest risk for twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome (TTTS)?
a. MoDi twins. Monochorionic (one placenta), Diamniotic (2 amniotic sacs)
b. Due to placental vascular communication.
c. Extremely high mortality of 40-60%.