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747 Cards in this Set

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What percent of all pregnancies are aborted in first semester spontaneously?
Fertility rate in women with multiple spontaneous abortions?
Most common cause of spontaneous abortions in
1st trimester?
2nd trimester?
1st - chromosomal abnormalities
2nd - uterine or environmental issues (cervical incompetence or toxins)
Age of father when risk for aneuploidy begins?
Multiple spontaneous 1stT abortions increase risk for what?
Subsequent pregnancy and child to have c'somal abnormalities.
Teratogenic effect of alcohol?
Fetal alcohol syndrome
2) craniofacial abnormalities
3) Mental retardation
Teratogenic effect of tetracycline?
Bone development and stained teeth
Teratogenic effect of phenytoin (dilantin)?
Digital hypoplasia and craniofacial abnormalities
Radiation during pregnancy has what cutoff, and if breeched has what effects in
1) 50 rad
1stT - lungs, heart, limbs
2ndT - CNS
Recs for exercise for pregnant women (4)
1) Exercise is good, no cutoff for hr
2) Non-weight bearing ideal
3) Avoid supine position
4) 4-6 weeks post pregnancy to return to prepreggers ex regimen
Nuchal translucency is a risk factor for what?
C'somal abnormalities specifically Down's.
Also, greater the luceny the greater the risk for other abnormalities even with nl karyotype
Cystic hygromas on US risk for what?
Turner's sx
Inheritance of achondroplasia
Autosomal dominant
but 90% of cases are de novo!
How fertile are people with balanced translocations?
Translocated individuals have normal phenotypes, but they cannot produce nl gametes. Non-disjunction ALWAYS happens in meiosis so all fertilizations are either trisomies or monosomies of that c'some. All but 45,X are lethal for monosomies.
Indication for MSAFP
If greater than 4.0 MOM then risk for neural tube defect increases (not diagnostic!)
Safest cytology by semester?
1st - CSV
2nd - Amniocentesis
3rd - Amniocentesis
Give IVIG:
Give Inactivated Bac:
Contraindicated except with exposure:
Give IVIG: Hep A, Hep B, Rabies, Tetanus, Varicella
Give Inactivated Bac: Cholera, plague, Thyphoid
Contraindicated: Measles, Mumps
Contraindicated except with exposure: Rubella
Which infection can spread from a recently vaccinated person to a new host?
Abx causes kernicterus (bilirubin induced brain damage)
Bactrim (Trimethoprim/sulfamethaxazole)
All SULFA drugs
Abx causes gray baby sx (vomiting, SOB, hypothermia, cardiovascular collapse)
Safe Abx in pregnancy
Cephalosporins and Penicillins
Environmental stress that increases risk for neural tube defect
Maternal hyperthermia
Suanas and hot tubs
Dowm's Sx
Elevated MSAFP
Ultrasound for confirmation of GA and to screen for fetal abnormalities
How much weight should women gain during pregnancy?
nl - 25-35 lbs
Obese - 5-10 lbs
Really obese - no weight gain at all
All should avoid restricted diet or weight loss
Mgmt of
Epileptic pregnant woman
1) Attempt to wean off anti-epileptic
2) Reduce or use only 1 anti-epileptic
3) Avoid VPA

*All epileptic women have increased risk for structural abnormalities
When to get MMR and Flu vaccine during pregnancy
MMR - 3 months before conception
Flu - after 1st T
Screenings by ethnicity
Northern Europe:
Jews: Tay-Sachs, Canavan
Northern Europe: CF
Mediterranean: Beta thalassemia
Vegetarian deficiencies in pregnant mothers
Need animal protein (for essential a. acids)
Need B12
Vit A supplementation can cause abnormalities
Drugs that are teratogenic
Hemolytic anemia in setting of sulfonamide abx tx
G6PDase deficiency
Inheritance of G6PDase deficiency
X-linked recessive
Dome shaped papules on body, with cafe au lait lesion on back
Inheritance of neurofibromatosis
Autosomal dominant
Inheritance of CF
Autosomal recessive
Bone fractures and deformities on prenatal ultrasound in fetus
Osteogenesis imperfecta
Nuchal translucency (cystic hygroma)
Turner's syndrome if later
The earlier it's seen in GA the more likely it is to be 21, 18, or 13
Blocked ureter with enlarged bladder and oligohydramnios
Prune belly syndrome
Lemon sign
Spina bifida
Double bubble of dudodenal atresia
Trisomy 21
Fetal hearing loss from abx during pregnancy
Hemolytic anemia in fetus and mother from abx during pregnancy
Recs for Flu vaccine for pregnant women
If underlying disease is serious
Recs for Typhoid vaccine for pregnant women
If traveling to endemic country
Recs for Hep A vaccine for pregnant women
After exposure or if traveling to endemic country
Recs for Cholera vaccine for pregnant women
Only if traveling to endemic country
Recs for TDap vaccine for pregnant women
If never given before or if more than 10 years since last
Recs for polio vaccine for pregnant women
During epidemic is mandatory, but otherwise contraindicated
Recs for Yellow Fever vaccine for pregnant women
If traveling to endemic country
Recs for Rabies vaccine for pregnant women
Always given
Division after formation of embryonic disc
Siamese twins
In Mono-Di twins which can be mono
The chorion
(the amnion- the inner layer-) can be single or double, but the amnion cannot be less than the chorion
Having a single umbilical artery is a risk for what?
18% rate of congenital malformation
(more common in diabetic mothers)
Vasa previa (vilamentous insertion of cord that traverses internal os) can lead to what?
Fetal exsanguination when membranes rupture (causing the umbilical vessels to rupture as well)
Pt has presyncope when in supine position
Compression of vena cava by gravid uterus. No mgmt needed.
Spider angiomas
Hyperestrogenism of pregnancy
No mgmt needed
Colikcy abdominal pain, nausea, emesis, decreased bowel sounds
Bowel obstruction during pregnancy (adhesions from intestine to uterus strangulate the bowel)
Colikcy abdominal pain, nausea, emesis, decreased bowel sounds
Upright or lateral decubitus abdominal x-ray
Colikcy abdominal pain, nausea, emesis, decreased bowel sounds
Bowel rest, IV fluids, nasogastric suction.

If conservative tx resistant, surgery.
Iron needs of pregnant women
Iron supplementation mandatory for all women
Bilateral hydronephrosis with right ureter more dilated than left
Normal physiologic response to pregnancy
Positive urine glucose during pregnancy
Normal during pregnancy due to increased GFR and less resorption.
GTT for suspected diabetes
Dyspnea during pregnancy
Normal during pregnancy, increased tidal volume and minutre ventilation
After delivery placenta is removed in pieces with hemorrhage
Placenta accreta
After delivery intact placenta is delivered, hemorrhage, US shows more placental tissue
Succenturiate placenta
(placenta in two pieces connected by vessels through amnion)
Painless hemorrhage in antepartum
Placental Previa
Thin, tachycardic with frequent irregular menses, temperature instability, and anxiety and sleep disturbance.
Thin, tachycardic with frequent irregular menses, temperature instability, and anxiety and sleep disturbance
TSH level
Pregnancy test (always get with spotting/pain in reproductive age women)
ASCUS on pap smear
Get HPV typing,
Repeat pap in 6 months and 12.
ASCUS with high risk HPV
Dx study for
Multiple ulcers and erosions of variable size of vulva, the lesions are eroded, some with a purulent eschar.
This is herpes, but a complete STI panel is warranted
Multiple ulcers and erosions of variable size of vulva, the lesions are eroded, some with a purulent eschar.
1) This is herpes, cannot do speculum exam for endocervical sampling for G/C. If high risk for G/C empiric tx.
2) Hep B vaccine
3) Valtrex for herpes
Copper penny lesions on palms and soles of feet.
Dx study for
Copper penny lesions on palms and soles of feet.
Dx study for suspected herpes lesion
Culture of base of lesion
PCR for HSV-2
Lower abdominal pain, adnexal tenderness, fever, cervical motion tenderness, vaginal discharge
PID (acute salpingitis)
Mucopurulent cervicitis with exacerbation during and after menses
Thick, white, cottage cheese discharge
Candida (albicans)
Pap smears in old people
STOP between 65-70:
1) If hysterectomy not done for cervical cancer or precursor
2) If 3 consecutive pap smears normal and no hx of ever high grade CIN

Keep doing if:
1) Have ever had cervical cancer
2) Have ever had CIN III or higher
3) Are less than 65
Frequency of pap smears
q3 years:
1) No hx of CIN
2) Not high risk sexual acitivity

q1 year:
1) Ever cancer
2) Ever CIN
3) High risk sex
Recs for rectovaginal exam in women
Dx study for
Fixation of uterus, thickening of rectovaginal septum, friable cervix
Cervical biopsy
(cervical ca diagnosis must be made by biospy)
Erythematous patches on cervix, frothy yellow-green discharge
Clue cells
Positive KOH test
(sometimes trichomoniasis)
Tx for
Oral metronidazole
Tx for
Oral, topical, or suppository Imidazole
Tx for
Oral or topical metronidazole
Topical clindamycin
Recs for
G/C testing
Screening for
1) Sexually active women under 24
2) All women over 25 at increased risk
ACOG recs for Pap smears
1) All women at age 21
2) Biannually until 3 consecutive negatives --> Then every 3 years
Which immunization contraindicated in even possibility of pregnancy?
Indications for breast MRI or US
When mammogram is inconclusive
When to offer BRCA testing?
After counseling if breast or ovarian cancer in family
Screening recs for DXA scan
1) All women over 65
2) All postmenopausal women with early menopause, steroid tx, hyperthyroid, hyperparathyroid, vit D defciency, chronic liver or renal disease
3) All postmenopausal women with fractures
4) Women under 50 if surgically menopausal
When to start pap smears
At 21 for ALL women (independent of coitarche)
When to start mammograms
Acog - 40, biannually, then annually after 50
USPSTF - Biannually at 50
Lower cutoff for Hgb during pregnancy
Thyroid levels in pregnancy
T3/T4 go up, but so does thyroglobulin so total free Thyroxine stay the same
Respiratory changes in pregnancy
Tidal volume goes up
RR stays the same
So minute ventilation goes up
Dx study for
Snowstorm pattern on uterine US
CXR for lung mets from the gestational trophoblastic disease (molar pregnancy)
Snowstorm pattern US, beta hCG 1 million
Molar pregnancy
Bibasilar crackles in pre-term mother
Terbutaline induced pulmonary edema
Diastolic murmurs are always abnormal in pregnancy.
Macrocytic anemia in pregnancy
Folate deficiency
ACOG Guidelines on weight gain during pregnancy
Underweight: 28-40
Normal: 25-35
Overweight: 15-25
Obese: 11-20
Teratogenic effect of
Neural tube defect
Most common cause of inherited mental retardation
Fragile X
Dx study for
Preconception counseling for African american couple
Hgb electrophoresis and CBC
Triple screen has what component's and is screening for what?
1) Alpha fetal protein (!FP)
2) Beta hCG
3) Unconjugated estriol

For: Trisomy 21, Trisomy 18, and neural tube defect
Add Inhibin A for quad screen to increase seitivity
Quad 4 screen has what added to increase sensitivity for what
Inhibin A
for Down's sx sensitivity
Risk of SAB with CVS with 2 prior SABs
1% (all CVS has this risk) not effected by prior SABs
Jew panel for preceonception
1) Tay-Sachs
2) CF
3) Niemann-Pick
4) Fanconia Anemia
Most common fetal strucutral abnormality in diabetic mothers
Cardiac abnormality
Teratogenic effects of Gestational diabetes
1) Polyhydramnios
2) Neonatal hypoglycemia
3) Preeclampsia
4) Fetal macrosomia
Teratogenic effects of
Pre-existing diabetes
Most common fetal side effect of VPA
Neural tube defect
Screening tests for Down's by trimester
1st T: Combined test = Nuchal translucency, serum PAPP-A, and Beta hCG

2nd T: Triple or Quad Screen = Serum FAP, unconjugated estriol, beta hCG, (Inhibin A)
Folate recommendations for preventing spina bifida
Non high risk: .4 mg per day
High risk: 4 mg/day
Dx study for
Unsure GA by conflict between hx and physical exam (uterine size)
BG cutoffs for 3 hour GTT
Fasting: 95
1 hr: 180
2 hr: 155
3 gr: 140
Vaginal discharge and itching in 3 yo after abx tx
Yeast infxn
Contraindication for oral estrogen tx for atrophic vaginitis
An intact uterus
Of molar pregnancies which is more likely to be persistent?
Complete molar more likely than partial molar
Mgmt of
Pt post molar pregnancy D&C
Follow beta hCG for 6 months following procedure, using OCPs the entire time
Tx for
Recurrent molar pregnancies
Folic acid supplemenatation
Vaginal bleeding, uterine size greater than GA from LMP,
Molar pregnancy
Snowstorm pattern, beta hCG of a million
Molar pregnancy
Initial Tx for
Molar pregnancy

(may need methotrexate later if she develops post molar GTD)
Older woman, lower beta hCG levels, longer gestations, incorrectly diagnosed as missed abortions, marked villi swelling
Partial molar pregnancy
Trophoblastic proliferation with hydropic degeneration, large uteri, preeclampsia
Complete molar pregnancy
Dx study for
Mets in liver, lungs, suspicion for choriocarcinoma
Beta hCG
(Do NOT get biposy, bc lesions are very vascular)
Asian increases risk for what
Molar pregnancy
Dx study for
Uterus larger than LMP would indicate
(Beta hCG only diagnostic if over a million)
Tx for
Squamous cell carcinoma of vulva
Radical vulvectomy and groin node dissection
Tx for
SCC of vulva if less than 2 cm and invasion less than 1 mm
Excisional biopsy
Multi-focal, flat, whitish lesions on vulva, in setting of immunosuppression, negative wet prep
HPV related condyloma or vulvar dysplasia
Dx study for
Multi-focal, flat, whitish lesions on vulva, in setting of immunosuppression, negative wet prep
Colposcopy with directed biopsies
Post menopausal, fiery red vuvla with mottled whitish hyperkeratotic areas, non-tender
Paget's disease of the vulva
(i.e. in situ carcinoma of the vulva, a non-invasive adenocarcinoma of breast tissue in the vulva)
Risk factors for Vulvar Intraepithelial Lesion (VIN)
HPV and smoking
Tx for
Diffuse, whitish raised 0.5-1.5 cm papules throuhgout large portions of external vaginal orifice
Laser ablation

(Excision not ideal given diffuse nature)
Elevated, firm, erythematous, ulcerated lesion on left labia 2.5 cm in diameter
SCC of vulva
Crinkled tissue paper, white inelastic skin
Lichen sclerorsus
White, plaquelike lesions, not a discrete mass on vulva
Paget's disease of the vulva
Tx for
Wide local excision

(Only do radical vulvectomy for full blown carcinoma)
Pigmented, flat lesion, 1.5 cm in diameter on vulva
Melanoma in situ
Multicentric brown pigemented papupes on vulva, no induration
Vulvar Intraepithelial Lesion (VIN) due to HPV
Tx for
Lichen sclerosus of vulva
Steroid cream
Worst prognostic sign in cervical dysplasia
Atypical vessles and mosaicism
Mgmt of
HSIL on Pap with nl biopsies and ECC
Cervical conization
(significant discrepancy between pap smear and biopsies)
Inability to visualize the entire squamocolumnar junction
Cervical conization
Indications for cervical conization
1) Severe dysplasia on biopsy
2) Carcinoma in situ
3) Positive ECC
Distinction between CIN, microinvasive cancer, and carcinoma in situ
CIN 3: Atypical cells through entire depth to basement membrane
Microinvasive: Less than 3 mm past basement membrane
Carcinoma in situ: More than 3 mm beyond basement membrane
Endocervical speculum cannot visualize entire lesion, ECC is negative
Pap smear recs for chicks with the hivy
Twice in the first year of HIV diagnosis. If both normal, back to annually
Normal pap smear in recently diagnosed HIV pt
Repeat in 6 moths, then can go to annually
Small white lesion on speculum exam for pap smear
Biopsy under colposcopy
Tx for
Young fertile woman with leiomyomas
Tx for
Near menopausal or infertile women with leiomyomas
1) GnRH agonists to shrink before surgery
2) Surgery
3) Uterine artery embolization
Uterine fibroids grow in response to what?
Why can you only give GnRH for 6 months?
The constant (not pulsatile) GnRH causes negative feedback on estrogen which causes bone loss
Postmenopausal, bleeding, pelvic pain, uterine enlargement, vaginal discharge
Uterine leiomyosarcoma
Heavier and longer periods in premenopausal woman, irregularly shaped enlarged uterus
Uterine fibroids
Menorrhagia, dysmenorrhia, boggy uterus
Tx for
Subserosal fibroid during pregnancy
If asymptomatic - nothing

If symptomatic - follow, no myomectomy which is contraindicated

If blocks lower uterine segment --> C-section
Menorrhagia in fertile woman due to fibroids
GnRH +/- Myomectomy

(Ablation would cause infertility)
Perimenopausal woman with menorrhagia
Endometrial biopsy
Risk factors for
Endometrial Ca
1) Late menopause (and early menarche)
2) Unopposed estrogen tx
3) nulliparity
4) Obesity
5) Tamoxifen tx
6) Diabetes
Grade 2 Endometrial Ca
1) Total abdominal hysterectomy
2) Bilateal salpingo-oophrectomy
3) Pelvic and para-aortic lymphadenectomy
4) Pelvic and abdominal washings
Tx for
Well differentiated endometriod adenocarcinoma in women who can't tolerate abdominal surgery
Total vaginal hysterectomy +/- BSO
Nulliparous woman, obese, diabetic, HTN, irregular menses throughout life, presenting with heavy irregular bleeding
Endometrial biopsy
(D&C if cant' tolerate speculum exam)
Dx study for
Diagnosed stage I endometrial ca

possibly CA-125
Dx study for
Vaginal bleeding in any postmenopausal woman
Endometrial biopsy
Postmenopausal woman with hx of tamoxifen use
Annual visits (no special mgmt of her increased risk for endometrial ca)
Dx study for
Postmenopausal woman with vaginal bleeding but only rare atypical cells on endometrial biopsy
(the endometrial biopsy may have missed the big kahuna)
Risk factors for ovarian ca
1) Low parity
2) Delayed child bearing
3) Early menarche and late menopause
4) FHx
Protective against ovarian ca
Prognostic factors in ovarian ca
Most to least important
1) Tumor stage
2) Volume of residual dz s/p cytoreductive surgery
3) Grade of tumor
Adnexal maxx with cystic and solid components in 30 yo, possibly echogenic
Dermoid tumor
Tx for
Stage III Ovarian ca
Surgery and subsequent chemotherapy
Unilocular simple cyst on ovary
(Functional) Ovarian cyst
Increasing abdominal girth
Serous cystadenoma of ovary
Multilocular and large cyst on ovary
Mucinous cystadenoma of ovary
Dx study for
Positive FHx of ovarian and breast ca
BRCA1 and BRCA2 in proband (i.e. mother below the first afflicted)
Dx study for
Large pelvic mass on transvaginal US with elevated CA-125
Pelvic and abdominal CT scan
(most importantly to look for omental caking)
Normal puberty development schedule
Thelarche - 10.5
Adrenarche - 11.5
Growth Spurt
Menarche - 12.5
Normal range of menarche
Dx study
15 yo Tanner stage II breasts, normal genital anatomy, no menarche
4 yo with pubic hair but no breast development, low LH and FSH, but high DHEA and DHEAS
Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia
17 yo Primary Amenorrheic, normal pubic hair and breast development, blind vagina without cervix or uterus. Normal ovaries.
Mullerian Agenesis
Dx study in
Mullerian Agenesis
Renal US
(25-35% have renal anomalies)
3 Things girls need to develop secondary sex characteristics
1) Adequate body weight (85-106 lbs)
2) Sleep
3) Optic exposure to sunlight
Dx study for
Normal appearing 16 yo with primary amenorrhea, adequate weight, no secondary sexual characteristics
Olfactory challenge for Kallman's
Normal appearing 16 yo with primary amenorrhea, adequate weight, no secondary sexual characteristics
Short, lack of secondary sex characteristics, palpebral fissure growth, shield chest, cubitus valgus
Turner Sx
Pathophys of
True Precocious Puberty
Premature secretion of GnRH in a pulsatile manner.
Tx for
True precocious puberty
GnRH agonist
(when constant and not pulsatile will turn off FSH and LH which are producing the estrogen that is the problem)
First line test for secondary amenorrhea in 20 something yo
Prolactin level
Secondary amenorrhea s/p D&C
Asherman's syndrome
33 yo with Secondary amenorrhea
TSH and Prolactin nl
Not pregnant
Premature ovarian failure
Stressed out girl with secondary amenorrhea
Hypothalamic pituitary dysfunction
(Hypothalamus doesn't pulse GnRH bc she aint fertile now anyway)
Primary amenorrhea
Nl development
Cyclical abdominal pain
Genital outflow tract obstruction
(structural problem)
1st Line Tx for
and weight loss
Most common cause of secondary amenorrhea
Dx study
Secondary amenorrhea
Thin, suspect HP axis dysfunction
FSH and LH
(not GnRH)
Main causes of
Hypothalamic Pituitary Dysfunction
1) Functional: Weight loss, obesity, exercise
2) Drugs: MJ and tranquilizers
3) Pituitary adenomas
4) Psych: Anxiety or eating disorder
Hair loss post pregnancy
Totally normal
(High Estrogen during pregnancy)

High estrogen levels in pregnancy cause many hairs to grow in the same cycle, so they all fall out together too.
Hirsutism, mildly elevated testosterone
Hirsutism, irregular menses, obesity
Weight gain
Stretch marks purplish in color
Cushing's Sx
Dx study for
Suspected Cushing's
Dexamethasone suppression test
Dx study for
Hirsutism, acne
TSH, prolactin, testosterone, DHEAS nL
(for late onset 21-hydroxylase deficiency)
Elevated DHEAS, recent onset hirsutism in middle age
Adrenal tumor
(more common in Asians)
NL TSH, prolactin, testosterone, DHEAS, 17-Hydroxyprogesterone
NL menstrual cycles
Idiopathic hirsutism
Tx for
PCOS hirsutism
1st - OCPs
2nd - Spironolactone
(Or Lupron or Depo)
Rapid onset of hirsutism, virilization,
20-40 yo
Sertoli-Leydig tumor (produces testosterone)
Usually with high FSH and LH and an adnexal mass
Dx study for
Abnormal bleeding
Endometrial biopsy (if over 35)
Tx for
Longterm control abnormal uterine bleeding
Endometrial ablation
Dx study for
Intermenstrual bleeding
Pelvic ultrasound
(most likely causes are myoma, polyp, malignancy)
Most common causes of intermenstrual bleeding?
1) Myomsa
2) Polyps
3) Malignancy
Recent menarche, heavy bleeding every time
Coagulation disorder
(most likely von willebrand)
Most likely bleeding disorder to present at menarche?
Von Willebrand's
Dx study for
Heavy bleeding happening cyclically
Pelvic US
Complete work up of Abnormal uterine bleeding (5)
1) TSH
2) Prolactin
3) Pelvic US
4) Endometrial biopsy
5) Beta hCG
Complete work up for abnormal uterine bleeding negative
Dysfunctional uterine bleeding (catch all term of exlcusion)
Strongest predictor of PMS
Mother with PMS
Dx study for
suspected PMS/PMDD
Prospective symptom calendar
Tx for
Vitamin deficiencies associated with PMS
Tx for
PMDD (and PMS)
Pathophys of PMS
Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Ovary axis
Only removal or death of ovaries will cause resolution
Fatigue, irritability, bloating, breast tenderness ALL the time
(PMS has to be cyclical)
What does exercise due to help PMS?
Release Endorphins
Tx for (Definitive)
Tx for
Adenomyosis if desire future pregnancy
1) IUD
2) Ablation (less so)
Dx study for
Dysmenorrhea causing functional loss, refractory to Ibuprofen and OCPs and Depo
Laparoscopy for Endometriosis
Dysmenorrhea causing functional loss, refractory to Ibuprofen and OCPs and Depo
Screening recs for G/C
All sexually active women 25 and younger
Tx for
Dysmenorrhea refractory to NSAIDs
Pathophys of
The endometrium produces prostaglandins that hurt
Soft, boggy uterus
What can exclude endometrial ca?
Regularly regular periods (irrespective of length of bleeding)
Hemosiderin-laden macrophages and blue black powder lesions
Calcium requirements of postmenopausal women
Tx for
Postmenopausal symptoms
only the estrogen is therapeutic but the progesterone prevents the estrogen from being unopposed
Why do fat women have fewer menopausal symptoms?
Fat cells aromatize testosterone to estrogen
Cutoff for Premature Ovarian Failure
Before age of 35
Main side effect of estrogen replacement therapy
Vaginal bleeding
How to do clomiphene challenge?
What does it show?
Give Clomiphene on days 5-9 and compare FSH on days 3 and 10

Normally acting hypo/pit will churn out FSH due to high GnRH pulses from blinded hypothalamus
What is clomiphene
A Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulator
Mostly used as an ovulation inducer as it can produce estrogen levels that can cause the LH surge
Increases gonadotropins by preventing negative feedback on hypothalamus
Infertility test for older women
1) Clomiphene challenge
2) AMH
Hyperprolactinemia with lack of conception, irregular menses, high TSH
(it causes hyperprolactinemia)
Infertility Tx for
1) Weight loss
2) Metformin
3) Clomid (ovulation inducers)
S/e of Imipramine
Cutoff for infertility
12 months of unprotected sex
Labs in exercise-induced hypothalamic amennorrhea
Normal FSH and low estrogen levels
Tx for
Exercise-induced hypothalamic amennorrhea
Exogenous FSH and LH
(ovulation inducers don't work as well)
Window of conception
4 days
(days 12-15)
Sperm can live for 3, egg only 1
PCOS lab anormalities
1) Elevated LH/FSH
2) Elevated testosterone
Pathophys of PCOS
1) Excess LH is made by anterior pituitary; High insulin contributes as well
2) They both cause hi levels of testosterone to be made by Theca cells
OCPs are protective against which types of Cancer?

1) Endometrial
2) Ovarian
(The longer they were ever used the more protective)

Increases risk of breast cancer, but that risk normalizes after 10 years of non use
Contraindications for Estrogen in combined OCPs
1) Previous clot
2) Smoker and over 35
3) Chronic HTN
4) Breast feeding
BTL magically lowers risk for what?
Ovarian Cancer
Fat married woman wants sterilization, what do you offer?
Vasectomize her husband
Contraindication to patch birth control
Fat chicks
Recurrent SABs and hx of clot
Antiphospholipid antibody syndrome
Vaginal bleeding, positive beta, uterus large and tender, slightly dilated cervix, fever
Septic abortion
Vaginal bleeding, positive beta, closed cervix
Threatened abortion
Incomplete abortion
Vaginal bleeding, abdominal pain, adnexal mass, cervix closed
Ectopic Tubal pregnancy
Cutoffs for Abortions
1) Medical
2) Surgical
1) 7.0 weeks
2) 24.0 weeks
Girl wants abortion, US shows no gestational sac
Beta hCG
Elective abortion 2 days prior, vaginal bleeding, abdominal and pelvic pain, fever
Suspected endometritis
1) IV Abx
2) US for retained products of conception --> If gestational sac --> D&C
Tx for
Pregnancy in APLS
Aspirin + Heparin
Method of abortion in surgical cases when autopsy necessary
Induction with intravaginal prostaglandins
D&C cutoff
16 weeks
16.1 weeks and more must get D&E
Tx for
Septic abortion
Uterine evacuation + Abx
Tx for
Heavy bleeding after medical abortion
Cutoff for MVA (Manual vacuum aspiration)
8.0 weeks
Chronic, relapsing and remitting, irritated, burning pruritis, contact bleeding, dyspareunia
Lacy reticulated pattern on labia and perineum, rash on wrists
Lichen planus
Lacy reticulated pattern on labia and perineum, rash on wrists
Lichen planus
Pruritis, vaginal discharge of thick white curds
Yeast infection
Tx for
Yeast infection
Azole creams
Frothy yellow green discharge, petechiae on cervix
Tx for
Which is genital
HSV-1 is cold sores
HSV-2 is genital herpes
Fever, HA, malaise, myalgias, genital lesions, HSV ab negative
HSV-2 primary infection
Tx for
Genital herpes
Thick, scaly, enlarged labia, with or without edema.
Hx of scratching and rubbing for a long time
Lichen simplex chronicus
Mucopurulent discharge
Gonorrhe or chlamydia
(Both difficult to culture)
Mucopurulent discharge but pending G/C
Treat for both G and C with
Chlamydia - Doxycycline or Azithromycin
Gonorrhea - Any ceph or quinolone
Very bad dyspareunia, inability to insert tampons, exquisite tenderness to touching labia
Vulvar vestibulitis
Tx for
Vulvar Vestibulitis
TCAs and topical anesthetics (with biofeedback and pelvic relaxation)
Txd for
Vulvar vestibulitis refractory to TCAs and topical anesthetics
Extreme vulvar pruritis with burning, pain, intraoital dyspareunia, ivory papules, hypopigmentation, resorption of clitoris and labia minora due to scarring
Lichen sclerosus
Ivory papules, hypopigmentation, of external genitalia
Lichen sclerosus
Thing grey dischare, elevated vaginal pH
Bacterial vaginosis
Requirements to diagnose BV
Need 3 of 4
1) Thing grey discharge
2) Positive whiff test
3) Presence of clue cells
4) Elevated vaginal pH (over 4.5)
Tx for
Bacterial Vaginosis
Metronidazole orally BID for 7 days
Vaginal Metronidazole gel for 5 days
Most common pathogen in uncomplicated UTI
E Coli
Fever, bilateral 1 inch complex masses
Dx study for
Low pelvic pain, urinary frequency, new incontinence
Lower abdominal pain bilaterally, no contraception, fever, purulent cervical discharge with cervical motion tenderness
Acute Salpingitis --> Requires IV Abx to prevent long term sequelae of PID
Long term sequelae of salpingitis (PID)
1) Chronic pelvic pain
2) Hydrosalpinx
3) Tubal scarring
4) Ectopic pregnancy
Pelvic pain that started today, bp 100/60, pulse 100, tempm 102.0, foul smelling mucopurulent discharge, uterine tenderness
Probably G/C --> Needs IV Abx given high fever
Abdominal pain, adnexal tenderness bilaterally, guarding
Acute salpingitis
Cold like illness 1-2 weeks ago, vulvar burning or irritation
Primary herpes simplex (right before lesions break out)
Painless papule with ulceration
Syphilis (primary)

*will become the chancre during primary too
Low grade fever, malaise, HA, generalize lympadenopathy, rash, anorexia, weight loss, myalgias
Secondary Syphilis
Clue cells
Bacterial vaginosis
Tx for
Urinary stress incontinence
Retropubic urethropexy
Tx for
Pubocervical fascia plication to arcus tendineus fascia
Tx for
Rectovaginal fascia repair
Tx for
Uterine prolapse
Vaginal hysterectomy
Tx for
Vaginal vault prolpase
Plication of vaginal cuff to
1) Uterosacral ligament
2) Sacrospinous ligament
3) Sacrocolpoplexy
Tx for
Hypermobile urethra
1st Line Tx for
Intrinsic sphincteric deficiency
Urethral bulking procedure
Incontinence, drain pipe urethra, fixed immobile urethra
Intrinsic sphincteric deficiency
Tx for
Vaginal prolapse, not candidate for general (or regional) anesthesia
Used to increase urethral tone
Pseudoephedrine (alpha agonist causes sympathetic constriction of urethral sphincters)
Tx for
Detrusor instability
High post void residual
Atonic bladder (overflow incontinence)
What is mixed in
Mixed Incontinence
Urge Incontinence
Stress Incontinence
Incontinence in which small amount is continuously leaked
Overflow incontinence (Atonic bladder)
Random, large volumes in incontinence
Urge incontinence
Dysmenorrhea, dyspareunia, nodularity on back of uterus
Complex cyst on ovary, no hx of dysmenorrhea or dyspareunia, non echogenic
Hemorrhagic cyst
(If echogenic, consider teratoma)
Sudden onset pain, right lower quadrant pain, nausea, nl WBCs
Ovarian torsion
Tx for
Infertility due to endometriosis
Ovarian stimulation with clomiphene
Tx for
1) Nsaids and OCPs

2) If mild or trying to get pregnant --> Observation
3) If fail medical therapy or planning pregnancy soon --> Laparoscopy
Dx study for
Complex ovarian cyst in postmenopausal woman
Exploratory surgery for suspected Ovarian Cancer
Mgmt for
Premenopausal 40 year old with 4 cm complex ovarian cyst, fhx of endometriosis
Repeat ultrasound in 2 months
(can't give OCPs, in premenopasual not high enough suspicion for ovarian cancer)
Severe sudden right lower quadrant pain, right ovarian mass, young woman
Exploratory laparoscopy for suspected Ovarian Torsion
Dysnmenorrhea, dyspareunia, complex ovarian cyst
Dx study for
Pelvic pain and pressure with light vaginal bleeding several months ago, postmenopausal
(for vague sx not yet concerning for anything in particular)
Although this pt needs a endometrial biopsy too
Chronic, lower abdominal pain, with constipation or diarrhea, relief with defecation
Dx criteria for
1) 12 weeks of pain w/in last 12 months
2) Onset coincides with defecation frequency
3) Change in stool consistency
Post LTCS radiating pain and sensory loss to inguinal area and medial thigh exacerbated by adduction
Ilioinguinal nerve entrapment
Inability to adduct thigh
Obturator nerve damage
Long term chronic pelvic pain, dysmenorrhea, other idiopathic pain
Tx for
Hydrosalpinx and adhesions for woman who wants children
Salpingectomy and lysis of adhesions
Adolescent with severe dysmenorrhea and heavy flow
Diagnostic laparosocpy
(most likely etiologies even in adolescents are endometriosis and adhesions)
Non-cyclical pain in 48 yo with endometriosis, wants definitive tx
Oophrectomy (+/- hysterectomy)

(once you take ovaries, not enough estrogen to stimulate endometrium)
Dilated vessles on doppler feeding uterus in broad ligament, dysmenorrhea with menorrhagia
Pelvic congestion
Chronic recurrent urgency and frequency of urination, dyspareunia
Interstitial cystitis
How do GnRH agonists (lupron) work?
They negatively feedback on the hypothalamus and pituitary to decrease FSH and LH production leading to much decreased estrogen levels
How does danazol work?
1) Supresses GnRH release
2) Suppresses the mid-cycle LH and FSH surges
Tender, mobile, axillary lymph node
Firm, non-tender, fixed axillary lymph node
Breast cancer
Tx for
Fibrocystic changes causing cyclic mastalgia
Caffeine reduction
Tx for
Mastitis of breastfeeding
1) Abx
2) Ibuprofen or Acetaminophen
Dx study for
White, watery discharge from nipple with manual extraction, borderline high prolactin
Fasting prolactin
(your breast exam elevates the prolactin)

If was fasted, then brain MRI
Dx study
Solid, dominant, breast mass with normal mammogram
Fine needle aspiration
Dx study
Fine needle aspiration of lump yields clear fluid and reduction of lump
Return in 2 month for exam
Dx study
Fine needle aspiration of lump yields bloody fluid and reduction of lump
Excisional biopsy

(always mandatory if blood, including bloody discharge from nipple)
Abx for Mastitis of breastfeeding

(or erythromycin if penicillin resistant)
Dx study for
2 cm dominant breast mass, FNA is negative, mass persisted
Excisional biopsy

(If mass doesn't reduce, FNA could be false negative so you get a biopsy)
Recs for Breast Cancer
Starting at 40 biannually
Starting at 50 annually
Mgmt for
F/u pap in 6 months
Failed IUD removal
Hysterosocopy for visualization and remove IUD in office
Comparison of CIN to Bethesda
1) Normal
2) Atypical cells
3) CIN I - mild dysplasia
4) CIN II - moderate dysplasia
5) CIN III - severe dysplasia
6) Squamous cell carcinoma

7) Atypical glandular cells
1) Normal
3) LGSIL (60% regress)
4) HGSIL (43% regress)
5) None (HGSIL still?) (33% regress, 12% become cancer)
6) Squamous cell carcinoma

7) Atypical glandular cells of undetermined significance (AGCUS)
Mgmt for
CIN I - f/u pap in 6 months or high risk hpv screen in 1 year. If persists x2 years --> LEEP
Mgmt for
ASCUS high risk HPV negative -
ASCUS high risk HPV positive -
ASC-H cannot exclude HSIL -
ASCUS high risk HPV negative - Pap in 1 year
ASCUS high risk HPV positive - Colposcopy w. cervical biopsies
ASC-H cannot exclude HSIL - Colposcopy w. cervical biopsies
LGSIL - Colposcopy w. cervical biopsies
HGSIL - Colposcopy w. cervical biopsies
SCC - Colposcopy w. cervical biopsies, Consider cold kife conization
AGC - Colposcopy w. cervical biopsies, endometrial biopsy
Mgmt for
Cervical lesion confined to ectocervix
Mgmt for
Cervical lesion involving endocervix
2 stage LEEP
Cold knife conization
Mgmt for
Large cervical lesion
(other indications?)
Laser conization

1) Teenage patient
2) Upper vagina involved
Dx study
Tender 4 cm adnexal mass, 38 yo, urinary frequency
Transvaginal US
New rubbery, mobile, breast mass slightly tender in woman who drinks lots of caffeine
Fine needle aspiration
Dyspnea, cough, frothy sputum, on terbutaline, high RR
Terbutaline induced Pulmonary Edema
Why does minute ventilation go up in pregnancy?
Increased tidal volume
(not RR)
Loss of external fetal monitoring, pt requesting epidural, active labor
Put on scalp electrode
(can only do epidural with fetal heart tones reassuring)
Irregular contractions with pain in lower abdomen and groin
Braxton Hicks contractions
Stages of Labor
Stage 1) Onset of strong regular contractions until full cervical effacement
Stage 2) Till delivery of infant
Stage 3) Till delivery of placenta
Stage 4) 2 hours after delivery of placenta
Placing of IUPC causes blood loss
Withdraw and monitor fetus
If non-reassuring --> C-section
Indications for Antepartum woman to come to hospital to deliver
1) Contractions every 5 minutes
2) Rupture of membranes
3) Fetal movement less than 10 per 2 hours
4) Vaginal bleeding
Tradeoffs of Midline episiotomy
Less pain, easier repair, and less blood loss
Higher risk of 3rd and 4th degree lacerations
Pt arrives at 2+ station with fetal heart rate in 60s
Assisted operative vaginal delivery
When do late decels start, nadir, and recover
After the start of a contraction
At the peak of contraction
At the end of contraction
Appearance of baby in chorioamnionitis
1) Lethargic
2) Pale
3) High temp
Flattened nasal bridge, small size, small rotated cup shaped ears, sandal gap toes, hypotonia, protruding tongue, short broad hands, simian creases, epicanthic folds, oblique palpebral fissure
Down Sx
Position for infant positive pressure ventilation
Sniffing position
Mgmt of
Infant with HIV+ mother
1) Immediate AZT tx
2) HIV test 24 hrs post delivery
Twins are vastly different sizes and one is ruddy while the other is pale
Complication of TTTS (hematologic) in plethoric twin
For unresponsive infant in opiate addicted mother
Give positive pressure and prepare to intubate

(Do not give naloxone as baby can die from withdrawal)
Most likely complication in infant of mother with preeclampsia that required Magnesium
Respiratory distress
What kind of babies do uncontrolled Type I diabetic mothers have
Small and hypoglycemic
What constitutes APGAR score?
1) Heart rate: Absent, less than 100, more than 100
2) Respiratory rate: Absent, weak irregular gasping, crying
3) Muscle tone: None, some flexion, flexed arms and legs that can resist
4) Reflex irritability: None, grimace feeble cry to stimulation, cry or pull away when stimulated
5) Skin tone: Blue or pale, blue extremities pink body, all pink
Risks in infants born to gestationally diabetic mothers
1) Hypoglycemia
2) Polythycemia
3) Hyperbilirubinemia
4) Hypocalcemia
5) Respiratory distress
Most common cause of infection post partum, and risk factors
2% of SVDs
10-15% of C/Ss
Risk: Prolonged labor or ROM, manual removal of fetus
Mgmt for
Breast milk suppression in not breast feeding mothers
Breast binding, ice packs and analgesics
Postpartum hemmorhage after SVD in a woman with prior C/S
Most likely Uterine Atony
Blood loss cutoffs for postpartum hemorrhage
SVD - 500 cc
C/S - 1000 cc
Best predictor of Postpartum depression vs regular postpartum blues
Ambivalence toward baby moves needle toward full blown depression
Hypovolemic shock after delivery, at f/u cannot breast feed, breast atrophy and amenorrhea
Sheehan's syndrome
Slow mental fxn, weight gain, fatigue, coldness, no milk production, hypotension, amenorrhea
Microbe implicated in endometritis
Polymicrobial aerobic and anaerobic
Dx criteria for
Postpartum depression
Two week period of depressed or anhedonia nearly every day within 3-6 months of delivery with 1 of:
1) S - Insomnia or hypersomnia
2) I - Interest/anhedonia
3) G - Feelings of guilt/worthlessness
4) E - Energy low
5) C - Concentration decrease
6) A - appetite changes
7) P - PMR/PMA
8) S - SI/HI
Dx criteria for
Postpartum blues
1) Begins within 1 week of delivery
2) Lasts no longer than 10 days
Which hormones do what in breast feeding?
Prolactin makes milk
Oxytocin ejects milk (created by suckling)
Wedge shaped tender area on breast, breastfeeding mother, fever
Breastfeeding, sore nipples, burning in breasts, nipples pink and shiny with peeling at periphery
Indication infant is feed enough milk
1) 3-4 stools/day
2) 6 wet diapers/day
Milk production is spurred by what
Precipitous drops in Estrogen and Progesterone
Indications to use forceps
1) Complete cervical dilation
2) Head engagement
3) Vertex position
4) Baby head and mother's pelvis compatible
5) Known position of baby head
6) ROM
Active labor cutoffs for nulliparous and multiparous women
1) 3 hours with epidural
2) 2 hours w/o epidural

1) 2 hours with epidural
2) 1 hour w/o epidural
Lacerations by degree
First) Vaginal mucosa
Second) Vaginal fascia and perineum
Third) Partial or complete transection of rectal sphincter
Fourth) External anal sphincter, internal anal sphincter, and rectal mucosa
Best predictor of due date if LMP unknown in first trimester
Ultrasound crown-rump length
Definition of macrosomia
1) More than 4000 grams in normal woman
2) More than 4500 grams in a diabetic mother
Fetal head size indicated for primary C/S
12 cm or more
Contraindication for SVD
Uterine fibroid in lower uterine segment
When can you not do external cephalic version?
In active labor
+2 station, baby in breech position
(breeched babies delivered vaginally have higher rates of complication)
When to use CVS vs. Amniocentesis
Weeks 10-12: CVS
(b/c can be performed earlier)

Weeks 15 to term: Amniocentesis
(Lower death rate, fewer attempts, more likely to get enough sample, can be used to follow isoimmunization by bilirubin levels)
Symmetric fetal growth restriction with polyhydramnios
Trisomy 18
Dx study for
Symmetric fetal growth restriction with polyhydramnios
Amniocentesis for Trisomy 18
Beta hCGs not increasing by 53% every 48 hours
Abnormal pregnancy
IUP or Ectopic
Abnormal 48 hour beta hCG (rose but not enough), with something in the uterus
D&C and check beta hCG again
If didn't decrease by 15% consider ectopic
Abnormal 48 hour beta hCG (rose but not enough), with nothing in uterus
Methotrexate for assumed ectopic pregnancy
Indications for medical termination of ectopic pregnancy
1) Hemodynamically stable
2) Non-ruptured
3) Beta less than 5000
4) Mass less than 4 cm w/o fetal heart rate or less than 3.5 w/ fetal heart rate
5) Good follow up in pt
6) Normal WBS and LFTs
Dx criteria for
Ectopic Pregnancy
1) Fetal pole outside uterus
2) Beta hCG over 2000 w/ nothing in uterus
3) Slowly rising beta hCG even after D&C
Tachycardia, hypotension, rebound tenderness, severe abdominal tenderness, positive beta hCG
Ruptured ectopic pregnancy
Beta 1000, hemodynamically stable, not febrile
Repeat beta in 48 hours
Cutoff by which you should see IUP by US
Transvaginal - 2000
Abdominal - 5000
When to check for causes of recurrent abortion
3 first trimester losses
Workup of recurrent abortion
1) Lupus anticoagulant
2) Diabetes
3) Thyroid disease
4) Maternal and paternal karyotype
Tx for
Incompetent cervix, currently pregnant
Prophylatic cervical cerclage at 14 weeks
Tx for
First trimester confirmed missed abortion
Expectant management if hemodynamically stable

(or drugs to help dispel uterine contents, up to patient)
Vaginal bleeding before 20 weeks with viable fetus and no passage of any products
Threatened abortion
Tx for
Spontaneous abortion, actively bleeding, anemic
Dilitation and suction curettage

(SAB can be medically managed (misoporostol) if pt is hemodynamically stable)
Recs for
Gestational diabetes testing
1) For average risk: 50g OGTT at 24-28 weeks, then f/u with 100 g OGTT if hi
2) For high risk: ASAP (obese or family history)
Tx for
Asthma in pregnancy
1st Line: Beta agonists
2nd Line: Add inhaled corticosteroids if using rescue inhaler more than 2x/week
3rd: Add terbutaline or oral steroids if refractory to above
Cold pregnant woman, back pain, hypotensive, tachycardic
Septic shock from pyelonephritis
Tx for
Syphilis in pregnancy
If allergic?
If allergic - Desensitization and then penicillin
Most common complication in Type I diabetics
Fetal growth restriction
Tx for
Thyroid storm in pregnant woman
1) Propylthiouracil
2) Propanolol
3) Inorganic iodide

*Cannot use radioactive iodine
Mgmt for
Bacterial vaginosis in pregnant woman
Treat with metronidazole now
Dx study for
In pregnant woman, fever, n/v, mid-abdominal pain, no anorexia, decreased bowel sounds
Graded compression ultrasound
(for suspected appendicitis)
Contraindicated tx for breast cancer in pregnant woman
Pregnant women with intense itching and scratching over arms, legs, soles of feet. slightly icteric, scattered excoriations
Pruritis gravidarum
Tx for
Pregnant women with intense itching and scratching over arms, legs, soles of feet. slightly icteric, scattered excoriations
1) Antihistamines and lotions
2) Cholestyramine
3) Urodeoxycholic acid for suspected pruritis gravidarum
Systolic ejection murmur with click, palpitations, CP, syncope, in pregnancy
Mitral valve prolapse
Hypochromia and microcytic RBCs
What are the ferittin levels
Iron deficiency anemia
Serum ferritin is low
In pregnant woman: cough, dyspnea, sputum production, pleuritic chest pain
Dx study for
In pregnant woman: cough, dyspnea, sputum production, pleuritic chest pain
CXR for pneumonia
Contraindicated antidepressant
Paroxetine (paxil)
Tx for
Back pain, chills, and fever in pregnant woman, refractory to abx
Double-J ureteral stent
(abx with aggressive hydration failed already)
Symptoms of mag toxicity by level
4-7 = Therapeutic
7-10 = Lose DTRs
12+ = Respiratory depression
15+ = Cardiac arrest
Tx for
Hypertension in preeclampsia
Indication to treat HTN in preeclampsia, and what pressure is goal
If systolic over 160
Diastolic over 105

Goal" Diastolics 90-100
Sinusoidal fetal heart tracing
Placental abruption
Mild and severe preeclampsia cutoffs
Mild: More than 300 mg protein or 140/90
Severe: More than 5000 mg protein or 160/110
High bilirubin, hi liver enzymes, low platelets
Mgmt for
Pregnant woman 27.2 weeks with severe preeclampsia, hemoconcentration, platelets 97,000
Immediate delivery bc platelets under 100,000 even in remote from term (<32 weeks)
Dx study for
Suspected allimmunization in fetus
Middle cerebral artery peak systolic blood flow
What causes fetal hydrops?
Anemia in the fetus requires more cardiac output to achieve equal oxygenation, which causes heart failure which causes fluid retention (edema)
Liley curve zone 3 in anti-D positive mother
Intraumbilical tranfusion
What is the Kleihauer-Betke test?
A quantitative test for the amount fetal blood that has gotten into maternal circulation

(ghosts are mom's RBC, pink RBCs are fetuses bc they resist acid wash)
Indications for Rhogam administration
1) Women at 28 weeks and at delivery
2) After abortion
3) After any type of hemorrhage
4) Amniocentesis or CVS
Rhogam confers resistance against how much fetal blood?
30 cc
Chorio amnio requiements for TTTS
Monochorionic Diamnionic
Monochorionic Monoamnionic
Monozygotic splitting dates
0-3 days) Di Di
4-8 days) Monochorionic Diamniotic
8-12 days) Mono Mono
13+ days) Conjoined twins
How to deliver twins if first baby is breech
Fundal height should equal GA in weeks
Elevated MSAFP with larger than expected uterus
How do twins in TTTS get hydrops?
Plethoric - Excess bloody supply, volume overload, heart failure, edema

Donor - Anemia from donating blood, increased CO, heart failure, edema,
Tx to prevent preterm delivery in twins
Early and good weight gain
Late term fetal demise, hx of clot on OCPs
Factor V Leiden
(most common coagulopathy)
Highest risk period for mental retardation
8-15 weeks
Chorio amnio requiements for TTTS
Monochorionic Diamnionic
Monochorionic Monoamnionic
Twins, polyhydramnios around A, no bladder fluid in B,
Monozygotic splitting dates
0-3 days) Di Di
4-8 days) Monochorionic Diamniotic
8-12 days) Mono Mono
13+ days) Conjoined twins
How to deliver twins if first baby is breech
Fundal height should equal GA in weeks
Elevated MSAFP with larger than expected uterus
How do twins in TTTS get hydrops?
Plethoric - Excess bloody supply, volume overload, heart failure, edema

Donor - Anemia from donating blood, increased CO, heart failure, edema,
Tx to prevent preterm delivery in twins
Early and good weight gain
Late term fetal demise, hx of clot on OCPs
Factor V Leiden
(most common coagulopathy)
Highest risk period for mental retardation
8-15 weeks
Fatty tissue on D&C
Mgmt for
Pregnant mom with thinner blood and one dead twin
Check fibrinogen for coagulopathy
Dead fetus with open neural tube defect, macrosomia, polyhydramnios, nonreactive NST
Uncontrolled diabetes
Most likely caused of fetal demise
Uncontrolled diabetes
Active labor, intact membranes, full dilation but cervical dilation unchanged for 2 hours
(then oxytocin if still no change)
Mutliparous woman pushing for 2 hours with strong contractions q3 minutes
(oxytocin if contractions were weak)
Order of induction of labor
1) If cervix closed: Cytotec to ripen cervix
2) If cervix not dilated enough: Foley bulb
3) If no SROM: AROM
4) If not enough contractile force: Oxytocin
Delivery mode if 2 prior C/S
Has to be repeat C/S
Phase 1 of labor time scales
Latent phase (0-4 cm)
Nullip: <20 hrs
Multip: <16 hrs
Active phase (4-10 cm)
Nullip: 1.2 cm/hr
Multip: 1.5 cm/hr
3rd Trimester vaginal bleeding with placental previa, 36 weeks
3rd Trimester bleeding in smoking mother with abdominal pain
Placental abruption
3rd Trimester bleeding with bright red blood from cervix for last 30 minutes, 36 weeks, cervix slightly dilated
Bloody show
3rd Trimester bleeding, hx of 4 C/Ss, current placenta is low and partial previa
Placenta accreta
3rd Trimester bleeding with bright red blood from cervix, 24 weeks, cervix closed
45 yo, 2nd Trimester bleeding, cervix which bleeds with palpation and is hard in consistency
Cervical cancer
3rd Trimester bleeding, abdominal pain, uterus very tense, non-reassuring fetal heart rate tracing, cocaine user
Placental abruption
Dx study
24 weeks, vaginal bleeding for last hour, earlier intercourse, no pain, baby doing well
Pelvic US to rule out abnormal placentation.

*Cannot do vaginal exam until placenta previa has been ruled out
What is in Fresh Frozen Plasma?
Fibrinogen, factor V and factor VIII

in Cryoprecpitate: Fibrinogen, Factor VIII, and von wille
Premature constriction of ductus arteriosus in fetus
Indomethacin side effect
Benefits of Betamethasone in premature infants
1) Improves lung maturity
2) Decreased intracerebral hemorrhage
Fetal bradycardia
Fetal tachycardia
Fetal bradycardia - Indomethacin
Fetal tachycardia - Maternal infx or high temperature
Contractions q4 minutes at 32 weeks gestation

(most spontaneously resolve)
Method of action of Magnesium sulfate
Competes with Ca for entry into cells
Method of action Terbutamine
Beta adrenergic increases cAMP decreasing free Ca in cells
Preterm labor at 32 weeks, contractions q4, febrile, tachycardic
Amniocentesis for possible infection
Contraindications for tocolytics
1) Terbutaline -
2) Magnesium -
3) Indomethacin -
1) Terbutaline - Diabetics
2) Magnesium - Myasthenia gravis
3) Indomethacin - after 33 weeks
What does fibrinonectin tell us?
If negative - 99.2% will not deliver in next 2 weeks
If positive - 16% chance will deliver in next two weeks
All in asymptomatic women
Dx study for
Suspected chorioamnionitis
Amneocentesis for low glucose and hi IL-6
Preterm labor at 32 weeks or less
Tocolytics but only if no evidence of infection
PPROM in 36 weeks
Induction of labor
Dx study for
Large release of fluid from vagina at 31 weeks
Microscopic exam for ferning or nitrazine test from vagina (cervix will screw up result)
Tender fundus with PPROM
Tx for
Tender fundus with PPROM
Deliver if after 34 weeks
Main risk factor for
Bacterial vaginosis
Tx for
29 week PPROM
(prolong gestation by 5-7 days!)
Fetal tachycardia with poor variability
Maternal fever, infection +/- chorio
How to interpret fetal heart tracing tests
NST) Look for 15x15 accels
(looks at fetal well being)

CST) Look for persistent late decels that indicate uteroplacental insufficiency
Definitions of decels:
1) Early
2) Variable
3) Late
1) Early - start with beginning of contraction, end with end of contraction (mirror contraction)
2) Variable - Fall faster and return faster
3) Late - Begin after peak of contraction, return to baseline gradually after end of contraction
Tx for
Occasional late decels in term mother
1) On L side
2) Oxygen
3) Hydralazine if HTN
4) Discontinue oxytocin
5) Fetal pH
Tx for
Atonic postpartum hemorrhage refractory to medical management
Hypogastric artery ligation
Postpartum hemorrhage with intact placenta and firm uterus
Look for lacerations
Postpartum hemorrhage with boggy uterus and no lacerations
Intramuscular (IM) Prostaglandin F2
Which uterotonic cannot be used with asthmatics (debatable with mild asthma)
Prostaglandin F2 (potent bronchoconstrictor)
Postpartum hemorrhage with fibroids
Retained placenta
Postpartum hemorrhage, globular pale mass before delivery of placenta
Uterine inversion
Uterotonic contraindicated in hypertensives
Methergine (smooth muscle constrictor and vasoconstrictive agent)
Heavy postpartum hemorrhage with prior C/Ss
Placenta accreta
4th degree laceration, febrile, infected with dead tissue and dehiscence of repair
(never repair while infection ongoing)
Tx for
Endomyometritis after prolonged labor
Penicillin + Gentamycin
Prolonged labor, prolonged ROM, tender uterus, blood in urine
Postpartum fever with nl urine, uterus, breasts, and abdomen, refractory to broad spectrum abx
Septic thrombophlebitis
Mild fever, no other reason for it in postpartum mother, breasts not red, but tender
Breast engorgement
N/v, right upper abdominal pain
Refractory fever to broad spectrum abx without known source of infection
for suspected septic thrombophlebitis
Insomnia, easy crying, depression, poor concentration, irritability, labile affect
Postpartum blues
Pt with prior hx of depression during pregnancy
Close f/u bc high risk for postpartum depression
Can you breastfeed on SSRIs?
42 weeks with 4 cm cervix with effacement
Induction of labor
Tx for
Repetitive variable decels
(only use of amnioinfusion)
ACOG recs for postterm management:
1) Record fetal kicks
2) Fetal surveilance starting at 42 weeks (w/ NST, CSTM or BPP)
3) Induce at 42 weeks
4) If cervix not ripe, give misoprostol (or prostaglandin E1)
41 week or more mother but with uncertainty concerning GA
Perform bi-weekly CST, NST, or BPP and also AFT and deliver if anything is non-reassuring
Baby decreasing rapidly in growth percentile but with reactive NST
Continue weekly fetal monitoring
Ways to determine GA
1) Fetal heart tones recorded for 20 weeks
2) Positive hCG more than 36 weeks ago
3) Crown rump length between 6-12 weeks
4) US at 13-20 weeks
Dx study
IUGR less than 10%
1) AFI
2) Umbilical artery doppler
3) Non-stress test
Fetus is appropriate length but weight is disproportionately below normal
Uteroplacental insufficiency
Pruritis including palms and soles of feet, elevated total bile acids
Intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy

(normal pregnancy has mildly elevated alk phos, but other enzymes should be normal)
Abx classes contraindicated in pregnancy (3)
Permissible (3)
1) Tetracyclines
2) Fluoroquinolones
3) Bactrim

1) Penicillins
2) Cephalosporins
3) Nitrofurantoins
Tx for
UTI in pregnant woman
1) Amoxicillin
2) Nitrofurantoin
3) Cephalexin
Sudden onset dyspnea, inability to lie flat, EKG changes
Mitral stenosis
(rheumatic fever)
Dx study
Guiac negative, bilateral nipple discharge
TSH and Prolactin
(r/o pregnancy too!)
When to test for Rh status
24-28 weeks
Who should get an RPR
All pregnant women regardless of risk
Screeening tests for all pregnant women (10)

Screening for pregnant women sometimes (5)
1) Rh status
2) CBC
3) Rubella immunity
4) Varicella immunity
5) Urine cx
6) RPR
7) Hep B
8) Chlamydia
9) HIV
10) Flu vaccine if flu season

1) Thyroid if symptomatic
2) TB for risk
3) Toxo for risk
4) Hemoglobinopathies for african americans or mcv<80
5) Lead if risk
Pregnant woman passes something in blood, uterus is empty with closed cervix
Complete abortion (SAB)
Neonate with thyrotoxicosis to mother with surgically corrected grave's disease on thyroid therapy
Mother's thyroid stimulating antibody affected the fetus
Dx study
Amenorrhea, abdominal pain, vaginal bleeding
hCG and US for ectopic pregnancy
Fever, uterine tenderness, foul smelling loschia, prolonged ROM/operative vaginal delivery/C-section
Pathogen in postpartum endometritis
Polymicrobial bacteria
Tx for
Postpartum endometritis
IV Clindamycin + Gentamicin
Dysmenorrhea, heavy menses, enlarged uterus, dull pelvic sensation
Uterine fibroids
Exercise recs during pregnancy
30 minutes of aerobic exercise daily that is mild enough to allow conversation
Dx criteria for
Fetal demise
After 20 weeks but before onset of labor
Mother with IUFD and low normal coag panel

If coag panel is abnormal
Induction of labor

If coag panel abnormal: FFP then induction of labor
Asymptomatic pregnant woman with positive urine cx
Nitrofurantoin or amoxicillin or 1st generation ceph (cefalexin, cefazolin)
Indications for BPP
1) High risk pregnancy
2) Decreased fetal movement
3) Non-reactive NST
Mgmt algorithm for BPP scores of
8 or 10)
8 w/ oligo)
4 or 2)
8 or 10) Normal
8 w/ oligo) Consider delivery
w/o oligo - consider delivery if over 37 weeks, repeat BPP in 24 hrs if less than 37 weeks
w/oligo - Deliver if over 32 weeks
4 or 2) Deliver IMMEDIATELY (fetal asphyxiation)
Hypotension from epidural
Blood venous poolingn in lower extremities
Cessation of fetal movements
Dx study for
Suspected IUFD
Ultrasound for absence of fetal movement and cardiac activity
Dx study
First time IUFD
Autopsy of fetus and placenta
(even after first IUFD, to prevent recurrence)
Dx study for
AFI for fetal lung indices
PPROM less than 34 weeks
Most likely complication of PPROM
Lung hypoplasia (immaturity)
Copious white vaginal discharge, without odor, pruritis, pain, or erythema
Physiologic leukorrhea
Dx criteria for BV
1) Thin, grey-white discharge
2) Vaginal pH greater than 4.5
3) Positive whiff test
4) Clue cells
High blood pressure in upper extremities, low blood pressure in lower extremities
Aortic coarctation
Pathophys in Turner's
Poor ovarian function and hi FSH
Precocious puberty in girl, adnexal mass, elevated estrogen, no male characteristics
Granulosa cell tumor
(Estrogen producing tumor)
Tx for
Genital herpes outbreak intrapartum
Tx for
Infertility due to PCOS
Tx for
Single dose Azithromycin
Tx for
Tx for both
G and C or if PCR not available for one
Azithromycin + Ceftriaxone
Acne, monomorphous erythematous follicular papules without comedones
Systemic or topical steroid s/e
Polymorphous acne with open and closed comedones
Adolescent acne
Pelvic pain worsened by intercourse or exercise or spicy foods, relieved by urinating, with frequency, urgency and nocturia, negative urinalysis
Interstitial cystitis
Bright red vaginal bleeding, complete placental previa, non-reassuring FHT
Emergent C/S
Tx for
Kegels, relaxation techniques, and desensitization with big objects
Feedback on Prolactin production
Serotonin - stimulates
TRH - stimulates
Dopamine - inhibits
Tx for
Term chorioamnionitis
Broad spectrum abx and delivery
Indications for prophylactic GBS penicillin administration
1) Term delivery
2) ROM longer than 18 hrs
3) GBS positive at any point in pregnancy
4) Hx of GBS in any pregnancy
Pregnant, vaginal bleeding before 20 weeks, closed cervix, live fetus
Threatened abortion
Threatened abortion
Reassurance and f/u
Tx for
Missed abortion
You have to expel contents, but choice is up to you:
1) D&C
2) Misoprostol
3) Expectant management
Chronic pelvic pain, worse premenstrually, tender vaginal fornix or with movement of uterus
Risk factors for
Endometrial Carcinoma
1) Age
2) Unopposed estrogen
3) Tamoxifen
4) Obesity
5) Nulliparity
Risk factors for
Breast Cancer
1) FHx
2) BRCA 1/2, or p53
3) Early menarche with late menopause
4) Prolonged HRT
5) Nulliparity
Risk factors for placental abruption
1) HTN
2) Cocaine
3) Smoking
4) Preeclampsia
5) Age
Initial workup of amenorrhea
Small volume incontinence with activity with cystocele
Stress incontinence
Morning sickness, distended abdomen, really happy about being pregnant
BG goal for gestational diabetes fasting
Complications of gestational diabetes
1) Macrosomia
2) Hypocalcemia
3) Hypglycemia
4) Hyperviscosity (due to polycythemia)
5) Heart failure
Febrile, high WBCs, purulent cervical discharge, adnexal tenderness, cervical motion tenderness
Inpatient with IV Cef + doxy If: high fever, n/v, pregnant, risk of non-compliance

Outpatient PO Cef + Doxy if otherwise
Pregnant, vaginal bleeding, dilated cervix with visualization of gestational contents
Inevitable abortion
36 yo intermenstrual bleeding and heavy menses
Endometrial biopsy
Dx study for
Primary syphilis
Darkfield microscopy
(RPR and FTA-ABS not as sensitive in primary)
In varsity amenorrhea what is pathophys?

What is tx for infertility?
Hypothalamus doesn't send GnRH pulses

Exogenous GnRH pulses
Best test for fetal chromosomal abnormalities in 1st Trimester
(MSAFP is 2nd Trimester and isn't as sensitive as CVS)
Biggest risk for limb reduction and fetal loss in CVS
Early GA
Amenorrhea, normal breasts, absent pubic and axillary hair, absent internal reproductive organs, XY
Androgen insensitivity

(Testes present and release mullerian inhibiting hormone)
Dx study
Decreased fetal movement in low risk mother
Dx or Dx study
Hirsutism and virilization during prenancy
1) No ovarian mass
2) Bilateral cyst
3) Bilateral solid
4) Unilateral solid
1) No ovarian mass - Abdominal CT to rule out adrenal mass
2) Bilateral cyst - Theca lutein cust
3) Bilateral solid - Luteoma
4) Unilateral solid - Laparscopy for r/o malignancy
Vaginal bleeding with complete placental previa but with stabilization and reassuring FHT
Scheduled C/S
Tx for
HTN and proteinuria in preeclampsia
(alpha adrenergic agonist on CNS to reduce sympathetic outflow)
PCOS predisposes to what cancer
Endometrial carcinoma
Used to estimate fetal weight
Abdominal circumference
Dx study
Pregnant, bloody urine, considerable flank pain
Ultrasound of abdomen for kidney stones
Antepartum hemorrhage with brief tachycardia of fetus followed by bradycardia and then repetitive decels.
Mother's vitals stable
Ruptured vilamentous umbilical vessel

If mother was unstable, more likely placental abruption
Mother used diethlystilbestrol
Adenocarcinoma of vagina
Mild preeclampsia with mild edema, preterm
Bed rest and f/u
Quadruple screen results for down syndrome or other aneuploidy
Beta high
Estriol low
Inhibin A high
Frank breech fetus, with reassurance, term
External cephalic version
Dx study
LSIL in high risk woman
Dx study
BPP of 8 w/o oligohydramnios
Repeat BPP in 1 week
Painless 3rd Trimester vaginal bleeding, no contractions
Placental previa
Dx study
Painless 3rd Trimester vaginal bleeding, no contractions
US for location of placenta
(concern for previa)
Breech position management
37 or less weeks) Nothing
38+ weeks) External cephalic version
If fail external version) C/S
Teenager with irregular periods in first two years after menarche
Insufficient gonadotropin secretion
causing anovulation
Tx for
HTN in pregnancy
ACEs and ARBs contraindicated
Use labetalol or methyldopa
Tx for
HPV papules on genitals
Trichloroacetic acid
Thin, malodorous discharge, vulvar and vaginal erythema
(BV is an osis not an itis so doesn't cause inflammation or erythema)
Intense uterine contractions, vaginal bleeding, uterine tenderness and hyperactivity, stabilized bleeding and FHT reassuring, preeclampsia
SVD +/- augmentation
Intense uterine contractions, vaginal bleeding, uterine tenderness and hyperactivity, stabilized bleeding and FHT reassuring, preeclampsia
Placental abruption
OCPs increase risk of what?

Protect against what?
Risk: DVT, HTN, DM, CAD, cholestasis, breast cancer

Protect: Endometrial cancer, ovarian cancer, benign breast disease
Tx for
Infertility in premature ovarian failure
Late decels indicate what?
Uteroplacental insufficiency
Pregnant, hx of second trimester abortion, preterm fetal loss, HX of LEEP
Cervical insufficiency
Dx study for
Cervical incompetence
Transvaginal US for funneling or short cervix
Tx for
Stress incontinence
Kegels first
Then Urethropexy
Incompetent cervix in 1st trimester
Cervical cerclage
Preterm labor before 37 weeks
Tocolysis and bed rest
Androgen insensitivity
Gonadectomy after puberty (the undescended testes are at high risk for cancer)
Dx criteria for
Somatization disorder
Four pain symptoms, two GI sx, one sexual sx, and neurologic sx
Decels with non-repetitive depths and durations
(Variable decels)
Maternal lateral decubitus position and oxygen
HTN before 20 weeks
HTN after 20 weeks
No protein in urine
before 20 - chronic HTN
after 20 - transient HTN of pregnancy
Active labor woman with hyporefelxia, respiratory depression
Mag toxicity
Stop mag and give Ca gluconate
HSIL on pap during pregnancy
1) Colpo with goal of r/o invasive cancer

So, if biopsy negative --> repeat colpo after delivery
DVT postpartum
Most common cause of mucopurulent cervical discharge

(gonorrhea is next most common)
Painful 3rd trimester bleeding with normal ultrasound
Placental abruption
Thyroid levels in pregnancy
Increased TBG --> Increased total T4 and T3
But normal, free T4/T3 and TSH
What happens to thyroid hormones when woman gets HRT
Estrogen increases thyroxine metabolism, so she needs more thyroxine
What happens to BUN and Cr during pregnancy
They both go down bc GFR goes up
Gram negative diplococci in sexually active woman
Gonorrhea (chlamydia is hard to culture)
So give both Ceftriaxone and Azithromycin
Tx for
Squamous cell carcinoma of vagina that is non metastatic
How does preeclampsia cause RUQ pain
Stretching of hepatic capsule
XX, blind vaginal pouch, no uterus
Mullerian agenesis
Vaginal pH 6.5, clear cervical secretion that is stringy
Normal ovulatory phase
Asymmetrical fetal growth
(aka head is bigger than abdomen)
Late exposure to maternal factor e.g. HTN, preeclampsia,
smoking, hypoxia, vascular diseas
Thin malodorous vaginal discharge, vulvar pruritis, erythema of vulva and vaginal mucosa (strawberry cervix)
Metronidazole for pt and partner
for Trich
Tx for
Positive urine cx in pregnant woman
Amniocentesis, sudden respiratory failure, cardiogenic shock, seizure
Amniotic Fluid TEmbolism
Purpuric rash with bad vitals
DIC presenting in Amniotic fluid embolism
Amniocentesis, sudden respiratory failure, cardiogenic shock, seizure
Intubation and mechanical ventilation for Amniotic fluid embolism
Tamoxifen increases risk for which cancer?
Endometrial cancer
(so is contraindicated)
Contraindication for Raloxifene
Hx of coagulopathy or DVT
(it increases risk)
Tx for
1) Bisphosphonatess
2) Estrogen
3) Raloxifene
Do OCPs cause weight gain
How does breastfeeding cause amenorrhea
Prolactin inhibits GnRH secretion
Incontinence with high PVR after delivery with epidural
Overflow incontinence from epidural block
Incontinence with high PVR after delivery with epidural
Intermittent cath for transient overflow incontinence
Tx for
Menorrhagia and intermenstrual bleeding in woman who doesn't want more pregnancy and has complex hyperplasia without atypia
Cyclic progestin

(Do not ablate bc can obscure progression to endometrial cancer, hysterectomy not indicated, and OCPs not strong enough)
Trauma, antepartum vaginal bleeding, repetitive late decels, irregularly contoured abdomen
Uterine rupture 2/2 trauma
Postpartum chills, bloody vaginal discharge, stable vitlas, low grade fever 100.4
Normal postpartum

(chills nl, loschia is first bloody then white then yellow for a few days)
Vaginal dryness and dysuria, pale dry vaginal mucosa, scarce pubic hair
Atrophic vaginitis
Vaginal dryness and dysuria, pale dry vaginal mucosa, scarce pubic hair
Estrogen cream
for Atrophic vaginitis
3 days post abortion, hypotonic, 103 fever, tachy, RR26
Cervical and blood cx's,
Gentle suction curretage
for Septic abortion

NOT vigorous curretage which can perf uterus
24 yo with breast lump in luteal phase of menstrual cycle, no obvious signs of malignancy
Return after period to see if lump decreased

(mammography of limited utility in young women bc they have dense breasts)
What is the main concern for postterm pregnancy in a healthy woman
Clitoromegaly and virilization of external genitalia, but normal internal genitalia
High testosterone and androgens
Undetectable Estradiol and Estrogen
High FSH and LH
Aromatase deficiency
Female virilization, salt wasting, normal estrogen, internal genitalia normal
21-hydroxlyase deficiency
Cafe au lait spots, gonadotropin independent precocious puberty with normal genitalia
McCune-Albright syndrome
Delayed puberty, low FSH and LH, anosmia
Kallman's syndrome
1) Precocious puberty with LH response to GnRH

2) Precocious puberty with no LH response to GnRH
1) Idiopathic central precocious puberty (premature activation of normal HPA axis)

2) Peripheral precocious puberty (ovarian tumor etc.)
Central precocious puberty
GnRH agonist
to prevent short stature
Diabetes screening recs in pregnant women
Between 24-28 weeks
1 hr 50 gram GTT
If over 140, 3 hr GTT performed
Bilateral breast tenderness few days postpartum, mild fever
Breast engorgement
Dx study
Perimenopausal symptoms

(must rule out hyperthyroid which presents similarly)
Hemodynamically hypotnic with uterine atony
Pitocin with uterine massage
then, D&C
Then hysterectomy
1st Line Tx for
PO Metronidazole

cream is 2nd
Most common cause of increased MSAFP
Incorrect dating
Fetus has small body, microcephaly, digital hypoplasia, nail hypoplasia, cleft palate, hirsutism
Phenytoin use during prengnacy
What do you need to avoid with PO metronidazole

(get asian glow)
Lower abdominal pain that radiates to thighs and back hours before menstruation

Primary dysmenorrhea (increased prostaglandins)

Dx study for
Suspected central precocious puberty (you already know hormone levels)
Head CT or MRI
Why doesn't ABO mistyping in pregnancy cause any problems?
Mothers do mount an immune response, but neonate is only mildly afected
Pregnant woman, HTN, massive proteinuria, malar rash, positive ANA titer,
causes the Glomerulonephritis
Hormone levels in menopause (or premature ovarian failure)
Ovaries die, so low estrogen
High FSH and LH (FSH/LH ratio greater than 1) because no negative feedback on hypothalamus
Tx for
Emergency contraception
Levonorgestrel (plan B progesterone) up to 120 hours after intercourse
Extreme nausea and vomiting that persists in pregnant woman
Hyperemesis gravidarum
Cause is idiopathic or Gestational trophoblastic disease
Dx study for
Suspected hyperemesis gravidarum
Beta hCG to check for gestational trophoblastic disease, or to see if just idiopathic
Recs for GBS screening pregnancy
1) Screening at 35-37 weeks and abx prohphylaxis at delivery if positive

2) If ever GBS in past pregnancy get abx right off the bat
Risks and benefits of Tamoxifen
1) Antagonist at breast so decreases breast cancer
2) Agonist at endometrium so increases endometrial cancer risk
3) Helps osteoperosis
Dx study
US to confirm GA and detect multiple gestations or defects
Pain around day 14 of cycle with no bleeding or GI/GU sx on exam
Pruritis of vulva, vulvar skin is thin, dry, white
Lichen sclerosus
Tx for
Pruritis of vulva, vulvar skin is thin, dry, white
Topical steroids for Lichen sclerosus
Pregnant, abdominal pain, hypotensive, cold and diaphoretic, closed os and no vaginal bleeding
Placental abruption
(don't rule out even though no vaginal bleeding)
Tx for
Lactation suppression
Tight fitting bra and ice packs
Tx for
HIV positive mother
Ziduvudine throughout prenancy and labor, and in neonate for 6 weeks
Tx for
Adolescent with active vaginal bleeding and no other symptoms, volume is moderate
High dose estrogen tx to induce ovulation (cause is anovulation in adolescent for DUB)

If low volume, tx with iron supplementation
Smooth philtrum, thin upper lip in neonate
Fetal alcohol syndrome
Dx study for
Insulin resistance in suspected PCOS
2 hr OGTT
Ebstein's anomaly
Lithium use in pregnancy
Pregnant woman on Li
Wean if stable bipolar d/o
Vaginal bleeding and right abdominal pain with Beta hCG of 1000, nothing in uterus on TV US
Repeat beta hCG in 2 days

Can't see anything in uterus with TVUS until 1500-2000 beta
or <5000 with transabdominal
Dx study for
Infertility with irregular and upper limit of normal cycle lengths
Mid luteal progesterone levels

(Cause is most likely anovulation, so check if corpus luteum is present which indicates ovulation with progesterone level)
Full term mother, intense onset of abdominal pain, FHT has sudden variable decels, and station has gone in reverse
Uterine rupture
Tx for
Inevitable abortion
D&C, rhogam if necessary, IV fluids
Vaginal bleeding, 10 weeks, gestational sac present but ruptured and no fetal heart tones
Inevitable abortion
Dx study
Primary amenorrhea in 16 yo without pubic hair or breast development

No breast development means no estrogen, so cause is either gonads or central. Do FSH to figure out which.
Dx and Dx study
Primary amenorrhea in 16 yo without pubic hair or breast development. Present uterus
Increased FSH

Get Karyotype for Turner's
Dx and Dx study
Primary amenorrhea in 16 yo without pubic hair or breast development. Present uterus.
FSH low
Central (hypothal or pituitary lack of hormone production)

Cranial MRI
Primary amenorrhea, uterus absent, karyotype 46 XX
Mullerian agenesis
Primary amenorrhea, uterus absent, karyotype 46 XY, normal male testosterone levels
Androgen insensitivity
Hyperemesis, enlarged uterus, markedly elevated beta hCG
Hydatidiform mole
Causes of symmetrical IUGR
1) Chromosomal abnormalities
2) Congenital anomalies
Causes of assymetrical IUGR
1) HTN
2) Preeclampsia
3) Uterine anomalies
5) Collagen vascular disease
6) Cigarettes
Myalgias, fever, ulcers on mouth and labia, exudative pharyngitis
Herpes simplex
Severe preeclampsia with no prior C/Ss
Induction of labor (SVD preferred, C/S if not)
Type I Diabetic mothers need what antepartum
An NST to rule out anomalies and make sure no IUGR
Moth-eaten alopecia, white patches on togue
Breat cancer patient with sudden back pain and lower neuroglic sx
Steroids for mets to spine that is compressing spinal cord
Dx study for
Bloody discharge from nipple with palpable mass in postmenopausal woman
Mammography with fine needle cytology
Pregnant woman with unknown varicella immunity with known exposure
IgG varicella serology

(give IVIG against zoster if negative)
Myometcomy and previous C/S increase risk for what?
Uterine rupture
Birth control in slutty girl with lots of STIs
CANNOT get IUD, so give OCPs and use jimmy caps
What is methyl-prostaglandin F2 and who can't get it?
It's hemabate and you can't give it to asthmatics
when shoud abx be given in surgery
30 minutes prior to surgery
Risk of miscarriage in 1st trimester bleeding
10% if fetal heart tones seen
Dx study for
SOB, afebrile, tachypepnic, tachycardic, CXR normal
VQ scan for PE
Screening recs for Gestational diabetes postpartum
at 6 weeks postpartum 75 g 2 hr OGTT
Snowstorm pattern
D&C of complete hydatidiform mole
Adolescent with bleeding from anovluation
If severe IV high dose estrogens
If hemodynamically stable then OCPs
When to place cerclage
10-14 weeks
BC option for someone with lots of STI risk