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24 Cards in this Set

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_ is frequent vomiting that typically occurs early in pregnancy. When severe, it can result in wt. loss, dehydration, acidosis from starvation, alkalosis from vomiting, and hypokalemia.
hyperemesis gravidarum
_ is a bluish discoloration of the cervix, d/t congestion of pelvic vasculature.
chadwick's sign
_ is a glycoprotein hormone composed of alpha and beta subunits.
_ is similar in structure and fcn to LH (the beta subunits are similar in both hormones).

at 20 weeks gestation the fundal height should be at the ?

-symphysis pubis
-6 cm above umbilicus
-2 cm below xiphoid
In normal pre-pregnancy weight, a pt should gain_ pounds.
25-35 pounds
the rbc mass typically goes up by _-_%

-10 to 15%
-15 to 25%
-18 to 30%
-25 to 35%
18 to 30%

lipids do not cross the placenta
false; they do
the optimal time to screen for glucose intolerance is?
26 to 28 weeks
Fetal Pco2 must be greater than maternal Pco2: how does this happen (3 ways);
-increased TV of 200
-increased TV by 100-200 mL
-progesterone reduces the Co2 threshold, may lead to hyperventilation of pregnancy
constipation during pregnancy is d/t _, which relaxes intestinal smooth muscle and slows peristalsis.

decreased GI motility may be responsible for the increased absorption of water, _ and other substances.

the _ _ _ is part of the portal system and has no valves, hence the high pressure within the system is communicated to pelvic veins and produces hemorrhoids.

-inferior rectal vein
-superior rectal vein
-primary rectal vein
-ilioinguinal vein
superior rectal vein
asymptomatic bacteriuria occurs in _ to _% of pregnant women and should be treated.

2-4 %
5-8 %
9-12 %
5 to 8%
normal pregnancy state is all except?

not catabolic
constipation during pregnancy is d/t _, which relaxes intestinal smooth muscle and slows peristalsis.

decreased GI motility may be responsible for the increased absorption of water, _ and other substances.

the _ _ _ is part of the portal system and has no valves, hence the high pressure within the system is communicated to pelvic veins and produces hemorrhoids.

-inferior rectal vein
-superior rectal vein
-primary rectal vein
-ilioinguinal vein
superior rectal vein
asymptomatic bacteriuria occurs in _ to _% of pregnant women and should be treated.

2-4 %
5-8 %
9-12 %
5 to 8%
normal pregnancy state is all except?

not catabolic
_ ejection murmurs along the left sternal border occur in 96% of pregnant patients d/t increased flow across aortic and pulmonic valves.

systolic ejection murmurs
_ is the MC nonobstetric cause for hospitalization during pregnancy.

pyelonephritis is common in pregnant women d/t _ and _.

urinary stasis
bladder tone decreases
urinary stasis and bacturia
renal plasma flow increases from T1, reaching _ to _% above nonpregnant levels by 20. Flow remains elevated until 30 weeks and then slowly declines to nonpregnant levels postpartum.
30 - 50%