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166 Cards in this Set

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Parents with X-linked dominant disorders have a ____ chance of passing it on.
A) 1:4
B) 1:2
C) 3:4
D: 100%
B) 1:2 or 50% chance
X-linked recessive disorders are more common in (men/women).
What is the leading cause of infant death?
Congenital abnormalities (20%), followed by SIDS (15%)
Which of the following is more common in males (select all that apply)?
A) Anencephaly
B) Spina bifida
C) Congenital hip dislocation
D) Clubfoot
E) Hirschprung disease
D, E.

Also, cleft lip alone is more common in males, and hypospadius are found in males only (obviously).
(Slide 12, Teratogenesis Genetics + Birth)
Cleft palate alone is typically seen in (females/males).

Cleft lip alone is typically seen in males. (Slide 17, Teratogenesis Genetics ppt.)
What is a danger with cephalohematoma (according to Meyers' panopto)?
Risk for hyperbilirubinemia, because "the system gets overwhelmed" in trying to break down the excess RBCs.
Stricture in tissue, typically in the limbs, is usually associated with what genetic malformation?
Amniotic band defect
Which of the following statements by a new parent regarding ambiguous genitalia indicates a need for further instruction?
A) I should make sure my child is making enough wet diapers per day.
B) Aside from cosmetic issues, there is nothing wrong with my child.
C) The doctor may run a chromosomal panel to look for any other issues
D) Children with this condition usually have only one set of sex organs internally
Answer: B

A is true, because genital abnormalities are often connected to renal and urinary abnormalities.
B is incorrect. Sometimes the cosmetic effect is a sign of a more complex problem.
C is correct, as ambiguous genitalia is linked to chromosomal and hormonal issues.
D is correct. Though the gonads may not be fully functioning, hermaphrodites typically have one sex of organs internally.
Vitamin A deficiency is associated with what abnormality?
A) Neural tube defects
B) Neonatal hypocalcemia
C) Infantile seizures
D) Cleft lip
D) Vitamin A deficiency can lead to eye problems, cleft lip, and facial defects.

Remember: MEGADOSES of Vitamin A can lead to craniofacial and cardiac anomalies! (Slide 5: Teratogenesis Other + Drug classes)
Vitamin C deficiency can lead to:
A) Craniofacial and cardiac anomalies
B) Neural tube defects
C) Reduced fetal growth
D) Cleft lip
B) Neural tube defects

(Slide 5: Teratogenesis Other + Drug Classes)
Reduced fetal growth and neonatal hypocalcemia is associated with what deficiency?
A) Vitamin A
B) Vitamin B
C) Vitamin C
D) Vitamin D
D) Vitamin D deficiency

(Slide 6: Teratogenesis Other + Drug Classes)
Maternal hyperthermia is associated with what neonatal condition?
Neural tube defects
IUGR, congenital heart block, and low AFI are associated with what maternal disease?
A) Sjogren's syndrome
B) Myasthenia gravis
C) Rheumatic disease
D) Diabetes
A) Sjogren's syndrome
___ can cause PROM, hypotonia, respiratory distress, and feeding problems.
A) Rheumatic disease
B) Myasthenia gravis
C) Sjogren's syndrome
D) Diabetes
B) Myasthenia gravis (slide 8, Teratogenesis Other + Drug classes)
Heart, kidney, CNS, cleft palate, club foot, and cretinism is associated with (hypo/hyper)thyroidism in the mother.
Hypothyroidism (slide 9, Teratogenesis Other + Drug Classes)
Chorionic villus sampling done before day ___ increases risk for limb anomalies.
Day 70 (slide 10, Teratogenesis Other + Drug classes)
True/False. The greatest susceptibility for the fetus to teratogens occurs in the first trimester.
Remind me of the drug categories for teratogens (A, B, C, D, X).
A: No risk to fetus, and studies say so.
B: Animal studies show no risk but no human studies exist
C: No human/animal studies or animal studies show risk but no human studies exist
D: Positive evidence of fetal risk but benefit may outweigh risk in some cases
X: Studies show fetal abnormalities/risk clearly outweighs the benefit
True/False. Patients with known hypertension are treated with ACE inhibitors in pregnancy.
False. ACE inhibitors are Class D-- it is best to change her to a CCB or beta-blocker.
Most of the danger with retinoids occurs in what trimester? What about with ACE inhibitors?
Retinoids: Most danger 1st trimester
ACE inhibitors: Most danger 2-3rd trimester
What is the most commonly abused illegal substance in pregnancy?
Why is fetal exposure increased in mothers who use cocaine?
Cocaine is both hydrophilic and lipophilic, meaning it dissolves in both fat and water. It persists in fetal circulation AND amniotic fluid, which increases exposure.
Why is growth restriction increased in fetuses exposed to cocaine?
Cocaine is a powerful vasoconstrictor, and can increase risk of miscarriage in early pregnancy, as well as preterm labor, IUGR, and increased risk of placental abruption.
A patient in labor arrives in the ER, having had no prenatal care, and admits to using cocaine. What is the first condition you will look for?
A) Placental abruption
B) Placenta previa
C) Amniotic band defects
A) Placental abruption is usually associated with cocaine use.

If a patient has a placental abruption, 9/10 times physicians will perform a urine drug screen.
Which of the following fetal conditions is NOT associated with heroin use in pregnancy?
A) Decreased fetal lung maturity
B) Respiratory problems after birth
C) Neonatal abstinence syndrome
D) Stillbirth
A) INCREASED fetal lung maturity is associated with heroin use in pregnancy, but "it moves things along too quickly," and can result in respiratory problems after birth. (Slide 28, Teratogenesis Other + Drug classes)
True/False. Methadone use in neonates results in longer, but less severe withdrawal.
True/False. Amphetamine users are safe to breastfeed.
False. Amphetamine drugs DO pass through breast milk.
What does TORCH stand for?
Other (T. pallidum-- syphilis, varicella, Hepatitis)
Herpes simplex (HSV)/HIV
This infection is caused by contact with infected raw meat or cat feces.
A pregnant patient arrives in the ER with s/s of mono, but her test was negative. What is the next thing you suspect?
Toxoplasmosis (Slide 4: TORCH)
The risk of varicella issues is highest in the first ___ weeks of pregnancy.
First 20 weeks of pregnancy (first half of pregnancy)
Another name for Parvovirus is:
"Fifth disease" or "slapped cheek disease"
True/False. There is no treatment for parvovirus in pregnancy.
True. (Slide 16: TORCH)
True/False. It is important to ensure that a woman receives the MMR in her first trimester to ensure she does not sustain certain infections during pregnancy.
False. MMR is a LIVE vaccine!
True/False. Infection with rubella after the 20th week of pregnancy rarely causes defects.
What three conditions are associated with congenital rubella (CRS)?

(slide 21: TORCH)
This is the most common cause of congenital infection in the US.
What newborn issues are associated with CMV?
What is TWEAK with respect to alcohol risk assessment?
Worry or concern by family or friends about drinking behavior
Eye opener
Amnesia or "blackouts" while drinking
K (Cut down) on alcohol use

(CAGE) is better!
Cut down
Eye opener
True/False. Barbiturates can be used for alcohol withdrawal in mothers.
True, but ONLY AFTER THE FIRST TRIMESTER. (slide 9, Teratogenesis ETOH Tobacco Warnings)
The definition of binge drinking in women is:
4 or more drinks per occasion, or drinking more than 7 drinks per week
What are the three diagnostic criteria of fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS)?
Craniofacial anomalies
CNS anomalies
Pre and/or postnatal growth retardation
Infants who exhibit some of the signs of FAS but not all three categories (CCP) in the diagnostic criteria are said to have:
Fetal alcohol effect
What are the five A's for smoking cessation?
Ask about smoking habits
Advise to quit
Assess willingness to quite
Assist her in modifying her smoking behaviors
Arrange for follow-up care
Vulvovaginal candida is usually caused by what bacteria?
C. albicans
True/False. A common treatment for yeast infections during pregnancy are Diflucan or Fluconazole (antifungals).
False. Diflucan/Fluconazole are not permitted during pregnancy. Pregnant women MUST be treated topically, with 7-day topical/vaginal cream.

Fluconazole is OK with breastfeeding!
What is the most prevalent cause of vaginal discharge or malodor?
Bacterial vaginosis
What are the four clinical criteria for bacterial vaginosis?
White, homogenous non-inflammatory discharge coating the vaginal wall
Clue cells on microscopic exam
PH of vaginal fluid >4.5
Fishy odor

Requires 3 OF 4 criteria to be met for diagnosis.
What is the treatment for bacterial vaginosis (BV) for the NON-pregnant woman? The pregnant woman?
NON-pregnant: Metronidazole, Clindamycin cream
Which statement regarding Metronidazole reflects a need for further teaching?
A) This drug is indicated if I am or am planning to become pregnant
B) Alcohol is not permitted for the oral form of this drug, so I should ask my doctor for the topical form if I plan on drinking
C) I must stop breastfeeding while I am taking this drug
D) This is considered a Category B drug
B is incorrect. NO alcohol is permitted for either PO or topical forms of Flagyl. All of the other statements are true.
Which of the following drugs is using for suppressive therapy in pregnant women?
A) Flagyl
B) Amoxicillin
C) Bactrim
D) Macrobid
D) Macrobid or Keflex are used in suppressive therapy. Bactrim is used in the acute stage of UTI.
True/False. Bactrim is an effective treatment for UTI up until the last week of pregnancy.
False. Bactrim should NOT be used after 36 weeks
What is the biggest risk for PID?
Untreated Gonorrhea and/or Chlamydia
Upon examination with a speculum, you note that a patient's cervix is edematous with a "snotty" appearance. What do you suspect?
A) Chlamydia
B) Gonorrhea
C) Bacterial vaginosis
A) Chlamydia (Slide 33, Infections Usual Suspects)
True/False. Tetracycline is contraindicated in pregnant women.
True. Tetracyclines damage fetal teeth.
Which of the following tests is a SCREENING test for syphilis?
A) Darkfield exam
D) Western blot
(Slide 45, Infections Usual Suspects)
Which of the following statements is FALSE regarding syphilis?
A) The Darkfield exam is routinely used for screening women at risk for syphilis
B) Positive screening results is followed up by a diagnostic test like FTA-ABS
C) False positives are not uncommon in diagnostic tests for syphilis
D) The same test must be used every time a patient is screened for syphilis
A) The Darkfield exam is a DIAGNOSTIC test. The VDRL/RPR is a SCREENING test.

The rest of the choices are correct.
True/False. Pregnant patients with a penicillin allergy may be prescribed doxycycline for treatment of syphilis.
False. Pregnant patients, regardless of allergies, are treated with Penicillin G. These patients are merely given sensitization treatment beforehand.
(slide 49/52, Infections Usual Suspects)
A mother with no prenatal care gives birth on your shift, and after delivery you note the placenta is large, heavy, pale, and yellowish-gray in color. What do you suspect?
A) Trichamoniasis
B) Syphilis
C) Gonorrhea
D) Chlamydia
B) Syphilis
A "strawberry cervix" is characteristic of what condition?
A universal, gradual reduction in bone mass to a point where the skeleton is compromised resulting in fractures with minimal trauma.
Loss of bone mass.
Which of the following is NOT considered a secondary cause of osteoporosis?
A) Rheumatoid arthritis
B) Hypothyroidism
C) Cushing's
D) Hemophilia
E) Heparin
B) HyPER thyroidism is a secondary cause of osteoporosis. (slide 4, Osteoporosis)
Which ethnic groups are at higher risk for osteoporosis?
Non-Hispanic Caucasian and Asian women are at disproportionately higher risk.
Maximum level of bone density is reached by what age?
25-30 (slide 5, Osteoporosis)
True/False. Alcoholism can lead to osteoporosis.
True. (Slide 6-- Notes-- Osteoporosis ppt)
Loss of estrogen (increases/decreases) bone remodeling.
Decreases (slide 7, Osteoporosis)
What screening test for bone loss can be done in the office setting?
Ultrasound of the forearm or calcaneal region can be used for screening of bone loss in the office setting. If this is positive then DXA screening is needed. (slide 9, Osteoporosis PPT)
Women under age 50 are encouraged to consume how much calcium? >50?
<50 = 1000mg
TAKING HRT >50 = 1200 mg
NOT taking HRT > 50 = 1500mg

(slide 13, Osteoporosis)
True/False. Depo-provera has been shown to increase loss of BMD.
True. It may affect critical bone mass development in adolescents and young adults and predispose them to osteoporosis later in life (slide 14, Osteoporosis PPT).
What is an advantage of calcium citrate over calcium carbonate?
While more pills are required to get the same amount of calcium as a calcium carbonate pill, calcium citrate is absorbed better in those individuals who have decreased stomach acid. (slide 16, Osteoporosis ppt).
Which of the following statements regarding calcium intake indicates a need for further teaching?
A) I should take my calcium supplements with my meals to ensure maximal absorption
B) I should limit my alcohol consumption to fewer than 2 drinks per day to lower my risks for osteoporosis.
C) Supplements 500mg or less allow for the best absorption.
D) I should not consume more than 2500 mg/day of calcium.
A) Patients should take their supplements 1 hour before or 2 hours after eating green leafy vegetables in order to obtain maximum absorption of calcium. (slide 17, Osteoporosis PPT)
What is the MOA of biphosphonates?
Reduce the number of osteoclasts/reduces osteoclast activity (slide 18, Osteoporosis PPT)
What is a rare but potentially life-threatening side effect of biphosphanates?
Esophageal ulceration (slide 18, Osteoporosis PPT)
Which of the following may have protective effects against heart disease and breast cancer?
A) Ibandronate (Boniva)
B) Alendronate (Actonel)
C) Calcitonin
D) Raloxifene (Evista)
D) Raloxifene (Evista) is used for the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis. It is similar to the breast cancer drug tamoxifen. It can reduce the risk of spinal fractures by almost 50%, though it does not appear to prevent other fractures. It may have protective effects against heart disease and breast cancer, though further studies are needed. (slide 19, Osteoporosis PPT)
Zoledronic Acid (Zometa; Reclast) is contraindicated in what patients?
Reclast should not be given to patients with low creatinine clearance (renal patients). This drug may cause nephrotoxicity in renal impaired patients, and should not be used with diuretic meds. (slide 20, Osteoporosis PPT).
Which of the following statements regarding osteoporosis medications is FALSE?
A) Patients taking Alendronate (Fosomax) and Risedronate (Actonel) must not take anything else orally for 30 minutes after taking medication
B) Patients taking Ibandronate (Boniva) must take nothing else orally for 60 minutes after taking the medication
C) Zoledronic Acid (Zometa/Reclast) is administered in biannual doses for osteoporosis prevention.
D) Esophageal ulceration and erosion is a primary concern in the taking of biphosphanate drugs
C) Zometa/Reclast is given ONCE every TWO YEARS for osteoporosis prevention (slide 20, Osteoporosis PPT)
True/False. Breast disorders are rare in postmenopausal women not taking hormone replacement therapy.
True. (slide 2, Breast Health PPT)
A 35yo woman has come into your clinic for a routine checkup and tells you her breasts often feel "bumpy" and become very painful right before her menstrual period. Which of the following do you suspect?
A) Mastitis
B) Fibroadenoma
C) Intraductal papilloma
D) Fibrocystic changes
D) Fibrocystic changes

Fibrocystic breast changes are nonpathological changes in breast tissue that occurs in response to hormone stimulation (primarily estrogen).
Tender lumps with cobblestone consistency, most marked in the upper quadrants of the breasts are most characteristic of what disorder?
A) Mastitis
B) Fibroadenoma
C) Intraductal papilloma
D) Fibrocystic changes
D) Fibrocystic changes (slide 3, Breast Health PPT)
What is it called when changes to acini occur in the distal mammary lobule, and ducts become surrounded by firm, hard, plaque-like tissue?
Adenosis (slide 4, Breast Health PPT)
Which of the following components of fibrocystic changes is the cause for the cystic changes of tissue?
A) Mass develops as a result of inflammation in ducts
B) Dilation of ducts with variation of presentation
C) Layering of cells that has malignant potential
D) Changes to acini in distal mammary lobule
B) Dilation of ducts with variation of presentation (slide 4, Breast Health PPT)
Which of the following statements in INCORRECT regarding breast health?
A) Many women have found fibrocystic change relief with Vitamin E and B6 supplementation.
B) Fibroadenoma is typically a painless unilateral finding
C) Inflammatory breast cancer is often mistaken for mastitis
D) Intraductal papillomas are benign growths diagnosed via mammogram
D) Intraductal papillomas often do NOT show up on mammograms, and can be A CANCER RISK!

(Slide 7, Breast Health PPT)
The most common cause of spontaneous nipple discharge is?
Intraductal papilloma (slide 7, Breast Health PPT)
A small benign tumor that grows within a milk duct of the breast near the nipple.
Intraductal papilloma
True/False. A fibroadenoma is caused by excess formation of lobules and is benign.
True. (slide 6, Breast Health PPT)
Which of the following women should be referred to a physician IMMEDIATELY?
A) A 28yo complaining of constant "heaviness" and pain in her breasts several days per month.
B) A 31yo who discovered a solid, painless "lump that she can move around" during her self-exam
C) A 30 yo with nipple discharge and a painful mass in the RUQ of her left breast
D) A 40yo smoker in for her first mammogram requesting an oral contraceptive prescription
C) These symptoms are highly indicative of an intraductal papilloma, and should be investigated immediately as this is a cancer risk.
True/False. Breastfeeding is a risk factor for breast cancer.
False. (slide 9, Breast Health PPT)
True/False. It is possible for breast cancer risk to return to normal after stopping the use of OCPs.
True. Risk decreases after stopping OCPs and returns to normal by 10 years. (slide 9, Breast Health PPT)
When abnormal cells grow inside the lobules or milk ducts but have not spread to the surrounding tissue or beyond, the condition is called:
Carcinoma in situ (slide 15, Breast Health PPT)
When is it recommended for women to perform a breast self-exam?
After the menstrual cycle/period ends. (slide 22, Breast Health PPT)
What is another name for the "menopausal transition period"?
Physical symptoms of hot flashes, sweating, and irregular periods are also known as:
Vasomotor symptoms
In perimenopause, FSH levels (increase/decrease) and estrogen (estradiol) levels (increase/decrease).
In perimenopause, FSH levels will be increased and estradiol will be decreased.
True/False. HTN is two time greater after menopause.
True. (slide 13, Menopause PPT)
After ___ years of HRT the risk of breast cancer increases.
5 years
Anxiety and irritability associated with menopause is termed ____.
Climacteric syndrome
The reproductive system is not fully functional for an average of ___ years following menarche.
2 years. (slide 2, Menstrual disorders ppt)
In the ___ phase of menstruation, the endometrium is edematous and vascular.
A) Menstrual
B) Prolific
C) Secretory
D) Ischemic
C) Secretory phase (slide 7, Menstrual Disorders PPT)
Absence of menarche beyond the age of 16.
Primary amenorrhea (slide 9, Menstrual Disorders PPT)
What is the primary cause of primary amenorrhea?
PREGNANCY!!! (This will definitely be on the NCLEX!)
Cessation of menses after menarche has occurred and periods have been successive for a period of time.
Secondary amenorrhea (Slide 11, Menstrual Disorders PPT)
Painful menstrual cramps without underlying pathology.
Primary dysmenorrhea
Which of the following is FALSE regarding primary dysmenorrhea?
A) It is nonpathological
B) It usually occurs one year or later following menarche
C) It occurs only during ovulatory cycles
D) The highest prevalence is in ages 20-24
B) If the first incidence of dysmenorrhea occurs later than one year following menarche, SECONDARY DYSMENORRHEA is suspected. The first occurrence of primary dysmenorrhea happens WITHIN A YEAR AFTER MENARCHE.

(Slide 13, Menstrual Disorders PPT)
Which of the following is a first-line treatment for primary dysmenorrhea?
A) Birth control pills
B) Calcium channel blockers
C) Vicodin
D) NSAIDs block prostaglandins and abolish hypercontractility of the uterus, which lessens the discomfort associated with primary dysmenorrhea.
True/False. Secondary dysmenorrhea is not associated with hormone levels.
True. Secondary dysmenorrhea is not associated with hormone/prostaglandin levels. It occurs as a result of some other issue in the body. (Slide 17, Menstrual Disorders PPT)
With this condition, tissue from the lining of the uterus is located outside of the uterus.
Muscle tumors or growths that form on the outside, the inside, or in the walls of the uterus.
Fibroids/leiomyomas (slide 19, Menstrual Disorders PPT)
True/False. Anovulatory bleeding occurs when normal cycle is disrupted and may be related to another pathology.
FALSE. Anovulatory bleeding is abnormal uterine bleeding related to hormones that direct affect the menstrual cycle. It is UNRELATED to another pathology. (slide 21, Menstrual Disorders PPT)
This is the most common type of irregular bleeding in adolescents and in women reaching perimenopause.
Anovulatory bleeding (Slide 21, Menstrual Disorders PPT)
What is the basic process of anovulatory bleeding?
Estrogen is continually secreted, but an egg never ripens in the follicle and is therefore never released. This results in progesterone never being produced from the corpus luteum to counteract uterine lining proliferation. Eventually the uterine lining outgrows its blood supply and begins to slough off at irregular intervals. (Slide 22, Menstrual Disorders PPT)
Light uterine bleeding of variable amounts occurring between regular menstrual periods (spotting).
Intermenstrual bleeding
Excessive bleeding (>80cc) at REGULAR intervals. May be prolonged in duration.
Irregular bleeding that occurs more frequently than regular cycles.
Metrorrhagia (Think irregular bus schedules: Metro)
Irregular, prolonged, and excessive bleeding.
Infrequent or scant bleeding of variable duration.
Uterine bleeding occurring at regular intervals of <21 days.
PMS occurs during what phase of the menstrual cycle?
The luteal phase (slide 36, Menstrual Disorders PPT)
This is a surgical procedure used for the treatment of anovulatory or abnormal uterine bleeding and symptomatic leiomyomas.
Endometrial ablation.
Note: This is a SECOND-LINE TREATMENT after trying OCPs or cyclic progestins to control anovulatory bleeding. (Slide 6, MedSurg PPT)
What are some contraindications to endometrial ablation?
PID, current STI, and uterine perforation.
(Also uterine cancer-- process may introduce cancer cells into other parts of the body)
What is the difference between a hysterectomy and a Total Abdominal Hysterectomy (TAH)?
The TAH involves the complete removal of the uterus AND cervix using the abdominal surgical approach. (slide 15, MedSurg PPT)
Which ovarian cyst occurs secondary to hormonal stimulation?
Functional ovarian cyst (slide 21, MedSurg PPT)
Which ovarian cyst is the most common?
Follicular-- this occurs when the follicle fails to rupture and release the egg during ovulation. (slide 21, MedSurg PPT)
What is the most common ovarian germ-cell tumor?
Dermoid cyst (benign cystic teratoma)
(Slide 21, MedSurg PPT)
True/False. Most functional ovarian cysts resolve on their own.
True. Most cysts shrink and resolve on their own within 2-3 menstrual cycles. (slide 22, MedSurg PPT)
What is the most common cancer of the female reproductive tract?
Endometrial cancer (slide 31, MedSurg PPT)
What is the "red flag" associated with endometrial cancer?
Bleeding in post-menopausal women NOT on hormone replacement therapy. (slide 31, MedSurg PPT)
Most cervical dysplasias occur in the ____, the region located at or near the cervical os that represents the squamous epithelium of the vagina and exocervix and the columnar epithelium of the endocervix and enodmetrium.
Transformation zone
This is the most causative agent of cervical cancer.
HPV (slide 36, MedSurg PPT)
Which Pap result is most likely to progress to cancer?
High-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion (CIN II or III and carcinoma in situ) (slide 44, MedSurg PPT)
Which Hepatitis is transmitted via the fecal-oral route?
Hepatitis A
Which Hepatitis is spread through direct contact with blood or blood contaminated items (and can be spread sexually)?
Hepatitis B
True/False. Hepatitis A is chronic.
True/False. Hepatitic B is rarely spread sexually.
False. Hepatitis C is rarely spread sexually, but is spread by direct contact with blood or blood contaminated items.
A mother traveling to San Antonio has come down with Hepatitis A after eating raw oysters, and asks you if breastfeeding is still okay. What do you tell her?
Yes, breastfeeding is fine with Hep A.
Which of the following is NOT true regarding Hepatitis B vaccine?
A) It is not recommended for acute patients in the NICU
B) It is a three-dose series, with the latter doses at one and six months later
C) If exposed to Hep B, patients may be given IgG
D) It is recommended for health care workers
A) It is recommended for ALL children aged 0-18 years old
True/False. In testing a neonate for Hepatitis B, the baby MUST be bathed first.
True! The baby must be bathed prior to invasive tests to decrease percutaneous exposure to mom’s blood. (slide 6, Infections Hep, HIV, HSV)
What is the leading indication for a liver transplant?
Hepatitis C
A mother with Hepatitis C asks you if it is okay to breastfeed. What is your response?
A) Breastfeeding is perfectly fine in patients with Hepatitis C
B) Breastfeeding is not recommended in patients with Hepatitis C, as it can be transmitted to the baby through a mother’s milk
C) Breastfeeding is fine as long as the nipples are intact
D) Breastfeeding is not recommended in patients with Hepatitis C, as these patients are usually co-infected with HIV
C) Breastfeeding is fine in HCV-positive mothers. They should only consider abstaining from breast-feeding if their nipples are cracked or bleeding. (slide 8, HIV/HPV/HSV)
If mom is Hep C positive, newborns should not be tested for Hep C prior to ___ months of age, because the baby is still carrying mom’s antibodies.
18 months (slide 8, HIV/HPV/HSV)
In HIV, the ___ test screens, and the ___ test confirms.
ELISA screens, Western Blot confirms
True/False. HIV therapy is considered “single-drug” therapy.
False. HIV therapy is considered combination therapy.
True/False. Pregnant women are tested in both the first and third trimester for HIV.
True! (slide 10, HIV/HPV/HSV)
If antibody testing is not helpful until a child is 18 months of age or older, how can infants or young siblings be tested for HIV?
Infants and young siblings can be tested using HIV DNA probes or HIV RNA tests as early as 48 hours after birth. (slide 11, HIV/HPV/HSV)
If a pregnant woman’s viral load is greater than ____, the infant will be delivered by C-section at 38 weeks.
Viral load > 1,000 copies = C-section at 38 weeks (Zidovudine IV 4 hours prior)
Viral load < 1,000 copies may be delivered vaginally, but it is important to counsel the patient that it can increase the risk of transmission (Zidovudine IV during labor and PO antivirals will be continued)
(Slide 12, Hep/HIV/HPV/HSV)
AZT is usually continued for how long in treating a baby with an HIV positive mom after birth?
Baby is treated with AZT (Zidovudine) after delivery and tx is continued for 6 weeks (slide 13, Hep/HIV/HPV/HSV)
Acyclovir is considered what pregnancy class drug?
Pregnancy Class B drug. This drug is used to treat Herpes Simplex in the last 4-6 weeks of pregnancy to suppress the disease. (slide 27, Hep/HIV/HPV/HSV)
The quadrivalent HPV vaccine Gardasil treats what types of HPV?
6, 11, and 18 (technically 16 also, but Meyers said we didn’t have to know that) (slide 30, Hep/HIV/HPV/HSV)
HPV vaginal warts are usually caused by which types?
6 or 11 (slide 32, Hep/HIV/HSV/HPV)
Which of the following statements is FALSE regarding HPV?
A) HPV can be cleared completely by the body without medical intervention
B) Most HPV is asymptomatic and subclinical
C) The HPV vaccine is not required for women already exposed to the virus
D) Visible genital warts for HPV are usually caused by types 6 or 11
C) The HPV vaccine is indicated regardless of exposure, as it vaccinates against MULTIPLE STRAINS OF HPV. (slide 32, Hep/HIV/HPV/HSV)
True/False. Only TCA (trichloroacetic acid) and BCA (bichloroacetic acid) are considered safe for treatment of HPV in pregnancy.
True! (slide 38, Hep/HIV/HPV/HSV)
You have been alerted to the presence of a condyloma on a newborn baby. Which of the following is INCORRECT?
A) This is often caused by HPV or syphilis
B) The physician must be notified ASAP as infants with this have increased risk for laryngeal papillomatosis
C) A C-section may eliminate certain risks associated with sequalae to this disorder
D) The warts associated with this condition are very friable and can bleed in excess if torn
C) A C-section does NOT eliminate the risk for laryngeal papillomatosis. (slide 39, Hep/HIV/HPV/HSV)
What is the primary indication for PID (pelvic inflammatory disease) as compared with other conditions?
Cervical Motion Tenderness (CMT)
True/False. An IUD must be removed prior to treatment of PID.
FALSE! (slide 43, Hep/HIV/HPV/HSV)
A breastfeeding new mom just gave birth and has developed a UTI. Which of the following prescriptions is contraindicated?
A) Amoxicillin
B) Keflex
C) Macrobid
D) Ampicillin
C) Macrobid. Do NOT give Macrobid (Nitrofurantoin) to nursing mothers of babies <1 month, as it displaces bilirubin from albumin binding sites
What is the most frequently reported bacterial STI in the US?
True/False. Chalmydial opthalmia neonatorum is treated prophylactically in all newborns with erythromycin ointment.
False. Opthalmia neonatorum caused by syphilis is NOT reliably prevented with ophthalmic erythromycin. Gonorrheal O.N. is prophylactically treated with erythromycin ointment (slide 37, Infections Usual Suspects).
Frothy, malodorous, copious discharge with pruritis is associated with what disorder?
Trichomoniasis (slide 56, Infections Usual Suspects)
Congenital hip dislocation occurs primarily in (girls/boys).
Girls! (slide 12, Teratogenesis Genetics + Birth)
Which of the following occurs primarily in GIRLS (select all that apply)?
A) Spina bifida
B) Hirschprung disease
C) Clubfoot
D) Pyloric stenosis
E) Congenital hip dislocation
A, D, E. (slide 12, Teratogenesis Genetics + Birth)
Remember, most sobriety drugs (Antabuse, Campral, Naltrexone) are Pregnancy Class ____.
Which of the following is NOT associated with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS)?
A) Mild to moderate mental retardation
B) Pectus carinatum
C) Microcephaly
D) Hemangiomas
E) Ventricular septal defects
B) Pectus EXCAVATUM is associated with FAS. (slide 21, Teratogenesis ETOH)
Which of the following statements regarding tobacco use in pregnancy is FALSE?
A) Smoking, like alcohol consumption, interferes with calcium absorption.
B) Babies of smokers are more likely to appear lethargic and difficult to stimulate/resuscitate than babies of non-smokers.
C) Babies of smokers have increased risk for ear infections
D) Mothers who smoke have increased risk of placental abruption than women who do not
B is incorrect. Babies of smokers appear to be more jittery and more difficult to soothe than babies of non-smokers
True/False. Vitamin E deficiency is not associated with teratogenicity.
True. Neither deficiency or excess of Vitamin E is associated with teratogenicity.
Which of the following teratogens is NOT associated with neural tube defects?
A) Maternal hyperthermia
B) Folic acid deficiency
C) Vitamin C deficiency
D) Myasthenia gravis
D) Myasthenia gravis is NOT associated with neural tube defects
Which of the following is FALSE regarding Hepatitis?
A) The Hep A vaccine should be avoided in pregnancy, as this is a live vaccine
B) Women with Hepatitis A are safe to breastfeed
C) Hepatitis B is spread primarily through contact with blood
D) Pregnant women are routinely tested for Hep B
A) The Hep A vaccine is fine to give in pregnancy (slide 3, Hep/HIV/HSV)