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103 Cards in this Set

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Best position for mucous drainage after birth
Trendelenberg & to side
Umbilical vasculature
Two arteries (deox. blood away from fetus) One vein (oxy. blood to fetus)
Eyedrops for the newborn (1 hr. post-birth to allow for bonding) are to prevent
Transmission of STDs to infant (ie gonorrhea)
What to do before first bottle feeding:
Give a small amount of water first to test swallow ability (less trouble if the infant aspirates water)
*Breast milk also less of a problem than fornula if aspirated
Instructions for the PKU test (Guthrie blood test) if the mother is going home
Baby must feed for 24 hrs. or the test is not accurate

*If positive, low phenylalanine diet for rest of life or at least 6 yrs. and no breast feeding
Small white/gray patches on newborn tongue which bleed when touched
Thrush (often occurs after 4-7 days)
Can be caught from mother's yeast infection or infected hands, linen, etc.)
To prevent sore nipples:
Change nursing positions so baby sucks on different parts of nipple
*baby must grasp nipple and most of areola
To increase breast milk supply
Breast feed more and drink 64-80 oz. of fluid daily
*Also 500 extra calories intake daily
Telangiectasis nevi "stork bite"
Pink, easily blanched birthmark.
Appears most often on eyelids and nape of neck

Strawberry hemangiomas
Dilated, newly formed capillaries.
Raised, red, rough.
75% on head

Nevus flammeus
Group of newly formed capillaries.
Red-purple, non-blanchable
Not rough or raised

Pool of blood under skull bone periosteum - does not cross suture lines, not immediately apparent, black and blue, takes weeks to absorb & may cause jaundice
Caput succedaneum
Scalp edema at presenting part of head - crosses suture lines, present at birth, gone in 3 days
Mongolian spots
Gray patches on lower back or buttocks (usually). Seen in dark-skinned babies.

When a baby gets cold...
It diverts glucose and oxygen from brain cells and cardiac function (via crying and kicking)
An increased risk with c/s babies...
Breathing difficulties r/t more fluid in the lungs (not squeezed out in the birth canal)
Newborn Hct:

*generally Hct = Hgb x 3
Newborn Hgb:

*generally Hct = Hgb x 3
Newborn WBC:
15,000 - 18,000

* look for other signs of infection
Newborn Vit K levels:
Decreased (due to intestinal sterility)
Newborn BP:
Avg. 80/42 (changes minute to minute with crying, etc.)

*seldom done unless cardiac problem suspected
A pinkish color to the first void is...
Normal (r/t uric acid crystals)
Birthweight loss in a newborn is normally:
With infant prone, touch along paravertebral area; infant will flex trunk and swing pelvis toward touch
Trunk incurvation reflex
When prone, infant should:
Put arms and legs under and elevate stomach (preemie can't)
In full-term infant, elbow won't reach mid-chest; in preemie it will
Scarf sign present
When object is placed in palm, newborn will grasp it
Palmer grasp reflex
Straighten legs and release - legs should...
Return to a flexed position
When object touches sole at base of toes, infant grasps it with the toes
Plantar grasp reflex
Stroke sole in a J curve from the heel upward, infant fans toes

*opposite in adult
Babinski reflex

*r/t immature CNS
Apply pressure to soles while supine, infant pushes against pressure
Magnet reflex
Hip Abduction - Thighs flexed and abducted as much as possible - should abduct to...
90 degrees (>60 - 70 is abnormal)
Support lower leg with hand and dorsiflex foot 2-3 times by pressure on sole of foot
Ankle clonus (1-2 continued movements are normal; rapid alternating contracting and relaxing (clonus) is abnormal)
Stroke near corner of mouth, infant will turn head in that direction
Rooting reflex
Anything placed on the back of tongue will be swallowed/anterior tongue - extruded
Swallowing reflex/Extrusion reflex
With infant on back, turn head to one side, arm and leg on that side extend, opposite arm and leg contract
Tonic neck reflex
Hold infant vertical & touch feet to hard surface; infant will take a few steps

Step in place reflex

Touch anterior surface of leg to hard surface; infant will make a few quick lifting motions


Placing reflex

Startle infant by jarring crib or loud noise, or hold baby in hands and quickly lower about 1 inch - infant abducts and extends arms and legs, fingers assume C position, then embraces arms and draws up legs

Moro reflex (fades in 3-4 mos.)

Suspend infant in prone position, infant attempts to hoild spine in horizontal plane

Landau reflex

While infant supine, extend leg and irritate sole; infant will raise and extend other leg

Crossed extension reflex

Decrease in estrogen after birth can cause this
Pseudo-menstruation - spotting (bloody drainage) in a baby girl
Bilirubin production and excretion:
RBC -> Hgb -> Indirect bilirubin -> attaches to albumin in plasma -> broken down in liver -> Direct bilirubin -> water soluble, excreted in urine & stool
Factors that cause hyperbilirubinemia:
*Increased RBC destruction (fetus does not need as many as newborn, fetal RBCs are shorter-lived, trauma/bruising)
*Hepatic immaturity (worse in preemies)
*Inadequate albumin binding sites (fatty acids produced during cold stress or resp. distressuse up sites, also mom taking sulfa, ASA, oxytocin)
*Delayed feedings = delayed stool passage = bilirubin reabsorption (also inadequate maintenance of albumin level)
Occurs in 50% of term babies and 80% of preemies
Physiological jaundice
Time period in which physiological jaundice appears
Second or third day of life - gone in a week (never present in the first 24 hrs - THIS WOULD BE A BLOOD INCOMPATIBILITY)
High levels of bilirubin can cause...
Staining of brain tissue (kernicterus) -> brain damage

*Can occur at lower blilrubin levels in preemie or LBW
Often bilirubin peaks at...
6-7 mg/dl on day 3 - is down to 3 mg on day 5 - down to normal 1 mg by end of second week
Jaundice is seen when bilirubin reaches...
5 mg
Severe jaundice as a newborn can cause...
Hearing problems when older
Rx for physiological jaundice
Frequent feedings and maybe phototherapy
Rx for severe, rapidly rising bilirubin...
Exchange transfusion
Pathological jaundice defined as...
Jaundice first 24 hrs; bilirubin increases by > 5 mg/day; indirect bilirubin goes above 12 mg; direct bilirubin goes above 1.5 mg
Causes of pathological jaundice
***Most Common: Rh incompatibility
*Excess destruction of RBCs (i.e. Rh or ABO blood incompatibility [Mom O + Fetus A or B] between mother and child)
*Metabolic problem

(can be made worse with delayed feedings, cold stress, reps. problem)
Rx for pathological jaundice
Phototherapy, maybe exchange transfusion
Assesment for jaundice
Check sclera
Dark urine
Jaundice starts at the head and goes down. So...
Face jaundice - 5 mg bilirubin
Abdomen jaundice - 10 mg bilirubin
Palms jaundice - 20 mg
Rh- mom - not sure of husband...
Give RhoGam at 6 weeks
RhoGam is given to unsensitized Rh- women...
Within 72 hours after delivery of every Rh+ fetus
Newborn vomiting > 8hrs.
Report immediately (dehydration)
Rh incompatibility occurrs when...
Mom is Rh- and fetus is Rh+

*Dad must be Rh+
Umbilical cord blood taken at birth to check the infants Rh factor and antibody titer
Direct Coombs Test
Rhogam is given to all unsensitized Rh- women ...
During the 28th week of pregnancy (in case of accidental mixing) after any amnio, abortion or miscarriage
Tells us if the mother has built up antibodies against Rh+ blood
Indirect Coombs Test
What to do for a phototherapy baby
Mask as diapers
Turn baby
Check temp. for overheating
Give increased fluids
25% of baby size is...

*Head is larger than chest
What to do for colic
Decrease stimuli
Have BF mom eliminate milk products and gassy foods
Change to soy formula or Nutramigen
Burp often
Heat/massage to abdomen
Walk w/ baby on abdomen
Swing, car ride, fennel tea, Myclon drops, anti-colic pills
Parents go out!
Who signs consent for the baby of a 15 y.o. mom?
The mom
Baby doesn't respond after repeated exposures to stimulation
Cardiovascular changes after birth:
Ductus arteriosis constricts and closes after a few days
(due to lung inflation - decreased pressure in pulmonary artery and increased O2 pressure)
Closeure of foramen ovale within weeks up to a year
Umbilical arrteries/vein, ductus arteriosis and ductus venosus atrophy & convert to ligaments
Infant blood volume
100ml/Kg first few days - doubles by 1 year
Infant heart rate
110-160 (100 if sleeping 180 if crying)
First thing to do after birth
Clear airway (mouth first)

*Then keep warm
Milk production
Let-down reflex
Infant respiratory rate
30-60 at rest

*often irregular till 24 hrs. old
Infants are nose breathers; reflex to open mouth not present until ------------- weeks old.
Newborn has ------------------- of inflammatory & immune response. So they're at risk for -------------- for the first few months
Hypofunction / infection

(major cause of NB illness & death)
How often should a newborn feed if being breast fed? Bottle fed?
q 2-3hrs. / q 3-4hrs.
Stool present around days 2-3. Its thin, slimy, brown-green.
What does stool look like on day 4 if BF? Bottle fed?
Loose, golden yellow, sweet smelling / soft, pale yellow, odorous
What color is the stool if the baby is under photo therapy lights?
Bright green
Blueish tint around the mouth (a sign of a respiratory problem) is called….
Circumoral cyanosis
Occasionally when infant lies on side, dependent side red and upper side pale. Goes away with position change. This is called…
Harlequin sign
What are 4 ways a baby can loose heat?
Conduction, convection, evaporation, and radiation
Infant loses 5-10% of birth weight during the 1st few days after birth. This is due to…
Lower calories, and no maternal hormones which are salt and fluid retaining.
Vitamin K should be give after a circumcision. True or False?
False (It should be done before)
How do you care for a circumcised penis?
Apply Vaseline every diaper change until the end of the penis is the same color as the rest. Never pull on bandage if it wont come off!
What is the main reason for Hyperbilirubinemia?
Increased RBC destruction
Jaundice is seen when bilirubin reaches ----- mg
With physiological jaundice bilirubin doesn’t increase by greater than --- mg per day, indirect bilirubin doesn’t go above ------mg, and direct bilirubin doesn’t go above --------- mg
5/ 12/ 1.5
Sacral tuft of hair
Spina Bifida
If mom doesn’t receive RhoGam all future Rh+ babies will be affected. True or False?
What is it called when a mom does form antibodies after a birth of a baby and did not receive RhoGam and her second Rh+ baby's RBC are being destroyed by her antibodies?
Erythroblastosis fetalis
What should you do to keep the breast from obstructing the babies breathing?
Pull the babies legs closer
When should you burp the baby when BF?
Between breasts and after done feeding
How should you remove a baby from your breast?
Stick a finger in babies mouth to break suction. Don’t just pull baby off!
What color is breast milk?
Bluish white
Breast begin to feel full and tingly. What has just happened?
Let down reflex
What can you do for inverted nipples?
Nipple rolling, use the pump to pull out nipple
What can you do for plugged ducts?
Massage and add heat
When weaning, how many feedings do you want to omit a day?
1 feeding
Don’t prop bottles or feed flat because this can cause...
Increased ear infections