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44 Cards in this Set

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What is the purpose of HCG?
it maintains the corpus luteum and keeps it functioning until the placenta can take over.
What does a fetus need in order to have normal brain development?
What does HPL do?
promotes lipolysis in mom

protects fetal glucose supply

affects protein metabolism to provide fetus with amino acids

antagonist against insulin
What is the main purpose of progesterone?
to maintain the pregnancy
What does progesterone do in the body during pregnancy?
inhibits the contractility of smooth muscles (relaxes the uterine muscles)
helps your BP to remain normal
increases aldosterone, alveolar development in breasts, inhibits prolactin, decr. sensitivity to oxytocin,causes respiratory center to reduce the Pco2 level
When progesterone inhibits the contractility of the uterine myometrium what is it doing?
promoting labor
What are two very common renal problems in pregnant women?
UTI's and pyelonephitis
What is the #1 cause of pregnancy related deaths and what is it a result of?
pulmonary embolisms because the estrogen in the body increases clotting factors
What does estrogen do?
enlarges the uterus, incr. uterine blood supply, produces breast development, relaxes pelvic joints, ripens the cervix,promotes Na and water retention
How does estrogen effect the blood supply?
decr. plasma proteins
increases clotting factors
Why should a pregnant women avoid lying flat on her back during the 2nd and 3rd trimester?
because they put pressure on the inferior vena cava thus impeding the blood flow to the heart (vena cava syndrome)
What is the typical change pattern of the uterus once pregnancy occurs?
softens and enlarges
out of the pelvis at 12 weeks
at umbilicus -20 weeks
grows about 1cm/wk thereafter
How does the capacity of the uterus change?
from 10ml to 4.5-5 liters
What should any cervical secretions look like?
white or yellowish, no odor
What is the purpose of the mucus plug?
protects fetus from outside contaminants
What is the precursor of breast milk?
In relation to cardiac output, what is the best and worse position for a pregnant women to be in?
best: on all fours
worst: standing up
Which side is it better for the mother to lay on, left or right?
left side is better
How much does cardiac output incr. during pregnancy?
What is considered a danger sign in regards to edema in pregnant women and why?
if the edema is in the face because this is a sign of high BP
What causes nausea and vomiting during the first trimester?
HCG and estrogen
If your pt. complains of a headache, what should you recommend that she take and what other problem might you suspect?
check for incr. BP, ask about any other symptoms (edema,spots in vision)
What is chloasma?
mask of pregnancy - pigment in the face
What does gravida refer to?
the number of pregnancy a women has had
What does para or parity refer to?
the pregnancies carried past 20 weeks
What does primigravida mean?
a woman pregnant with her first child less than 20 wks
What does primipara mean?
a woman pregnant with her first child past 20 weeks
What does multipara mean?
a women who has carried at least one pregnancy past 20 weeks
What are the three positive signs of pregnancy? (confirms pregnancy)
FHT (fetal heart tones), fetal movement and ultrasound
At what age is the mother considered to be at an advanced maternal age?
35 and older
What is considered the normal age range for pregnancy?
over 15 and less than 35 years of age
What should you tell your pregnant pt if she has hypertension and taking diuretics?
discontinue the diuretics
What should you tell your pt in regards to OTC meds?
get all of them approved by the HCP before taking.
What vaccines would you recommend your pregnant pt. to get?
No LIVE vaccines but the flu vaccine is recommended
What is Naegele's rule?
take the 1ST day of the last menstrual cycle, go back 3 months and add 7 days

gives you the EDD +/- 2 weeks
When can you usually her the FHT (fetal heart tone)?
between 10-12 weeks on average
What is considered an excessive weight gain for a pregnant women?
2lbs/wk or 6lbs/month
When do you begin for feel fetal movement during a first time pregnancy? 2nd or more pregnancies?
1st preg: at approx. 18-22 weeks
2+ preg: approx. 16-20 weeks
Unless the baby is sleeping, how many times should the baby move per hour?
At what point should the baby be head down?
36 weeks
What is a good sign that a pregnant woman isn't eating enough?
ketones in the urine
What is the visit schedule for a pregnant woman?
q4 weeks til 28weeks
q2 weeks til 36 weeks
weekly til term
How long is considered a "term" pregnancy?
38-42 weeks
How many extra calories a day does an expectant mother need?