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71 Cards in this Set

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_________________children are victims of substantiated abuse or neglect in United States each year
>1 million
child abuse is the_______________ most common cause of death in children _________ _________ ________
second, behind accidental injury
in child abuse, ________ ___________is the most frequent cause of long term physical morbidity in the child
head injury
child abuse most common in children______years old
< 3
child abuse social RF ___________, _______________, ____________
recent job loss of parent, children with disabilities (cerebral palsy, premature), step children
If unreported, _______chance of repeat abuse and ___________ chance of death from abuse
30-50%, 5-10%
Child abuse red flags (7)
1. long bone fxs in infant that is not yet walking
2. multiple bruises
3. multiple fxs in various stages of healing
4. corner fxs
5. posterior rib fractures
6. bucket handle fractures
7. transphyseal separation of the distal humerus
corner fxs are through ______________, and are caused by _______________
primary spongiosa (metaphyseal), high specificity for child abuse
bucket handle fractures are _________ as corner fractures, avulsed bone fragment is seen__________
same, en face as a bucket handle
child abuse frequency of fractures:
_________ >________ > ____________,

_________ fractures_ times more common than ______
diaphyseal fractures 4 times more common than metaphyseal
child abuse most common presenting lesion
skin lesions
Child abuse radiography
Initial evaluation should include __________
______________used as an alternative or adjunctive study for patients ________ _________ _________as skeletal surveys not as reliable in older children
skeletal survey, bone scan, 5 years of age or older
Reporting suspected child abuse is ______________
Reporting suspected child abuse is mandatory
mortality rate following pediatric polytrauma is __________
mortality rate following pediatric polytrauma is 20%
Peds trauma
__________ ____________ have highest morbidity/mortality overall
CNS injuries have highest morbidity/mortality overall
Peds Trauma: ____________ ________ have highest morbidity/mortality among musculoskeletal injuries
spine fracture have highest morbidity/mortality among musculoskeletal injuries
cervical spine injuries more common in children_____ years-old
cervical spine injuries more common in children <8-years-old
__________needed in spine board when transporting children _________. Larger head size can ______ unstable cervical spine leading to injury during transport
Occipital cut-out, <6 Y/O. Larger head size can flex unstable cervical spine leading to injury during transport
Peds trauma: ____________commonly needed due to difficulty obtaining venous access
Intraosseous lines commonly needed due to difficulty obtaining venous access
Children may remain______ ________ even after significant blood loss
Children may remain hemodynamically stable even after significant blood loss
Pediatric triad of death: ___________, ____________, ___________
acidosis, hypothermia, coagulopathy
blood volume for pediatric patients __________
75 - 80 mL/kg
Peds trauma score:
PTS<0=_____ mortality
PTS of 1-4=_______ mortality
PTS of 5-8=_______ mortality

PTS less than or equal to_______should be sent to designated peds trauma center
PTS<0=100% mortality
PTS of 1-4=40% mortality
PTS of 5-8=7% mortality

PTS less than or equal to 8 should be sent to designated peds trauma center
PTS<0=100% mortality
PTS of 1-4=40% mortality
PTS of 5-8=7% mortality

PTS less than or equal to 8 should be sent to designated peds trauma center
__________at presentation and _______72hrs post-injury are both prognostic of long-term neurologic recovery
O2 sat at presentation and GCS 72hrs post-injury are both prognostic of long-term neurologic recovery
ICP can be elevated by___________. it is possible to decrease ICP by ______________ _________
ICP can be elevated by pain. it is possible to decrease ICP by fracture fixation
heterotopic ossification is more common following __________ __________ injury
heterotopic ossification is more common following traumatic brain injury
increase __________ __________ ___________ heralds onset of HO. __________ _________ is indicated in these situations
increase serum alkaline phosphatase heralds onset of HO. NSAID prophylaxis is indicated in these situations
Pediatric trauma.
Peripheral nerve injuries most common in_______fractures. obtain ________if no return of function __________ after injury
Peripheral nerve injuries most common in closed fractures. obtain EMG if no return of function 2-3 months after injury
Unique principals in pediatric bone are __________ and __________ __________.
Unique principals in pediatric bone are elasticity and remodeling potential.
elasticity leads to unique fracture patterns __________ _________and ____________ __________.
elasticity leads to unique fracture patterns buckle fractures and greenstick fractures
remodeling occurs more rapidly in_______ _____ _________ _________. _______ ___________ in wrist, due to primarily ___________
remodeling occurs more rapidly in plane of joint motion sagittal plane in wrist, due to primarily extension/flexion
remodeling occurs more at the________ _______ physes, due to _________ _______ and potential for remodeling
remodeling occurs more at the most active physes, due to most growth and potential for remodeling
most active physes in upper extremity are __________ __________ (_____ longitudinal growth) and ___________ __________
most active physes in upper extremity are proximal humerus (80% longitudinal growth) and distal radius
most active physes in lower extremity are ________ _________ and _____________ __________
most active physes in lower extremity are distal femu and proximal tibia
Zones of the physis (5). Physis pheriphery 92)
1. Reserve zone
2. Proliferative zone
3. Hypertrophic zone
4. Primary spongiosa
5. Secondary spongiosa

1. Groove of Ranvier
2. Perichondrial fibrous ring of La Croix
Gaucher's zone
Reserve zone
Diastrophic Dysplasia zone
Reserve zone
Kneist Zone
Reserve zone and Hypertrophic zone
Pseudoachondroplasia zone
Reserve zone
Achondroplasia zone
Proliferative zone
Giagantism Zone
Proliferative zone
MHE Zone
Proliferative zone
Hypertrophic zone
Rickets Zone
Hypertrophic zone
Enchondroma Zone
Hypertrophic zone
Mucopolysacharide disease Zone
Hypertrophic zone
SED Zone
Hypertrophic zone
MED Zone
Hypertrophic zone
Schmids Zone
Hypertrophic zone
Transphyseal fractures Zone
Hypertrophic zone
Metaphyseal "corner fracture" Zone
Primary spongiosa
Scurvy Zone
Primary spongiosa
Renal SCFE Zone
Secondary spongiosa
OStechondroma Zone
Groove of Ranvier
Reserve zone Cells store __________,_____________,________ aggregates for later ________ _____ ________ ___________. _______oxygen tension.
Reserve zone Cells store lipids, glycogen, and proteoglycan aggregates for later growth and matrix production. Low oxygen tension.
Proliferative zone chondrocytes with________ growth and __________of chondrocytes. ________rate of extracellular matrix production. __________oxygen tension in surroundings __________ calcification
Proliferative zone chondrocytes with longitudinal growth and stacking of chondrocytes. Highest rate of extracellular matrix production. Increased oxygen tension in surroundings inhibits calcification
3 phases of the hypertrophic zone.
1. Maturation zone
2. Degenerative zone
3. Provisional calcification zone
Maturation zone: preparation of __________ ______ _______, __________ growth
Maturation zone: preparation of matrix for calcification, chondrocyte growth
Degenerative zone chondrocyte ________________
Degenerative zone chondrocyte growth in size (5x)
Provisional calcification zone: chondrocyte________ allows calcium release, allowing calcification of matrix
Provisional calcification zone: chondrocyte death allows calcium release, allowing calcification of matrix
Chondrocyte maturation regulated by local growth factors (_________ _________ ________, expression regulated by __________ __________ gene)
Chondrocyte maturation regulated by local growth factors (parathyroid related peptides, expression regulated by Indian hedgehog gene)
_______ ___ ________ produced by hypertrophic chondrocytes important for mineralization
Type X collagen
Primary spongiosa. Vascular _________ and resorption of ___________ ___________. ___________ align on cartilage bars produced by physeal expansion. Primary spongiosa ___________ to form __________ _________and then __________ to become secondary spongiosa
Primary spongiosa. Vascular invasion and resorption of transverse septa. Osteoblasts align on cartilage bars produced by physeal expansion. Primary spongiosa mineralized to form woven bone and then remodels to become secondary spongiosa
Secondary spongiosa:___________ remodeling (removal of _________ ________, replacement of_________ bone with lamellar bone) _________ remodeling (____________)
Secondary spongiosa: internal remodeling (removal of cartilage bars, replacement of fiber bone with lamellar bone) External remodeling (funnelization)
Groove of Ranvier during the________year of life, the zone spreads over the adjacent ________ to form a fibrous circumferential ring bridging from the __________ to the _________.
Groove of Ranvier During the first year of life, the zone spreads over the adjacent metaphysis to form a fibrous circumferential ring bridging from the epiphysis to the diaphysis.
Groove of Ranvier _________ the mechanical strength of the physis and is responsible for __________ bone growths and supplies __________to periphery
Groove of Ranvier increases the mechanical strength of the physis and is responsible for appositional bone growths and supplies chondrocytes to periphery
Perichondrial fibrous ring of La Croix _________ ________ _________that is the primary limiting membrane that anchors and supports the physis through_________ __________
Perichondrial fibrous ring of La Croix Dense fibrous tissue that is the primary limiting membrane that anchors and supports the physis through peripheral stability
________ ________ major source of nutrition to physis
Perichondrial artery major source of nutrition to physis
Growth arrest treatment options: _______ ________ with __________ or ___________ ___________ ____ ________
Growth arrest treatment options: bar resection with interposition, ipsilateral completion of arrest
bar resection with interposition indications______ physeal involvement, _____ years or ____________ growth remaining
bar resection with interposition indications < 50% physeal involvement, > 2 years or 2cm growth remaining
ipsilateral completion of arrest indications: ___ physeal involvement. can combine with contralateral __________ and/or ipsilateral ________
ipsilateral completion of arrest indications: > 50% physeal involvement. can combine with contralateral epipysiodesis and/or ipsilateral lengthening