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70 Cards in this Set

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The fetal monitoring tracing is showing late decelerations. The nurse is aware that this is a sign of?
uteroplacental insufficiency
Why does the blood volume increase during pregnancy?
to increase for maternal and fetal oxygen demands as well as preparing for potential blood loss during labor.
What does the triple screen test for?
neural tube defects
What is the normal fetal heart rate?
110-160 bpm
If the pt. presents with supine hypotension, what is the best intervention to correct it?
turn the pt. to either side
If an adolescent becomes pregnant and her and the boyfriend are inquiring about childbirth classes...what is the best response by the RN?
The childbirth class is good for you and your boyfriend to prepare for the childbirth and parenting.
If a pregnant woman has a history of heroine abuse, what pharmacologic agents should never be given to the pt?
narcan and stadol
Is it ok for mom to have an alcoholic beverage while she is pregnant? Even if it is only one beer?
the pregnant mother should not have any alcohol consumption at all. Even the smallest amt. can be harmful.
The use of tobacco and smoking has what effect?
peripheral and uterine Vasoconstriction and decrease carrying capacity for oxygen. reduces uteroplacental blood flow.
If a pt. has chlamydia, what will be required of the patient?
The partner needs to be tested and the pt. needs to follow-up in 2-3 weeks.
What is the biggest sign of a baby that is withdrawing from opiates?
high pitched cry, hypertonus, increased RR
What is one of the most important assessments to do with a pt. who has herpes?
inspect the genital area for active lesions
A patient who becomes pregnant and is diabetic will be more susceptible to:
infection and preeclampsia
Pregnancies that are complicated by type 2 diabetes can lead to what kind of effects on the fetus? select all that apply:
shoulder dystocia, polyhydramnios, and congenital anomalies
A pregnant woman with asthma can lead to what kind of risk for the fetus?
decreased oxygen supply due to bronchoconstriction and mucosal edema
A woman with class II heart disease who is pregnant should be advised what?
Physical activity can cause SOB and angina, plus bedrest is highly suggested.
If a pregnant woman has a pregnancy that results in a hydatiform mole, what is important for the nurse to advise the pt?
Don't get pregant for 1 year and take oral contraceptives. These 2 implementations reduce the risk of forming choriocarcinoma. It is also important to not have an IUD put in as well.
If a pregnant woman presents to the ER with persistent pain down lower and it won't go away, what is the most likely complication that has occurred?
placental abruption, most likely due to cocaine use.
The signs and symptoms of placental previa include:
bright red blood, clotted blood, absence of pain or tenderness
What are the three types of placenta previa?
marginal, partial, and complete
If a pregnant woman has amniotic fluid embolism during delivery, the nurse would expect that:
it may require perimortem c-section delivery to improve the chances of neonate survival.
A woman that has a Hx of marginal placenta previa, the nurse recognizes immediate intervention for:
The nurse caring for a patient in labor, knows that the measurement for frequency of contractions is:
from the beginning of one contraction to the beginning of the next contraction.
The best indicator to be monitored for a diabetic patient is:
hemoglobin A1c. Result should be <6.1.
A pt. with herpes asks the nurse when she is contagious. The best response by the nurse is:
you are contagious when vesicles rupture and express exudate.
When the cervix becomes purple or bluish in color, this is a sign of:
Chadwick's sign
A pt. that is considered most susceptible for toxoplasmosis is:
one that has cats for pets. the litter where the cats urinate is considered toxic.
A normal finding on a nonstress test (NST) is considered:
Variable decelerations is considered a sign of:
cord compression
Late decelerations is a sign of:
uteroplacental insufficiency
A FHR pattern that is considered bad is one that has:
absence of variability
What are some things to assess for in an adolescent pregnancy?
iron-deficiency anemia, STD's, and substance abuse
If a maternal pt. has a history of drug abuse, what can be done on the neonate without her permission?
meconium drug screen
Tobacco smoking also causes what in pregnancy?
premature placental calcification
The most common teratogen in pregnancy is?
what is goodell's sign?
the tip of the cervix becomes softened at about the 6th week of pregnancy due to increased vascularity, hypertrophy, and hyperplasia.
What Hegar's sign?
6th week of pregnancy, compressability and softening of lower uterine segment.
Why is blood loss so deceiving during delivery?
A woman can lose lots of blood before signs and symptoms of shock appear.
what is the main type of care for a pregnant woman who has had a trauma?
k-b assay
also remember: cpr for 5 minutes and then possible c-sec.
The ABC's of domestic violence are:
A-acknowledge that she is not the only one.
B-Believe the woman and acknowledge her grief & pain.
C-confidentiality is mandatory.
D-document everything
E-educate about abuse and safety
What are some of the labs drawn on the inital prenatal visit?
CBC (check for Hct & Hgb), rubella titer, Chlamydia/GC screen, type and cross, irregular Rh, antibody screen, U/A and urine culture.
What does GTPAL stand for?
G-gravida (# of pregnancies carried past 20 weeks)
T-term (# of preg. carried to term)
P-preterm (# of preg. delivered before 37 weeks)
A-abortion (# of preg. terminated before 20 weeks)
L-living (# of children currently living)
How much does the HR increase when a woman becomes pregnant?
10-15 bpm by the 14th week.
How much does the cardiac output increase?
30-50% by 8-10 weeks
What happens to vascular resistance during pregnancy?
systemic (left afterload) and pulmonary(right afterload) vascular resistance decreases during pregnancy.
What kind of blood pressure changes will be seen in pregnancy?
1st trimester: no change
2nd trimester: slight decrease in systolic and diastolic.
3rd trimester: return to 1st trimester levels.
If mom experiences a drop in systolic BP of 30 mmHg or more. After 4 -5 Minutes, they experience reflex bradycardia. Cardiac output is reduced by half and the mom will feel faint and dizzy. What is this called and how can it be treated
supine hypotension syndrome. pt. needs to be turned to either side.
How much does blood volume increased during pregnancy?
During pregnancy, the plasma increased more than the RBC's. What is this called?
physiologic anemia (hemodilution)
At what point will the mother be considered anemic?
Hgb is less than 10 or Hct is less than 35%
Postpartum diuresis causes concentration of clotting factors and an increased risk for:
deep vein thrombosis (DVT)
A pregnant woman has a decreased threshold for CO2. This puts the pregnant woman more at risk than a nonpregnant woman for:
respiratory alkalosis, which is then compensated with metabolic acidosis
Glycosuria predisposes a pregnanct woman to what?
urinary tract infections (UTI)
The most accurate and best time to do an ultrasound is:
17th week
The normal amniotic fluid index is:
An amniotic fluid index of 0-5cm is a sign of:
An amniotic fluid index of >25cm is a sign of:
Normal amount of fetal movement should be:
4-6 times per hour
Persistent and repetitive late decelerations indicates:
fetal hypoxemia stemming from insufficient placental perfusion
The follow-up care for a pregnant woman who has just had a hydatiform mole is:
biweekly serum Hcg until normal; then can go every 3 weeks, monthly for 6 months, and Q2 months per year
Special considerations for mom with heart dz, while she is in labor:
position for optimal cardiac output, recommend vag birth, pt. is at risk for CHF after birth.
If a pregnant pt. has thrombembolic dz, what precautions should be taken?
do not wear constrictive leg weaer, avoid crossing legs, and no standing for long periods of time. DO NOT give pregnant woman coumadin.
What is a concern during the post partum period for a pregnant woman with HELLP syndrome?
post partum diuresis can cause Mg levels to be subtherapeutic, causing potential risk for more seizures
What is the most common prostaglandin inhibitor used in pregnant women?
Terbutaline is a________, with how much of a dose?
tocolytic: betamimetic; 0.25mg q15min for 5 doses, then 2.5-5.0mg q4-6hrs
Terbutaline has what effect?
relaxation of the smooth muscles, specifically the uterus
Magnesium sulfate has what effect?
suppresses nerve transmission to the uterine smooth muscle, again relaxing the uterus.
What is the dose of MgSO4?
4-6gm IV bolus
What are some s/sx of too much magnesium sulfate?

What is the antidote?
extreme muscle relaxation with suppressed respiratory rate (<12 breaths/min).

10% calcium gluconate
Acute and chronic fetal hypoxia can cause blood flow to decrease from the:
lungs, gut, and kidneys