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173 Cards in this Set

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a fetus that is born
<20 wks
<500 g
<25 cm
# of live births : 1000
Infant mortality rate
# of deaths : 1000 live births
Maternal Mortality rate
# of deaths (42 days) : 100,000
Neonatal mortality rate
# of infant deaths (28) : 1000
Infant who at birth demonstrates no signs of life:
1. breathing
2. heartbeat
3. voluntary muscle movement
Low birth weight
<2500 g (5lb 8oz)
Very low birth weight
<1500 g
CH 10 - Gravida
A pregnant person
CH 10 - Gravidity
CH 10 - Multipara
multiple 20 wk pregnancies
Never been pregnant
Never completed 20 wk pregnancy
Number of 20 wk pregnancies
Postterm or postdate
pregnancy that goes beyond 42 wks
Pregnancy between 20-37 wk
1st pregnancy
completed only one 20 wk pregnancy
38-42 wk pregnancy
Capacity to live outside the uterus

occurring about 22-25 wks
Living children
Human Chorionic gonadotropin (hCG)
Earliest biologic marker for pregnancy
Home pregnancy tests - detect pregnancy how many days after conception?
7-10 days
human Chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) -

High levels indicate?
Abnormal Gestation

human Chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) -

Low levels indicate?

Impending miscarriage
Home pregnancy test -
Causes of false positives?
Home pregnancy tests -
Causes of false negatives?
Promethazine (phenergan)
Signs of pregnancy - Presumptive
breast changes
Signs of pregnancy - Probable
Hegar sign
pregnancy tests
Signs of pregnancy - Positive
Fetal heart tones
visualizing the fetus
palpating fetal movements
Mask of pregnancy

Blotchy, brownish hyperpigmentation of the cheeks, nose and forehead.
CH 10 - linea nigra
pigmented line extending from the symphysis pubis to the top of the fundus along the midline
CH 10 - Striae gravidarum
Stretch marks
CH 10 - Neurologic changes during pregnancy?
Carpal Tunnel
Acroesthesia (numb hands)
Tension headache
CH 10 - ptyalism
excessive salivation
CH 20 - Involution
the return of the uterus to a nonpregnant state
CH 20 - Involution - progression
descends 1-2 cm / 24 hrs
starts - 2 cm below umbilicus
12 hrs - 1 cm above umbilicus
24 hrs - same size as at 20 wks
6 days - halfway between umbilicus and symphysis pubis
2 wks - nonpalpable
failure of uterus to return to nonpregnant state

Causes - retained placental frags and infection
postpartum contractions
Caused by oxytocin
Assist in involution
exogenous pitocin may be needed
breastfeeding stimulates oxytocin
postpartum uterine discharge
Lochia - types
lochia rubra - bright red (3 days)
lochia serosa - pink/brown (3-4 D)
Lochia Alba - yellow/white (2-6 wk)
incision in perineum to enlarge the vaginal outlet
Amount of time for abdomen to return to normal after birth
6 weeks
Diastasis recti abdominis
separation of the abdominal wall muscles because of a large fetus or multiple fetuses
Maternal GI changes after birth
Increased appetite

delayed bowel movement (2-3 days)
Maternal physiologic changes - Breasts
Colostrum transitions to milk by 72-96 hrs

Breasts become nodular
duration of engorgement
24-48 hrs
CH 20 - amount of normal blood loss during birth -
vaginal - 500 mL
C-sec - 1000 mL
CH 20 - hypovolemic shock deterrents postpartum
1. 10%-15% reduction in maternal vascular bed

2. Loss of placenta reduces stimulus for vasodilation

3. extravascular water stored during pregnancy increases blood volume
CH 8 - Euploidy
46 Chromosomes
CH 8 - Polyploidy
Chromosome deviation is a multiple of the haploid set (23)
CH 8 - Aneuploidy
Chromosome deviation is not a multiple of the haploid set (23)
CH 8 - Monosomy
Missing 1 chromosome from a pair
CH 8 - Trisomy
3 copies instead of the normal 2 of a particular chromosome
CH 8 - Oogenisis
The production or development of an ovum
Ch 8 - Populations at risk for genetic disorders
1. Ashkenazi jews - Tay-sachs
2. Mediteraneans - Thalessemia
3. African-americans - sickle cell
Ch 8 - Genetic testing - amniocentesis
The sampling of amniotic fluid using a hollow needle inserted into the uterus, to screen for developmental abnormalities in a fetus.
Ch 8 - Turner syndrome
Most common sex chromosome abnormality in females

S&S - juvenile external genitalia, undeveloped ovaries, short stature, webbing(neck, hands, feet) impaired intelligence
Ch 8 - Klinefelter's syndrome
Most common sex chromosome deviation in males

S&S - poorly developed secondary sex characteristics, small testes, infertile, tall, effeminate, slow to learn
Ch 8 - time ova are considered to be fertile
24 hrs
Ch 8 - average transit time of sperm
4-6 hrs
Ch 8 - sperm remain viable within a woman for how long?
2-3 days
Ch 8 - pregnancy lasts how long?
10 lunar months
9 calendar months
40 wks
280 days
Ch 8 - LMP
Last menstrual Period
Ch 8 - conception occurs how long after LMP?
2 wks
Ch 8 - EDD
Estimated date of delivery
Ch 8 - Naegle's Rule
EDD = LMP + 7 days - 3 months + 1 year
Ch 8 - Amniotic Fluid - functions
1. Waste repository
2. cushions fetus
3. allows movement
4. maintain constant body temp
Ch 8 - Oligohydramnios
having less than 300 ml of amniotic fluid.
Ch 8 - Placenta - functions
1. means of metabolic exchange
2. Endocrine gland (hCG, hCS, Estrogen, Progesterone)
Ch 8 - Fetal Maturation - lungs r/t gestational age
35 weeks
Ch 8 - Fetal Maturation - Surfactant r/t gestational age
32 weeks
Ch 8 - Fetal Maturation - heartbeat begins at what week of gestation?
3rd week
Ch 8 - Dizygotic
Fraternal twins (not identical)
Ch 8 - MOnozygotic
Identical twins
Ch 4 - preconception counseling - period of critical organ development?
17-56 days after fertilization
2-8 wks
Ch 4 - preconception counseling - folic acid
400 mcg/day

reduce neural tube defects (spina bifida, anencephaly)
Ch 4 - Major goals of prenatal Care
1. define health status of mother & fetus
2. Determine gestational age
3. id woman at risk for complications
4. provide education
Ch 4 - Percentage of couples with infertility?
Ch 4 - Barriers to receiving health care?
1. Financial
2. Cultural
3. Gender issues
Ch 4 - Health risks during childbearing years - Age

sexually active teens chance of pregnancy without birthcontrol is 90% within 1 year
Ch 4 - Battered women - 3 questions to ask
1. Are you with a partner that threatens / physically hurts you
2. Within the past year has anyone hit / hurt you
3. Has anyone forced you into sexual activity that made you uncomfortable
Ch 4 - Reporting domestic violence
Mandatory in 40 states
Ch. 5 - Vulva
External genital organs

mons pubis, labia majora, labia minora, clitoris
Ch. 5 - Internal Structures of female reproductive organs
Vagina, uterus, uterine tubes, ovaries
Ch. 5 - Average length of menstrual cycle
28 days
Ch. 5 - menstrual flow - average daily blood loss
50 ml / day (range of 20-80 ml)
Ch. 5 - Bleeding begins _____ days after ovulation
14 days
Ch. 5 - the 4 phase of the endometrial cycle
1. the menstrual phase ( shedding of endometrium)
2. the proliferative phase (rapid growth of endometrium)
3. the secretory phase (ovulation)
4. the ischemic phase (necrosis of endometrium)
Ch. 5 - 4 phases of sexual response.
1. excitement
2. Plateau
3. orgasmic
4. resolution
Ch. 7 - Female infertility - Causes
Hx of infection
organ abnormalities
Hormonal abnormalities
Ch. 7 - Male infertility - Causes
Previous sterilization
Sperm count
Ch. 7 - infertility - non-invasive treatment
lifestyle changes (nutrition, exercise, smoking/alcohol reduction)
Ch. 7 - Infertility - Pharmacologic therapy
Clomid - ovulation / spermatogenesis stimulation
Ch. 7 - Contraception - types
1. Oral birth control pills
a. progesterone & estrogen
b. mini-pill - progesterone
2. Barrier
a. Diaphragm,
b. Cervical cap,
c. Condom)
3. IUD
a. copper (10 yr)
b. Mirena (5 yr)
4. emergency contraception
a. Plan B (take within 72 hrs)
Ch. 7 - Induced abortion
Purposeful interruption of pregnancy before 20 wks
Ch. 7 - 1st trimester abortion - types
1. Surgical (aspiration) abortion
2. Medical Abortion (drugs used to induce abortion)
Ch. 7 - 2nd trimester abortion
Dilation and evacuation
Ch. 7 - common complication of induced abortion
retained products of conception
excessive vaginal bleeding
Ch. 9 - 3 leading causes of maternal mortality in the US
1. gestational hypertension
2. Pulmonary embolism
3. Hemorrhage
Ch. 9 - Types of antepartum testing and biophysical assessment
1. Daily Fetal movement Count
2. Ultrasonography

4. Amniocentesis
5. Percutaneous umbilical blood sampling
6. Chorionic villus sampling
7. Maternal Assays
8. Nonstress test (NST)
9. Contraction stress test (CST)
Ch. 9 - Daily Fetal movement Count - when to notify doctor
if fetal movements (FM) cease entirely for 12 hrs.

If fewer than 10 FM within 12 hrs
Ch. 9 - Ultrasonography - when gestational age is most accurately measured
first 20 weeks due to consistent growth rates of fetuses
Ch. 9 - Ultrasonography - uses by trimester
1st trimester- Confirm pregnancy, determine gestational age

2nd trimester - Confirm dates, detect congenital anomalies, IUGR

3rd trimester - determine fetal position, amniotic fluid volume
Ch. 9 - Amniocentesis - Indications for use
assessment of genetic disorders
Ch. 9 - Percutaneous umbilical blood sampling (PUBS)- indications for use
fetal blood sampling (blood type, RBC count)
Ch. 9 - Chorionic villus sampling (CVS) - indications for use
assessment of genetic disorders
Ch. 9 - Coombs' test - Indication for use
Sreening for Rh incompatability
Ch. 9 - Contraction Stress Test (CST) - Contraindications
rupture of membranes

previous classic incision for cesarean birth

preterm labor

placenta previa

abruptio placentae

multifetal pregnancy

previous preterm labor


more than 36 wks of gestation

incompetent cervix
Ch. 9 - Nonstress test (NST) - Interpretation
two or more accelerations of 15 beats/min lasting for 15 seconds over a 20 min period

normal baseline rate

moderate variability
Ch. 9 - Contraction Stress Test (CST) - interpretation
negative - no late decelerations

positive - repetitive late decelerations
Ch. 9 - Normal Fetal Heart rate?
110-160 bpm
Ch. 6 - Amenorrhea
Absence of menstrual flow
Ch. 6 - Amenorrhea - causes
Eating disorder/excessive exercise

endocrine disorders
Ch. 6 - hypogonadotropic amenorrhea - Causes
Stress, weight loss, eating disorders, exercise
Ch. 6 - Dysmenorrhea
Pain during or shortly before menstruation
Ch. 6 - Primary Dysmenorrhea - Causes
increased uterine activity
Ch. 6 - Secondary Dysmenorrhea - Causes
pain r/t pelvic pathology
Ch. 6 - Endometriosis
presence and growth of endometrial tissue outside of the uterus
Ch. 6 - endometriosis - S&S
Pelvic pain
dyspareunia (painful intercourse)
Ch. 6 - Oligomenorrhea
decreased menstruation:
amount or time
Ch. 6 - menorrhagia (hypermenorrhea)
excessive menstruation
duration or amount
Ch. 6 - Bacterial STIs
1. Chlamydia
2. Gonorrhea
3. Syphilis
Ch. 6 - Viral STIs
1. HIV
2. Herpes Simplex
3. Viral hepatitis A and B
4. Human Papillomavirus
Ch. 6 - Most Common STI
Ch. 6 - Viral Hepatitis - Types
1. Hep A - Fecal-Oral
2. Hep B - STI
3. Hep C - Blood-borne
Ch. 6 - HIV - time to seroconversion
within 6-12 wks
Ch 11 - Barriers to obtaining care during pregnancy
1. low # of healthcare providers
2. Unpleasant clinic/procedures
3. bad clinic location/hours
4. lack of transportation,
5. Finances
Ch 11 - Fundal height as a gestational age indicator
Height of fundus in centimeters above the symphysis pubis = gestational age in weeks
(empty bladder)
Ch 11 - Discomforts r/t pregnancy 1st trimester
1. Breast changes
2. Urinary urgency & frequency
3. N&V
4. Ptyalism (excessive saliva)
Ch 11 - Discomforts r/t pregnancy 2nd trimester
1. Skin (oily skin & acne)
2. Angiomas (upper body)
3. Palpations
4. Supine hypotension
5. Constipation
6. Carpal tunnel & numbness
Ch 11 - Discomforts r/t pregnancy 3rd trimester
1. Dyspnea
2. Insomnia
3. ankle edema
4. leg cramps
Ch 12 - Nutritional needs before conception
1. Folate 0.4 mg / day
Ch 12 - Nutritional needs during pregnancy & lactation
Energy P=+81 kcal & 3rd tri=+108
L=+79 2nd 6m=+55
Protein P & L=+25 g;
Water P=3 L ; Lac=3.8 L
Ch 12 - Optimal Weight gain per month
Normal weight women=1-3 kg/m
Obese women= 0.5 kg - 3 kg/m
Ch 13 - Diabetes Mellitus - Blood sugar goals
60-120 mg/dL
A1c= <6
Ch 13 - Diabetes Mellitus - Insulin Needs by trimester
1st = reduced
2nd & 3rd=Increased
Ch 13 - Diabetes Mellitus - Complications
Macrosomia (excessive growth)
Ch 13 - Mothers with PKU
Discouraged from breastfeeding
Ch 14 - Pregnancy induced Hypertension - Types
gestational - high BP
Preeclamp - high BP, Proteinuria
Eclamp - preeclamp + seizures
Ch 14 - eclampsia - Magnesium Sulfate
uses - treatment/prevention of seizures

Evaluate - DTR
Ch 14 - Hyperemesis Gravidarum
Excessive vomiting causing 5% weight loss
Ch 14 - Miscarriage (Spontaneous Abortion) - Types
1. Threatened - spotting with closed cervical os
2. Inevitable - Bleeding, cervical dialation
3. Incomplete - bleeding, delivery of fetus with retention of placenta
4. Complete - All fetal tissue is passed, closed cervix
5. Missed - fetus is dead, but fetal tissue are retained
Ch 14 - Incompetent Cervix - Causes
Cervical Trauma, excessive cervical dilation for biopsy, short cervix (<25 mm)
Ch 14 - Incompetent Cervix - Treatment
Bed rest, tocolysis (inhibition of contractions),
Prophylactic cerclage
Ch 14 - Placenta Previa
Placenta is implanted in the lower uterine segment near the cervical os
Ch 14 - Placenta Previa - Types
Low-lying - implanted in lower uterus but doesn't reach the os

Complete/total/central - internal os is entirely covered

Partial - incomplete coverage of internal os
Ch 14 - Placental Abruption
Premature separation of the placenta
Ch 14 - Placental Abruption - S&S
Sudden onset of intense, localized uterine pain
Ch 19 - PROM and PPROM
Premature Rupture Of Membranes beginning at least 1 hour before onset of labor

Preterm PROM - before 37 wks
Ch 19 - Preterm Labor - Tocolytics
Indocin - Discontinue @ 32 wks
Magnesium Sulfate
Ch 19 - Promotion of fetal lung maturity - Glucocorticoids r/t gestational age
given between 24-32 wks
Ch 15 - Factors Affecting Labor - 5 P's
Position of women
Process of labor
Ch 15 - Factors affecting Labor - Passenger - Presentation
Part of the fetus that leads through the birth canal:
Cephalic (Vertex)
Breach(Butt or feet first)
Ch 15 - Factors affecting Labor - Passenger - Fetal Position
Three letter abbreviation
1. Right or Left of pelvis(R or L)
2. Presentation (Occiput, Sacrum, Mentum(chin), (Sc)apula)
3. Relation to pelvis (Anterior, Posterior, Transverse)
Ch 15 - Factors affecting Labor - Passageway - Types of Pelvis
1. Gynecoid (Best for delivery)
2. Android (Male pelvis)
3. Anthropoid (Ape pelvis)
4. Platypelloid (Flat Pelvis)
Ch 15 - Factors affecting Labor - Powers - Primary and Secondary
Primary - Effacement, Dilation, Contractions

Secondary - Bearing Down
Ch 15 - Factors affecting Labor - Process - Signs Preceding Labor
Surge of energy
Weight loss 0.5-1.5 kg
Bloody show
Ch 15 - Factors affecting Labor - Process - Stages Of Labor
1. Onset of regular contractions to full dilation of cervix
2. Full dilation to birth of fetus
3. Birth to delivery of placenta
4. 2 hours post delivery of placenta
Ch. 16 - Pain During Labor - Neurologic
1. Visceral - Cervical/Uterine ischemia (1st Stage)
2. Somatic - Sharp, burning, well localized (2nd Stage
Ch 18 - How to distinguish true or False labor - Contractions
True - Regular, intensifying, lasting longer, closer together; become more intense with walking

False - Irregular, stop with walking
Ch 18 - How to distinguish true or False Labor - Cervix
True - Shows progressive change (Softening, effacement, dilation)

False - No significant change in effacement / Dilation
Ch 18 - How to distinguish true or false labor - Fetus
True - Presenting part engages in the pelvis ( Increased ease of breathing & urinary frequency)

False - Presenting part is not engaged in the pelvis
Ch 23 - Postpartum Hemorrhage - Normal Amounts
Vaginal - <500 ml
C-sec - < 1000 ml
Ch 23 - Retained Placenta - Types
1. Placenta accreta - slight penetration of myometrium
2. Placenta increta - Deeop penetration of myometrium
3. Placenta percreta - Perforation of uterus
Ch 23 - Inversion of the uterus - Prevention
Umbilical cord should not be pulled unless placenta has definitely separated
Ch 23 - Mastitis - Antibiotic treatment r/t breastfeeding
Breastfeeding is contraindicated while taking Tetracycline
Ch 24 - Jaundice - Bilirubin levels
Greater than 5 mg/dl
Ch 25 - APGAR - what it stands for,
Appearance (Degree of cyanosis)
Pulse (absent, <100, >100)
Grimace (reflex irritability)
Activity (Flexion, Movement)
Ch 25 - APGAR - How to score
score of 0, 1, or 2
Total score of 10
Norm 7-10
Ch 25 - APGAR - Timing of evaluation
1 min after birth
5 min after birth
Ch 25 - Heel stick location
Lateral aspect of heel
Ch 26 - Breastmilk - Storage
Room temp - 6-8 Hrs
Refrigerated - 5 days
Freezer - 6 months
< -18 C - 1 year