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97 Cards in this Set

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Diagnostic results of 3hour GTT?

Fasting greater than 105

Subsequent 1 hour checks at 190,165, or 145

What does the BPP look at?


fetal tone

Fetal breathing movements

Fetal activity

Amniotic fluid levels

Definition of recurrent pregnancy loss?

3 or more spontaneous Abortions

Presentation of tay Sachs?

Death by 4. Extreme neuroma/developmental dysfunction. Cherry red macula. Hyperalertness

What EZ is effected in tay Sachs?


Which is covered by a membrane? Gastroschisis or omphalocoele? Which is better to have?

Omphalocoele has a membrane, but is associated with generic diseases!!

Clenched fists, rocket bottom feet, overlapping digits. DX?

Edward's (18)

Agenesis of many parts, club foot, overlapping fingers, polydactyly. DX?

Patau's (13)

Coarctation of the aorta is associated with what genetic disease?


Duodenal atresia is associated with what genetic disease?


Which generic disease has small firm testes? Why?

Klinefelter's syndrome (xxy)

Because the extra X chromosome causes some germ cells to die off leading to sclerosis of the testes

#1 cause of inherited mental retardation?

Fragile X (downs syndrome is not inherited, but is genetic)

Pt fails ogtt. First step in management?

According to uwise, diabetic diet and blood sugar monitoring

Amount of protein most pregnant women need daily?


Normal pregnancy progesterone level?


Percent of pts with first trimester spotting normally?


Major causes of first trimester bleeding?

Ectopic pregnancies

Spontaneous abortion

Normal pregnancy

Major causes of antepartum bleeding?

Placental previa (30%)

Placental abruption (20%)

#1 risk factor for placental abruption?


What is preferred in placental abruption? C section or vaginal?

Vaginal as long as no fetal distress or severe bleeding

Treatment for uterine rupture?

Laparotomy and delivery of fetus

Treatment for vasa previa?


First trimester spontaneous abortion is caused by which systemic diseases?

Chronic renal disease

Diabetes mellitus


Definition of macrosomia?

Greater than 4500g

Oligohydramnios at 37 weeks. Management?

Deliver the baby

Definition of oligo vs polyhydramnios?

AFI: <5 or >25

Major complication of polyhydramnios?

Cord prolapse

Most common cause of IUFD?

Cord problems

Management of IUFD?major complication?

Delivery or D&C if appropriate.

Fearing disseminated DIC

Does surgical abortion increase risk of future spontaneous abortion?

No. Does not cover negative obstetrical disadvantage

How to get diamniotic dichorionic monozygotic twins?

Is split occurs prior to 3 days

How to get diamniotic monochorionic monozygotic twins?

Split between days 4-8

How to get monoamniotic monochorionic monozygotic twins?

Split at 9 days or later

How to get conjoined twins?

After day 13

Who had higher infant death, twins or singletons? Higher rate of IUGR?

Twins 5x increased infant death

Twins higher IUGR

One way to prevent preterm labor in multiple gestations

Early weight gain helps supports the twins

Which type of twins can develop Twin Transfusion syndrome?

Diamniotic monochorionic twins (4-8 days)

#1 site of birth defects in child of a pt with uncontrolled diabetes?

Heart and spine

Best way to check for placental issues?

Do an ultrasound! Even before checking the cervix

Primary risk factor for premature rupture of membranes?

Genital tract infections

Best way to postpone premature preterm ROM?

Antibiotic therapy can delay delivery for up to 7 days

What reduce the risk of PROM?

17-alpha hydroxyprogesterone

How to determine gestational hypertension from preecclampsia?

Both have 2 blood pressures over 140/90,, but gestational hypertension has 24 hour uterine proteins less than 300 mg

What is a good screening tool for preecclampsia in regards to proteinuria?

A urine protein to creatinine ratio. Creatinine is excreted at a relatively constant rate. So a P/C ratio higher than 0.3 is concerning for proteinuria

Criteria for severe preecclampsia?

2bp's greater than 160/110 + proteinuria >5g in 24 hours


Mild preecclampsia+ symptoms

-neurologic changes

-oliguria (<400ml per 24 hours)

-decreased liver function

-pulmonary edema

-thrombocytopenia (<100,000)

How to differentiate AFLDP from HELLP syndrome?

AFLDP has blood glucose <50, elevated ammonia levels, and decreased fibrinogen and antithrombin III

Risk of preecclampsia in future pregnancies if preecclampsia in first pregnancy?

Increased 25%

If had chronic htn too, then 70%

Drug to manage acute hypertension during pregnancy?


How to manage chronic hypertension in pregnancy

Labetolol or nifedipine

When is elective C section offered to gestational diabetic women?

If EFW is > 4500g

Treatment of UTI in pregnancy?

Amoxicillin or bactrim

Treatment of pyelonephritis in pregnancy?

IV ampicillin and gentamicin

When to screen for group b step? Treatment?

During weeks 36-37

Giver penicillin during labor

I'm what setting do you frequently see chorioamnionitis?

Typically in premature rupture of membranes

What signs and symptoms should make you start empiric treatment for chorioamnionitis? Treatment?

Maternal fever, white count, uterine tenderness, and fetal tachycardia

IV abx and delivery

Pt previously exposed to chicken pox gets exposed again during pregnancy. Pt develops chicken pox before delivery. Treatment for both?

Varicella Zoster IG

Complications of parvovirus in neonates?

Hydrops, hemolytic anemia, death

Management of a pt on medications for hx of seizures who wants to get pregnant?

Taper down to 1 drug because effects are worse with multiple drugs.

If seizure free for 2-5 years, consider coming off drugs altogether

Drug of choice for epileptic woman in labor who is having a seizure?


Mortality rates of pregnant patients with pulmonary hypertension or Eisenmengers syndrome?

Up to 50%

Many women are counseled to terminate the pregnancy

Management of woman with heat valve disease who wants to get pregnant?

Best to get valve repaired surgically prior to getting pregnant

Leading cause of maternal death in pregnancy?

Pulmonary embolism

Medications to stop during pregnancy if you have SLE?

Cyclophosphamide and methotrexate

Symptomatology of a lupus flare looks like what other disease process? How to tell the difference? Why is it important?

Looks very similar to preecclampsia.

Can tell the difference because lupus has low complement levels. Preecclampsia has normal complement levels.

Important because you treat SLE flare up with corticosteroids and possibly cyclophosphamide, not with delivery

Anti ro and anti la antibodies increase risk of what in the fetus?

Increases risk of congenital heart block

Management steps for uterine atony?

1. Oxytocin

2. Methergine (CI in hypertension)

3. Prostaglandin F2@ (CI in asthmatics)

4. D&C

What do you use dicloxacillin for?


#1 cause of postpartum fever?


Is endometritis more common in SVD or C section?

SVD 2%

C section 10-15%

Treatment for pregnant woman with symptomatic mitral valve prolapse?

Beta blockers

What tool can be used to differentiate appendicitis from normal pregnancy?

Graded compression ultrasound

Best non invasive test to diagnose anemia?

Middle cerebral artery peak systolic velocity

At what gestational ages is a fetus most likely to acquire intellectual disability following radiation?

8-15 weeks

Definition of prolonged latent phase of labor?

>20 hours if nulliparous

>14 hours if multiparous

How many bones in the neonatal head? Where are the fontanelles?


Where two frontal & two parietal sit

Where two parietal & occipital sit

Definition of labor?

Contractions that cause changes in either cervical dilation or effacement

Contraindications for prostaglandins in labor?

Asthma or glaucoma in mom

Prior c section or non reassuring fetal strip

When in bradycardia in a fetus a concern?

If <90bpm for 2 min

Stages of cardinal movements?




Internal rotation


External rotation

Define 3 stages of labor.

1. Labor to complete dilation

-latent phase til 3cm

-active phase rate of minimum 1.0-1.2 cm per hour

2. Dilation until birth

3. Birth til placental passage

Signs of non reassuring strip?

Frequent late decelerations, bradycardia, or loss of variability

What to do with non reassuring strip?


if not resolving, C section

What is cut off for low birth weight?

<2500 g

Average amount of time tocolytics prolong gestation? Purpose?

Typically 48 hours

Allows enough time for steroids to work for fetal lungs

Why does dehydration lead to increased contractions?

Thought that because oxytocin and ADH are both produced in the same place, a dehydrated patient will have cross reaction of ADH with oxytocin receptors leading to increased contractions. Hydrate pt to decrease ADH and help with contractions alleviations

What EZ is the end target of tocolytics? What activates and inhibits it

Myosin Light Chain Kinase

Activated by calcium, inhibited by cAMP

How do beta agonists work in tocolytics?

Increase conversion of ATP to cAMP

Decreased intracellular calcium

How does magnesium act as a tocolytics? What is the toxic level? Best way to check for toxicity?

Calcium antagonist

Toxic if >10 (respiratory depression, cardiac arrest)

Do reflex checks as those are the earliest to go

How do prostaglandin inhibitors work as tocolytics?

Prostaglandin typically increases calcium, so inhibiting it decreases calcium and thus contractions

Differences of preterm, premature, and prolonged rupture of membranes

Preterm: occurring before 37 weeks

Premature: rupture before the onset of labor

Prolonged: anytime rupture of membranes occur longer than 18 hours before delivery

Treatment of PPROM?

Corticosteroids and ampicillin ± erythromycin

Biggest concern of premature rupture of membranes?


When is fetal growth restriction symmetric, when is it asymmetric?

symmetric if restriction prior to 20 weeks when child grows by hyperplasia

Asymmetric if restriction after 20 weeks when child grows by hypertrophy (due to nutritional deficits)

Growth curve of fetus with IUGR vs one with decreased growth potential?

Fetus with decreased growth potential goes small and stays small

Fetus with IUGR falls off the growth curve

Which SSRI is contraindicated in pregnancy?

Paxil (paroxitine)

How to diagnose fetal hydrops on ultrasound?

Accumulation of fluid in 2 or more spaces

How much fetal blood is neutralized by 300mcg of RhoGAM
