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82 Cards in this Set

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Middle Layer of the uterus

Location of arcuate arteries

outer and intermediate layers of myometrium

3-5 cm

Normal postmenopausal uterus length

6-8 cm

Normal nulliparous adult uterus length

2-3 cm

Normal pre-pubertal uterus length

Anteverted/ Anteflexed

Most common position of the uterus

4-12 mm

Normal thickness of EMC in menstruating female

3 x 2 x 2 cm

Average measurement of ovary in menstruating female


Muscle attached from the lower thoracic vertebrae to the femur

Sacrum, coccyx and hips

Creates the boney pelvis

Internal Iliac

Another name for hypogastric artery


Produces FSHRF and LHRF

Anterior Pituitary

Produces FSH and LH


Stimulates the growth of the ductal system in the breast


The phase in which the ruptured Graafian follicle heals

LH- Surge

The cause for the dominant follicle to rupture

24-36 hours

How long fertilization occurs after ovulation


The process in which the zygote begins rapid cell division


The most common cause for female infertility

Serous Cystadenocarcinoma

Most common classification of ovarian cancer

Nabothian Cyst

Cyst in the cervical region

Theca Lutein Cysts

An ovarian cyst that are associated with gestational trophoblastic disease

Krukenburg Tumor

A tumor that is secondary to a primary neoplasm of GI origin

Lithotomy Position

Knees bent and apart

Trendelenberg Position

Legs elevated above head and heart

Fowler's Position

Head is elevated above the heart


A surgical scope of uterus through the cervix


Fluid injection into edometrial cavity under ultrasound quidance


First period


Sonographic Appearance: small cyst inner myometrium, enlarged uterus specifically posterior uterus, inhomogenous myometrium.

Mullerian Ducts

The uterus and vagina develops from...

Hyperechoic and thick 7-14mm

Appearance and size of the endometrium during secretory phase

Serous cystadenoma

The most common ovarian tumor of epithelial origin


Corpus luteum produces ....

5 - 10 MHz

The range of transducer frequencies used in transvaginal sonography


the vessel that is located posterior lateral to the ovary


Region around the cervix


Heavy frequent periods with bleeding in between

Precocious puberty

Development of female sexual characteristics before 8 years of age

Gartner's Duct Cyst

Congenital cysts of the anterior and lateral vaginal wall


Seen as two structures posterior to uterus and ovaries on wither side of the pelvis

Posterior Cul-De-Sac

Potential space between posterior uterine wall and rectum


Blood filled uterus

Nabothian Cysts

Small cysts within the cervical stroma

Dermoid Cysts

Benign ovarian masses usually containing hair and teeth

Levator Ani

Pelvic floor muscle not visualized on 2-d imaging of the pelvis


Painful periods


Blood filled vagina and uterus due to obstruction

Corpus Luteum

Cysts that develop following ovulation


Chocolate Cysts or blood collections related to endometriosis


Heavy periods


Blood filled vagina

Space of Retzius

Potential space between anterior bladder and symphysis pubis

Graffian Follicle

Dominant follicle that secretes estrogen

Theca-lutien cysts

Multiple large ovarian cysts found in hyperstimulation or trophoblastic disease


A condition in which edometrial tissue has implanted within the myometrium

Intrauterine Contraceptive Device

Device implanted within the fundus of the uterus to prevent implantation of pregnancy


Increases the risk for endometrial cancer


A condition in which there is ectopic endometrial tissue

Ectopic pregnancy

Pregnancy located anywhere outside of the endometrial cavity

Molar Pregnancy

Large vesicular mass within the uterine cavity, causing very high levels of bHCG


Common benign tumor of the uterus

Septate Uterus

Two uterine cavities

Polycystic ovary

Round enlarged ovary with multiple small cysts at perimeter, clinically low production of FSH

Subserosal Fibroid

Fibroids found in the serous coat or parietal perimetrium

Unicornuate uterus

One uterine horn, one fallopian tube

Pedunculated Fibroid

Fibroid that extends away from the uterus by a stalk

Calcified fibroid

Fibroid with calcified ring around exterior

Submucosal fibroid

Least common type of leiomyoma/ Most likely to cause symptoms

Bicornuate uterus

V shaped indentation at fundus with separation of uterine cavities due to indentation


Benign solid tumor/mass generally associated with Meig's syndrome. Peak age 50-60

T-shaped uterus

Uterine cavity malformed due to DES exposure as a fetus

Intramural fibroid

Most common type of leiomyoma/ found within uterine myometrium

Uterus Didelphys

Two complete independent uteri, two cervices, two vaginas

Brenner Tumor

Epithelial ovarian tumor, solid, well encapsulated generally occurring after menopause, clinically similar to fibroma

Degenerate Fibroid

Fibroid that has lost its supply of blood or nutrients


Benign, solid unilateral sex chord ovarian tumor, more common in postmenopausal women, has prominent acoustic shadow in many cases

Mucinous Cystadenoma

Very large benign epithelial cyst with gelatinous mucin contents, malignant potential, age group 20-50


Malignant, solid mass, peak age 20-50, rapidly growing, may torse ovary, related to testicular seminoma

Meigs syndrome

Abdominal ascites, ovarian mass, right pleural effusion

Krukenburg Tumor

Secondary ovarian cancer with primary GI cancer

Fitz-Hugh Curtis Syndrome

RUQ pain, right sided pleuritic pain