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29 Cards in this Set

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what are the average weight ranges for newborns
5lb, 8oz - 8lb, 13oz
2500 g - 4000 g
what is the average length range for newborns
48-52 cm (18-22 in.)
what is the average head circumference for newborns?
32-37 cm
12.5-14.5 inches
what are considered normal findings druing the newborn period for pulse
110-160 somewhat irregular
what are considered normal findings druing the newborn period for respirations?
30-60 irregular but NO grunting
what are considered normal findings during the newborn period for temperature
describe normal respirations in the newborn
very fast, shallow and irregular
four signs of respiratory distress
nasal flaring
list 3 nursing interventions in preventing heat loss in the birthing/delivery room
swaddle the infant
warmed blankets
place under heat lamp or skin to skin with mother
describe the newborn heart sounds.
faster than adults (110-160) and somewhat irregular as the shunts are closing
what are the shunts in the fetal cirulation called and where are they?
ductus arteriosis - a vascular connection between the main pulmonary artery and the aorta. During fetal life, the Ductus Arteriosis diverts blood away from the pulmonary bed; after birth, it undergoes active constriction and eventual obliteration. A patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) occurs when the DA fails to completely close postnatally.

foramen ovale - In the fetal heart, the foramen ovale (also ostium secundum of Born or falx septi) allows blood to enter the left atrium from the right atrium. It is one of two fetal cardiac shunts, the other being the ductus arteriosus (which allows blood that still escapes to the right ventricle to bypass the pulmonary circulation).
what could a heart murmur be caused by?
the foramen ovale and ductus arteriosis closing but still allowing some blood through
discuss vernix caseosa
the waxy or cheese-like white substance found coating the skin of human babies
The sebum in vernix is produced in utero by the sebaceous glands around the 20th week of gestation. Vernix appears primarily in full term infants, while premature and postmature births generally lack any.[1] Postdates desquamation (flakey skin in babies born >40 weeks) is thought to be due to loss of vernix.
cyanosis (blue color) of extremities
peeling skin
tiny white papules appearing on face from unopened sebaceous glands
erythema toxicum
innocuous pink paular rash 24-48 hours after birth, resolves spontaneously
over dilated arteries/capillaries usually on face, extremely red
red to purple spots on skin could be from trama or disorder.
central cyanosis
cyanosis caused by arterial blood that is unoxygenated, cyanosis visible throughout body
a hemorrhage of blood between the skull and the periosteum of a newborn baby secondary to rupture of blood vessels crossing the periosteum. Because the swelling is subperiosteal its boundaries are limited by the individual bones, in contrast to a chignon.
caput succedaneum
Caput succedaneum is a neonatal condition involving a serosanguinous, subcutaneous, extraperiosteal fluid collection with poorly defined margins caused by the pressure of the presenting part of the scalp against the dilating cervix (tourniquet effect of the cervix) during delivery.

It involves bleeding below the scalp and above the periosteum
molding and overlapping sutures occurs because?
Molding is the overlapping of the fetal skull bones at a suture which may occur during labor due to head compression as it passes through the pelvis of the mother...
bulging fontanels are indicative of?
increased intracranial pressure
unequal movement of the chest with respirations could indicate what?
respiratory distress, including possible pneumothorax, immature lungs/insufficient surfactant or pneumonia
distended abdomen cold be caused by what
gastrointestinal abnormalities, congential megacolon, or infection
tuft of hair at base of spine?
spina bifida occulta
jaundice in first 24 hours of life could be caused by:
erythroblastosis fetalis - hemolytic disease of nb caused by Rh factor or blood type incompatibility (ABO)
occult hemorrhage
sepsis in the NB