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18 Cards in this Set

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Milton Rokeach classified the values people hold into two sets, with each containing 18 individual values. The two sets are called ___________ values.

Terminal and instrumental

True or False

Cultures low on uncertainty avoidance are more accepting of ambiguity and are less rule oriented, take more risks, and more readily accept change.


Samantha works for a nonprofit organization that helps new immigrants find jobs and affordable housing. Samantha identifies with the organization and its goals, and she plans to maintain her membership in the organization. This illustrates Samantha’s ______________.

Organizational commitment

Baby Boomers, one of the broad age groups described by Michael Adams, generally share in common the following stereotype: __________.

Desire for equality

An individual’s involvement with, satisfaction with, and enthusiasm for the work he or she does is known as __________.

Employee engagement

Which of the following reasons would not be expected to encourage employee commitment to their employer?

Strict adherence to company policy

Guanxi is an important concept to understand when attempting to develop business relationships with firms from Japan, South Korea, and Hong Kong. Guanxi is best described by the following statement:

Both parties must derive benefits from the transaction to ensure continuation of the relationship

True or False

Studies show that managers usually have a good sense of the morale in their organizations.


Steven is very good at dealing with Asian clients who bank at the branch where he works. Steven seems to be able to interpret many of the gestures that are unfamiliar and ambiguous to other staff. Steven’s __________ helps him to be very effective in his role.

Cultural intelligence

Casey is the manager at a large auto-body shop. He works best with people from a similar background and has difficulty working with others from backgrounds that he is unfamiliar with. Casey has a ________ cultural intelligence profile.


An employee’s calculation that it is in her best interest to stay with an organization based on a sense of attachment to the organization’s values and the perceived costs of leaving the organization describe ___________ and ___________ commitments.

Affective; continuance

Employees express dissatisfaction with their jobs or employers in a number of ways. Which of the following is not usually indicative of employee job dissatisfaction?

Regular lateness

When someone believes in his or her own inner worth and basic competence, he or she is said to have a ____________.

Positive core self-evaluation

Linda, a Canadian who was born in 1985, grew up in a wealthy home. Her life goals focus on becoming rich and famous. Linda is part of which generation?

Generation Y

When working with Aboriginal people to develop business partnerships, which of the following approaches would be frowned upon?

Focused clear-cut logging.

Jessica is very emotionally attached to the organization she works for. She identifies with the corporate values and gives a lot of her spare time to coordinate company fundraisers. Jessica has a strong ____________.

Affective commitment

When managing employees, which of the following values or principles can be inconsistent with ethical behaviour?

Focus on profits

True or false

Normative commitment to one’s employer is strongly associated with an employee’s ethics and their desire to do the right or moral thing.
