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84 Cards in this Set

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when vomiting during pregnancy becomes excessive enough to cause electrolyte, metabolic, nutritional imbalances this condition is
hyperemesis gravidarum or pernicious vomiting
it is associated with
wt loss, dehydration, acidosis, ketones
mostly associated with
higher levels of HCG
it is one of the most common nutrition related discomforts
more common among
unmarried white women during first pregnancy
what can become depleted
potassium leading to cardiac arrythmias
what should be assessed
the frequency, amount and character of emesis
assess fetus status
medical tx is
meeting nutritional needs - this might mean hospitalization and TPN
the pt should be
weighed daily, and good oral care should be done
wt loss and ketones in urine suggest what
that fat stroes and protein are being metabolized to meet energy needs
pt teaching should include
dietary consultation
education on disease
assist with own treatment
referrals to psych, dr, social worker
twins originate with one fertilized ovum, ethe embryonic disk divides, causing identical twins
twins are the result of two separate ova being fertilized at the same time. they have two separate placentas, and dont always look alike
gestational trophoblastic disease
hydatidiform mole (molar pregnancy)
there are two distinct types
complete or partial
women at high risk for the mole are
those who have undergone ovulation stimulation with clomiphene, early teens, older than 40
riks for a second mole is
1 - 2 %
usually the complete mole contains no
no placenta, fetus, amniotic membranes or fluid
in about 20% of cases the complete mole progression toward
cancer occurs
signs and symptoms are
in early stages cannont be distinguished from normal pregnancy
later stages signs and symptoms
vaginal bleeding in about 95% of cases
vaginal discharge (v. dark, like prune juice) or bright red either scant or profuse
the uterus is usually
larger than expected from menstrual dates
other s/s
n/v excess, anemia, abdominal cramps, uterine distention , preeclampsia
passages of vesicles (grape like clusters) might appear att
16 weeks of gestation
diagnostic tests
US, amniography and mesurement of chorionic gonadotropin level
most cases the mole is discovered in
abortion or threatened or in progress
medical management
most spontaneously abort,
suction curettage is good
what med. management should not be preformed
inducing labor with oxytocic
adminisrationo what with RH neg mother
Rh D immune globulin
use should not get pregnant for at least how long
one year
implantation occurs somewhere other than within the uterus
ectopic pregnancy
the most common site is the
fallopian tube
higher incidence in
nonwhite older women
most common cause is
s/s are
slight vaginal bleeding
hypovolemic shock
sharp , localized one sided pain or pain referred to the shoulder
treatment is
rapid surgery
what is used for unruptured ectopic pregnancys
single or multiple doses of methotrexate
the termination of pregnancy before the age of viability
spontaneous abortions are referred to
most occur in the
first trimester
spontaneous abortions occurs from
natural causes
therapeutic is caused by
elective abortion
spontaneous abortions are caused by
abnormal embryonic development, chromose defects, inhertibable disorders
main symptoms is
bleeding, which may or may not be associated with cramps and lower back pain
they are classified as
threatened - unexplained bleeding and cramps
inevitable - bleeding occurs and hte cervical os begins to dilate
complete - all products of conception are expelled
incomplete - some, but not all products are expelled
missed - fetus dies and growth ceases but fetus remians in utero
septic - malodorous bleeding, elevated temp, cramping
habitual - recurrent spontaneous abortion in three or more consecutive pregnancies
medical management
iv fluids
blood replacement
pt teaching
occurs when the placenta implants in the loer uterine segment
placenta previa
risk factors include
previous c - sections - most important risk factor
multiple gestation
close spaced pregnancies,
previous placenta previa
advanced maternal age
the main sign and symptoms is
painless, bright red vaginal bleeding occuring after 20 weeks of gestation
dx test for it is
tx of choice is
c - section
if pt is at home they should staty on
bed rest, and have someone with them at all times
nurse should teach the pt
assess vaginal discharge or bleeding after urination or bowel movement, monitor fetal movements, assess uterine activity, omit from sex
premature separation of hte normally implanted placenta from the uterine wall
abruptio placentae
it generally occurs in
late pregnancy
major symptoms are
sudden severe pain accompanied by uterine rigidity
uterus may increase in size as a result of hemorrhage
dx tests most common one is
h and H
hormone studies
what should be avoided
vaginal and rectal examinations
tx is
c section blood replacement
this is a disease encountered during pregnancy characterized by increasing hypertension, albuminuria, and generalized edeema
pregnancy induced hypertension
most often seen in
primigravidas, those younger than 20 - 25
most common in women who are
poor nutritional status, or lower socioeconomic groups
the only known cure is
termination of pregnancy
complex hormonal and vascular changes occur with PIH
increased BP, decreased placental perfusion, decreased renal perfusion, altered glomerular filtration rate, fluid and electrolyte imbalance
classic signs of PIH in order of appearance are
1. edema
2. hypertension
3. proteinuria
when do these signs occur
usually after 20 weeks of pregnancy
sings of mild preeclampsia are
bp of 140/90
generalized edema (face, hands, ankles)
wt increase of 3 lbs permonth in the second trimester
urine testing shows 1+ to 2+ albumin
urine output is less than 500 ml per 24 hours
symptoms of severe preeclampsia may occur
symptoms are
bp of 160/110
edem in the face, hands, sacral abdomen
wt increases dramatically
urine albumin shows 3 + 4 +
urine output is less than 500 ml in 24 hours
the most severe form of PIH is
the most dramatic characterisitic is
seizures with tonic and clonic generally followed by a coma that last minutes to hours
also characterized by
elevated BP, albuminuria, oliguria
it is important to remember PIH can occur at any time after
20 weeks and persist until 2 days after delivery
what is the sx of hte precursors of convulsions
HA, drowsy, mental confusion,
sx such as epigastric pain or upset stomach indicate
convulsions are iniment
visual disturbances - blurred vision, double vision indicate
arterial spasms - edema in the retina
if the pt is hospitalized monitor
deep tendon reflexes
urinary output
dx tests are
H & H
clotting studies
specific gravity for protein
bed rest is order in what position
left lateral recumbent position
what is given parenterally to prevent sezuires
magnesuim sulfate
what should you watch for
HA, edema , blurred vision
protection during convulsions include
-remain with pt - press emergency bell
- attempt to lay on side when in the tonic phase
- note time and sequence of convulsions
- insert airway after convulsions, suction mouth and nose
-o2 8-10 L
- observe fetal monitor
- call doctor, or have someone call the dr
diet should be
high protein, vitamin, mineral intake
salt should not be below 4 - 6 g
bed rest is vital and a quiet environment is vital