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33 Cards in this Set

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maternal complication of shoulder dystocia
fetal complication of shoulder dystocia
erbs C5-C6 (injures flexers)
prolonged 2nd stage of labor in multiparous
2, 3 with epidural
Mcroberts maneuver works by
causing anterior rotation of the symph. pubis and flatening of the lumbar spine, reliveing anterior shoulder from impaction
what is the rationale for suprapubic pressure in shoulder dystocia
move the fetal shoulders from an AP to an Oblique plane allowing the shoulder to slip out under the symphisis pubis
how does delivery of the posterior arm in shoulder dystocia work
the shoulder girdle diameter is reduced from shoulder-to-shoulder to shoulder to-axilla
weakness of what muscles is associated with Erbs
deltoid and infraspinatus as well as some flexors with the arm hanging limply internally rotated
tends to obliterate tissue planes making what more likely
endometriosis tends to obliterate tissue planes making ureteral injury more likely after reparative surgeryu
whats the cardinal ligament
attachment of the uterine cervix to the pelvic side walls through which the uterine arteries traverse
The majority of ureteral injuries occur in what type of gyn surgery
Where is the the most common location for ureteral injury
at the cardinal ligament
Lacerations to what part of the bladder require stents and to what other part of the bladder do not
trigone lacs...will require stents while injuries to the dome can be repaired intraoperatively
endometrial thickness 5mm or more as seen on TV/US
endometrial stripe
what does surgical staging of endometrail Ca. entail
TAH-BSO, Omentectomy, lymph node sampling and peritoneal washings
most common female genital tract malignancy
endometrial Ca.
How to manage postmenopausal bleeding
office Bx, proceed to hysteroscopy if negative (or observe) if positive cancer staging
Long term management of placenta previa
as long as bleeding is not copious can manage expectantly with a C-section at 36-37 weeks
postcoital spotting earlier durin pregnancy
a sx of previa
the placenta abuts the internal os
marginal previa
the edge of the placenta is within 2-3cm of the internal cervical os
low lying placenta
does previa bleeding predispose to coagulopathy
no not like an abruption may
risk factors for placenta previa
multiparity, prior csection, previa, curretage, multiple gestation
Couvelaire uterus
bleeding into the myometriumof the uterus giving a discolored appearance to its color
bleeding into the myometriumof the uterus giving a discolored appearance to its color
Couvelaire uterus
type of fibroids that place one at risk for abruption
submucosal, also a short cord is a risk factor, as well as pretermprematurerupture
the coagulopathy of placental abruption is 2/2 this
Hypofibrogenemia usually not encountered unless the level is below 150-100
is US sensitive for abruption
in cases of abruption with fetal death and coagulopathy what is the preferred delivery method
for managing fluid status in abruption
keep Hct above 25-30% and urine output over 30cc/hour
most significant risk factor for a breech presentation is what
cord prolapse
what is the 5 part staging procedure for cervical cancer?
exam under anesthesia
Barium Enema and proctoscopy
early cervical cancer (contained within the cervix) can be treated
equally well with radical hysterectomy and hysterectomy however advanced cervical cancer is best treated with radiotherapy, consisting of brachytherapy (implants) with teletharapy (whole pelvis radiation) along with chemotherapy, usually platinum based to sensitize the tissue
what is the most common cause of death due to cervical cancer
it often spreads through the cardinal ligaments toward the pelvic sidewalls, obstructing the ureters causing hydronephrosis and subsequent uremia