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21 Cards in this Set

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What is involution?
retrogressive changes of the uterus that return it to its prepregnancy size
What is lochia?
vaginal discharge that occurs after birth

will be bloody, clotty and a moderate flow at first
What are some things that can cause involution to be slowed?
prolonged labor, difficult delivery, overdistended uterus, grand multiparity, retained placental fragments, full urinary bladder and infection
When is the cervix considered completely closed?
when lochia completely stops
What are the three stages of lochia?
rubra, serosa and alba
Describe rubra
color: bright red, bloody, clotty
odor: fleshy odor
amt: heavy to moderate flow
days: 1-3 days post partum
Describe serosa
color: pink to pink brown, serous, no clots
odor: no odor
amt: decr. in flow (light)
days: 5-7 days post partum
Describe alba
color: cream to yellowish, may be brownish
odor: no odor
amt: scant
days: 1-3 weeks post partum
When should you advise your pt to expect her mentuation cycle to return?
usually by 12 weeks or so
When can you expect your pt. cervix and vagina to return to prepregnancy state?
6-8 weeks
Your pts BP should return to normal rapidly after giving birth. What could it mean if it doesn't and becomes too low? too high?
decr. BP could indicate excessive blood loss

incr. BP could indicate pregnancy induced hypertension
What are the 3 stages of the maternal adjustment period?
(Reva Rubin)
taking in
taking hold
letting go
While doing your assessment on your 12 hour postpartum pt. you find her temperature to be 100.8. What might you suspect this to mean?
that there is a possible infection
During your postpartum assessment you find your pts HR to be 65 bpm. What can you derive from this finding?
105 bpm?
65bpm: good rate, (50-70)

105bpm: tachycardic (need to report this finding asap)
What things should you watch for while assessing your pts respirations?
watch for signs of pulmonary edema or pulmonary emboli
What would you be concerned about if your pts BP elevated and she complained of a headache and blurred vision?
Pregnancy induced hypertension
What would you be concerned about if you notice that your pts BP was gradually going down and her pulse rate was going up?
What does BUBBLE-HEB stand for?
B = breasts
U = uterus
B = bladder
B = bowel
L = lochia
E = epis/perineum
H = homans sign
E = emotional status
B = bonding
When should your postpartum pt. void?
within 4-6 hours of delivery
When should you do a homan signs on your pt.?
only if you don't see any redness, swelling or warmth in the pedal area
When can your pt. begin sexual intercourse again?
after 4- 6 weeks when the lochia has completely stopped and the cervix is closed