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39 Cards in this Set

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List risk factors of spontaneous abortion
chromosomal abnormalities, maternal illness (such as DM type 1), advancing maternal age (AMA), premature cervical dilation, chronic maternal infections, maternal malnutrition, trauma or injury, anomalies in the fetus or placenta, substance abuse
Backache may be a sign of
spontaneous abortion
Dilation and evacuation may be performed on a spontaneous abortion after how many weeks?
Threatened abortion
No tissue is passed, spotting or moderate bleeding, possible slight cramps; cervical os is closed
Inevitable abortion
No tissue is passed, mild to severe bleeding, moderate cramps; cervix is dilated and membranes or tissues are bulging
Incomplete abortion
Some tissue is passed; severe cramps and severe, continuous bleeding; cervix is dilated
Complete abortion
Minimal bleeding and mild cramping; cervix is now closed but all tissue is passed
Missed abortion
brownish discharge and no tissue passed - prolonged retention of tissue
Septic abortion
Malodorous discharge
Recurrent abortion
usually dilated; tissue passed
Nothing should be put into the vagina for how many weeks following spontaneous abortion?
2 weeks
The woman should avoid pregnancy for how many months following spontaneous abortion?
2 months
What is the second most frequent cause of bleeding in early pregnancy?
Ectopic pregnancy
Risk factors for ectopic pregnancy
any factor that compromises tubal patency: PID, IUD
What is a common symptom of ectopic pregnancy?
referred shoulder pain from blood irritation of the diaphragm or phrenic nerve
What happens to progesterone and hCG in an ectopic pregnancy?
elevated levels
Which drug causes evacuation of the uterine contents?
methotrexate (MTX)
The client who is prescribed methotrexate should avoid what to prevent a toxic response to the medication?
ETOH and vitamins containing folic acid
In the complete mole, all genetic material is
paternally derived
The complete mole contains no
fetus, placenta, amniotic membranes, or fluid
Describe genetic material in a partial mole
ovum fertilized by two sperm OR one sperm in which meiosis or chromosome reduction and division did not occur
A risk factor for hydatidiform mole is
low protein intake
elevated hCG levels in hydatidiform mole may cause
hyperemesis gravidarum
Molar pregnancy may cause vaginal bleeding when?
16 weeks gestation
PIH may occur after 20 weeks gestation. Symptoms of PIH before 20 weeks may indicate
molar pregnancy
What is the normal value of hCG in a molar pregnancy? What should it be?
Molar: 1-2 million IU; Normal: 400,000 IU
Analysis of serum hCG following molar pregnancy should occur…
every 1-2 weeks until levels are normal, every 2-4 weeks for 6 months, and every 2 months for 1 year
Complete or total placenta previa
when the cervical os is completely covered by the placental attachment
Incomplete or partial placenta previa
when the cervical os is only partially covered by the placental attachment
Marginal or low-lying placenta previa
when the placenta is attached near but does not reach the cervical os
Is placenta previa painful?
What occurs with the fundal height in placenta previa
fundal height is greater than expected for gestational age
List sesveral risk factors of abruptio placentae
cocaine abuse resulting in vasoconstriction; cigarette smoking; PROM; short umbilical cord
A board-like abdomen that is tender may indicate
abruptio placentae
A firm, rigid uterus with contractions (uterine hypertonicity) may indicate
abruptio placentae
Vasa previa
presence of fetal blood vessels crossing the amniotic membranes over the cervical os
Painless heavy bleeding following ROM may indicatae
vasa previa
Vasa previa is associated with fetal bradycardia
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