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138 Cards in this Set

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maternal O2 consumption changes in parturition at term
increased by 20%
alterations in lung volumes and capacities at pregnancy
exp reserve vol, FRC, and residual vol down 20%
no change in vital capacity
TLC down 0-5%
what happens to vital capacity in pregnancy
no change
what happens with FRC in preg
decreased by 20%
what happens with TLC in preg
decreased by 0-5%
what happens to CO in preg
increases 10% by 10th week
increases 40-50% by 3rd trimester
why do we see increase in CO
increased SV of 25-30% and Hr of 15-20%
when does the largest increase in CO occur with preg
immediatley after delivery
increased as much as 80%
when does CO return to normal
by 2 weeks postpartum
release of catecholamines during painful labor can result in
systemic hypotension
what causes parturient anemia
increase in intravascular fluid volume of 45%
increased RBC by 20%

causes relative anemia
when do we see anemia with preg
1st trimester
blood loss with C section
blood loss with vaginal
what happens with thyroid in preg
T 3 and T 4 elevated
free T3, T4, TSH normal
what causes the changes in thyroid function
secretion of HCG and elevated levels of estrogens which promote hypertrophy of the thyroid and increase thyroid binding sites
general is technique of choice with
acute fetal distress
maternal hypovol
severe hypotension
severe anemia
acute neurologic deficit
CV disorders in which sympathetic blockade would exacerbate
upper airway changes
capillary engorgement of mucosal lining
1/2 size smaller ETT due to edema
wt gain/big breast make difficult
what is supine hypotension syndrome
decrease in BP due to aortocaval compression by gravid uterus when supine
which artery compressed in aortocaval compression
aorto-iliac artery
vena cava compression leads to
lower ext venous stasis--ankle edema and varices
diaphoresis, N/V, changes in cerebration
supine hypotension does what to CO and systmeic BP
gravid uterus can also compress the
lower abdominal aorta leading to arterial hypotension in lower ext
mat s/s or decrease in BP in arms does not occur
compensatory mechanisms which prevent supine hypotension syndrome
increased venous pressure below level of compression of inf vena cava(diverts bld to paravertebral venous plexus to azygos vein
reflex increase in PSNS activity
what is more common and profound during reg anesthesia when adm to preg women compared to non preg
arterial hypotension
risk of aortocaval compression
decrease in urterine and placental bld flow
increased risk of epidural venous puncture
anesthetic techniques that interfere with increased sym tone
treatment of supine hypotension
lateral position
move gravid uterus to left and off IVC
R hip elevation
what is bicitra
used to maintain gastric ph >2.5 and decreases likelihood of severe aspiration pneumonitis
who should be given bicitra and when
pts at high risk for aspiration
45-60min prior
what is minimum fasting time for elective c section
6 hours
GI changes
vulnerable to regurg
displacement of pylorus cephalad slows gastric emptying
progesterone decreases GI motility--increased gastric vol even after fasting
gastrin (secreted by placenta) stimulates gastic H ion secretion making ph even lower
large uterus changes angle of gastroesophageal junction causing incompetent sphincter
what in medlesons
perioperative aspiration of gastric contents
what acid base in moms
resp alkalosis
what are fetal O2 stores estimated to be
at term, what is the average fetal O2 consumption
why does fetal hypoxia cause bradycardia
d/t low storage to utilization ratio of O2
uterine blood flow at term
10% of CO (600-700mls/min)
uterine blood flow is directly related to
diff b/t uterine arterial and venous pressures
uterine blood flow is inversely related to
uterine vascular restistance
uterine blood flow and autoregulation
autoregulation is absent d/t max dilation of uterine vasculature but is sensitive to alpha adrenergic agonists
uterine vasculature has what receptors
a-adrenergic and possibly some b-adrenergic
3 major factors that decrease uterine blood flow
systemic hypotension
uterine vasoconstriction
uterine contractions
extreme hypocapnia does what to uterine blood flow
reduces and causes fetal hypoxia
normal fetus has how many accels
define accels
increase of 15 beats/min or lasting >15 secs
preiodic accels relfect
normal oxygenation
accels usually d/t
fetal movements and responses to uterine pressure
accels due to
increase in catecholamine secretion with decrease in vagal tone
what decreases accels
fetal sleep
drugs --opoids. Mg, atropine
fetal hypoxia
early type I decels
10-40 beats/min
vagal response to compression of fetal head/stretching of neck
what FHR forms a smooth mirror image of the contractions
early type I decel
which FHR are not associated with fetal distress
early type I decel
which FHR are associated with fetal compromise
late type 2 decel
variable type 3
which is characterized by a decrease in HR at or after the peak of uterine contraction
late type 2 decel
which FHR may be as few as 5 beats/min
late type II decel
what is thought to cause late type II decels
decrease in arterial oxygen tenxion on chemoreceptors or the SA node
late decels with normal variablity are
usually reversible with treatment
late decels with decreased variability
prolonged asphyxia
ph < 7.20
depressed neonate
ph > 7.20
vigourous neonate
complete abolition of variability
ominous sign of severe decompensation and need for immediate delivery
most common decel
varaiable type 3
variable type 3
variable in onset, duration, magnitude (>30 beats)
which FHR usually abrupt in onset
variable type 3
cause of variable type 3
umbilical cord compression and acute intermittent decrease in uterine blood flow
variable type 3 usually associated with fetal asphyxia when they are
> 60 beats/min
lasts > 60 secs
occur in pattern for > 30 min
NST should not exceed
80 min
normal score on NST
2 reactive
at least 2 episodes of FHR accel >15 beats or secs
fetal movement > 30 min
how does placental exchanges of substances occur
diff depends on
mat to fet conc gradient
mat prot binding
molecular wt
degree of ionization
what is the most important method of limiting amout of drug that reaches fetus
minimizing maternal blood conc
do NDMB cross placenta
high molecular wt
low LS
does sux cross placenta
low molecular wt
high ionized
is the fetus paralyzed with sux in GA
does not cross
which drugs has low molecular wts and crosses the placenta
transfer of drugs across the placenta is reflected by the ratio
of fetal umbilical vein to maternal venous conc
uptake by fetal tissues is reflected by
ratio of fetal umbilical artery to umbilical vein conc
fetal effects of drugs depends on
route of administration
timing of administration (to delivery and cont)
maturity of fetal organs
inhalation agents and fetal depression
little if MAC < 1 and delivery wihtin 10 mins of induction
what specific drugs readily crosses BBB
what drugs cross BBB
does glycopyrrolate cross placenta
what anesthetic with emergency c section
lower limit of platlets with reg
< 100,000
70,000 maybe acceptable
most common cause of pp hemorrhage
uterine atony
what meds to relax uterus
terbutaline, ritodrine--B2 agonists
NTG and NO for retained placenta
what meds for uterine constriction
why should methergine be used with caution
it can percipitate HTN crisis in pre-eclamptic women
s/s of HELLP
elevated liver enzymes
low platlets
what is the hallmark of HELLP
hemolysis, the presence of microangiopathic hemolytic anemia
what drugs cross BBB
does glycopyrrolate cross placenta
what anesthetic with emergency c section
lower limit of platlets with reg
< 100,000
70,000 maybe acceptable
most common cause of pp hemorrhage
uterine atony
what meds to relax uterus
terbutaline, ritodrine--B2 agonists
NTG and NO for retained placenta
what meds for uterine constriction
why should methergine be used with caution
it can percipitate HTN crisis in pre-eclamptic women
s/s of HELLP
elevated liver enzymes
low platlets
what is the hallmark of HELLP
hemolysis, the presence of microangiopathic hemolytic anemia
normal gluc tolerance
2hPG <140
GD risk factors
advanced maternal age
family hx
prior stillbirth, fetal death or malformation
tx of GD
no oral hypoglycemics--cross placenta
what is used for induction with PIH and emergency c section
thiopental or propofol
then sux
what is avoided in pre-eclamptic pts due to sympathetic nervous system stimulation may exacerbate HTN
what can be used in PIH C section to attenutate BP response
vol anesthetic
what could lower our dose of NMB
could potentiate effects
what decreases uterine tone and increases risk for bleeding after delivery
what is the 1st choice for most pts with PIH in labor
cont epidural if no coagulopathies
why choose epidurals with PIH
no risk with intubation
decreases catecholamine secretion and improves uteroplacental perfusion
avoids hypotension
what is virchow's tirad
alterations in normal blood flow-stasis
injuries to vascular endothelium
alterations in constitution of blood-hypercoagulopathy
avoid what with preg women using marijuana
ketamine--causes tachycardia
LA's with epi
treat tachycardia due to marijuana use with
marijuana with volatile halogenated agents
may have additive effect and CV depression
cocaine abuse leads to
placental abruption
premature ROM
meconimum stained amniotic fld
low birth wt
cogenital abnormalitites
cocaine causes
maternal vasoconstriction
what is placenta previa
abnormally low implantation of placenta on uterus
painless vag bleeding at 32 weeks
associated with older age and multiparity
what med for emergency situation with hemorrhage
GA with ketamine
neonates after hemorrhagic shock are
placental abruption
seperation of placenta > 20 weeks
painful vag bleeding with uterine contractions
most common cause of fetal death
what is accreta
implantation onto myometrium
what is increta
implantation into myometrium
what is percreta
implantation thourgh full thickness of myometrium
avg blood loss with previa and accreta combined
30 units PRBC
20% accreta pts develop
> 20weeks and resolves within 48 hrs of delivery
HTN, edema, proteinuria
seizure with pre-eclampsia s/s
when do we see eclampsia
> 20 weeks
fetal hgb does what to oxyhgb curve
right shift in mom
pitocin used to
induce or augment uterine contractions or maintain uterine tone postpartum
complications of pit
fetal distress d/t overstimulation
uterine tetany
maternal water intoxication
reflex tachy
ion trapping
lower fetal ph means that weakly basic drugs ( LA, opiods) that cross the placenta in non-ionized form will become ionized in fetal circ and be unable to cross placenta back to mom---accumulates
2nd stage pain
well localized
which stage of pain due to descent of fetus into pelvis
which stage dull aching
stage 1 pain
visceral pain due to uterine contraction and cervical dilation
poorly localized
which pain is poorly localized
stage 1