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142 Cards in this Set

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GU system changes
-increased risk for UTI d/t dilated ureters
-increased GFR until delivery
-increased clearance of urea and creatinine from increased renal function
-glycosuria from increased GF without in increase in tubular reabsorption
-decreased bladder tone
-increased sodium retention
increased vaginal secretions with a pH 3.5 to 6.0
Metabolic changes
-increased water retention
-increased lipid and cholesterol
-increased need for iron
-increased protein retention
-weight gain of 25-35 lbs
Respiratory changes
-compression of lungs=SOB
-increased tidal volume
-increased chest circumference
-abdominal breathing replaces thoracic as it progresses
-2 bpm increase in respirations
-lower threshold for CO2 d/t progesterone
Endocrine changes
-increased BMI up to 25%
-increased iodine metabolism
-need more Ca and VitD=slight hyperparathyroidism
-slightly enlarged pituitary
-increased cortisol to regulate protein and carb metabolism
-decreased insulin production in early pregnancy
Hormonal changes
-gum swelling d/t estrogen
-displacement of stomach/etc
-delayed motility and gastric and gallbladder emptying d/t progesterone causing heartburn
-constipation d/t progesterone
-displacement of appendix from McBurney piont
-bile saturation with cholesterol may cause gallstones
Cardiovascular changes
-increased heart size/cardiac output
-increased blood volume
-heart displaced up and left
-blood volume peaks 3rd trimester increasing 30-50%
-pulse increased 15-20 beats
-pulmonic and apical systolic murmurs from decreased viscosity and increased flow
-increased femoral venous pressure d/t pressure of uterus on vena cava
-decreased CSF space d/t enlargement of vessels around dura mater
-increased fibrinohen levels up to 50% d/t hormones
-increased clotting factors VII, IX, and X=hypercoaguable state
-WBC 10-11,000 peaks at 25,000 during labor
Changes in nutritional needs during pregnancy
-300 more calories
-30g more of protein
-400-800mg of Flolic Acid/ day
-more iron, fiber, fluid, vits
Nagele's rule
to determine EDD

LMP + 7 days -3 months + 1 year
light fluttering of fetal movement
-between 16 and 20 weeks
When can you hear FHR?
-ultrasound = 12 weeks
-fetoscope= 16 to 20 weeks
Biparietal diameter
-widest transverse diameter of fetal head
-can be measured after 12 to 12 weeks gestation to estimate delivery date
McDonald's rule
-to find out how many weeks P
-measure from symphysis pubis

Fundal ht in cm X 8/7= weeks P
Weight gain during pregnancy
25-35 lbs if normal BMI
1lb a week after 1st trimester
or 3/12/12
Facial melisma

linea nigra


palmar erythema
"mask of pregnancy"
line on abdomen
pigmentation of areola
well delineated
subjective (presumptive) signs of pregnancy

objective (probable) signs

positive signs
Amenorrhea or spotting nausea/fatigue/ urinary frequency
breast enlargement
increased skin pigmentation
-Hegar's sign
-Goodell's sign
-Chadwick's sign
-Pregnancy tests
-Braxton Hicks contractions
-abdominal enlargement
-ultrasound-as early as 6 weeks
-FHR-by 17 to 20 weeks
-fetal movement-after 16 weeks
-Hegar's sign

-Goodell's sign

-Chadwick's sign

softening of lower uterine segment (isthnus) 6-8 weeks
softening of cervix
blue color of cervix
rebound of fetus when cervix pushed
Fundal Height from umbilicus
can assess gestational age (16-32)
reaches up to ziphoid process
above umbilicus after birth
at umbilicus 4 hrs after birth
Common discomforts of pregnancy
1st= urinary frequency, incontinence, fatigue, N+V(B6), breast tenderness, constipation, mucus membrane inflammation, cravings, leokorrhea
2nd= sense of well-being, backache, leg cramps, varicoseities, gas, bloating
3rd=urinary frequency, incontinence, fatigue, constipation, leukorrhea, SOB, heartburn, indigestion, edema, Braxton Hicks Contractions
Umbilical Cord
-20-22" long
-2 arteries and 1 vein
-arteries carry deoxygenatedblood to placenta
-vein carries oxygenatedblood to fetus
-Wharton's jelly prevents kinking
Amniotic Fluid
-cushion and temperature
-800 to 1200 mL
-specific gravity 1.007 to 1.025
-pH 7.0 to 7.25
foramen ovale
between atria
ductus arteriosus
pulmonary artery to aorta =shunts blood away from lungs
ductus venosus
oxygenated blood from umbilical vein to inferior vena cava bypassing fetal liver
-after 14 weeks
-gestational age by LS ratio
-lung maturity/surfactant LS ratio
-creatinine levels
-genetic disorders
-metabolic disorders
-blood disorders ABO/Rh

-maternal or fetal hemorrhage
-preterm labor
-give Rhogam to Rh- mothers
LS ratio
2:1= lung maturity via amnio
Chorionic Villus Sampling (CVS)
removal of chorionic villi from fetal placenta for chromosomal, enzyme, and DNA testing. done at 8-14 weeks

CAN NOT -neural tube defects
CAN- gender/sex-linked condition

- obtain written consent
- drink fluid before test
- advise not to void before test
- lithotomy position for test
- baseline maternal VS
- baseline fetal heart rate
Non-Stress Test
FHR in response to movement
between 32 and 34 weeks

-15-30 baseline
-meal stimulates
-empty bladder
-1 monitor each (uterus/FHR)
-"event marker" pushed by pt

Reactive-2 FHR 15bpm above baseline for 15 seconds/20 minutes

nonreactive= above not met within 40 minutes
Oxytocin challenge test
-given after non-stress test results
-IV tocin q15-20 minutes until 3 good contractions within 10 minutes
-for pt at risk for uteroplacental insufficiency or fetal compromise from diabetes, heart dz, hypertension, renal dz, or hx of stillbirth
-contraindicated in previuos c-section, 3rd tri bleeding, or risk for preterm labor
vibroacoustic stimulation
-artificial larynx
-fetal head 1 to 5 seconds
-try to pick up the FHR
biophysical profile
4 to 6 things it tests for.....
-breathing movements
-body movements
-muscle tone
-amniotic fluid volume
-heart rate reactivity
-placental grade

-uses ultrasound
-can detect CNS DEPRESSION
Nuchal Translucency Screening
subQ collection of fluid behind fetal neck

HIGH=trisonomy 13/18/21
Percutaneous umbilical blood sampling
removal of fetal blood from cord with in utero- to DX hemophilias, hemoglobinopathies, congenital rubella, toxoplasmosis, and genetic disorders + BLOOD DZ
-2nd or 3rd trimester
-1-2% chance of fetal loss

monitor FHR up to 2 hrs after

- obtain written consent
- cleanse abdomen w/sterile
- obtain baseline maternal VS
- obtain baseline FHR
Fetal movement count
-normal 280 a day
-record for 30 minutes x3/day
-report fewer than 10/2 hours
-progression to AIDS faster in P
-Kapos's sarcoma
-anorexia,fatigue,wt loss
-CD4T cells less than 200=AIDS
DX= Western Blot/ELISA
-NST weekly after 32 weeks

-newborns tested again after 15 months
-tested at birth and again at 1-2 months
-Zidovudine (Retrovir) first 6 weeks
-keep stump very clean
Gestational Diabetes
-fetal death
-sacral agenesis -incomplete spine
-maternal diabetes later in life

DX= 1 hour glucose +140mg/dL
-screen ALL at 28 weeks

TX=insulin or DiaBeta after 1st Tri
-PO meds contraindicated
Alpha-Fetoprotein (AFP)
AFP - fetal liver in amniotic fluid and maternal serum

HIGH = neural tube defects, anencephaly, omphalocele, and multiples

LOW= Down's syndrome/trisonmy 18
Shultz mechanism

Duncan mechanism
shiny shultz"- fetal side
"dirty duncan'- maternal side
Ectopic Pregnancy
-most commonly in fallopian tube

-amenorrhea or spotting
-LOW HCG and Progesterone
-mass in Douglas' cul-de-sac
-Cullen's sign-periumbilical bluish color
-severe pain,orthostatic hypotension, tachycardia, and dizziness may indicate-RUPTURE

-meds until no HCG levels
-AVOID pregnancy for 3x cycles
Heart Disease
-heart works harder
-may see undiagnosed problems
-risk peaks 28 to 32 weeks

Hydatidiform Mole
-Molar Pregnancy
AKA gestational trophoblastic dz
egnancy in which the chronic villi become fluid filled clusters of prolifferative tissue resulting in the loss of pregnancy and possibly choriocharsinoma

- brownish vaginal bleeding
- nausea and vomiting
- extremely high hCG levels
- hyperemesis gravidarum
- PIH prior to 24 weeks
- NO FHR or fetal movement
- amenorrhea
- hyropic vesicles expelled V
- rapid uterine enlargement

-follow up RISK of NEOPLASM
Hyperemesis Gravidarum
ecssessive vommitting during 1st tremester (vommitting during any other trimester is not normal)of pregnacy thought to be caused by high HcG levels

-high Hb and HCT

-NPO when first admitted w/IV
-monitor fundal height
-give salt
-hypertension and proteinuria

-140/90 BP+
- 300mg proteinuria/24 hours

-160/100 BP+
-5gm of proteinuria in 24 hours
-less than 500mL urine/24 hours
-vision problems
-RUQ tenderness
-fetal growth restriction

-new onset grand mal seizures

-labor induced ASAP with mild
-labor induced NOW if severe
-bed rest LEFT LATERAL position
-high protein moderate salt
-corticosteriods for FETAL LUNGS
-assess for HELLP SYNDROME
-monitor BP q1-4 hrs if severe
-risk for PLACENTAL PREVIA so do type and cross match
HELLP syndrome
Elevated Liver enzyme levels
Low Platelet count
Magnesium Sulfate
-CNS depressant
-relaxes smooth muscle

-decreased respirations/BP/DTRs
-drooling, dysphagia
-weakness, flushing
-decreased URINARY output (100mL/4hrs)

-should be 5-8mg/dl MAX
-stop drug if issues occur

Placenta Previa
-low implantation
-painless bright red bleeding esp after 3rd trimester

-hospitalized if less than 34 weeks
-no vaginal/rectal exams unless ready to do a c-section
-restrict maternal activity

-over 35 years old
-cocaine use/smoking
-hx of previous
Abruptio Placenta
premature seperation after 20wks
can cause death / DIC
ER for mother and baby

- intense localized uterine pain
- increase in abdominal size
- rigid abdomen
-painful/ dark red "port wine"

-smoking/cocaine use
-age over 35 year old
-poor nutrition
-multiples/XS pressure/ fluid

-avoid vaginal exams
-give O2
Placenta Accreta
chorionic villi remain imbedded in the myometrium and stop placental seperation

- boggy uterus
- acute profuse V bleeding
- placenta doesn't separate





spine to spine (axis)
presenting part
vertex (military, brow, face)
breech (frank, complete, footling)
part to maternal pelvis
3 letters of position

L/R- side of pelvis
O/M/S/A- part
A/P- front or back
part to level of ischial spines
-5 to +4
station =0
Preliminary signs of labor
Lightening/fetal descent=2-3 wks

Braxton Hicks

Cervical dilation, softening,effacement-days before

nesting-burst of energy

bloody show-mucus plug expelled

increase in vaginal secretions

rupture of membranes
Cervical effacement
normally 2cm = 0%
0cm= 100%
-BACK discomfort that spreads
-progressive changes
-INCREASE in intensity
-may see bloody show
-discomfort in ABDOMEN
-no cervical changes
-may GET BETTER with walking
-do NOT progress
-no bloody show
Leopold's Maneuvers
-palpate fundus
-abdomen to locate back
-pubic symphysis -level of decent
-head flexion
tetanic contractions
sustained prolonged contractions with little rest between
frequency- start of one to start of the next. should use a 10-mimute or more strip

duration-from start to stop

intensity- subjective/internal
mild= nose

increment - systole
acme-peak (50-80mmHg)
relaxation- 5-18mmHg
Stage 1 of labor
Latent Phase- 0-3cm

Active Phase-4-7 cm
effacement 100%
contractions 5-8 minutes apart
-last 45 to 60 seconds

Transition Phase-8-10cm
contractions 1-2 minutes apart
-lasting 60-90 seconds and strong
Stage 2 of labor
pushing stage
shortest about 40 minutes/painful

signs of coming birth:
bulging perineum
dilated anus
short pushes 6-7 seconds
Cardinal movements of labor
-internal rotation
-external rotation
Stage 3 of labor
from baby to placenta
5-30 minutes

signs of placental separation:
-globular/firm uterus
-lengthening of cord
-gush of blood
Stage 4 of labor
expulsion of placenta to 4 hours mother hemodynamically recovers

pulse 60-70bpm
fever only above 100.4
pain 3 or less
low adrenaline= cold/shiver
-light abdominal stroking with fingertips in circular motion mild to moderate pain
Opioids for labor pain may cause respiratory depression if given within ........
2 hours of labor
Lumbar epidural


local infiltration

pudendal block

paracervical block

-at least 4cm to ???
-hypotension if not enough fluids
-fast onset
-used for ER c-sections
only relief for delivery
only relief for delivery
-increases risk of forceps delivery
-only if needed
Fetal blood sampling
-monitors blood pH
-membranes ruptured
-2-3+ cm dilated
-presenting part -2 or less(station)
-pH of 7.25+ is normal
-pH 7.2-7.24 is preacidotic
-pH less than 7.2 is sever acidosis
Amniotic Fluid Embolism
-d/t ROM, abruptio placenta,etc

-pink, FROTHY sputum
-acute SOB
-fetal distress

-intubation and ventilation
-ER C-section
Disseminated intravascular coagulation
-increase in prothrombin, platelets, and other coagulation factors =widespread thrombus formation and decreased clotting factors =hemorrhage

-abruptio placentae
-amniotic fluid embolism
-retained fetus after death


-decreased fibrinogen
-positive D-DIMER TEST
-prolonged PT and PTT
-decreased platelets

-may need blood products
-hard labor
-related to the 3 Powers

-arrested descent
-hypotonic contractions
-fetal wt greater than 4500g

-Pitocin may help
Fetal Distress
-bradycardia or FHR above 180
-loss of fetal movement
-no progress

-O2 at 6-8 L/min by face mask
-Left Lateral Position
Postpartum hemorrhage
500+mL of blood loss w/n 24 hrs
-can occur up to 6 weeks after
Inverted Uterus
-can occur during placental delivery
-large sudden gush of blood
-severe pain
-low Hb and HCT

TX=Tocolytic agent:terbutaline
Intrauterine Fetal Death
death of fetus after 20 weeks

- decreased estriol levels
- lack of movement
- lack of FHR
Spalding's sign (overriding of the fetal cranial bones)
trickle bright red w/firm fundus
1st- skin/superficial
2nd- muscle
3rd- anal sphincter
4th- wall of rectum
failure to return to size
retained fragments/ full bladder
boggy fundus too high and lochia doesn't change color
Postpartum Infection
100.4+ after the 1st 24 hours after birth occuring on at least 2 of the 10 days
-variable decelerations/bradycardia
modified Sims, Trendelenburg, knee-chest

-"something ripped"


O2 8-10L/min
ABO incompatibility
mother has type O- fetus has anything else. not as severe because most species of anti-A and anti-B antibodies are immonuglobin M (IgM) and cannot cross placenta. these antibodies are also produced/acquired from foods/etc so the incompatibility cannot be eliminated

often see enlargement of liver/spleen in newborn
Rh sensitization
an antigen/anti-body response that can occur if an Rh - woman has an Rh + fetus

- fetal anemia
- + fetal indirect Coombs' test
- positive fetal antibody titers
- hemolysis of fetal red cells
- hemolytic DZ of newborn
RhoGAM (Rh immunoglobulin) given at 28 weeks then again within 72 hours of birth- IM in deltoid
Gravidity= # of pregnancies
Term= between 38-42 weeks
Preterm- before 38 weeks
Living children
1 minute - initial adaptation
5 minutes -CNS status
at 10 if 5 minute score <7><
A= apperance/ color
P= pulse(100 />100)
G= grimace (frown/cough,sneeze)
A=activity(some/tight flexion)

depression= losses- color/resp/tone/reflex/heart rate
resuscitation needed if less than 7
Kleihaur-Betke test
-detects fetal RBCs in maternal circulation
-degree of fetal-maternal hemorrhage
-helps calculate appropriate dose of RhoGam
Shoulder Dystocia
stuck baby

McRobert's maneuver- thighs flexed and abducted

Suprapubic pressure- pushing down
FHR decelerations during labor
early, late variable
Early= mirrors contraction
due to head (vagus) compression
considered benign

Late= starts after peak and continues after contraction stops.
suggest fetal hypoxia =turn on side / 8-10L O2

Variable= U, V, W-shaped
can occur at any time
due to cord compression
FHR accelerations during contractions

transitory accelerations w/contraction
normal= intact sympathetic nervous system response
up to 25bpm= normal
more than 30bpm= hypoxia
minimal= side/ 8-10L O2
marked= side/8-10L/ stop pit
baseline FHR


110-160 bmp
above 160bmp or more than 30bmp above previous baseline= hypoxia, maternal fever, fetal anemia, etc
less than 110bmp or decrease of more than 30bmp below previous baseline that lasts more than 10 minutes= hypoxia, hypotension, drugs, etc



# which fetuses have reached age of viability
fetus has not been viable
pregnant once with a viable fetus(es)
twice or more w/viable




a pregnant women
1st time
never been pregnant
2 or more
Reva Rubin
maternal role framework
taking-in phase= mother is dependent (tired/sore/etc) and is reliving the birth experiance, may ID features on naewborn

taking-hold phase= 2/3 day to a few weeks- regains control of body functions, conserned about present, health of herself and child, and wants to provide care

letting-go phase= reestablishes relationships with other people, more confident, lets go of fantasy and accepts reality
what to assess during postpartum period

how often to perform postpartum assessment
vital signs
temp- above 100.4 could be infection
respirations- 16-20
blood pressure-close to baseline
pain level -0-2

1st hour= x15 min
2nd hour= x30 min
1st 24 hours= x4 hours
after 24 hours= x8 hours
bradycardia 50-70 bmp due to reduced cardiac output for about 2 weeks

stages w/times

how to describe amount of lochia discharge?

what do you do first if bleeding during postpartum?
vaginal discharge after birth
rubra- red- 3 to 4 days- should NOT return once gone

serosa- pinkish/brown- 3 to 10

alba- white- 10 to 14 days up to 6 weeks
all might smell fleshy should not saturate a pad in under an hour
massage fundus/ empty bladder
Feeding infant normal food
birth weight x2 / at least 13 lbs
sucking reflex gone= 4-6 months
cereal -then fruit -then veggies -
meats -eggs last

no honey until at least 1 year
no cows milk for 1 year (renal)

citrus, strawberries, wheat, cow's milk, egg whites, peanut butter= allergies

1 food at a time no faster than 1 every 3-5 days

may take 20x to accept food
-stops preterm contractions

-TACHYCARDIA take pulse first
-nervousness, tremors,chest pain

-maternal pulse no more than 140
-FHR no more than 180
-monitor vs q15 minutes

ANTIDOTE= Propranolol (Inderal)
-Fever of 101.1F +
-redness, edema

-breastfeed that side first
Immunoglobulins at birth ?
IgG crosses placenta
-short life span 25 days
-produces own by 3 months

-undetectable at birth
-does not cross placenta
-makes it by 20 weeks
-high levels in neonate=infection

-limits bacterial growth in GI
-found in milk
blood in periosteum-does not cross suture -no overlying skin discoloration, firmer-lasts a few weeks to months
caput succedaneum
edema of scalp- crosses suture-lasts about 3 days
Hemorragic disease of the newborn
from lack of Vit K

- decreased prothrombin time
- prolonged clotting time
- bleeding from the nose, umbilical cord, circumcision, gastointestinal tract, or scalp
- generalized ecchymoses
- internal hemorrhage
anterior fontanel

posterior fontanel
"soft spot" 12-18 months
8-16 weeks
neonate/infant eyes
-may be blue/gray at birth
-permanent color by 6 months
-tearless crying until 2 months
-transient strabismus
-doll's eyes reflex for 10 days
-may see hemorrhage from birth
Epstein's pearls
-false teeth
-may be seen at birth
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
-no amount is SAFE
-CNS dysfunction
-decreased IQ
-maxillary hypoplasia
-short palpebral fissures
-thin upper lip

dorsal side
ventral side
above 6mg/dl within 1st 24 hrs
-remains elevated 7 days in fullterm
-remains elevated 10 days in premie
-may cause Kernicterus
-DX-conjugated above 2mg/dl
-phototherapy= cover eyes/green stools
Immunizations during pregnancy

-Hep B
Coombs Test
-checks for sensitization
-Rhogam can be given if -
-too late if it is +
1st period of reactivity

period of increased responsiveness

2nd period of reativity
30 minutes
awake/alert/ elevated heart and breathing/ sucking reflexes/etc
good time to breastfeed

30-120 minutes
sleep/ decreased response

2-8 hours
cyanosis of hands/toes/feet- with blotchy or mottled skin - normal- occurs in response to cold
vernix caseosa
white substance made by fetal oil glands protects skin and does not have to be removed- it will absorb- found in creases and hair
stork bites
AKA salmon patches
superficial vascular areas on nape of neck and eyelids and between eyes and upper lip- concentration of immature blood vessels more visible when crying- will dissapear within a year
unopened sebaceous glands- often on nose but also chin/forehead will dissapear in 2-4 weeks

epstein's pearls- in mouth or gums
mongolian spots
blue/purple spots on lower back in dark skinned - disapear within 4 years
erythema toxicum
AKA newborn rash
lack of pattern
eosinophils react to environment
disapear in a few days
harlequin sign
dilation of vessels on one side
'clown suit'
pale on nondependent side
immature autoregulation of flow
common in low weight
less than 20 min= no tx
nevus flammeus
AKA port wine stain
capillary angioma below dermis
mature dilated vessels
may be associate w/structural malformations, bony or muscular overgrowth, certain cancers
nevus vasculosus
AKA strawberry mark or strawberry hemangioma

raised, rough, dark red
common in preterms/near head
disapears by 3 years
elongated shape of head because of passage - normal within a week
orlani maneuver

barlow maneuver
uppward rolling

downward rolling

listen for clicks femoral head slipping in and out of acetabulum
what is the normal posture of a newborn?
hips abducted and partialy flexed
arms abducted and flexed @elbow
fists cleched/ thumb inside
neck should hold held briefly
what is in breast milk?

LATCH scoring tool?

nutritional guidelines for lactating women

who should NOT breast feed
whey/ lactose
lipase and amylase
does the mother need assistance?
A= audible swallowing
T= type of nipple
C= comfort of nipple
H= hold

*nipple pain/etc- sign of improper technique
+500 cal 1st year
antithyroid drugs
antineoplastic drugs
alcohol and street drugs
active TB
normal breathing pattern of newborn?

what might you hear on auscultation?

periodic breathing

what are the signs of respiratory distress in newborn?
shallow, irregular, abdominal
30-60 bpm
may hear fine crackles on inspiration
apnea of 5-10 seconds without changes in heart rate or color
cyonisis, tachypnea, expiratory grunting, sternal retractions, nasal flaring
what tests/ evaluations are used to determine gestational age after birth?
Dubowitz/ Ballard or New Ballord

physical maturity- w/n 2 hours
neuromuscular maturity- 24 hrs
how are newborns classified by gestational age?

how are low birth weight newborns classified by weight?
normal height, weight, head circumference, and BMI = lowest risk

less than 5.8 lbs / below 10th %
or less than 2 standard deviations

more than 8.13lbs/ above 90th %
low= less than 5.5 lbs
very low= less than 3.5 lbs
extremely low= less than 2.3 lbs
large gestational age infants

what might you see in a physical assessmnet?
large body
plump face
poor motor skills
more difficult arosal (quiet/alert)
late preterm
before 37 weeks
between 34 and 36 weeks 6 days
from 38- 42 weeks
after 42 weeks
posterm newborn

why is this a bad thing?

what would you see on a physical assessment?
AKA postmature, prolonged pregnancy, and postdates pregnancy
after 42 weeks
placenta starts to degrade this causes reduces oxygen and nutrients the newborn may begin to waste
dry, cracked, wrinkled skin
long, thin arms and legs
creases cover sole of feet
wide-eyed and alert look
lots of hair on head
thin umbilical cord
limited vernix/ lanugo
meconium stained skin/ nails
long nails
what would you see in a physical assessment of preterm newborn?
head very larger to chest size
poor muscle tone
undescended testes
lots of lanugo (esp face/back)
soft, pliable pinna
fused eyelids
soft, spongy skull bones
matted, wolly scalp hair
absent or few creases (palm/sole)
minimal scrotal rugea
prominent labia/ clitoris
thin, transparent skin (see veins)
breast, nipples not delineated
lots of vernix caseosa
murmur= patent passageways
infants of a diabetic mother

characteristic features

common problems
full cheeks/ rosy skin, 'no neck', buffalo hump, big shoulders, organomegaly = distended UPPER abdomen, lots of fat
hoarse cry
mothers w/ vascular complications =LGA with lower risk or RDS (those w/out= SGA and higher risk)
respiratory distress syndrome
hypocalcemia and hypomagnesemia
congenital anomalies (heart)
fractures- newborn injury
most often breech or shoulder dystocia in macrosomia

mid-clavicular fracture= #1
does not move arm on that side absent Moro on that side= heal fast (pin sleeve to shirt)

shoulder dystocia #2

femoral or humeral long bone fractures (often mid-shaft)-loss of movement, swelling, pain= splinting, 2-4 weeks
X-ray confirms
brachial plexus injury- newborn
most often breech or shoulder dystocia in macrosomia

stretching, hemorrhage, or tearing of nerve-may be because of fracture

Erb's palsy- upper brachial plexus injury (more common)
arm hangs limp/ adducted/ extended/ internally rotated/pronated wrist w/
absent Moro, bicep, and radial reflex on side but grasp often intact= immobilize arm across chest then ROM

Klumpke's palsy- lower brachial plexus (less common)- weakness in hand and wrist w/absent grasp reflex= hand in neutral position w/ROM
cranial nerve trauma- newborn
facial nerve palsy most common- often due to forceps but also position in utero- eye open on affected side, limited movement, smoother= recovery 1 week to several months no TX
WITHDRAWAL assessment
W=wakefulness- sleeping less than 1-3 hours after feeding


T=temp variation, tachycardia, tremor

H=hyperactivity, high-pitched/persistent cry, hyperreflexia, hypertonus

D=diarrhea, diaphoresis, disorganized suck

R=respiratory distress, rub marks, rhinorrhea

A=apneic attacks, autonomic dysfunction

W= weight loss/ failure to gain

A= alkalosis-respiratory

L= lacrimation
Vaginal culture for Group B strep
Done on ALL pregnanct woman to test for group B beta-hemolyitic streptococci. Can cause respiratory distress/ death in infant who is exposed during birth. (strep is normal flora) Antibiotics given to mothers.
Tested after week??????

- culture of vaginal/ rectal cells
- avoid tub bathing before test
- menstrual flow -alters results
- lithotomy position for test
- if infection =avoid sex
Couvade Syndrome
symptoms related to pregnancy occur in the woman's mate
Transient Tachypnea of the newborn
12-72 hours due to fluid in lungs

- cyanosis
- grunting respirations
- nasal flaring
- tachypnea
- spontaneous respirations
chest x-rays show overexpansion of the lungs
ability to live outside of the uterus- 20 weeks or more or more than 500g fetus
Vitamin K
fat-soluble vit promots blood clotting by increasing synthesis of prothrombin by liver

not produced by sterile gut-takes about a week

0.5-1mg IM in vastus lateralis
25g 5/8inch 90 degree w/n 1 hour
Oxytocin (Pitocin)
may cause hyperstimulation

IV piggyback
10 Units/L
want contractions x2-3 minutes
lasting 40-60 seconds

measure I+O/ ratio 1:2
may cause headache, N+V
eye prophylaxis in newborn
prevents opthalmia neonatorum-purulent conjunctivitis that can cause blindness because of contact w/bacteria

0.5-1% erythromycin or tetracycline oinment

can cause chemical conjunctivitis for 1-2 days
Rubella vaccine
no it is teratogenic so pregnancy should be avoided for 3 months after

if titer is less than 1.10(08) then it should be given after delivery

may have rash/ joint issues/ mild fever 5-21 days after

but "german measels" could cause mental retardation in utero
Hep B vaccine in newborn
if mother is HbsAg + = vaccine and immunoglobulin within 12 hours

if mother is - = then the vaccine by 2 months
Hygiene of uncircumcised male
do not retract in newborn
-wash w/soap and water 1 daily
-retract and clean glans w/soap and water 1x a week when older
-dry area b4 replacing foreskin
-teach to clean 1x daily in pre-school age
newborn resuscitation -steps

ABCDs of newborn resuscitation
1) stabilization -dry/ bulb/ warm
3)chest compressions
4)epiniphrine/ volume expansion
A- airway

B-breathing =40-60 breath/min

C-circulation=after 30 seconds
3 compressions:1 breath/ 2 sec

D-drugs= epinephrine
Premature infant adjusted age
age - (minus) # of weeks premature = use this when assessing 'normal' growth and development